So he handed over the badge representing the Withered Leaf Gym to Ye Ying.

Ye Ying received the badge and left without hesitation.

After Ye Ying left, Ma Zhishi rushed to the Pokémon Center with his Leiqiu in his arms to receive treatment.

It turned out that there were too many Pokmon receiving treatment and they needed to line up.

Looking again, those who are receiving treatment and waiting in line, aren't they the challengers who were beaten and tortured by him before?

And when these challengers saw Ma Zhishi holding Leiqiu, especially Leiqiu's frustrating appearance.

Although he didn't say anything on the surface, he was happy in his heart.


After Ye Ying left Dead Leaf City, she continued to set off and passed through several towns one after another. Since there were no gymnasiums in these towns, she didn't stop.

Maiden Gorge.

If anyone still remembers this place, they still remember that eight or nine years ago, when Xiaozhi and the others came here, they met a beautiful girl who turned into a [-]-year-old ghost and molested tourists.

Ye Ying stood in the girl's gorge, looking at the beautiful statue of a girl who was waiting for her sweetheart to come back.

Disdain smile.

"The one who lives a long time is the big brother. Although human beings are known as the overlord of the earth, their life span of only a few decades is nothing in front of Pokémon."

Golden City.

The largest city in the Kanto region, shining with golden brilliance.

The largest and most prosperous.

The headquarters of Silver Company, the world's top company, is here.

Of course, the Rockets' headquarters in Kanto is also here.

It can be seen that there are these two behemoths in this city, it is difficult not to be prosperous.

Of course, Ye Yingying is here to challenge the gym.

Before challenging the gymnasium, he sent a message to Tang Yao asking if she was in Jinhuang City, and after getting a positive reply, Ye Ying was going to go find Tang Yao after beating the Jinhuang gymnasium.

The owner of the Golden Gym is named Nazi.

Like Ma Zhishi, he is also one of the cadres of the Rockets.

It turns out that there are two gymnasiums in Jinhuang City.

One is Nazi's super power gym, and the other is a fighting gym.

Each city can only have one official gymnasium, so the two sides fought for it.

In the end, Nazi easily won.

Although she doesn't like fighting, her innate superpowers make her very powerful, and she can play with others in applause.

Ye Ying walked to the Golden City Gymnasium.

Seeing a doorbell at the door, he almost rang it.

Soon the door opened.

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged woman with a more amiable appearance.

Chapter 146 Golden Gym, Nazi

"Are you here to learn superpowers? Or to challenge gyms?"

The middle-aged woman asked Ye Ying.

Ye Ying: "Challenge the gym."

The middle-aged woman led Ye Ying into the gymnasium.

The Gym is huge.

There are many rooms on both sides of the corridor at the entrance.

Some of the researchers seemed to be studying superpowers, and in another room, a group of people were holding spoons and practicing superpowers, trying to bend the spoons with their own ideas.

The middle-aged woman took Ye Ying to a battle field in the depths.

She left here after that.

Ye Ying looked at the other side of the battlefield.

On the throne there, sitting a Hei Changzhi Yujie in uniform.

His face was cold and there was no smile.

Those eyes of hers are so beautiful, it makes people addicted.

Just when Ye Ying was about to speak, she heard the mature voice that people imagined from Na Zi's mouth:

"Ye Ying, like me, is a member of the Rockets. He is here to challenge me."

Ye Ying was taken aback.

What Nazi did afterwards made him even more puzzled.

Na Zi actually threw the badge representing the Golden Gym to Ye Ying.

"You are this?"

Nazi: "I have already predicted that someone will come to challenge me today."

"It's even more predictable. I will lose the battle with you."

Ye Ying: "I have investigated your information, and said that you have superpowers, and you have many other amazing special abilities, one of which is predicting the future?"

Nazi didn't answer.

Iceberg Beauty is really an iceberg.

She didn't move her whole body. When Ye Ying blinked, she realized that she was still inside the gymnasium just now, but now she was standing outside the gymnasium.

"This kind of superpower is really powerful. It can transfer other people instantly. This is just one of them."

Ye Ying stared at the golden badge in her hand, thinking that since she got the badge, she didn't care so much, so she went to find Tang Yao.

And in the gymnasium.

Nazi closed her eyes, an image kept repeating in her mind.

It was her and Ye Ying.

The picture of the battle.

Brows furrowed.

She does have the ability to predict the future, but it is only approximate and has certain limitations.

No matter how you predict it, you will lose.

She sighed.

Ye Ying and Tang Yao met at a Malatang restaurant.

After meeting, the two kissed restrainedly, and then went in to eat Mala Tang, chatting while eating.

It turns out that since Tang Yao came to the Kanto area, she has been at the Rockets headquarters in Jinhuang City, sharing the experience of making steel sea dragons with the experimenters here, and handing them over to them.

I heard that there are still three months before the work here can be finished and returned to Tianshui City.

After the two finished eating Mala Tang, they came to a hotel.

Long time no see.

Naturally, we need to communicate well.

It's like online dating.

When the two met, they did everything they should and should not do.

The laboratory at the headquarters of the Rockets in Golden City.

"Dr. Fuji, we have already made the first replica of the Iron Sea Dragon."

"But I see that the research materials and data you gave us before seem to be different from the ones we created."

Fuji Chasing Dream is sitting in a glass room drinking tea with a Rocket team researcher wearing a white research uniform. Outside the glass, there are a large number of researchers who are creating the second and third steel sea dragons.

"Oh? What's the difference?"

I took a sip of tea, it was warm and reassuring.

"It's the steel sea dragon beast we created, and yours. Judging from various data, there is too much difference. It is not a Pokémon of the same order at all."

Fuji Chasing Dream shook his head: "You kid, I thought you could see the mystery, but I didn't expect you to be entangled by me."

The researcher: "???"

Fuji Chasing Dreams: "I originally spent 135 billion on a series including research funding, experiments and exploration."

"This one only cost a few hundred million, almost a billion."

"Do you think that with so much money missing, you can make one with exactly the same strength?"

Young researcher: "But I remember that you didn't say that in front of the young master..."

"That was to fool him, I just didn't want to make him too sad."

"If it's really less than one billion, you can create one that can wrestle with a first-level god, then just build a dozen or so, and directly dominate the world."

"You, don't use your brain, you will believe whatever I say."

"Let's just say that the one billion made is good. It can still wrestle with the second-level god by relying on its defensive power. If it dies, it is a second-level god, and it is still worse. It is completely incomparable with the original one."

The young researcher smiled and said, "That's a good relationship. Even if you don't have the original one, it's still comparable to a second-level god!!!"

Fuji Chaser sighed: "The strength is fixed at birth, and it is incomparable with those who can slowly become stronger."

"Although the second-level god is powerful, so what if a hundred of them are created?"

"A second-level god is ultimately inferior to a first-level god."

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