He looked around and could not tell anything except that he could recognize the brand of the motorcycle as Suzuki.

Recognizing brands is the instinct of people in the previous life, but other things are not listed here.

"Shall we go by motorcycle?" Xingjian asked with interest.

"Yes~" Qinzi squeezed Xingjian's hand, "Xingjian, can you drive?"

"Yes, yes, but the technology is so-so."

In his previous life, until he met the boss's daughter, he could only ride a bicycle. Although he took the time to take the driver's license test, he never touched a car, saying that he would not be completely fine.

As for the seemingly dangerous means of transportation like motorcycles, he has never considered it due to his hectic life and busy schedule.

After meeting the boss's daughter, she was forcibly forced to learn to ride a motorcycle and drive a car...

He no longer wanted to recall the learning process, that woman who did whatever she wanted was no different from him now, expecting her to teach people well was harder than letting the sky open his eyes.

"It's fine if you know how to do it. It doesn't matter if you have skills. Anyway, it's a flat road." Qinzi stepped forward and took off the motorcycle helmet hanging on the handlebars on both sides.

"Xingjian, let's go now, I will show you the way." Saying that, Qinzi threw one of the helmets to Xingjian.

Xingjian took over the motorcycle helmet and raised his brows slightly.

The helmet is quite heavy, it seems that the price should not be low.

"Xingjian, hurry up, don't stand still~" Qinzi urged.

"Here we come." Xing Jian smiled, put on his motorcycle helmet, and prepared to try the "fun" of driving for a long time.

Well, it’s really fun now, but it was fun in the previous life...

When he got on the motorcycle, Xingjian suddenly remembered something, he didn't seem to have a motorcycle driver's license.

Japan's motorcycle driver's license can be taken at the age of 16, but he has not passed the test...

Xingjian thought about it, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, there are friends of his father in the local police system in Chiba. Even if he was caught, it was only a matter of a phone call.

Thinking of this, Xingjian once again thanked his cheap father in his heart, this "inheritance" is really useful.

On the anniversary of death next year, we must show our filial piety.

"See you~Let's go!"

"Okay! Where are you going?"

"Go straight and turn right."

"Dele, let's go."


Five or ten minutes later, Hoshimi and Kotoko arrived at their destination.

Because it was the first time in his life to ride a motorcycle, Xingjian rode very steadily. The original 10-minute journey took an extra 10 minutes to arrive.

By the time they reached the gate of the abandoned sanatorium, it was already dusk.

The blood-colored deep afterglow of the setting sun reflected the abandoned sanatorium at the foot of the mountain extremely terrifyingly.

"..." Looking at the somewhat gloomy building of the abandoned sanatorium, Hoshimi's hairs stood up unconsciously.

He frowned, feeling a little chilly all over.

"Do you feel a little cold?" Qinzi who was standing beside Xingjian asked with a smile.

"It's a little..." Xingjian replied truthfully.

"It's right to be cold." Xingjian held Xingjian's hand and explained: "The yin energy here is very heavy, and when encountering a demon, the yin energy will increase again, and it has reached the level where ordinary people's bodies will automatically warn , Xingjian, you feel cold, it is your body reminding you not to enter this place."

"Yin Qi?" Xingjian asked suspiciously: "Qinzi, didn't you say that the spiritual energy in modern society is declining? Why is there still Yin Qi?"

Qinzi shook his head, "Reiki is different from Yin Qi. Reiki is the most basic mysterious energy, while Yin Qi is the aura overflowed by ghosts and ghosts. Except for some special places, Yin Qi is basically overflowed by ghosts. from."

"Oh~ By the way, Xingjian, do you want to try your dream ability? I'm curious if Xingjian can pull ghosts into dreams."

315. "Turn me into a woman"

"Is it a dream?" Xingjian looked around and asked, "Qinzi, are you going to try it here?"

"No." Qinzi shook her head, and led Xingjian to the interior of the nursing home, "Let's go in, find a hidden place and test Xingjian's ability on you."

Looking at the gloomy main building of the nursing home under the setting sun, Xing Jian's brows raised unconsciously, "Qinzi, are we going in like this unprepared? Isn't there any danger?"

"No." Qinzi clasped Xingjian's arm and explained calmly: "The fierce spirit inside is not very strong, and he will take the initiative to attack ordinary people, but for us, I'm afraid he won't even dare to approach. Go in, He will probably avoid us."

"Really?" Xing Jian, who knew nothing about the mystery, chose to believe Qin Zi.

He looked at the main building of the nursing home that was getting closer, and somehow had the illusion that he was stepping into the tiger's mouth.

His eyes moved slightly, and he squeezed Qinzi's tender little hand, "Qinzi, what is the "Guardian Spirit" beside you? I'm curious, can you let me meet?"

"Guardian spirit?" Qinzi blinked cutely, "Xingjian, you mean the skeleton, he is right behind us now~"

"Behind him?" Xing Jian turned his head and glanced behind him, it was empty without any clues.

"Qinzi? Where is it?" Xingjian looked at Qinzi suspiciously.

Qinzi's eyebrows and eyes turned into crescent moons, and said with a smile: "See you, star, look back."

Xingjian looked back suspiciously.

In an instant, his pupils constricted, and the hand holding Qinzi unconsciously increased its strength.

Looking back at the first glance, he didn't see the whole picture of the "Desolate Skeleton" clearly, but only saw a pale bone pillar like a tree stump, and an ominous purple... breath lingering on the bone pillar.

Then, he raised his head and looked upwards, barely able to see the whole picture of the "Desolate Skeleton".

It was a huge human-shaped skeleton nearly three stories high, its bones were as pale as jade, and there was an ominous purple...aura lingering all over its body.

The huge human-shaped skeleton followed closely behind him and Qinzi, and the first "pale bone column" he saw when he turned his head was the opponent's calf bone.

He roughly estimated that the huge humanoid skeleton's calf bones were almost two meters high, two or three heads taller than his entire body.

"Qinzi..." Xingjian turned back, looked at Qinzi's delicate face, and praised with a stiff smile, "Your guardian spirit should be very strong."

Although he had been psychologically prepared, when facing a huge mysterious creature, the human instinct of fear still came out involuntarily.

Especially the chilling purple aura on the "Desolate Skeleton" made all the hairs on his body stand up subconsciously.

The survival instinct originating from the depths of his heart seemed to be screaming "Leave" in his heart all the time.

If he hadn't trusted Qinzi, he would have wanted to avoid the disturbing "Desolate Skeleton" behind him now.

"Guardian spirit?" Qinzi held Xingjian's hand instead, and said with a smile: "You can say it's a guardian spirit, but it's not accurate. The wild skeleton should actually belong to a monster, not a "spirit".

"Xingjian, do you know how the wild skeleton was born?"

Starfire shook his head stiffly.

Qinzi continued with a smile: "The desolate skeleton is a person who was killed on the battlefield. Because the bones were not buried, the resentment of the soul turned into a huge skeleton."

"Because the wild skeleton was born from resentment, he was classified as a monster from the beginning, not some kind of 'spirit'."

"The desolate skeletons that were born in the first place don't actually have entities, and due to the nature of "ghost resentment", they can only appear at night at first."

"Only through continuous self-strengthening can the desolate skeleton grow up to be able to move freely in daylight."

"And this way of strengthening oneself..."

Qinzi paused, leaned closer to Xingjian, and said in a gloomy voice: "It's a man-eating one~ Huangkuu is a monster that grows up by eating people~"

"..." Xingjian, who was a little stiff all over, tried his best to maintain an awkward but polite smile.

He knew very well that the girl Qinzi was trying to scare him, but the huge pressure of the "Desolate Skull" behind him really made his body stiff and uncomfortable.

"My lord princess, I have never eaten a human being."

At this moment, a dull voice came into the minds of Xingjian and Qinzi.

"Hmm~" Qinzi pursed her mouth, turned her head and squinted at the skeleton with a little dissatisfaction, "I know you have never eaten people, but am I scaring Xingjian? What are you doing when you expose me?"

"Oh~ I see." Huangkulou looked down at Xingjian, and said calmly through voice transmission: "My lord princess is right, I have eaten people, and I have eaten many people."

"..." Xingjian's eyes twitched, and regardless of Qinzi's guardian spirit was behind him, he stopped directly, bent down and rubbed Qinzi's tender little face vigorously.

"Qinzi~~ Do you know how much I believe in you? You actually lied to me~"

"Hey~" The grinning Qinzi tilted her head to show her cuteness.

She just wanted to scare Xingjian, to see what kind of reaction Xingjian would have.

Who made Xingjian always look calm and confident with Zhizhu in his hands, and always "bully" her. Is it a problem for her to take a small revenge?

But to be honest, Xingjian's reaction was somewhat beyond her expectations.

She thought that Xingjian's reaction would be more intense, but she didn't expect it to be just a stiff body?

You must know that the wild skull is a monster born from the "ghost resentment", and it is born with a strong "fear". When ordinary people see the "desperate skull", they will be frightened and scream, and even faint. usual thing.

This kind of fear has nothing to do with courage. It can be explained in an easy-to-understand way, that is, the "Desolate Skeleton" is born with a fear aura. Anyone who sees him will be given a layer of fear buff. To resist this buff, what is needed is not courage, but the ability to resist "mystery".

A reaction as small as Xingjian's is enough to prove his strong resistance to mystery.

"Okay~ okay~ Xingjian don't pinch~ My face hurts~" Qinzi, whose face was flushed from being pinched, patted Xingjian's hand a little harder.

"Tch~" Xing Jian curled his lips, and let go of his hands without saying a word.

For the sake of Qinzi's "Guardian Spirit", he will let Qinzi go now, and at night, he will settle accounts with Qinzi.

The little girl has reached the stage of rebellion, and it is time for her to be educated, so that only a filial daughter can be born under the stick.

"Xingjian~Xingjian~ Do you know how Huangkulou became stronger?" Qinzi asked Xingjian with a smile.

Xing Jian squinted at Qin Zi, and said calmly, "How did you become stronger?"

"Of course it's cultivation~" Qinzi blinked mysteriously, "Xingjian, I have prepared a cultivation method for you~ Do you want it?"

Xingjian raised his brows slightly, looked suspiciously at Qinzi, "Qinzi, what are you going to do again? Do you still want to scare me?"

316. "The "cute" nurse..."

"Huh~" Qinzi wrinkled her nose, and poked Xingjian's side twice in dissatisfaction, "Xingjian, what I said is true, I have prepared the cultivation method, do you want it?"

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"Of course I want it, but..." Xingjian smiled and put his hand on Qinzi's head, "Qinzi, what do you want me to do to give me the cultivation method?"

Qinzi tilted her head and said with a smile: "Turn me into a woman of real value, and I will give you the cultivation method."

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