She wrote a small note and stuffed it into An Yilunye's shoe cabinet when no one was around.

The content of the note is to indicate that mother wants to borrow the game, if there is one, put it in her shoe cabinet, if not, forget it.

The day after handing out the note, that galgame appeared in her shoe cabinet.

After this incident, the relationship between her and An Yilun should be considered to have eased a little, but it is still neither salty nor dull, and she will never take the initiative to start a conversation.

Afterwards, she helped her mother borrow games a few times, and sometimes she borrowed some of the latest games or animation CDs that she hadn't bought in the name of her mother.

This kind of relationship that is neither salty nor salty, just better than strangers has been going on...

Until she "escaped" from Hoshimi's clutches, the relationship between her and An Yilun remained the same.

During the period when she just "escaped" from the dream, she was in a bad mood!It's so bad that my father, who has always been dull, came to ask for his health, let alone my mother.

The astute mum had noticed something was wrong with her that morning and had been insinuating what was going on.

She refused to say anything, sulking and sulking by herself.

The result is that during the day I resent and scold Xingjian in my heart, and at night I dream about Xingjian again. The dream is a little different from the daytime, although I still complain and hate, but occasionally something different happens, something that makes me feel better. The thing she needs to go to the shower the next morning...

353. "On how smooth Yinglili's sadness is..."

In this way, Xingjian became her nightmare, a nightmare in the true sense.

During that time, she even had visions of seeing stars.

When you see a man with the same back view as Xing Jian on the street, you have to run up and take a look from the side to see if it is him.

It's like this every day, every night, she can't help it, she wants to find Xingjian!Revenge him bitterly!

She has made a decision, but has been hesitating, hesitating.

Until April of this year, when An Yilun also asked her to join the club as an original artist, she finally made a decision.

At that time, when facing An Yilun's sincere request, she immediately remembered what Xingjian said.

"Ah~~ Let Xingjian that bastard guess right again..."

This was her first thought at the time.

Then, she agreed to An Yilunye's request.

She wanted to take this opportunity to redeem her "sin" and untie her knots.

Then face Xingjian with a new attitude without any flaws, let Xingjian know that she will also grow...

Ying Lili is very satisfied with her own ideas.

But things didn't go the way she wanted.

An Yilun is also that idiot!idiot!She was invited to join the club at the beginning of April, but it turned out that the promising script writer hadn't been drawn in until the end of April.

In the end, it was she who lowered her face and pulled the scripter in.

That's right, the script master that An Yilun also took a fancy to was Kasumigaoka Shiyu, a fat woman with black silk!

That arrogant woman has a really poisonous mouth...

With the script master, the original artist, and the "heroine", the club started working vigorously.


Two weeks!Two full weeks! !

An Yilun is also that idiot!He couldn't even come up with a decent plan!Just want to make a game!Go dreaming!

In the end, under the pressure of her and Xia Zhiqiu, An Yilun finally came up with a plan.

What should I say about this set of plans, rotten is not enough to describe it, it is simply rotten!

In terms of time planning alone, she and Xia Zhiqiu were not treated as human beings, and they were simply used as tool people without their own lives.

The time plan is so outrageous, let alone the actual content of the plan, is that thin page of content fooling ghosts?

The plot of her book is much better than that! !

After seeing the extremely bad plan, Xia Zhiqiu laughed angrily, and didn't even bother to ridicule.

Afterwards, Xia Zhiqiu asked her out to have a chat with her alone, implying that staying in this club was just a waste of time.

After a few days, seeing that she hadn't moved, Xia Zhiqiu sent her a message directly, saying that he wanted to quit.

She has no choice but to stop Xia Zhiqiu from continuing to waste time with her?She's not An Yilun, she doesn't have such a thick skin.

She agreed, and Kasumigaoka quit the club.

Later, when she told An Yilun about this matter, An Yilun even complained about her!It means that she should not let Xia Zhiqiu go, and why she agreed without discussing it.

Hearing An Yilun's complaint, she was so angry that she felt a little headache, and she didn't bother to say anything to him, so she just turned her head and left.

please!Kasumi Hill was invited by me!She is leaving now because of your terrible plan!

As long as you can perform better, I can still pull down my face and ask Xia Zhiqiu to stay.

But your performance of stretching the hips made me open my mouth.

Do you know the gold content of Kasumigaoka's cutting-edge and popular writers?Do you know the sales volume of the first volume of their new work "Dream Tales"? !

Let such a "big god" come to work for free in your hip-pull club, is there something wrong with your head? !

Now that the matter has come to this point, she doesn't bother to say anything, anyway, as long as the game is made, she and An Yilun will have nothing to do with it, and there is no need to say anything.

After this incident, she thought that An Yilun would hold grudges again, and when she was worrying about how to communicate at work, An Yilun even took the initiative to apologize to her...

It's really unexpected...

As Xingjian said, people will grow.

She didn't want to cause more trouble, but just wanted to end it quickly, so she accepted An Yilunye's apology and asked him what to do with the script.

"Script, I'll do it myself, as long as I work hard, plus my years of ACG experience, it will be fine!"

Looking at An Yilun with a firm and confident face, she believed it, and believed that An Yilun could also come up with a high-quality script.

Results to today! June 6th!Nearly a month!

Not to mention the quality script!She hadn't even seen the script outline!I don't even know what the hero and heroine should be called! !

Is this what your f***ing effort is? !Work hard for a month!Not even a fart popped out!

If this continues, the CM designation for this winter will not be able to catch up, and the CM for next summer, or even the CM for next winter may not be able to catch up.

Under such circumstances, she began to be confused again.

If he and An Yilun are exhausted like this, what should Xingjian do?

After a long time, that heartless bastard Xing Jian will forget about me, right?If so, wouldn't my revenge become a joke?

Ying Lili was confused, she had to change her mind and think about what to do next.


Before he could come up with a solution, Xingjian took the initiative to lead her into the dreamland.

After more than half a year, I entered the dreamland of Xingjian again, and was teased by Xingjian again...

The complicated mood was beyond words, and she could only use anger to cover up her true intentions.

But the delay in seeing Xing Jian, coupled with those revealing oil paintings that reveal her intimate past, gradually dissipated her anger.

When facing this completely different last oil painting, the true meaning buried in her heart was completely drawn out.

What has supported me to this point.

Ying Lili already had the answer in her heart, but she didn't dare to face it, nor did she dare to believe it.

Right now, I should be full of anger.

That's right, that's how it should be. If there was no resentment and anger in my heart, how could I have such a strong desire for revenge?

See Kiyokawa!I'm here to take revenge on you!

Ying Lili no longer hesitated, she took a step forward, and rushed into the hall at the end of the gallery full of anger.


The door of the palace was opened, and after more than half a year, Ying Lili saw the familiar face again that made her grit her teeth with hatred.

"Yo~ good morning~ Yinglili, long time no see, I miss you so much~"

"Hoshimi Kiyokawa!! Go to hell with me!"

Ying Lili, blinded by anger, rushed towards Xingjian desperately.


In the next second, a banana peel appeared at Yinglili's feet, and without realizing it, she rushed to the street on the spot.

Seeing the moment when Yinglili's flat chest touched the smooth ground, Xingjian's mouth twitched, and he laughed viciously.

354. "Hoshimi likes poor breasts?"

After the fall, Ying Lili lay on the ground straight and motionless, as if she was lying flat and giving up struggling.

Seeing this situation, Xing Jian's figure flashed, and he teleported from above the throne to Ying Lili.

He knelt down and poked Ying Lili's head with his index finger, "Hey~ what are you doing lying on the ground? Is it hurting from the fall and you don't want to move? Or are you waiting for me to comfort..."

"Hoshimi Kiyokawa! Go to hell!"

Before Xing Jian finished speaking, Ying Lili jumped up suddenly, and rushed towards him like a hungry dog.

Xing Jian, who had expected it for a long time, kept smiling, and his body completely disobeyed the laws of physics and moved a little to the side, just in time to avoid Ying Lili's attack.

At the same time, he stretched out his leg and tripped Ying Lili's calf.


Not surprisingly, Ying Lili hit the street again.

"Tut tsk tsk~~" Xing Jian, who was in a squatting position, moved unscientifically in front of Ying Lili, smacked his lips, and said with a smile: "Ying Lili~ We are old acquaintances, and your little routines have long since passed. It was clear to me, why don’t you understand?”

"Ugh~" Ying Lili turned over with a face full of pain, and stared at Xingjian viciously, "Bastard! What are you dragging me into a dream again?! Are you sick?!"

Xingjian smiled, he didn't answer Ying Lili's question, but talked about other things.

"Yinglili, did you hurt from the fall?"

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