"Thin!leak!through! 』——Star See

"......In that case, why didn't you drag me into the dreamland?In that case, you can do whatever you want~ο(=・ω<=)ρ⌒☆』——Kasumi no Oka

Starlight blinked.

That's right, why don't you just pull Shiyu into a dream?Anyway, he has the trick of freezing the time and space of dreams, so he can take care of Yukino and Shiyu at the same time.

Just pay attention and don't show any flaws.

Thinking of this, Xingjian didn't say a word, didn't put down the phone, and directly dragged Xia Zhiqiu into the dreamland.


Time moves forward a little.

In Yangnai's apartment, Yangnai, who was watching the live broadcast, roared with a distorted expression: "Xing ↗ Jian ↘ Qing ↗ Chuan ↘, you are so courageous!!! How dare you let my sister do such a thing!!"

Yang Nai, whose heart was bleeding, clenched his fists, wishing to punch through the computer screen.

Damn bastard thing!You don't have any sense of shame yourself!Even brought my sister with shameless!

If she doesn't avenge her revenge, her surname will not be Yukinoshita!

and also!If she doesn't act as soon as possible, she will really become a great aunt! !

Xing ↗ Jian ↘ Qing ↗ Chuan ↘, your good luck slipped away last time!This time it will not be so easy!

You wash me up and wait! !


On the 99th floor of the deep dream, before going to accompany Qinzi, Xingjian took a minute to come here.

"Doctor, answer me a question." Hoshimi appeared directly behind the "Doctor".

"Wait a minute, two seconds will be enough." After the doctor who was doing the experiment put the test tube in his hand away, he turned to look at Xingjian with a tired expression, "Master, please tell me."

"I want to ask, will ordinary people have any impact on entering the deep dream?" Xingjian asked his question straight to the point.

"Ordinary people..." the doctor scratched his head, and replied weakly: "Ordinary people cannot enter the deep dream, and the time acceleration of the deep dream is equivalent to the acceleration of thinking for ordinary people."

"Ordinary people's bodies are too weak, and their souls are not strong enough. It is difficult to bear the consequences of accelerated thinking. Even at double speed, it is not a small burden for ordinary people."

"According to my calculations..." The doctor took out a tablet from his white coat, pulled out a set of data, and continued: "The average limit for ordinary people to enter double speed is 22546.8 seconds, or 6.263 hours."

"The average limit of triple-speed dreams is 11273.4 seconds, or 3.1315 hours, which is half of the time of double-speed dreams. The average limit of the subsequent quadruple-speed dreams is half of triple-speed, and the following dreams follow this rule until the 99th floor of dreams."

"After that, I don't have the data to make a judgment."

"The average limit figure I calculated will fluctuate accordingly according to the individual differences of each person, but basically the difference is not big."

"In addition, after reaching the limit time, if you continue to stay in the double-speed dreamland, your body, soul, and even your thinking will gradually be irreversibly damaged."

The doctor put away the tablet, and said in a weak voice: "Master, you are the master of the dream, and everything in the dream will not have a negative impact on you, but if you want to bring people into the deep dream, please think twice."

"The data I calculated is just a reference. I can't say for sure what the actual situation is."

"After all, the deep dream is to some extent the master of your subconscious mind. If an outsider enters your subconscious mind, there is no guarantee that other unknown situations will happen."

"According to my calculation..." The doctor scratched his head, seeming to be a little distressed, "If outsiders enter the deep dream, maybe the subconscious master will order me to wait for the guards to eliminate them. After all, they are absolutely worthless to the subconscious master. An undeductible 'intruder'."

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Xingjian frowned insignificantly.

Does it really matter?Fortunately, Xue Nai and the others were not brought in easily, otherwise it would be troublesome.

But "purge"?

Just as he was thinking, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in Xing Jian's mind, and a message flashed out from that corner.

With a sweep of his mind, the brows raised unconsciously.

『The eradication is aimed at intruders. If I treat them as my property from the bottom of my heart and let go of all my guard against them, then the eradication level will not be activated, right? 』

Although the message ended with a question sentence, he was inexplicably sure that this was the correct answer.

"Is it a reminder from the subconscious?" Xing Jian murmured in his heart.

Should I be surprised?Actually not.

In fact, people often receive subconscious reminders, such as the so-called blessing to the soul, which is actually a subconscious reminder.

In addition, there are unconsciously staying away from the water, suddenly not daring to do something, and suddenly fantasizing about disaster scenes. These are actually subconscious functions.

Therefore, Xing Jian was not surprised when he received the subconscious reminder.

He was just in a slightly delicate mood. Did he pay enough attention to Xue Nao and Qin Zi to the extent that he could arouse subconscious reminders?

Slightly unexpected...

He originally thought that he should be more hard-hearted, less heartless...

"Thank you, doctor." Xingjian didn't think about it any more, and after saying thank you to the doctor, he was about to leave.

As soon as he took a step, Xing Jian suddenly remembered something again. He turned around and walked in front of the doctor, raised her chin, and looked at this beauty who was a scholar of the detachment department.

It has to be said that the droopy Dr. looks attractive.

Her hair was unkempt like a waterfall, expressing her messy beauty to her heart's content, and her dull red eyes always seemed to be luring others to bully her forcefully.

Coupled with the graceful curves that cannot be concealed by white coats, the dark desire in people's hearts has almost risen to the extreme.

"It's a pity..." After leaving a sentence of regret, Xingjian disappeared into the laboratory without a sound.

"..." The remaining doctor scratched his face unnaturally.

Just now, did the lord have a desire for her?

This is really... an honor...

But that kind of thing will delay the progress of the experiment, right?just forget it......

No, not necessarily, when the artificial intelligence coordinates and calculates the data, she still has some free time...

"..." The doctor thought for a while, untied his white coat, and prepared to replace some internal parts of his body.

First of all, let's replace the hotbed that gave birth to life...

303. "Sea Breeze and Talk"

At noon the next day, the wind in Hui was smooth and the sky was bright and clear.

Behind the teaching building of Zongwu High School, Bi Qigu sat alone on the wide steps enjoying the sea breeze.

"You really are in this kind of place, it's easy for me to find."

Suddenly, a familiar voice floated into Hikigu's ears from the side.

He followed the sound, just in time to see Xing Jian walking towards him and sitting down beside him.

"..." As soon as Xingjian sat down, Bi Qigu subconsciously moved aside, as if making room for Xingjian.

But the fact is not the case, Hikigu subconsciously backed away because he smelled the strong aura from Xingjian's body.

By the time he reacted, the matter was a foregone conclusion, so he had no choice but to follow his subconscious reaction and complete the movement of moving as naturally as possible.

"No~ it's for you."

Bi Qigu, who had moved his seat, just sat down firmly, when Xingjian threw a bottle of drink at him, and he caught it in a hurry.

Max coffee, his favorite drink...

At first, he was a little surprised how Xing Jian knew what drink he liked, but after thinking about it for a while, he figured it out quite naturally.

With Xingjian's level of awareness and observation skills, it is not difficult to find out what kind of drink he likes.

In addition, this can of Max coffee is slightly hot in the hand. According to his experience, the time to buy this can of coffee should not exceed 10 minutes.

Therefore, what Xing Jian said earlier, "it will be easy for me to find" should be false...

"This place is not bad. The sea breeze makes me feel comfortable, but my eyesight is limited and I can't see the scenery in the distance."

Hearing Xingjian's evaluation, after hesitating for a second or two, Hikigu replied vaguely: "Yes...that's true..."

Sobu High is close to Tokyo Bay, and it takes only a few hundred meters to walk out of the school gate. In addition, the building layout of Sobu High is a word-shaped building, so sea breeze has never been a rare item in Sobu High.

As long as you don't deliberately hide in the leeward, you can more or less enjoy the feeling of the sea breeze.

And the location he chose belongs to a high-quality area that can enjoy more sea breeze. Of course, it is mainly because it is clean and no one will come here.

Otherwise, no matter how good the sea breeze can be enjoyed, it is impossible for him to stay here.

In addition, what Xingjian said was "restricted eyesight", it was because there was a green belt not far in front of them, and the dense bushes completely blocked people's vision from a distance.

"How is it, how does it feel to be alone?" Xingjian withdrew his gaze from a distance, and glanced at Biqigu beside him unintentionally.

"..." Hikigu looked at the max coffee in his hand, and said ominously, "It's okay..."

In fact, he knew why Xingjian came to him for something.

In the morning, when he saw Hoshimi handing over an umbrella and a paper bag to Yuigahama in the classroom of Class F of the 2nd grade, he guessed that Hoshimi might come to talk to him about something in the near future.

It's just that he didn't expect that Xingjian would come so soon.

How should I put it, is Hoshimi-kun worthy of the trust of Minister Yukinoshita?This efficiency is so fast that people are caught off guard.

"Biqigu, you're a smart man, so I won't play tricks on you. You should know why I came to you, right?"

Looking at Hikigu's expression, Hoshimi roughly guessed what he was thinking in his heart, so he directly opened the skylight to speak frankly.

"I probably know..." Bi Qigu looked down at the max coffee, and unconsciously began to rub the outer wall of the canned coffee.

"Okay, as long as you are clear, then I will say it directly." Xingjian squinted at Bi Qigu, and said unceremoniously: "Bi Qigu, do you still remember the car accident a year ago?"

"..." Bi Qigu glanced at Xingjian in surprise.

Although he knew that Hoshimi came for the conflict between him and Yubihama, but is it necessary to start from such an early place?

Also, did Yuigahama trust Hoshimi too much?Did you actually explain the problem to Xing Jian from the beginning to the end?

Bi Qigu's mind was full of mixed feelings, he looked away, looked at the canned coffee in his hand, and nodded silently.

"As long as you remember Biqigu." Seeing that Biqigu nodded, Xingjian continued: "Now, Biqigu, you know the identity of the dog owner, but do you know the identity of the car owner?"

"..." Bi Qigu paused, shaking his head silently.

Suddenly, he vaguely realized that Xing Jian's purpose for coming today might not be as simple as he thought.

"Hikigaya, let me tell you, that car belongs to Yukinoshita's family."

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