Lu Ziqiao: "I am Lu Bu."

Zeng Xiaoxian: "My dog ​​takes...".

Chapter 88 Old Classmates (Please Customize!)

In the afternoon of the next day, in the bar downstairs.

Lu Ziqiao muttered with a lewd smile while playing with her mobile phone.

"I miss you, let's have dinner together."

"To, Lingling, Qiqi, Lili, and Duoduo..."

Lu Zhanbo asked curiously while playing billiards.

"Zi Qiao, are you sending group messages again?"

Lin Yun explained with a smile.

"What else can he do in a day besides picking up girls..."

"But Ziqiao, if you post in groups like this, aren't you afraid that these girls will choose the same time?"

Lu Ziqiao said with a smile.

"This is the disadvantage of casting a wide net..."

"If that kind of thing does happen, I can only make a choice."

"Send, done!"

At this moment, Lin Yun and Hu Yifei's mobile phones rang at the same time.

Hu Yifei said angrily.

"What look in your eyes, why did you send it to me?"

Lin Yun rolled his eyes and said.

"Brother, do you even date men?"

Lu Ziqiao hurriedly explained.

"I'm sorry, I was going to send the one for Yifei to Duoduo, but I made a mistake."

Hu Yifei said suspiciously.

"Wait! My surname is Hu, and the initial letter should be H."

"You post a lot, it should be D."

"With so much difference, how can you make a mistake?"

Lin Yun said with a smile on the side.

"That means there is something wrong with the note Zi Qiao gave you."

"What could be the remark at the beginning of D?"

Lu Ziqiao said in a panic.

"It's a big beauty! I noted 210 is a big beauty!"

The next moment, Lu Ziqiao's mobile phone was directly snatched by Hu Yifei forcefully.

"Let me check my phone number..."

"Death-killing female devil?!"

"Lu Ziqiao, are you looking for death!!"

Lu Ziqiao begged for mercy tremblingly.

"Yifei, I know I was wrong!"

"I'll change it now, I'll change it now!"

Hu Yifei leaned forward and said.

"Come on, I'll watch you change!"

Lu Ziqiao complained while correcting.

"Yifei, it's not fair for you to do this!"

"You should also check Lin Yun and Zhan Bo, they must have nicknamed you too!!"

Sensing Hu Yifei's dangerous gaze, Lu Zhanbo hurriedly swore.

"Sister, I swear to God!"

"If you don't start with H in my phone, let me have sores on the top of my head and pus on the soles of my feet!"

[Lu Zhanbo: Her full name in the note on my phone is Hong Xing Thirteenth Sister! 】

Hu Yifei nodded in satisfaction, then turned to look at Lin Yun.

Lin Yun put the phone in front of Hu Yifei and said.

"Curious? See for yourself."

The three of them gathered together to see that Lin Yun didn't give anyone a note at all, and the phone number was all in the phone.

Hu Yifei said puzzledly.

"Lin Yun, with so many numbers, can you remember who is who? (Kindergarten debut)"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Of course I can! I will keep your contact information firmly in my heart."

Lu Zhanbo said curiously.

"But won't it be troublesome to find it without adding notes?"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"It's okay to get used to it..."

[Lin Yun: Of course trouble!But it's troublesome for Yifei and the others to check!So safety is the most important thing. 】

Lin Yun explained with a smile.

"Just think about it, if my phone was found or stolen by someone else."

"That person has no way of using my phone to commit fraud."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind several people.


Hu Yifei subconsciously turned her head to look.


The next moment, the two screamed at the same time, and then walked aside hand in hand.

Lu Ziqiao asked curiously.

"Yifei is so excited, who is this person?"

Lu Zhanbo explained from the side.

"It's my sister's old classmate."

Lu Ziqiao frowned and said.

"Xiaobo? I don't think he's small?"

Xiaobo said in surprise.

"Yifei, how did you become so beautiful?"

"Did you use the knife?"

Hu Yifei waved his hand and said.

"Of course not. I just drank milk and played basketball every day, and then slowly became like this."

"Let me introduce you, this is my boyfriend Lin Yun."

"My brother Zhanbo, this is..."

Lu Ziqiao stood up and said.

"Hi, my name is Lu Xiaobu!"

Xiaobo said in surprise.

"Yifei, your boyfriend is so handsome!"

Hu Yifei said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just average handsome."

Then the two women threw Lin Yun and the others aside, and began to whisper.

Hu Yifei said happily.

"Xiao Bo, we haven't seen each other for several years, what a coincidence."

"Why are you here?"

Xiaobo said with a smile.

"I just moved here last week, how about you?"

Hu Yifei replied with a smile.

"I live in the love apartment next door."

Xiaobo said happily.

"That's really a coincidence. I ran into you when I went out to buy diapers for my son."

Hu Yifei said in surprise.

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