This time, she fell completely on an elf who accidentally appeared on the balcony of her house.

See what little ones like to eat.

Buy them all! ,


He Xiaohe is far from alone in a similar situation.

But not everyone can get along well with the elves that appear in their homes.

Just like...

Bean as a pet blogger.

At the first moment of unblocking, Doudou did not stock up for himself.

Instead, go out and buy cat litter, cat food and cat toys.

The pet supplies I got from 618 and Double Eleven at home are almost running out!

And it's time to give the cats a bath!

The house is about to stink!

After Dou Zi prepared good cat food for all the cat owners in the family, he diligently went out to work as a porter.

After finally finding an open pet shop, he almost emptied the shop!

Then wait for him to come home.

He was shocked to find out.

and many more!

Why is his house messy like a thief?

Also, that purple cat looks familiar, huh?

Chapter 361 The little kitty has a lot of bad intentions

"Are you... a pickpocket cat?"

Douzi flicked through his memory desperately.

finally remembered.

Among the cat elves that the anchor met on the cat cat island, there was this pickpocket cat!

If I remember correctly...

"It seems to be an elf of the evil type?"

When Douzi recalled, he was still carrying dozens of catties of cat litter in his arms.


Compared with homemade cat food, what his family lacks now is cat litter.

The cat food has also made an appointment with the relevant people in the pet store, and it will be delivered to his door later.

He really couldn't wait for the cat litter, so he went out.

But he never expected that when he got home, he saw a pickpocket cat swaggeringly sitting on his sofa.

The pickpocket cat noticed the beans, and it didn't show panic at all.

There is also no stress response of ordinary timid cats.

It sat gracefully on the sofa, with its long tail twirling in front of its feet.

He raised a paw and licked it lightly.

Then, with those big eyes with pink eye shadow, he glanced quietly at Douzi standing at the door.

At the moment of being stared at by the pickpocket cat, Douzi felt an indescribable illusion of being hit.

Oh oh oh!

Although I know that cats have super bad personalities.

This elf with evil attributes, also known as the pickpocket cat, will definitely have an even worse personality.

But Douzi just can't control it, I think it's really cute!

Oh oh oh!

If he didn't really like cats, Douzi wouldn't have raised so many cats!

of course.

He is also fraternal.

He also has a dog!

Thinking of this, Douzi was taken aback suddenly.


What about his dog?

Why didn't you hear the dog barking when you came back?

Douzi quickly put down the cat litter in his hand and ran towards the house.

When passing by the pickpocket cat, he didn't even look at the pickpocket cat.

The pickpocket cat stopped licking its paws.


Am I not cute? ? ?

The pickpocket cat was full of such doubts.

Obviously, the look in that person's eyes just now made him feel very cute!

A lovable and self-aware creature, the Pickpocket cat is great at using its advantage to confuse humans.

But what Douzi did just now exceeded the pickpocket cat's expectations.

This makes Pickpocket Cat even more interesting.

Ever since, it stood up from the sofa.

Taking graceful catwalks, it walked into the room behind Douzi.

Douzi has four cats and three dogs.

His house is a duplex of [-] square meters.

The county is small and the family has savings, and both parents have pensions.

Not only do not want him to pay to support the family.

And give him some pocket money from time to time.

However, since Douzi became a pet blogger because of his hobby, he has somehow left the category of gnawing on the old.

During the holidays, they will also prepare gifts for their parents.

When he rushed into the large room specially prepared for dogs on the first floor, what he saw was that the three dogs were locked in cages with grievances on their faces.


"What's going on here? How did you get in?"

He squatted down and looked curiously at the tightly locked dog cage, his face full of doubts.

The family is big, and he lives on the second floor.

There is a small platform extending out from the outside.

The reason for raising cats is that he sealed the windows and replaced them with transparent glass roofs.

When the weather is good, there will be warm sunshine shining in.

Like today.

At such times, he would usually let the dogs out and let them bask in the sun by themselves.

According to unreliable research, this reduces the likelihood of demolition.


Erha in the cage looked at Dou Zi, stuck out his tongue and made a sound of grievance.

The big golden retriever just wanted to step forward to act coquettishly, but suddenly took several steps back.

Samoyed stretched out his claws and scratched the cage with a smirk on his face.

Douzi subconsciously turned around.

He saw the pickpocket cat standing at the door of the room.

He looked back at the reaction of his own three fools.

Douzi suddenly thought of something.

"Wait! The three of you couldn't have... been imprisoned by it?"

He said in an uncertain tone.

how to say……

Although I personally came into contact with elves, I also heard so many elves from the anchor.

But Douzi never thought of it.

How could an elf who had never seen a cage or used a cage put all three of his silly dogs in a cage?

real or fake?

Are you sure you're not kidding?

Just when Douzi doubted the authenticity of this world.

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