Shi Jiu hesitated for a moment: "Actually, I'm not sure about it, because I cheated it out of the Hehuan Sect demon's mouth. Moreover, my subordinates guessed from the demon's reaction that he and Luo Liuli were at odds. The two sides are likely to have internal strife. , so there was a fight in the city."

Bai Shuqiu frowned. Although he thought that Shi Jiu would not lie about this matter, guessing without evidence was not enough to make his superiors take it seriously.

After knocking on the table, Baishu Qiuyu said earnestly: "Guessing is not enough."

"But we don't have any further clues at the moment. We need to wait for the people in the prison to interrogate further information, such as why they sneaked into Jinxiang City." Shi Jiu also knew that his guess lacked actual evidence, so he didn't insist on his own opinion, "The subordinate thinks ...Miss Yuenu is somewhat unusual, we need to conduct further investigations on her."

Bai Shuqiu's eyes changed slightly, and he coughed lightly twice: "Xiao Jiu, do you still remember that you were the one who proposed that the case of the monster attacking the city was related to the Hehuan Sect?"

Shi Jiu nodded: "Exactly, because at that time there was indeed information that the Hehuan Sect had driven monsters, and the Hehuan Sect did indeed appear near Jinxiang City."

Bai Shuqiu nodded, with gentleness and sternness: "The other day you went to Xiangyue Pavilion for interrogation, and concluded that the Hehuan Sect monster had a crush on Yuenu girl, so they wanted to take her away, so they launched the monster attack. right?"

Shi Jiu felt a little uncertain in his heart, and lowered his head: "But that's just guesswork. The subordinates think that no matter how daring the Hehuan Sect is, they won't commit such a big crime for an ordinary woman. Either because the value of Yue Slave is enough to They took the risk, or... the monster attack and the Hehuan Sect are not the same case."

Bai Shuqiu's eyes became more and more serious: "So now you want to overthrow the original reasoning and look at these two cases separately?" Shi Jiu was silent for a while, and secretly glanced at Bai Shuqiu, but couldn't figure out what he was thinking. .

Bai Shuqiu cleared his throat: "If that Yuenu girl is not so important, you should focus your work on the monster attack. After all, we turned our attention to the Acacia Sect to investigate the monster attack case. , if these are two cases, then the affairs of the Hehuan Sect should be handed over to the yamen, not us."

The demon slayer only cares about monster affairs, the yamen only cares about people's affairs, and the well water does not interfere with the river water.If the line is crossed, things will be troublesome.

Shi Jiu hesitated for a moment, then continued to say: "Master Bai, this subordinate understands."

Bai Shuqiu breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Shi Jiu would use his official name to pick up girls.At that time, even if Shi Jiu has the status of a secret envoy as a shield, someone will hold the handle of his lax governance.

It is also difficult to be an official if you have to cover up the leader who is visiting privately in Weibo, but you can't let the leader know, and you can't leave yourself a handle.

"Today, the demon slaying... By the way, how sure are you of what you just said about Luo Liuli in Jinxiang City?"

Shi Jiu hesitated for a moment, and took out the acacia bell that he showed to Tang Baicao last night: "Master Bai, do you still remember? When you said that some people from the world were making trouble in the street, you used the acacia bell you found on the spot as evidence , thinking that people from the Hehuan Sect are making trouble."

"But later, the subordinates found out that none of the two Hehuan sect monsters used the Hehuan bell, which means that there is very likely a third person who will use the Hehuan bell."

This reasoning made Bai Shuqiu's eyes light up, and he took the bell in Shi Jiu's hand and looked at it carefully: "Where did you get it?"

"I picked it up that night." Shi Jiu answered boldly.

"This is an important evidence and should not be kept private." Bai Shuqiu cast a reproachful glance at Shi Jiu, "I won't tell others this time, after all, you didn't do it on purpose, but I have to give the acacia bell to you." Case room."

"Okay, today we don't need to leave the city to patrol the demons. Experienced demon hunters are compiling maps in the hall. If you are free or interested, come and learn, it will be good for you in the future."

Shi Jiu arched his hands: "Understood, this subordinate has to meet an informant, and after meeting the informant, I will come back to observe and study."

Bai Shuqiu never expected that just two days after Shi Jiu came to Jinxiang City, even the informant had come out, and he was even more convinced of his identity as the secret agent: "The informant...are you in a hurry?"

Shi Jiu thought for a while: "Calculating the time, he should have returned by now. After the subordinates have asked him, if there is any valuable information, they will definitely report it to you."

Bai Shuqiu waved his hand: "Okay, okay, since you're busy, let's go."

Bai Shuqiu couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The people from this capital are different, both openly and secretly... in the daytime, they work for the Monster Slayer Division, and at night, they can go out to find Jian Tiansi's informant in Jinxiang City to collect information, and they handle things in an orderly manner. people.

Looking at the team in Jinxiang City, Feng Shu was born in a quack, and he still has a lot of quack habits; He looks steady but is actually reckless... To put it mildly, he is called a reckless man, but he is actually a fool.

Oh, by the way, there is also Wang Lu, he is ordinary in everything he does, what others call him, if not for his good memory, he would have forgotten him!

If they were asked to investigate the case, they would not be able to find what Shi Jiu found in the past few days after a month's investigation.

Bai Shuqiu couldn't help sighing: Otherwise, why did he come from the capital!

After Shi Jiu closed the door, Bai Shuqiu suddenly remembered something: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention something, come back, Xiao Jiu."

Shi Jiu turned back and looked at Bai Shuqiu in confusion.

"That... the body of the demon girl from the Hehuan Sect should be able to get the report from Wu Zuo at noon today. Regarding this... who killed it..." Bai Shuqiu looked at Shi Jiu's expression and said bravely, "At that time Many martial arts people by the river have seen it, and it was you who did it."


Shi Jiu's heart skipped a beat, this matter could not be avoided after all.

I also blame myself for my inexperience, completely ignoring the fact that the system tasks run counter to my goal of development.So many pairs of eyes by the river saw that he chopped off the monster with a single knife, this matter cannot be washed away.

But as long as people inquire after the fact, they will know that a newcomer who came out of the demon-slaying lair, how can he kill a fifth-rank demon?Either it was bragging, or the newcomer was hiding his actual cultivation.Since there is a concealment, the higher-ups will inevitably conduct a wave of cross-examination of themselves.

Shi Jiu never expected that his negligence just once would cause such serious consequences—but fortunately, he was prepared in advance, and laid the groundwork as early as when he joined the job.

"It is clearly stated in the official document that you are a first-rank cultivation, but you can kill a fifth-rank demon..." Bai Shuqiu said slowly, "This..."


Bai Shuqiu thumped in his heart, this matter could not be avoided after all.

So many martial arts people by the river have seen it, and Shi Jiu's appearance has been fully exposed. I can't say that they are all wrong, right?

Bai Shuqiu also blamed himself for not being mentally prepared in advance, for not being prepared to face such a situation.So many people by the river have seen Shi Jiu for a long time, and this matter cannot be washed away.


Shi Jiu clasped his fists and said cautiously, "Because... a humble job is born with supernatural power."

Who cares, anyway, I am born with supernatural powers if I ask anything.This world doesn't even have any transparent sword heart, what happened to my natural power?

What's more, his sense of aura is really only first rank, and his physical strength is just strong. Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

——Shi Jiu can only hope that Dagan does have natural supernatural power, so that his nonsense can be fooled.

"Oh, I was born with supernatural power, no wonder." Bai Shuqiu stroked his beard, "Today, all the aristocratic families in the city came to ask who is the magician who killed the fifth-rank demon..."

Shi Jiu's head buzzed as if being bombarded, did he really get away with it?

Thank you Chang Wei!Blessing!

Bai Shuqiu held back for a long time, his face was almost purple, finally he sighed and hinted to Shi Jiu: " there something missing? For example...why can you walk on water? "

Shi Jiu was a little dazed, but after thinking about it, he came up with an explanation: "I have a friend named Li Zhuoyun, a disciple of Tianmen Mountain, and asked him to perform a Taoist technique of walking on water..."

Now that things have happened, he can only bet that the Taoist sect has such a weird Taoism - and the probability is theoretically not low.

Bai Shuqiu's purple face turned blue slightly: "Oh, that's it, no wonder, I understand..."

Shi Jiu watched Bai Shuqiu's expression nervously, only feeling that his expression was not very good.

And Bai Shuqiu was indeed panicked.

It's not that he has never seen the Taoism of walking on water. It's okay to cross a river, but if you want to use it to fight on the river, it's just talking in your sleep!

For some reason, the higher-ups seemed not to care about Shi Jiu beheading the fifth-rank demon, and they didn't intend to help cover up his identity, but wanted to spread the news.

But the hard work of how to explain to the secret envoy fell on Bai Shuqiu.

The original words of Deputy Envoy Li are as follows: [Shi Jiu, we all know that young heroes, who have reached the fifth rank cultivation level at a young age, are the mainstay of our Jinxiang City Demon Slayer.His contribution must be well commended.You tell him that all the aristocratic families in the city have come to ask who he is, and we can't hide it, so we tell them that Shi Jiu is our demon hunter. 】

He can't live up to this lie!Li Fuchuan's mind is showing off!

The top has to deal with the leadership, the bottom has to lead the grassroots, and the middle has to deal with inspections from time to time. Who understands the pain of middle managers!

The pain of middle age came to Bai Shuqiu from all directions.

"This... I'm old, so I call you Xiaojiu, and you call me Brother Bo, we are smart people and don't speak secretly." Bai Shuqiu sighed, and after much consideration, he decided to show half of his cards, "This ...Actually, there is something I have to explain to you."

Bai Shuqiu's brain is running at high speed, using what he has seen and heard all his life to find rationality for Shi Jiu.

He pretended not to know Shi Jiu's true identity, and then made up a false identity for Shi Jiu.As long as the secret envoy understands his good intentions and agrees with the situation, then this matter will be over perfectly.

The son of the aristocratic family in the capital was squeezed out and sent to the south of the Yangtze River to be a small demon hunter. That's why his cultivation base is so high and his official position is so low. It's a perfect script!As long as you say that to the outside world, everything will be explained, and there is no need to reveal the identity of the secret agent!

But this fifth-rank cultivation base is too presumptuous, it doesn't mean that Jiang Moting, the son of Lord Jianghou, is only at the peak of fourth-rank...

Bai Shuqiu nearly rolled his eyes and lost his breath.

It's over, it's edited.

The fourth-rank and the fourth-rank peak are completely different. This is the difference in talent quality, and the difference is more than one.How many peak-four peaks are there at this age?How many can break through to rank five?

Apart from the son of Lord Jiang Hou, the nephew of General Linghu, and the nephew of Pei Shangshu's family, among the young men with high cultivation in the is impossible for any of them to be excluded from the capital!Didn't I break this by myself!

Bai Shuqiu suddenly understood, this is not a secret envoy to look for it, this is a son sent by the superior to plate gold!

He slapped his thigh violently, thankful that he didn't say the stupid words he just made up in his mind.

I have long seen that Shi Jiu's majesty is not like ordinary people, but which family's son is it?

"This...all the big families in the city sent people to ask if the young talent that night was the one who slayed the demon." Bai Shuqiu hesitated, trying to make up for it, "after all, so many people saw it that night. You, this matter cannot be kept secret, it has spread in a small area, and it may spread in a large area. If someone asks you in the future, you have to know how to explain it. "

Bite the bullet and finish these words, Bai Shuqiu did not dare to relax.Anyway, he has conveyed Li Fuchuan's meaning, what to do in the end depends on what you, Shi Jiu, think.

Do you want to appear as a fifth-rank master, or use that set of rhetoric of innate divine power to fool everyone?


Shi Jiu heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that he had been fooled by the pretense of his innate supernatural power.

Chapter 54 Chapter 52 I have a friend; I also have a friend (4k))

Shi Jiu felt that his principle was still the same sentence, since this world has the ability to say what it says, there is no guarantee that it will have the power to see through itself as a time traveler and a system.If he is caught by the evil spirits outside the sky, there will be no place to cry.

"Humble job... is indeed born with supernatural power." Shi Jiu decided to tell the truth.

In the worst case, I will demonstrate to others on the spot what is called the natural power of the first rank!What a big deal!

"I know, there are different levels of natural power." Bai Shuqiu waved his hands weakly, feeling uneasy in his heart, "It's nothing, it's not a big deal, I just want to tell you so that you can be mentally prepared."

Tired, since Shi Jiu wants to explain this way, let's explain it according to this, anyway, I have never seen the natural power that can kill the fifth rank...

"However... since you came to Jinxiang City to slay demons, and you have an official document from the court, you are your own person who has been verified." Bai Shuqiu sat upright, with stern eyes, "And you also made contributions to Jinxiang City, We all understand this in our hearts, and we will not embarrass you, so you can rest assured."

The official documents of the imperial court are the characteristics of Tiangongfang. The ink used to sign the official documents is made of the signer's blood and ink, and the name will only be revealed in the hands of the owner of the blood.

When Bai Shuqiu checked Shi Jiu's official documents that day, he had already confirmed that the official documents were genuine.That being the case, there is no need to pursue it so deeply.

"Okay, go ahead."

Shi Jiu stared blankly at Bai Shuqiu, unable to react for a moment.

Is that the end?

Walking out of Demon Slayer in a daze, Shi Jiu's heart sank and he began to sigh.

Obviously, it was precisely because of his lack of experience that he almost exposed the fact that he was a wall.

I must be careful in the future and beware of the system's task traps.

This hateful system always wants to be the king of the king, is there no price for being the king of the king?

Shi Jiu's expression was cloudy and he stood at the gate of Monster Slayer for a long time, until Si Yan, who was watching the gate, greeted him.

"Isn't this our hero Shi?" Si Yan and Shi Jiu had also chatted a few times, and they were quite familiar, so they teased him, "Why are you here in a daze early in the morning, not thinking about what to eat?"

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