At this time, the opponent also sensed the crisis, raised his sword and split into five sword lights, and struck towards the soul lock. Unfortunately, the five sword lights were like weak cotton needles in front of the pitch-black soul lock, flying slowly and slowing down the soul lock. Neither can the speed.

Seeing that the soul lock was about to catch Nalan Yanran, a blood-red spear flew towards him at a faster speed, and knocked the soul lock away with a bang, making its target become a stone pillar erected next to it.

The eagle gritted his teeth and shattered the stone pillar, and then his body broke through the range of the colorless realm. He has already discovered the weakness of this ability. As long as he is farther away from Muli, the suppressing effect will be weaker.

After leaving a certain range, it has almost no effect.

It took some time for Mu Li to knock off the soul lock just now, so the eagle escaped from the suppression range smoothly.

By the time he was about to pursue, it was already too late.

Nalan Yanran saw that the enemy was no match, and immediately used the catkin movement to dodge, but it was a pity that the eagle's soul was shocked, and Nalan Yanran's whole body softened immediately, and her consciousness gradually became blurred.

Mu Li's eyes were slightly cold, but after seeing a familiar figure flying over, his heart moved, and he immediately manipulated the cold glass spear thrown earlier.

This long spear has been tempered by himself into an earth-level spiritual treasure, which can communicate with his mind and mind, and can be manipulated like an arm.

I saw the Cold Glass Spear turning its head and aiming at... Nalan Yanran!

The determined smile on the eagle's face froze suddenly.



The tip of the Hanli spear erupted with energy, and shot at Nalan Yanran without stopping.

"you dare!"

The Eagle, who regards the disciples of the Misty Cloud Sect like ants, has become very concerned about Nalan Yanran at this moment. Seeing that the tip of the spear is about to pierce the container he has chosen, Eagle's face is distorted.

"Okay! I underestimated you."

Just when the eagle stopped and felt that Nalan Yanran was about to fade away, a figure as fast as a gust of wind suddenly appeared in front of Nalan Yanran.

Yun Shan raised his finger to block it, and the strength of the Hanli Spear collapsed in an instant.

A strong Dou Zong who is in good condition is far stronger than Dou Huang. This point is vividly reflected in Yunshan's ups and downs.

Yun Shan raised his hand and summoned a gust of wind, and sent all the disciples in the venue to the outside of the battlefield. In the blink of an eye, Nalan Yanran disappeared here with the whirlwind.

Duck Eagle choked on what he wanted to say, but in the end he could only hum coldly.

"Yunshan, you're finally here."

Yun Shan glanced at the two of them faintly, and spoke calmly and indifferently: "Today you two ruined my Yunlan Sect's sect and killed my Yunlan Sect's elder disciple. Prepare to apologise with death."

Duck Eagle does not suspect that Mu Li has any relationship with Yun Shan at this moment, just now Nalan Yanran was almost killed by Mu Li, she is Yun Shan's disciple, such a grudge is not light.

"Jie Jie, Yun Shan, did you think that when I wished you to break through the Dou Zong, there was no one behind? You must obey my order today, otherwise, I can give you death!"

As he said that, a strange imprint appeared in the eagle's hand, which was connected to Yunshan's backhand.

Yun Shan's eyes changed, and he looked at Wu Ying with deep anger.

"You! You actually..."

Yingying sneered coldly, "Choose, Yunshan, if you help me once today, I can ignore the past and continue to cooperate with your Yunlan sect. As for those elders, I will double compensate you in the future, and I promise to let you Zong's strength has become several times stronger!"

Yun Shan's expression was uncertain, and he faintly raised his hand, as if he wanted to resist.

The corner of Wuying's mouth snorted, and he squeezed the mark tightly. The backhand in Yunshan's body erupted, causing him to curl up instantly, and then let out a painful roar.

"Jie Jie, I can make you live, and I can make you die, Yunshan, I will give you one last chance, let's make a choice."

On the outside, the duck eagle looked arrogant, seemingly confident, but in fact, he was more panicked than anyone else at the moment.

Because the backhand in Yunshan's body can't directly let him die, once Yunshan chooses to kill himself with all his life, then he will be cold.

A Dou Zong who is in good condition, even if his soul is severely injured by the backhand, will be a more troublesome existence than Mu Li.

But fortunately, Yun Shan nodded to the eagle in the painful torment.

"Okay, I promise you, but if you lie to me, I will risk my life to let you be buried with me!"

Wu Ying smiled and opened his arms, "That's right, Yun Shan, I'll leave him to you."

Duck Eagle pointed at Mu Li vehemently, and directed the disaster to Yunshan.

When two tigers fight, there is bound to be an injury. As long as they fight to the death, then they will be at ease.

Mu Li silently watched Yun Shan's acting skills, and secretly sighed in his heart that he was indeed the old suzerain of the Yunlan sect, and he was old enough to play.

Yun Shanhong looked at Mu Li, and after a long silence, she walked towards him step by step.

At this time, Mu Li stretched out his hand to his bosom, tapped it lightly, and a colorful little snake came out, turning into a graceful body beside him.


Dou Zong's aura burst out, and Medusa took a charming step and glanced at Mu Li.

"Which one to fight?"

Listening to this cold voice, Mu Li felt a sense of security in his heart at the moment. The obedient Medusa is really easy to use.


Mu Li pointed in the direction of Yunshan.

Medusa didn't say any more, and with a flash of footsteps, a burst of colorful brilliance remained, and she flew towards Yunshan.

Seeing this, Yunshan was no longer delayed, and turned into a gust of wind and slammed into Medusa.

Mu Li withdrew his gaze and looked at the eagle who had once again become a party from the melon-eating crowd.

I saw the other party's face changing several times, mixed with anger and hatred, looking at Mu Li.

What the hell are you playing with me!

There is actually a Dou Zong hiding on his body!

Seeing Yunshan and Medusa fight farther and farther away, the eagle who had lost his little calculation could only forcibly drag his seriously injured soul body, ready to fight.

Mu Li raised his hand, and the Hanli Spear flew back quickly and fell into his hand steadily.

At this moment, his previous injuries have been almost recovered by Xuanming Youshui, and his condition is full again.

Chapter 172 Cloudy

After Hai Bodong flew far into the clouds, he heard a huge vibration coming from the direction of the Misty Cloud Sect, and was in shock for a while.

This kind of attack is definitely not something that Dou Huang can make.

When did Mu Li's cold vindictiveness become so strong?

At this time, another figure of yellow sand appeared beside Hai Bodong.

Jia Xingtian frowned and looked in the direction of Yunlanzong, with many thoughts in his heart.

"You are here too."

Hai Bodong glanced lightly at the strongest fighter of the royal family beside him, then turned his head and stared into the distance.

"The Misty Cloud Sect is going to undergo a big change today, that a strong person in the Dou Sect Realm."

The two watched silently from a distance, not daring to get too close for fear of being affected.

At this time, the disciples of the Misty Cloud Sect had already taken their positions, and under the leadership of the surviving elders, they launched the formation of protecting the sect, and the cloud and smoke covered the sun formation.

"All disciples listen to the order and form an formation!"

Hundreds of Yunlan disciples circulated their Dou Qi, and the sparse Dou Qi flowed into the air, forming a force that should not be underestimated.

As the old suzerain, Yunshan is very proficient in controlling this formation. While fighting Medusa, he also took over the leadership of this formation.

In order to prevent the eagle from finding out, both Yunshan and Medusa played real fire. Although they didn't use their ultimate skills, they didn't hold back either.

Medusa, who possesses the bloodline talent, has amazing strength, and Yunshan soon fell into a slight disadvantage.

However, after taking over the formation of cloud and smoke covering the sun, the battle between the two began to be evenly matched, and they fought back and forth with great momentum.

Yun Shan raised his hand towards the void, and a huge light blue long sword condensed, tearing the air and slashing towards Medusa.

Medusa's eyes flashed red, and a huge phantom of the swallowing python also appeared behind her. With her long legs kicked out, the snake's tail bowed violently, and the giant sword was directly knocked into the air with supernatural strength.

"Wind Brake Oblivion!"

"Swallow the power!"

The two fierce grudges collided, and the clouds in the sky burst instantly. In the area around the Misty Cloud Sect, the energy of the sky and the earth intertwined, and thunder flowed in the gray clouds like dense fish.

The disciples of Misty Cloud Sect felt a great coercion sweeping over their bodies one after another, and some of the weaker ones fainted directly.

At this moment, Hai Bodong's body trembled violently, as if he had encountered great terror.

Jia Xingtian glanced at the other party strangely, with amused and doubtful eyes.

He had never seen Hai Bodong showing such a frightened look, and this old guy was notoriously bad-tempered.

Even if you are yourself, you can't make the other party subdue.

Hai Bodong stared fixedly at the beautiful woman who already had snow-white long legs, and his voice trembled slightly.


"What's beautiful?"

Jia Xingtian frowned slightly, and suddenly felt that the female Douzong seemed a little familiar, especially the very characteristic snake spirit attack.

"Could this human female be Medusa!"

Jia Xingtian grunted in his throat, his expression a little dull.

This time, Yunshan broke through, Medusa broke through, and the two former opponents both moved forward, only he was still standing still.

One must know that the Snake Human Clan and the Misty Cloud Sect are, in a sense, the hidden dangers of adding to the empire.

But now it seems that the two of them are fighting, and their strength is not small.

Maybe... you can sit back and watch.

At this time, Jiaxingtian had the same thoughts as Wuying, and secretly cursed that both of them would suffer.

In this way, the overweight royal family can take the opportunity to subdue the two major forces and stabilize the imperial power.

This idea is naturally the calculation of a dark-hearted person. It can be said that people sitting in this position can rarely fail to see through this point.

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