Although there are little monsters who can help her monitor, but after a long time, there will be problems in the relationship.

Especially Xingjian, this guy's personality is still very strong, he can be ignored once or twice, three or five times, but once it goes on for a long time, he will definitely get bored, and then the emotional crisis will come...

Now that she has identified Xingjian, it must be for a lifetime, and some emotional crises must be prevented as soon as possible.

Therefore, sometimes she thinks from a long-term perspective, and wonders whether she should find a woman, and when she leaves, she will tie Xingjian tightly to prevent him from going out and messing around.

Although I don't want to admit it, Yukinoshita is really the most suitable candidate at the moment.

First of all, Lang has a concubine who is interested, so there is no need to worry that Xingjian will reject Yukinoshita.

Secondly, Yukinoshita is very clingy, this woman looks cold on the surface, but in fact she is like a kitten that has not yet been weaned, often sticking to Xingjian's side unconsciously.

Furthermore, Yukinoshita's hard-headed integrity is also a good attribute, at least there is no need to worry that Yukinoshita will secretly backstab her while she is away.

If it were any other scheming woman, the other party would probably stab her secretly as soon as she left.

"Ah~~~" Qinzi sighed, and lay down on his back with a sad face.

Looking at the clear blue sky, she became more and more sentimental.

Is this the trouble after becoming a woman?It's really both happy and sad troubles...

Forget it, don't think about it, let's observe more, anyway, there are at least two years before she reaches the age of marriage.

If she had no choice, she really didn't want to share her star vision with other people...

A pair of talents for life is what she wants most...


Time moves forward a little.

On the rooftop, without Qinzi's interruption, Xing Jian could finally cast spells normally.

He first brewed his emotions, and then said with lowered eyebrows and eyes: "Xue Nai, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

If you make a mistake, you must admit it, and if you are beaten, you must stand at attention.

At least at this stage, if he wants to do this, the glib tongue can only add fuel to the fire in front of the furious Xue Nai.

"Heh~" Xue Nai sneered, her expression became colder and colder, "Wrong? What did you do wrong? You are right, you are all right, you just did what you should do, and I was the one who was wrong!"

"My mistake was that I shouldn't worry about you bastard!" Xue Naiyin clenched her teeth, every word seemed to be squeezed out between her teeth.

"If I'm not worried about you! I won't come to your house! I won't find out what you did! Then you can get away with it!"

"Then you can act like nothing happened! Continue to flirt with me!"

"Xing! See! Qing! Chuan! Tell me! Am I right?!"

Xingjian continued to admit his mistake with lowered eyebrows and eyes, "Xue Nai, I won't hide it from you, I will find an opportunity to tell you."

"Oh? Really? Then do I still have to thank you? En?!" Xue Nai squinted at Qinzi on the water tower, and the coldness in her eyes became more and more serious.

"Xue Nai, I've done what you asked me to do before." Xing Jian tried to change the subject.

"Heh~" Xue Nai sneered, "Then what? What can I do? You don't understand the principle that one size fits one size?"

Before getting down to business, everything else is aside!

Even when it comes to Yubihama, it's the same. Girlfriends are not as important as men!

"I understand the truth..." Xingjian added in a low voice: "I mentioned this, just to say, I take everything about you, Xue Nai, to heart, no matter how big or small it is."

"..." Xue Nai was silent, she stared at Xing Jian, and there was an imperceptible hint of resentment in her cold eyes.

Xing Jian counted the seconds, seeing that Xue Nai didn't reply for three full seconds, he knew the opportunity had come.

"Xue Nai, forgive me, I will do anything." Xing Jian raised his head and stared into Xue Nao's eyes seriously.

The corner of Xue Nai's mouth curled up, and a sneering smile jumped out, "I can do everything? Then I will let you die, will you go or not?"

Xing Jian nodded as calmly as water, "Yes, if this is what you expect from Yukino, then I will go."

"..." Xue Nao stopped talking, she restrained her smile, and looked at Xing Jian with a fluctuating expression.

After a long while, Xue Nai seemed to have come to her senses, she put on her sarcastic smile again, and sarcastically said: "What? Now I have learned to pretend to be affectionate? The "death" you mentioned is the "death" in the dream, right? Don't use such a cheap "death" to deceive people."

Xingjian was still calm, he looked at Xue Nao, and said very flatly: "Whether it is reality or dream, as long as it is Xue Nao's expectation, I will do it. If Xue Nao doesn't believe it, we can go out now."

"..." Xue Nai was silent again, she clenched her silver teeth tightly, and a layer of mist rose in her eyes.

She is hating!

Hate my soft heart!

Very unscrupulous!Even such a heavy topic as "death" can be used to "threat" her so easily.

That's right, it's a threat!This bastard knew she would not choose that way, so he dared to threaten her with "death" so recklessly!

This is simply bullying her by taking advantage of her weakness!

it is good!That being the case!Then let me see if Xing Jian is telling the truth or not!

"Xingjian! Let's go out!" Xue Nai closed her eyes, tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

If it is true, she will stop Xingjian.

If it was false, then she and Xingjian should have ended here.

Threatening her with "death" so easily has already touched her bottom line.

Life is such a beautiful thing, how can it be thrown away lightly?

"Okay, let's go out." Xing Jian stepped forward and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Xue Nai's eyes.

Then, he hugged Xue Nai into his arms, and said in a muffled voice: "Give me another minute, let me hug you..."

Xue Nai gritted her teeth and said nothing.

She was softening her heart, thinking whether to forgive Xing Jian for this, if what Xing Jian said was true and she didn't stop her, wouldn't it be...

But seeing this bastard is too much!She just wanted a sincere apology, why did this bastard "force him to die"?

That's not an apology at all!It's forcing her to make a choice!

Either calm down and admit to Qinzi, her and Xingjian's threesome, or watch him die!

This bastard has done a terrible job!

The short 1 minute passed amidst Yukino's hesitation.

"Okay, time is up, let's go out."

Xingjian let go of Xue Nao, without any hesitation, and directly took Xue Nao out of the dream.

Yes, only Yukino and Qinzi still stayed in the dream.

Next, the scene might be a bit bloody. He was worried that Qinzi would send the monster to Yukino to stop him first. If so, the effect would not be shocking enough...

Sigh~ His actions are indeed a bit despicable, but this is the best way to break the situation right now, and even if the degree of completion is high, there may be the effect of "completely accomplished in one battle", making Yukino officially agree with the future of the threesome... ...

Sigh~ Worrying people, this is only a threesome, and we are going to make a big move, what will we do in the future when four, five, or even six or seven...

If you want to open a harem, it's really a long way to go...


"Huh? What about people?"

In the dream, Qin Zi, who was lying on the water tower on the roof, realized that the person had disappeared after a while after the two left.

She looked at the empty rooftop and rubbed her chin thoughtfully, but she didn't know what she was thinking.


Reality, star see home.

After waking up, Xingjian pulled up Yukino who was thrown on the sofa by him just now.

"Huh~" Xingjian let out a long breath, put on a faint smile again, and said freely: "Xue Nai, you decide how I die."

"..." Xue Nai looked at Xing Jian with dim eyes.

The more free and easy Xing Jian is, the more she can't tell whether Xing Jian is telling the truth or not.

"Ah ~ my fault." Xing Jian seemed to realize his mistake, he scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "It's too cruel to let Xue Nai you decide, let me choose myself."

"Emm...Jump off the building?" Xingjian shook his head, "On the 27th floor, jumping down will surely kill me, but I will be thrown into "Xingjian sauce". It hurts too much, and I may not be able to bear it."

"Then cut your wrists?" Xing Jian shook his head again, "No way, the scene is too bloody to deal with, and it will be even more troublesome if you, Xue Nai, are afraid of blood."

"It can't be bloody, and it can't be too painful... Then sleeping pills, that's good. I remember my father's nightstand has sleeping pills."

Xingjian looked up at Xue Nai, "My father has a flexible head and thinks a lot, so the quality of sleep has also declined, and he often needs the assistance of sleeping pills to fall asleep."

"Forget it, don't talk about it, I'll go get sleeping pills."

Xing Jian walked upstairs while muttering in a low voice, "It's over... I regret it... How should I explain to my father when I go down there? Saying that suicide may be beaten to death... let's say love murder ...En...Love kills...."

341. "Hoshimi committed suicide~~"

Xue Nai followed behind Xing Jian step by step, and she could hear Xing Jian's whispering clearly.

But at this time, her thoughts were very confused, and her lips seemed to be sewn with needles, and she didn't know how to speak at all.

Now, she is following behind Xingjian, just because she is afraid that if Xingjian comes...

Back to reality, when she saw Xingjian mentioning "death" calmly, she panicked for no reason. Only then did she realize that whether she forgives or not, she doesn't want anything to happen to Xingjian...

"It's a love affair... My mother's horror is hard to explain... Obviously my mother has explained it to me before... Don't allow me to play tricks... The result is still..."

"Forget it... take one step at a time, maybe there is no hell at all?"

Listening to Xingjian's muttering in a low voice, Xue Nai became more and more flustered, her hands and feet were cold and she wanted to persuade Xingjian to forget it, but every time the words came to her mouth, she couldn't open her mouth anyway.

The distance from the living room on the first floor to the bedroom on the second floor is not too far. When Xue Nai hesitated, Xingjian's parents' bedroom arrived...


Xingjian pushed open the door casually, and headed towards the bedside table with a clear goal.

He dug out the sleeping pills from the drawer of the bedside table, then unscrewed the bottle cap, and checked the amount of the small medicine.

The sleeping pills in the shape of small discs are very small, less than half the size of the nail cap of the little finger, and the small tablets are only lightly spread on the bottom of the bottle.

Xing Jian roughly counted, "It's a bit small, it's less than twenty pieces, can it kill someone? Forget it, let's try it first, and talk about other things if you can't die."

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