-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The downstairs of the love apartment.

Chen Meijia happily walked out of the supermarket carrying a big bag of special-priced lollipops.

On the way back to the love apartment, Chen Meijia happened to pass by a fortune-telling booth.

On the booth, there was a banner hanging vertically, which said fortune-telling and palmistry.

A fat master in sunglasses is playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

Chen Meijia glanced at the master wearing sunglasses, and whispered.

"When is it allowed to set up stalls here?"

At this moment, the master suddenly raised his head and said.

"Miss, I see that your seal is flushed, your brows and eyes are affectionate, and the husband and wife palace is full..."

"I'm afraid you met your sweetheart recently, right?"

Chen Meijia turned her head and said in surprise.

"How did you know?"

The master said with a smile.

"Don't ask about the profound secrets of heaven, don't seek the way and do nothing."

"The old man not only knows that you have met your sweetheart, but also knows that Miss, you are suffering from not getting what you want, right?"

Chen Meijia said in surprise.

"Master, what you said is too accurate!"

"Is there anything you can do?"

The master pointed to the small bench on the ground and said.

"Please sit down!"

"Let this old man help you with your 08 palmistry!"

At this moment, Chen Meijia suddenly said vigilantly.

"Wait! You don't want to cheat me of money, do you?"

The master waved his hand and said.

"Miss, don't worry!"

"This old man is not a liar, professional intellectuals like us have integrity!"

"Just let this old man see your palmistry, maybe it can help you and your sweetheart get a red line!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Meijia said excitedly.

"real or fake?!"

The master said with a smile.

"of course it's true!"

"Don't ask for money!"

Chen Meijia obediently stretched out her hand in front of the master, and the master raised his hand to touch Chen Meijia's palm lightly, and the whole person gasped.

Chen Meijia said worriedly.

"What's wrong?!"

The master raised his head and said seriously.

"Miss, your hands are very dry!"

As he spoke, the master took out a small jar of hand cream from his pocket.

"Here, this bottle of hand cream, anti-drying and moisturizing, 21 cans!"

Chen Meijia frowned and said.

"This small can costs 20 yuan, which is too expensive!"

The master said with a smile.

"Expensive is expensive, the effect is good!"

"Besides, this old man has always done business without deception. Even in five or ten years, I will only sell this hand cream for 20 yuan!"

Chen Meijia persuaded while taking out 20 yuan from her wallet.

"I advise you to raise the price, or else don't sue you for monopoly!"

The master waved his hand and said.

"I'm a small business, don't compete with those big shots for cakes..."

At this moment, Chen Meijia suddenly reacted.

"Damn, you sell it!"

"Do you know how to tell fortunes?"

The master said awkwardly.

"Don't worry, don't worry, the old man will take a look."

After a while, the master frowned again.

Chen Meijia said with a dark face.

"If you recommend any more hand cream, nail polish, etc. to this girl, I'll call the city management directly!"

The master sneered.

"How can it be!"

"The old man is surprised that he has never seen such a strange palmistry in all these years!"

Chen Meijia asked curiously.

"How weird?!"

The master pointed to Chen Meijia's palm print and explained.

"Come on, please see!"

"This and this are your marriage line and career line!"

"From the perspective of palmistry, you will meet two heartless people in this life, and you will marry one of them."

"From the perspective of the career line, although I can accomplish nothing in this life, I still have to worry about food and clothing."


Chen Meijia asked.

"but what?!"

The master pointed to an inconspicuous black spot on Chen Meijia's palm and said.

"But with this dark spot, it's a whole different story."

Chen Meijia said angrily.

"It's not a dark spot, it's from the oil splashed on me when I practiced cooking a few days ago."

The master waved his hand and said.

"No and no, everything is fate."

"Miss, do you know that when this black spot appears on your palm, everything the old man said just now will change."

Chen Meijia said suspiciously.

"What do you mean?"

The master widened his eyes and said.

"This black spot represents a noble person!"

"After meeting this noble person, your established destiny will be rewritten!"

Chen Meijia rolled her eyes and said.

"I co-authored it just because I was crushed. What you said just now has become nonsense."

The master said with a long breath.

"Miss, your current fate line is out of order."

"And all of this is because this person who shouldn't appear appeared by your side, and he rewrote your destiny."

Chen Meijia waved her hand and said.

"What you said is too mysterious!"

"I just want to know something practical, how can I get a red line with my sweetheart!"

The master laughed dryly.

"This is..."

"But there is a fee, and it's not cheap!"

Chen Meijia rolled her eyes and said.

"As long as it works, how much do you want, how much will this girl give you!"

The master glanced left and right, and then took out a bottle of something like perfume from his pocket.

"Miss, please take a look, this aromatherapy is made of a variety of precious plants, as well as the blessing of my 40-year-old skill."

"This thing can not only make people feel refreshed, but also increase the secretion of human hormones, so that the other party can't help but have a good impression of you!"

"Since we are destined to meet today, I only sell you 88 yuan!"

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