"Remove the limbs... Pressing questions..." Shi Yu muttered with a delicate expression.

I didn't expect that Xingjian would have such embarrassing moments. When she came to the dreamland, she could only be bullied by Xingjian, and she had no room to fight back.

Xingjian continued: "Before, I tried to single out her several times, Shiyu, do you know? One hundred of me, she was slaughtered in 3 minutes!"

"Huh?" Shi Yu blinked.

This is heads-up, a hundred-to-one heads-up?

But a hundred stars were killed in 3 minutes?This is too scary, right?Is that human being?

"Shiyu, if someone told you a year ago that a slender girl could kill 3 people with bare hands in 100 minutes, would you believe it?"

Shi Yu thought for a while, then shook her head in disbelief, "I definitely don't believe it."

Yes, I definitely don't believe it. Who would believe such an outrageous thing in modern times? Even if it kills 3 chickens in 100 minutes, no one would believe it.

If it is a newborn chick, no one should believe it.

"Yes, I'm the same as you, Shiwa. I don't believe that such a person exists in reality, so... I regard her as a strange creature born in a dream."

"Speaking of which..." Xing Jian turned to look at Shi Yu, "Shi Yu, you should understand why I didn't treat you as a real person at first, right?"

"En..." Shi Yu nodded.

Because from the very beginning, Xing Jian fell into a mindset because of that girl, and naturally he would always think this way afterwards.

Until an opportunity arises to break Xingjian's mindset.

and many more!What was that opportunity? !

The clever Ms. Shiyu turned her thoughts and immediately knew the answer.

A girl from a dream appeared in front of Xingjian!Let Xingjian break the stereotype of thinking!

No wonder Xing Xing took the initiative to pull her into a dream after seeing this bastard half a year later!And it was still broad daylight!It turned out to be such a thing!

Having figured it out, Shi Yu rushed to Xingjian, grabbed his collar, and asked with a dangerous look: "Xingjian! Tell me! Who is the first one to appear in front of you?!"

"Er..." Xing Jian was taken aback.

Why did Shiyu react so quickly?He just wrote a "solution", and there are still a lot of "processes" that he hasn't said. How did Shiyu come up with the "answer"?

Should it be said that he is a popular writer with amazing associations?

336. "I want to open a harem!!"

Seeing that Kasumi Hill had already come up with the "answer", Hoshimi no longer hesitated.

He raised his right hand, ready to conjure a photo of Xue Nai, but halfway through, he thought, why not just conjure a life-sized puppet?Aren't puppets more intuitive?

As soon as he thought about it, Xingjian snapped his fingers, and Yukino's life-sized doll slowly appeared in the cockpit from virtual to real.

"She is the first girl to appear in front of my eyes." Hoshimi pointed to the puppet Yukino, and continued to introduce: "Her name is Yukinoshita Yukino, she is in the same class as me, and is also my neighbor."

"..." Kasumi Hill looked indifferently at the lifelike doll.

I have to say that Xingjian's vision is still as good as before, and the Miss Yukinoshita in front of her really makes her feel a great danger.

Her skin was creamy, her eyebrows were as distant as mountains, and her lips were slightly crimson, but judging from her appearance, she couldn't find any advantage over her, at best she was a tie.

Secondly, the shape of the legs is also very perfect. The straight legs are close together, and it seems that even light cannot pass through the gap. There is also the absolute field between the knee socks and the corner of the skirt. At first glance, people can't help but Live with imagination.

Looking up, the waist that can't be grasped is just the type that males like, and the butt seems to be quite upturned.


Xia Zhiqiu's gaze stayed on Yukino Kazuma Hirakawa's chest for two or three seconds, then he sneered, and turned his head to look out the window with great disdain.

That's it? !She is in the same class as Xingjian, that is, one year younger than her, and it is such a pity that her breasts are so developed. I really don’t know why Xingjian wants this tablet, to warm his hands?

"Xingjian, is she the young lady who had a tryst with you last night?" Xia Zhiqiu stared at Xingjian from the corner of his eyes.

"No, she is the second young lady of the family, and the one I have a tryst with is the eldest young lady." Xingjian was still smiling, as if he didn't feel any danger at all.

Xia Zhiqiu's expression became colder, she turned her head and stared at Hoshimi motionlessly, "Isn't she? Who is that?"

"It's her~" Xingjian raised his hand, and turned into a puppet of Qinzi.

The moment the puppet appeared, Kasumigaoka glanced sharply at the past.

With a height of 1.5 meters, a cute face with a little baby fat, and a white dress, she interprets the word "loli" from beginning to end.

Also, how is this a tablet again? !

Is it...

Xia Zhiqiu looked at Xingjian, and asked with a sullen face: "Xingjian, do you like flat chest?"

"Huh?" Xingjian tilted his head slightly, "How is it possible? Shiyu, don't you have big breasts?"

"..." Xia Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment before she realized it. She was overjoyed unconsciously, and then quickly lowered her face, continuing to maintain the posture she should have at this time.

"What's her name?" Xia Zhiqiu asked with a serious face.

Hoshimi: "Iwanaga Kotoko, she is the "Monster Princess" and "God of Wisdom" I mentioned, the real one, who can command monsters to help her."

"..." Kasumi Hill was very curious about what Hoshimi meant by "Princess Monster" and "God of Wisdom".

But right now there is a more serious question. She glanced at Yan Yongqinzi's doll, and asked with a serious expression: "Xing Jian, how old is she?"

"15, right? It should be almost 16, a little more than a year younger than me, she goes to school with me, she is my junior."

School girl?

Xiazhiqiu Liu frowned slightly, seeing that Xing was a sophomore in high school, his descendants could only be freshmen in high school.

This little guy turned out to be Gao Sheng?At first glance, she thought it was a sixth grade student, and she thought that Xing Xing was about to make a serious mistake when she saw this bastard.

Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, it's all right.

Xia Zhiqiu changed his mind and asked about something he was interested in, "Hoshimi, what does the monster princess, the god of wisdom mean?"

Xing Jian thought for a while, and explained as concisely as possible: "It is equivalent to the arbiter of monsters, responsible for dealing with the confusion between monsters and monsters, and between monsters and humans, and at the same time maintaining the balance between humans and monsters."

"Also, as the price of becoming the God of Wisdom..." Xingjian got up and walked to the side of the Qinzi puppet, and took off her right eye, "Qinzi lost her right eye and left calf."

"..." Xia Zhiqiu was stunned, she stared blankly at the dark hole in Qinzi's right eye.

Did such a lovely girl lose her right eye and left leg?

"Shiyu, is there anything else you want to know?" Xingjian put Qinzi's eyes back on and sat down, looking at Xiazhiqiu with a smile.

Xia Zhiqiu restrained his thoughts, bit his lower lip, and asked in a slightly low voice: "Besides them, is there anyone else?"

"No, it's just the three of you." Xingjian thought of Qingshan Qihai, but he didn't say it out, after all, he hadn't written his horoscope yet, and it wouldn't be too late to talk about it when things were done in the future.

"Is it just the three of us?" Xia Zhiqiu looked at the two girl dolls, then at Xing Jian, and asked with a fluctuating expression: "Xing Jian, what exactly do you want to do?"

"I want to open the harem." Xing Jian replied confidently.

"Huh?!" Xia Zhiqiu thought she had heard wrong, and she asked in a more emphatic tone: "Xing Jian, what did you say?!"

Xing Jian didn't blush and didn't breathe, and said sonorously: "I want to open the harem!"

"!!!" Xia Zhiqiu gritted his teeth tightly, and said word by word: "Xing↗见↘Qing↗chuan↘say it again!"

"Cough~cough~" Xing Jian cleared his throat, and said with a straight voice: "I want to open a harem!"

"!!!" Xiazhiqiu laughed back in anger, she rushed to Xingjian, grabbed his collar, and said with a fierce look: "Xingjian Qingchuan! Do you know what you are talking about?!"

"I know." Hoshimi looked at Xia Zhiqiu calmly, without any guilt at all.

"You! Have you told them?!" Kasumi Hill's temples were showing veins, and his wine-red eyes were completely boiling.

"Not yet, Shi Yu, you are the first to know about this." Xia Zhiqiu was stunned, and the burning anger suddenly subsided.

She let go of Xingjian, took two steps back and sat back in her original position, staring at Xingjian with an unsteady expression.

Since the reunion with Xingjian, Xingjian has always been very gentle, making her almost forget how bad this bastard's nature really is.

To be honest, Xing Jian said that she would open a harem with confidence. In fact, she was not surprised, but felt that it was reasonable. It really seemed like something this playful bastard could do.

But being able to guess it does not mean that you can understand it, nor does it mean that you can accept it.

No normal person wants to share their partner with anyone else!This is the same for both men and women!

"Xingjian, tell me, why you are the first to tell me about this." Xia Zhiqiu stared at Xingjian, paying attention to any slight changes in his expression.

"..." Xingjian blinked.

The reason is very simple, because it is almost impossible to keep the secret. With the existence of that girl Qinzi, it is almost impossible for him to have a secret.

If you continue to hide it, maybe Qinzi will give a big "surprise".

That being the case, it would be better to turn passivity into initiative, and he would take the lead in having an open and honest talk with everyone one by one, test out everyone's attitude, and then decide what to do.

As for why you have to confess to Kasumigaoka first...

It's very simple and very insidious, Xia Zhiqiu can't leave him.

It means literally unable to leave him, because of that experiment, Kasumi Hills obsession with him is very heavy, coupled with the experience of losing and regaining, he can be sure that if there is no earth-shattering event, Kasumi Hills will never let go first!

"Shi Yu..." Xing Jian leaned forward and said word by word: "Because I know you will not leave me, so I will be the first to confess to you."

Xia Zhiqiu gritted his silver teeth tightly, his heart filled with joy and anger.

The joy is that Xing sees this bastard is still a bit of a snack, knowing how deep her heart is.

What makes Xing angry is seeing that this bastard is "arrogant because of her favor" and doing whatever she wants by relying on her favor.

wrong!and many more!

Xia Zhiqiu suddenly had a question, and she glanced at the two girl dolls on the left and right.

If what Xingjian said is true, doesn't it mean that Xingjian knows that her heart is the deepest, and at the same time has a certain skeptical attitude towards the other two?

Did you dare not tell them first because you were afraid that they would let you go?

Thinking of this, Xia Zhiqiu was overjoyed, she had a solution!Since Xingjian doubts their intentions, she will attack this weakness!

At the same time, we must continue to express our intentions to Xingjian, and act indifferently without jealousy, so that Xingjian can see the gap between the three of them.

I am most afraid of comparison in everything. If you compare goods, you will throw them away, and if you compare people, you will die!As long as she performs well, these two vixens will have to "die"! !


Thinking about it, Kasumi Hill, who thought he had the chance to win, laughed unconsciously.

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