Xue Nai easily turned against the guest and directly put Xing Jian under her body.

With the light penetrating through the gap, Xingjian and Xue Nai met their gazes, seeing the strange color in Xing Jian's eyes, Xue Nao's heart felt numb, and she unconsciously avoided Xing Jian's sight.

"Yue Nai..." Xingjian called softly.

"...." Xue Nai's body softened, and she dared not respond.

Seeing Xue Nao's flushed side face, Xing Jian put his arms around her waist, and then rolled along with the trend, the offensive and defensive momentum changed again.

The high-ranking Xingjian kissed slowly, and Yukino, who was dodging her eyes, didn't dodge or refuse...

346. "Assist from my sister-in-law"

"Jingle bell~~Jingle bell~~"

Just when the two were deeply in love, the phone rang suddenly.

Xue Nai pushed Xingjian away temporarily, and asked, "Whose is it?"

Xingjian: "My phone is still at home."

"..." Xue Nai understood, she pushed Xing Jian away, lifted the quilt, and was going to get the cell phone beside the pillow.

At this moment, Xing Jian suddenly grabbed Xue Nai's wrist.

"En?" Xue Nai looked back at Xing Jian.

"Why don't you answer it? Anyway, there's nothing important..." Xingjian's eyes flashed with a strange color.

"..." Xue Nai was speechless, she broke away from Xing Jian's hand, and muttered in a low voice, "I'm not you..."

Her social circle is very narrow, and there are very few people who call her. You can basically count them on one hand. Parents, sisters, and Hoshimi, plus Yubihama, are just enough to count on one hand.

Right now, Xingjian is at her house, and there are only four people who will call her, and there is a high probability that they are her family members. After all, Yubibin usually sends emails.

She picked up the phone and looked, and her guess was right, the call was from her sister.

"It's your sister again..." Xing Jian, who sneaked a glimpse of the "caller" from behind, complained a little unhappily: "This is the first time, your sister is probably not a fortune teller, every time I pinch Come and interrupt."

"..." Xue Nai didn't respond, but looked at the phone with a slight frown.

Indeed, as Xingjian said, this situation has not happened once or twice, every time she and Xingjian are deeply in love and may make a mistake, her sister's call comes.

Once or twice can be said to be a coincidence, but what about three or four times?How did my sister manage to interrupt accurately every time?

Could it be that her sister is watching her?

But how is this possible, what does my sister spy on her?I can't find a reason why my sister would do this at all.

Xue Nao didn't think about it any more, and was going to answer the phone to see what her sister wanted from her.

"Xue Nai..." Xingjian slipped behind Xue Nai, hugged her slender waist from behind, and at the same time rested her chin on Xue Nai's fragrant shoulders.

"En?" Xue Nai squinted her eyes.

"Turn on the speakerphone, let me listen too." Xingjian began to doubt.

Being accurately interrupted again and again reminded him of a possibility, a possibility that he had discarded from the very beginning.

"Yes, but you are not allowed to talk nonsense." Xue Nai agreed to Xingjian's proposal.

"Hmm~" Xing Jian rubbed Yukino's face with a smile.

After Xue Nai rolled her eyes, she quickly connected the phone.

If you don't answer it again, it will hang up automatically.

"Moses, Moses~ Is it Yukino~......"

When the phone was connected, Yang Nai's frivolous and clear voice floated out.


Time moves forward a little.

Yang Nai's apartment, Yang Nai is sitting in front of the computer, shaking his legs, eating a fruit plate, chasing dramas, and at the same time not forgetting to pay attention to the small-sized monitoring screen in the upper right corner of the computer screen.

When seeing Yukino and Xingjian appearing in the entrance, Yang Nai's hanging heart finally fell.

Before, when she saw Xue Nai going out in home clothes, she had been worrying whether Xue Nao had gone to Xingjian's house. At that time, she planned that if Xue Nao didn't come back in half an hour, she would call Xue Nao to test it out.

Now that Xue Nai is back, naturally she doesn't have to think so much, after all, under her nose, can she still make Xing Jian succeed?

"Tsk~ It's started again..." Seeing Xue Nai and Xing Jian begin to kiss at the entrance, Yang Nai gave a light tut in displeasure.

But she didn't pay too much attention to it, and turned around and continued to follow the drama.

Life is like being raped. At first she was so angry that her head hurt, but now that she sees it too much, she becomes numb.

Whatever you want, as long as you don't break through the last bottom line, she doesn't even bother to care about it.

Afterwards, watching Xue Nai take Xing Jian to the bedroom, Yang Nai didn't care too much, and continued to follow the drama with distraction.

But when Xingjian took off his shirt and lay on Yukino's bed, Yang Nai became a little more vigilant, and she zoomed in on the monitoring screen so that he could pay attention to what was going on with Yukino at any time.

"Huh? This is..."

When the surveillance screen was zoomed in, Yang Nai suddenly discovered something unexpected.

What happened to Xing Jian's red marks all over his back?

The screen is too small to see clearly, so Yang Nai directly adjusts the monitoring screen to full screen, and then zooms in on Xing Jian's back.

"Is this a scratch?" Yang Nai raised his eyebrows slightly.

With so many scratches on Xingjian's back, the scratches on his shoulder blades and blood scabs, what did Xingjian this bastard do?

Could it be that Xing Jian had already eaten Xue Nai before she knew it?

Do not!impossible!

Xue Nai has been at home from last night to today, and just went out for more than ten minutes. How could Xingjian complete so many operations in a short period of time.

Besides, the blood scabs on Xingjian's scapula have already explained the problem, that kind of blood scabs will not appear in a short while, at least it will take several hours.

So, the real situation should be that Xing Jian had a good time with other women last night, leaving scratches all over his back?

Wait, if that's the case...

"......" Looking at Xue Nao who was massaging Xing Jian's waist, Yang Nao's expression brightened suddenly.

Holy shit! !

Xing Jian went out to fool around all night, not only was Xue Nai not angry, she even gave Xing Jian a massage? !

this... this... this...

The bastard!What kind of ecstasy soup was poured into her sister? !

Where did her sister who was so lofty and aloof and couldn't bear a grain of sand in her eyes go?

According to common sense, when this happens, shouldn't Xue Nai break up with Xing Jian completely, right?Why is it still so harmonious? ! !

this... this... this...

Yang Nai, who was holding a breath in his chest, was depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

Now she has some doubts, whether Xing Jian's bastard hypnotized and brainwashed her sister, otherwise how could Xue Nai do this?


In the next second, watching Xue Nai and Xing Jian hide in the quilt and play, Yang Nai finally couldn't help but swear.

What the fuck is this!my sister!What on earth are you trying to do!

Could it be that I put too much pressure on you? !Now grab a life-saving straw and say nothing? !

For the first time in history, Yang Nai began to regret the previous high-handed policy towards Yukino.

If she had always been a good sister who cared for her younger sister, wouldn't Xue Nai be like this now?


Yang Nai cursed secretly, and the regret in his heart disappeared immediately.

The matter has come to this point, there is no room for regret, and it is what she should do now to stop Xue Nai and Xing Jian from going astray.

She immediately picked up her cell phone and called Xue Nai.


While staring at the monitor, she waited for Xue Nai to answer the phone.

After scribbling in ink for a long time, Xue Nai finally connected the phone.

"Moses, Moses~ Is it Yukino~"

347. "The Suspected Hinano"

Yang Nai imitated the tone of his speech when he was slightly drunk, and continued: "Sister, I just attended the dance party of the Fujinomiya family nearby, and I don't want to go back to the apartment at the university, so, Xiao Yukino, I want to come Your house is staying~"

"By the way~ Xiaoxue Nai, have you eaten? Do you want my sister to bring you something to eat?"

The excuse is half-true and half-false, the ball of the Fujinomiya family is real, and the other party invited her before, but she just made excuses to shirk it.

"Sister, are you drunk again?" Hearing Yang Nai's erratic voice, Xue Nai frowned and asked.

"No~ my sister only drank a little wine~ not too drunk, just a little dizzy." Yang Nai got up, opened the closet and found out the dress for the prom.

Now that she said that, she must go to Xue Nai's house.

Xue Nai: "Sister, where are you? I'll pick you up."

Yang Nai: "No, no, I'm very close to your house, I'll be here in a few minutes at most."

Xue Nai: "Really? Sister, pay attention to safety on the road. If you need anything, call me, and I can come to pick you up."

Yang Nai: "Oh~~Oh~~ Xiao Xue Nai is really considerate, by the way~ Xiao Xue Nai, what do you want to eat~ My sister will buy it for you~"

Xue Nai: "I don't need anything, I just ate."

Yang Nai: "Oh~ okay, then I know~~ I'll be right here..."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Nai quickly put on the evening dress, then walked out barefoot with high heels on.

From the apartment where she lives to Xue Nai's apartment, it is about 8KM away. If you drive faster, it will take less than 10 minutes.

correct!And wine!

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