Can Pepper not be puzzled?

After being pressed, Tony finally explained the reason of the incident.

Well, anyway, Pepper is Morgan's mother, so it's okay to say it in advance.

Anyway, if something unexpected happens, go find your good brother Lin Feng.

My good brother, number one in the universe!

But seeing Morgan at this time, Pepper had a dreamy feeling!


Little Morgan saw Pepper, struggled to jump out of Tony's arms, ran to Pepper and hugged her in two or three steps.

Pepper was suddenly "attacked", and was even more confused, and was at a loss for a while.

But she reacted quickly and bent over to hug Little Morgan.

In an instant, a kind of blood-linked care rose from my heart.

It's amazing, obviously not a child of the same universe, but Pepper feels that little Morgan is his own.

Even his eyes softened.

She patted little Morgan's back lightly, and leaned her little head on her shoulder.

Then he spoke silently to Tony.

"Tony, I want an explanation!"

I don't know whether to explain where the child came from, or why little Morgan cried and had red eyes.

Tony spread his hands towards Lin Feng and made a gesture of finishing.

"Lin, explain quickly, what's going on?" Tony approached Lin Feng in a low voice, avoiding little Morgan deliberately.

The child was brought by Lin Feng, of course he had to explain it.

In a word, Pepper also set his sights on Lin Feng.

He was shocked by the appearance of Little Morgan just now, but he didn't pay attention to Lin Feng's existence.

Lin Feng stretched his body and sat on the sofa.

"This, it's a long story..."

"Long story?"

"You shouldn't..."

Tony poked the sky sideways.

He knew that Lin Feng had traveled to the future of the parallel world.

The battle suits of the Mark Nano series and the photos of Little Morgan were given by Lin Feng.

Could it be that the good brother went to the future of the parallel universe to abduct little Morgan?

"That's right, it's a long story, and it's not easy to say." Lin Feng cast his eyes on Little Morgan meaningfully.

At this time, Pepper was facing Lin Feng, and the little Morgan in her arms had his back facing Lin Feng, so he couldn't see Lin Feng's eyes.

Tony understood Lin Feng's meaning in an instant, some words should not be heard by Little Morgan.

After pondering for a moment, Tony winked at Pepper.

"Pepper, take Little Morgan to freshen up and buy some clothes by the way."

Tony is implying Pepper to dismiss Morgan Jr.

But the reason is very tenable, and Morgan Jr. lived alone for several months.

The long hair is not well taken care of, and it is a bit messy.

Pepper was understanding and knew that the two had something to say about Morgan Jr., so he walked out of the room with Jr. Morgan in his arms.

The conversation between the two can still be heard in the corridor outside the door.

"Mommy, why buy new clothes? What about our old clothes?"


"Because the weather is getting cold soon, I need to buy new clothes for Little Morgan!" Pepper has never felt so witty like today.

"Oh..." Little Morgan let go of his doubts, and happily went shopping with mommy.

She didn't want to think about why the dead daddy and mommy became younger, she just knew that they were still alive, that was enough!

"Mommy, mommy, can I have an orange popsicle..."

"Well... you can wait until after eating!"

It's not that the family doesn't go into the house, and Pepper's speed into the role of the old mother is as fast as Tony's.

One big and one small walked farther and farther away, their voices became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

The sound became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

Tony let out a foul breath, and wanted to ask Lin Feng countless questions.

"Okay, can we talk now?"

"I said, Lin, are you really going to abduct the future little Morgan?"

Tony sat on the sofa, still not recovering from the "surprise" just now.

"It should be regarded as brought from the future, but it's not the universe I told you about."

This matter is more important to Tony, and Lin Feng didn't intend to tease Tony, so he gave the answer directly.

Tony took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Well, this is really, a little bit overwhelming..."

"However, Lin, why did you bring her here? Did I agree in that world?"

Tony was in a hurry, with some questioning in his tone.

This is also his worry about Morgan Jr.

If the current little Morgan is 20 years old and has a mature and independent thinking, then it doesn't matter.

But Jr. Morgan is obviously only five or six years old. Will it be detrimental to her growth if she is exposed to these things rashly?

Chapter 322 Tony's video in another world, cause and effect

Lin Feng didn't lie, it's really cumbersome to talk about little Morgan.

He simply threw out the memory that Tony in the zombie world gave him.

"You think I want to? Didn't you ask me from another world?"

"Look at this!"

Tony took the storage and plugged it directly into his own server.

It would be an idiot for Tony to ask about such an obvious storage device.

"Sir, an image has been detected."

Jarvis' voice came.

Tony immediately ordered: "Play."

With an order, the large screen in the room began to play the images in the memory.

Then, a familiar voice came out.

"Hey Morgan, go find mommy and ask her what are we having for dinner tonight?"

"Got it, daddy."

Tony frowned.

Isn't this the voice of myself and little Morgan?

With the sound, the screen lit up.

A middle-aged version of Tony sat in front of the camera.

Face to face with the Tony of this world.

To be honest, even Tony in this universe is considered middle-aged.

But thanks to the help of Lin Feng and the symbiont, his appearance and physical condition are still at their peak.

Tony in the Zombie Universe was not so lucky, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were very obvious.

It may also be because the outbreak of the zombie virus accelerated the aging rate, making him look like a middle-aged version of Tony.

"Me in another world?"

Tony on the screen speaks.

"If you see this image, there is no doubt that I have had an accident..."

The opening sentence made Tony's eyelids twitch wildly.

Numerous doubts flashed in his heart, and Tony continued to look at the video without saying a word.

"My world, a huge disaster is happening"

"Maybe you don't believe it, even now I feel like I'm dreaming."

"Zombie virus, do you know?"

"Yes, it's the zombie virus in the movie, it really happened!"

The middle-aged Tony looked a little tired, and he turned sideways, revealing the TV screen behind him.

On the TV screen, some news is being broadcast.

The human beings who have turned into zombies have ferocious faces, and their actions are eclipsing the same kind.

【Is there any hope in the world? 】

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