"If I hadn't repaid the loan, this time, I would have bought another set;

"Believe me, you won't lose money if you buy this house."

"I thought about..."

Tong Wenjie was very moved, but also very regretful.

When I was young, I made money and wanted to travel around with Fangyuan.

I went around in various countries and got nothing.


If she has financial awareness and foresight like Song Qian's, she will also buy a few houses and put them aside.

Life is definitely a hundred times better than it is now.

Unlike today, all the classmates in the same period should start a company and become the boss.

He Fangyuan still counts on wages to live.

This kind of opportunity is in front of us again.

Tong Wenjie wanted to catch her very much.

She carefully calculated the mortgage, just like Song Qian said.

You only need to take out the down payment, and you can't add much money every month.

This is equal to, low price, a house for nothing.

In the future, no matter whether it is rented out or sold after appreciation, it will make a steady profit without losing money.

Anyone can figure out this kind of account.

The key is that a good house, a good opportunity, is hard to find.

There are not many communities in the capital where the rent is so high that you can use the house to support the loan.

Have lunch and say goodbye to Song Qian.

Tong Wenjie immediately called Fangyuan.

"Honey, are you working?"

"Yes, but it's almost time to get off work, why, what instructions?"

"That's right, Song Qian has a house for sale..."

Tong Wenjie introduced the matter of using the house to support the loan, and finally said:

"It's a rare opportunity, I want to buy a suite..."

Listen to this.

Fangyuan's cell phone was almost frightened, and said quickly:

"Daughter-in-law, calm down, you can't be impulsive in this kind of thing;

"Isn't our current life very good;

"Have a house to live in, a car to drive, life is worry-free, food and drink are not worrying;

"Why bother to carry an extra mortgage;

"It doesn't matter to me, I'm a man, no matter how tired I am, it's fine;

"I mainly love you and don't want you to be too tired."

Tong Wenjie was very moved when she heard it, and said sweetly:

"My husband, you are so kind;

"However, I am not afraid of being tired;

"This opportunity is really rare;

"This is a house at a low price, you can earn it if you buy it;

"I don't want to miss it, I've counted it;

"We have some deposits in our hands, you are asking your parents to borrow some, we are looking for friends to borrow some;

"It's almost enough for the down payment..."

What a house for nothing.

Fang Yuan didn't know what to say,

The money for the down payment is all borrowed, how can life be better in the future!

"Daughter-in-law, listen to me, I can't make it clear on the phone, I'm discussing this matter when I get home from get off work..."

Fang Yuan found an excuse and hung up the phone, very worried.

Already four, half of my life,

In my current life, I don’t have to worry about eating and drinking, and I live peacefully, which is good, I don’t want to worry about it anymore.

Tong Wenjie suddenly wants to buy a house, which is too whimsical.

Buying a house and carrying a mortgage of several million is very stressful.

We must find a way to stop and dispel her thoughts.


Lixiang Yayuan.

When Song Qian returned home, she didn't see her daughter Qiao Yingzi. She thought she was looking for Qiao Weidong, so she didn't care.

She felt a little tired and lay down on the bed for a while.

in a daze,

Song Qian was soundly asleep when she was awakened by a bang, bang, bang, bang.

I have been suffering from insomnia recently, and I have to rely on sleeping pills every night to fall asleep.

After finally falling asleep, I was woken up.

Song Qian was angry and irritable,

She heard the voice coming from Su Cheng's house,

I didn't want to worry too much, and thought that there would be no movement soon.

But then, the bang bang bang sound never stopped.

"What are you doing! There is no end!"

Song Qian got angry and went straight to the door.

Chapter 6 Song Qian's Return (asking for flowers and comments)

Bang bang bang.

There was a knock on the door.

Su Cheng put down the kitchen knife in his hand and went to open the door.

Seeing Song Qian standing at the door beautifully.

Su Cheng pretended to be puzzled: "Teacher Song, what's the matter?"

"Su Cheng, what are you doing? The sound of bang bang bang is so loud."

Song Qian suppressed her anger and asked calmly as much as possible.

"Teacher Song, I'm sorry..."

Su Cheng apologized: "I will pay attention, don't worry, there will be no voice in the future."


It's okay to see his attitude.

Song Qian didn't say anything and went home.

Su Cheng watched her leave, closed the door, smiled, and went to the kitchen to make dumplings.

The minced meat has already been chopped.

I don't know if Song Qian is at home, but she made noise on purpose.

It's best to quarrel with Song Qian,

No noise, later, continue.

The dumplings are wrapped and cooked,

Su Cheng waited for a while to cool down, brought a plate and knocked on the door of Song Qian's house.

Sorry for the noise just now, it is reasonable to send a plate of dumplings.


Song Qian returned home, tossing and turning in bed, feeling very upset.

heard a knock on the door,

She went to open the door with a cold face, and was puzzled when she saw Su Cheng standing at the door holding a plate of dumplings.

"Teacher Song, I was sorry before..."

Without waiting for her to say anything, Su Cheng passed the dumpling over,

"I made dumplings and gave them to you and Yingzi to try."

Only then did Song Qian realize that Su Cheng was chopping dumpling stuffing before.

"Mr. Song, the plate is a little hot, you can pick it up..."

Song Qian took it subconsciously.

Su Cheng turned around and went home.

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