Silica continued: "Although my 'Bina' is powerful, I hope it can become even stronger. It would be even better if there is some secret trick."

"There is no secret trick to cultivating familiars. This thing eats resources. The better the resources you feed, the higher its growth will be."

Xia Yan replied truthfully.

The resources consumed by pets are much more than those needed to train a player.

It is precisely because Xia Yan feeds the Moon Shadow Storm Mink regardless of the cost that it can show its talents in the strategy group.

"I know that."

Silica was not hit, but instead said: "But, maybe there is some trick, you are not a beast trainer."

"Okay, besides asking him about his experience with pets?"

Xia Yan asked.

"Are you going to take me to meet your president?"

Silica looked at Xia Yan with big eyes twinkling, her appearance was so cute that one couldn't bear to refuse her request.

"Not going to, but it's okay to help you convey your thoughts."

Xia Yan said so.


After being rejected, Silica puffed her cheeks, sighed and said, "If I can see [Dawn] president in person, I hope I can shake hands with him or something. If I can give him a hug, then Better."

"Silica, are you actually a groupie in reality?"

Xia Yan said with a smile.

These actions are completely the basic operations of groupies.

"I don't have any favorite stars. Those stars on TV are nothing worthy of my admiration."

Silica clenched her fist and said, "However, the president of [Dawn] is my idol!"

"Only someone as powerful as him can become an idol!"

Silica added another sentence as if she was sure.

"I think he will be happy to know he has such a lovely fan."

Xia Yan said, and sent a team invitation to Silica.

At the Fengxiangji Pavilion just now, it was just a verbal invitation, and no formal team was formed.

Seeing the team formation bullet box that popped up suddenly, Silica subconsciously clicked the OK button.

and many more!


Silica recalled the information on the team bullet box just now, and couldn't help but froze for a moment.


Silica felt that she might have made a mistake just now, and planned to confirm Xia Yan's ID name again, so she looked at the side of Xia Yan's blood bar after forming a team.

After forming a team, there is one more item of information between teammates, that is, each other can see each other's ID.


This time, what Silica uttered was not a question, but a shocking voice.

And Silica's loud scream immediately attracted the attention of passing players around. They all looked at Silica very puzzled, wondering why they made such a scream.

Xia Yan stretched out her hand to cover Silica's grown mouth, causing her voice to stop abruptly.

"Sorry to bother everyone."

Xia Yan said something to the surroundings.

After being said so, the players around naturally stopped paying attention to these two people and started doing their own things.

"Stop shouting, I don't want to be surrounded to watch later."

Xia Yan said to Silica.


Silica was covered with her mouth, unable to speak clearly, she nodded quickly to indicate that she understood.

Xia Yan let go of the hand covering Silica's mouth, and then glanced at the palm, there was still a little warmth and a trace of crystal liquid on it.

"Here, wipe it off for you."

Silica blushed, hurriedly took out a handkerchief from the inventory and handed it to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan took the handkerchief and wiped it, wiping off the crystal liquid on the palm.

In fact, just wait for a while and the fluid will disappear naturally.

However, looking at Silica's appearance, if I didn't take it, I'm afraid I'd keep holding it.

After wiping it clean, Xia Yan returned the handkerchief to Silica.

Chapter 105 Communication Between Beast Trainers

Silica's cute little face had already turned red, she stretched out her hand suddenly, and quickly took the handkerchief Xia Yan handed back and put it back in the inventory.

It's just that after doing all this, Silica looked down at the ground like a quail, not daring to look up at Xia Yan, her hands were intertwined, and her fingers kept stirring, in this way to cover up the Anxiety and embarrassment.

How to do!How to do!

Silica lowered her head like this, she was extremely anxious in her heart, and yelled crazily.

Especially when she lowered her head, from the corner of her eye, she could see Xia Yan and looked at her palm deliberately, and Silica couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground to get in.


Not only bragging in front of me that I am a fan of the other party, expressing how much I admire the other party, but even complacently wanting to ask for advice on how to raise pets.

Of course, that's all there is to it.

What made Silica feel desperate the most was that just now she had spit on someone's hand~.

It is simply a suffocating operation!

Silica felt that now, she had encountered the biggest hurdle in her life.

It's okay to be able to cross over.

If she couldn't make it through, the person named Silica might have died socially today.

Obviously, the idol she admired was in front of her, but Silica didn't have the same courage as before. Now she only thought about how to find a hole in the ground to get in.

"It's the first time I've met such a lovely fan. If I really want to talk about it, it feels weird."

Xia Yan said, deliberately looking at the hand that was covered with Silica's saliva just now because she covered her mouth.

Seeing Xia Yan's action again, Silica suddenly felt her blood rushing to her forehead, and she felt dizzy.

Even Silica wished she could just faint like this.

It doesn't have to be so embarrassing.

"By the way, Silica-chan, the touch just now shouldn't be considered a handshake or a hug."

Xia Yan showed an interested smile, and said, "Although I usually don't accept close interaction with fans, I think a cute fan like you can still accept this level of contact."

Xia Yan said enthusiastically, Silica's appearance is quite interesting, if you miss it, you probably won't see it in the future.

However, under his words, Silica's face became more and more red, and then she couldn't stand still and wobbled.

"Hey, hey, don't really faint!"

Xia Yan quickly supported Silica who was about to fall, and helped her to the roadside stall next to her, and found a place for her to sit down.

5 minutes later.

Silica was holding a glass of drink, and the blush on her face hadn't completely subsided. She looked at Xia Yan complainingly, and sighed hopelessly, "I feel like the idol image I imagined has completely collapsed!"

"You said that it is the image of your own imagination, so it can't be blamed on me, right?"

Xia Yan shrugged and said with a smile.


Silica puffed her cheeks and bit the straw, so she could only keep sucking the drink from the cup.

Soon enough, a drink is bottomed out.

"Would you like another drink?"

Xia Yan asked with a smile.

"Aren't you going to say something?"

Silica shook her head, put down the empty cup, then stared at Xia Yan and asked.

"say what?"

Xia Yan smiled, pretended to be stupid and answered blankly, and then corrected; "By the way, don't use honorifics. Our ages are not much different, and I always feel that I am old."

"Then what should I call you?"

Silica asked.

"What did you call a boy who was a few years older than Nian?"

Xia Yan said.


Silica asked tentatively.


Xia Yan shook her head: "Is this title too weird in SAO? And I'm not your senior, am I?"

"It seems so."

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