Same scene as before.

Spots of light fell from the tree, and under the surging energy of the earth veins, they quickly formed a human shape.


"Why so suddenly?"

"Squad [-], hurry up and get some clothes!"

Lin Feng shouted at the symbiote team in the distance.

He hadn't forgotten how arrogant StarClan had been born.

No clothes at all, okay?

The first team didn't know what to do with the clothes, but faithfully carried out the order.

They acted quickly and sent the clothes over before the new star clan was fully formed.

"What happened? So suddenly?" Lin Feng approached the altar and asked.

There was no sense of blame in the words.

Lin Jili chuckled, pointed at the dumbfounded Xixing, and said, "She doesn't believe it."

"I'm not proving myself!"

"Back then, she was still such a big kid who actually questioned the great Universe Emperor!"

Ling Jili stretched out her hand and gestured.

She clearly remembered the stupid things Xixing did at the altar when she was a child.

Although there was no birth consciousness at that time, it didn't prevent her from knowing what Cube had done before as long as she wanted to know.

"By the way, I still have her previous images, do you want to see them?"

"You don't even know what stupid things she did when she was a child, hahahahaha!"

"She, she is actually on the altar...hahahahaha"

"Don't, don't say it!" Xixing blushed.

Lin Jili smiled so happily that Lin Feng was also curious about what Xi Xing did before to make her laugh like this.

Seeing Xi Xing's look for help, Lin Feng returned a calm look.

My people, Superman will protect you!

"Ahem, don't watch it, we can't entertain other people's embarrassing stories!"

"We cannot base our happiness on the suffering of others!"

Lin Feng educated Lin Jili with a serious face.

That tone was extremely serious.

Hearing this, Xi Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

Only she didn't notice.

Lin Feng spoke seriously, but his left eye kept blinking at Lin Jili.

In an instant, a line of words was typed: "It's not convenient now, show me when no one is around!"

Lin Jili responded by blinking her eyes twice, imitating Lin Feng and typing out a line: "Unicon Great received!"

Chapter 363 I'm Numb, Team Leader Wang Shows Up

The newly born [-] Star Clan ladies belong to the battle order.

Different from the previous ones, at the time of birth, what was passed down was the combat skills of Star Clan.

But how should I put it, the overall combat power of Star Clan is ridiculously weak.

But it didn't matter, Lin Feng didn't expect them to fight either.

He waved his hand, and ordered the symbiote army to lead the young lady down, and first determine the place of residence.

In many board houses, two or three young ladies live together.

So there are still more than half of the prefabricated houses vacant.

But after this group of ladies and sisters live in again, it is estimated that there will not be many left.

Tony needs to speed up building the house.

After arranging the order of the hundred battles, Lin Feng sat by the altar.

Xixing also sat on the side.

She has accepted the fact that Ling Jili is the Cosmic Cube.

There are many strange things in the universe, and she has seen a lot of them, so her ability to accept them is quite strong.

After playing around for a while, Lin Jili went to find Martina and the others.

She and the two "grown-ups" have nothing to talk about.

Or the mechanical master is more to her liking.

The three children met for a while, and soon they were fighting together.

Before he could finish three sentences, he decided to go on a planetary adventure.

The action was also quick, and within a short while, he drove a magically modified ground drilling vehicle and set off.

"Is this okay?" Xixing watched the ground drilling vehicle go away, slightly frowned, a little worried.

She just doesn't feel safe.

Lin Feng didn't think it was a big deal, he shrugged and said, "It's nothing."

"Emperor Universe and Mechanic Master, do you think it's really just talk?"

Among the three, Lin Jili and Xiao Xing are both children in size, while Martina looks like a girl.

However, under the influence of the forum and Lin Jili, it gradually became secondary.

With these three body types, it is normal for Xixing to worry.

But don't be fooled by the harmless appearance of these three people.

A cosmic cube, beyond the existence of logic.

A source of fire is itself an incredible energy body.

Compared with the two of them, Chu Xing seems to be the most ordinary, only a little special in age, but she has a lot of eyes.

It is no problem to throw these three people out to run amok in the universe, so there is no danger.

Ling Jili called herself the emperor of the universe is humble.

You think they are bragging, but you don't know that they are real...

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Xi Xing was a little confused.

She doesn't quite understand things like Master of the Universe and Mechanism.

But since Lin Feng said there was no danger, then it should be.

"So, yesterday you said you wouldn't be back in a short time, but you came here again today because Ling Jili wanted to see Star Clan?"

"Having said that, I'm curious."

"Why, the Cosmic Cube will become a person? Or a child?"

Xixing already knew the reason why Lin Feng came here was because of Lin Jili.

What she really wondered was, how long has it been since Lin Feng took the Cosmic Cube?Just turn it into a person?

This method is simply unbelievable.

While thinking about it, Xi Xing quietly moved his butt, away from Lin Feng.

She suddenly thought, this person could be BT...

"This matter."

"You may not believe it when you tell it," Lin Feng said.

"Tell me, I'll definitely believe it."

"Okay, then I'll talk about it."

Lin Feng talked about meeting Lin Jili in hyperspace and what happened last night.

Xixing knew that it was nothing.

The reason why Lin Jili is today has nothing to do with StarClan's disaster at that time.

After some narration, Xixing was stunned for a while.

"This is really... outrageous."

"Don't you say you believe it?"

"I didn't say I didn't believe it!"

"I'm just saying it's outrageous enough."


"There are too many outrageous things in this universe." Lin Feng sighed.

"Before you were all fighting for the Cosmic Cube."

"But how many of you know how outrageous the Cosmic Cube is..."

Speaking of this, Lin Feng was actually a little distressed.

Lin Jili suddenly transformed from a heartless brat into a cosmic cube.

He was a little scared, what would happen if Ling Jili couldn't control her abilities, or was bewitched by some caring people to do something to destroy the universe.

After all, Lin Jili is a child both in behavior and thinking mode.

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