"Ok, I see!"

The two who understood the seriousness of the matter speeded up again silently.


At the same time, Xingjian, who has been racing all the way, has already returned to the city of Chiba with Qinzi.

He slowed down and asked, "Qinzi, where are we going next? To your house? Or my house? Or... a hotel?"

"My parents are not here, just go to my house." In the helmet, Qinzi's pretty face blushed uncontrollably.

Her parents had gone on a luxury cruise and would never come back for a month or two.

At this point in time, the luxury cruise ship her parents are on should have departed from Tokyo Port, and for a long time to come, her family will only have her and the maid who takes care of her...

It was only fitting that she wanted to do something during this time...

"Okay, then go to Qinzi's house." Xing Jian, who had already guessed in his heart, breathed slightly heavier.

321、『Waterproof makeup is better...』

Soon after, Xingjian arrived at the gate of Qinzi's manor.

He stopped the motorcycle, lifted his helmet, and looked at Qinzi's manor through the iron fence.

There is no doubt that Qinzi's house is a typical manor-style villa, with a large garden area, and an artificial lake can be vaguely seen.

However, since it was night and the sky was too dark, he couldn't see the whole picture of Qinzi's Manor clearly, so he could only have a rough glimpse of the beautiful scenery in the manor with the help of scattered street lights in the manor.


The gate of the manor opened automatically, and a tall maid walked to the door from the dark side, bent down and said respectfully: "Miss, welcome home."

"En." Qinzi responded indifferently.

Then, she squeezed Xing Jian's waist and urged: "Xing Jian, let's go, ride directly to the gate of the villa."

"Okay." Xingjian put on the helmet, gently twisted the accelerator, and walked along the road at a moderate speed to the brightly lit luxury villa located in the C position of the manor.

After a while, Xingjian and Qinzi arrived at the small square in front of the villa.

The maids who had already been waiting this time lined up in two rows. When Xingjian just stopped the car, they all bowed and said in a crisp voice: "Miss, welcome home."

"En." Qinzi jumped off the motorcycle, took off the helmet, and casually threw it to the maid beside her.

Xingjian on the side took a picture of the gourd painting, took off the helmet and handed it to the maid who had already come up.

"Xingjian, let's go directly to my room." Saying that, Qinzi dragged Xingjian's neighbor to the villa.

Xingjian didn't say much, and followed the strength of Qinzi all the way to her bedroom on the west side of the second floor.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, Xingjian looked around with great interest.

Compared with the resplendent and luxurious style of the villa, Qinzi's bedroom is much warmer. The whole color is more light-colored. The bed in the house is also a princess bed full of girlish temperament. Its size is probably not enough for five or six people to sleep on it together. Not crowded.

Looking at the autumn orange curtain on the princess bed, Xingjian looked at Qinzi and asked curiously: "Qinzi, do you usually lower the curtain when you sleep?"

"What are you talking about?" Qin Zi, who had already sat in front of the dressing table, looked back at the curtain and said, "I don't seem to have lowered it before. Does it have any effect?"

Saying that, Qinzi turned her head to the mirror to remove her make-up, but she continued to observe Xingjian's reaction through the mirror if there was nothing in her eyes.

"Heh~" Xing Jian smiled, and walked to the bed to study how to lower the curtain.

If the autumn orange curtain like a veil is lowered, it should only be a hazy shadow when viewed from the outside, right?

No, there should be two tonight.

Thinking like this, Xing saw that his blood was a little surging, he glanced at Qin Zi who was still removing makeup, thought for a while, and simply sat down beside the bed.

"So soft..."

This was Xing Jian's first feeling when he sat down.

Compared with his own bed, Qinzi's bed was a bit too soft. He reckoned that there should be a feeling of sinking in when sleeping on the bed.

"Such a soft bed, isn't it a little inconvenient..." Xing Jian rubbed his chin and said to himself.

"En? What's the inconvenience?" Qinzi, who had been paying attention to Xingjian from the beginning to the end, looked in the mirror and asked with reddish ears.

"It's nothing." Xingjian changed the topic, and asked with a smile: "Qinzi, what are you rushing to remove your makeup?"

"..." Qinzi pursed her lips, and said with evasive eyes: "This makeup is not waterproof...It's better to take it off early..."

"Really? Non-waterproof makeup is really not good." Xingjian looked at Qinzi's small face in the mirror, and his smile gradually deepened.

"Xingjian..." Through the mirror, Qinzi and Xingjian met their eyes.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the water vapor in Qin Zi's demonic purple pupils, Xing Jian's blood surged even more violently.

"What kind of makeup do you like, do you need me to put on waterproof makeup?" Qinzi raised her brows, her boldness concealed a bit of the shyness of a little girl.

"It's fine without makeup, I'm still the original."

"Really? Then Xingjian wait for a while, I'll be fine soon, by the way..." Qinzi suddenly remembered something, she looked back at Xingjian, and said with a smile: "Xing Jian, the practice method is in the closet, you can take it out now and have a look."

Xing Jian looked sideways at the closet and asked, "What number is it?"

"Second from the left."

"Well, I see, I'll get it later." Although Xing Jian wanted to take a look at the cultivation method now, but at the moment his blood was surging, it was really inconvenient for him to move around.

"En? Why did you go later? I don't look forward to seeing you..." Halfway through the speech, Qinzi suddenly came to his senses.

She looked at Xing Jian in the mirror, and teased, "Xing Jian, you are so cute~ Is this the first time entering a girl's boudoir in reality?"

Xing Jian smiled and said nothing, he goes to Xue Nai's boudoir every day, but can this be said?Doesn't it spoil the atmosphere by saying it?

"Hee hee~Xingjian, you are so cute~" Seeing that Xingjian didn't speak, Qinzi laughed more wantonly.

While cleaning her eyeliner, she said with a smile: "Xing Jian, wait a minute, I'll be done soon, and I'll fetch it for you to see."

"Well, yes." Xing Jian, who was inconvenient to move, rested his chin and looked at Qin Zi's figure.

Qinzi is really petite, with a height of 1.5 meters and slender limbs. He is light when hugged in his arms. With his lack of physical strength, he can hold her for half an hour at a time.

In addition, Qinzi's skin is very tender, even better than Yukino's skin that can be broken by blowing and blowing, and it feels excellent no matter it is pinched or touched.

"Xing Jian..." Qin Zi whispered with strange eyes, his back was hot from being pierced by Xing Jian's hot eyes.

"Huh?" Xingjian raised his legs, leaned on his chin and looked at Qinzi in the mirror.

"Are you imagining my naked body?" Qinzi asked bluntly.

"Guess?" Xingjian responded with a smile.

"Huh~huh~ There are nine out of ten things, what is there to guess." Qinzi continued to remove her makeup.

Xingjian didn't speak, and continued to stare at Qinzi's petite back.

After a while, Qinzi, who couldn't bear the loneliness, spoke again.

"See you, am I white?"

"Well, it's okay for Sai Xue with fair skin."

"How does that compare to Yukinoshita?"

"This..." Xingjian paused for a while, then smiled and said, "Qinzi, you are whiter."

"Humph~" Qinzi snorted softly, pouted and said, "Don't lie, I want to listen to the truth."

"I see..." Xing Jian blinked, "Each has its own merits, I like them all."

Qinzi paused, stared at Xingjian in the mirror, and said word by word: "Sure enough! Xingjian, you and Xueshita have reached that step!"

"..." Xingjian's eyelids twitched, and he didn't answer.

Next, there's going to be a problem.

322. "Hoshimi, where have you and Yukinoshita been?"

"Xing Jian, tell me, where are reality and dreams?"

"..." Xingjian didn't speak.

"Xingjian, just tell the truth, I will decide whether I will be angry or not based on your answer."

Xing Jian thought about it, and decided to tell the truth, anyway, stretching the head is a knife, shrinking the head is also a knife, it is better to be honest.

Judging from his ultimate goal, the current situation is just a small scene...

"It's almost home plate..." Hoshimi, who answered truthfully, subconsciously shifted his gaze elsewhere.

When he said this, Xing Jian couldn't help but see Yukino's white body as bright as the moon, and unconsciously compared it with Qin Zi's slender and petite body.

In the end, he came to a conclusion that each had its own merits, and he wanted them all!

"Really?" Qin Zi's hanging heart fell.

Fortunately, it's not too late, Xingjian still has what she wants...


Just at this time, Qinzi finally finished removing her makeup, and she returned all the small objects on the dressing table to their original places.

Then, she got up and went to the wardrobe and took out a black suitcase from it.

She took the suitcase and came to sit next to Hoshimi.

"Xingjian, do you know what's inside?" Qinzi asked with a smile on her face.

"I know, it's a cultivation method." Xing Jian's eyes fell on the suitcase.

Is it finally here?The door to the mysterious world is in this chest.

"Then what should you do?" Qinzi moved to Xingjian's side, raised her head slightly to face Xingjian.

The star met, put his arms around Qinzi's waist and kissed her.

Familiar taste, familiar touch and...familiar technique...

After a long time, Xingjian, who felt similar, let go of the piano.

"Huh~huh~" Panting heavily, Qin Zi, whose chest was rising and falling, said intermittently: "It's not enough, it's not enough. Cultivation methods are very precious things, and this kind of reward is not enough."

Xing Jian flexed his fingers and tapped Qinzi's forehead lightly, "Don't be too greedy, this is reality, not a dream, you will get dizzy after a long time."

"Well~" Qinzi puffed out her mouth in dissatisfaction.

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