"Ding dong~~"

As soon as the doorbell rang, the door of Yubihama's house opened.

Yuigahama, who was wearing loose home clothes, stood at the door, looking across the courtyard at Hoshimi standing in the rain.

Seeing that Xingjian didn't have an umbrella, Yubihama hurriedly took the umbrella and rushed into the courtyard with small steps.


The iron gate opened, and Yubihama took two steps forward, walked to Xingjian's side, and brought him into the protection range of the umbrella.

While holding an umbrella for Hoshimi, Yuigahama did not forget to keep a relatively safe distance from Hoshimi.

"You...why didn't you open an umbrella?" Yuigahama asked with a complicated expression.

"I forgot to take it." Xingjian replied casually.

"..." Yubibin didn't ask any more questions, and silently led Xingjian through the courtyard and into the house.

"Here, slippers."

At the entrance, Yubihama handed the slippers that had been prepared to Hoshimi.

"Well, thank you." The wet Xingjian supported the wall to put on his slippers.

"Hoshimi-kun..." Seeing Hoshimi whose hair was dripping with water, Yubibin asked worriedly, "Do you want to dry your hair first?"

"I really want to dry my hair, but..." In the middle of speaking, Xingjian suddenly fell silent.

292. "Young Mother"

He turned his head slightly, passed Yubihama and greeted the woman hiding at the end of the entrance, who was [-]% similar to Yubihama, "Hello, I'm Hoshimi, please forgive me for visiting rashly."

"Eh?" Yubi Bin was taken aback, subconsciously followed Xing Jian's gaze and looked back.

When she saw her mother hiding at the end of the hallway with half of her body exposed, Yubi Binqiao blushed and ran over angrily, pushing her mother to the second floor.

"Mom! Didn't you agree?! Just stay in the bedroom for a while! Never come out!"

"Eh? But mom is also curious, and mom also wants to meet friends who know Yui~" Mrs. Yuigahama, who was being pushed away, puffed her cheeks and retorted girlishly.

"No! Absolutely not!"

This is Xiaoxue's boyfriend, not hers, how can I let my mother know it?

"Eh? How could it be like this~~" Mrs. Yubihama protested with a drawn-out voice.

"No way, no way! Absolutely no way!" Yubihama was uncharacteristically pushing her mother towards the stairs.

"Ala, ala~~ I didn't expect Xiao Yui to be rebellious~"

"It's not the rebellious period!" Yubihama standing by the stairs said half coquettishly, half angrily: "Mom, you should go back to your bedroom quickly, and I will explain clearly to you then."

"Hi~ hi~ then mom will go back to the room first, you and your friends have fun~" Mrs. Yubihama rubbed Yubihama's head twice, then turned and went up the stairs.

"By the way~" Mrs. Yubihama suddenly turned around when she reached the end of the stairs, "Xiao Yui, your friend is soaked all over, go let him take a hot bath to keep him warm."

"But what about changing clothes..." Yubihama hesitated.

At the beginning, when she saw Xingjian who was wet all over, she also had the idea of ​​letting Xingjian take a hot bath, but when she thought that she didn't change her clothes, she gave up this idea.

It's impossible for Xingjian to come into her room in a bathrobe and talk to her, right?That way, if Xiaoxue knew about it, she wouldn't be able to explain it clearly.

"It's not easy to change clothes. I'll get a set of your dad's clothes and let him wear them temporarily." Mrs. Yubibin tilted her head and looked at her silly daughter.

"If that's the case...that's fine..." Yuigahama agreed.

Indeed, it would be better for Xing Jian to take a hot bath, otherwise it would be bad for Xing Jian to catch a cold while wearing wet clothes.

"Then Yui, go entertain him first, I'll go find some clothes." Mrs. Yubihama smiled at Hoshimi standing silently in the living room.

This child is quite handsome, with white hair and red pupils, he is attractive just by looking at him.

The etiquette is quite complete, as soon as you enter the door, you know how to greet her, and you know not to interrupt other people's conversations, which is also quite good.


This kid is so handsome, can Xiao Jieyi keep it?

"..." In the living room, Hoshimi raised his head and smiled at Mrs. Yubihama's good-natured look.

"Eh? Hoshimi-kun, when did you come in?" Yubihama hurriedly ran to Xingjian's side and asked.

"That's when you pushed your aunt to the stairs." Hoshimi replied with a smile.

On the stairs, seeing her daughter and her friend starting to talk, Mrs. Bibin pursed her lips and smiled lightly and left.

"Hmm~" Yubihama's pretty face was covered with a ray of light.

At this moment, the unreasonable shame made her a little at a loss.

"Is that really your mother?" Seeing Mrs. Yubihama leave, Hoshimi bent down and asked in a low voice next to Yubihama's ear.

"En?" Feeling the hot air in his ear, Yubihama was confused, and unconsciously turned his head to avoid the hot air exhaled by Hoshimi.

Her eyes dodged, and she whispered with her fingers intertwined: "That's my mother, what's the problem?"

"No problem." Xingjian straightened his back, praised with a slight smile: "I just want to say, Lingtang is so young, at first glance I thought you were sisters."

"..." Yubihama was speechless.

Inexplicably, she didn't want to talk about her mother with Xing Jian.

"Hoshimi-kun, go take a shower, I'll bring you a change of clothes later." Yubihama changed the topic.

"Okay, where's the bathroom?"

"Here, Hoshimi-kun, come with me."

Yuigahama led Hoshimi into the bathroom, and pointed out to him the location of the body wash and shampoo.

Afterwards, Yuigahama left the bathroom space to Hoshimi for exclusive use, while she returned to the living room to wait.


In the living room, Yuigahama leaned back on the sofa and stared at the ceiling.

Why did it become like this?Why did Xing Jian suddenly take a bath at her house?

What should Xiaoxue do if she finds out about this?Will Xiaoxue believe her explanation?

And mother, seems to regard Xing Jian as her boyfriend?How can this be explained?


Questions came up one after another, but there was no answer, and Yuigahama, who was full of sorrow, couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Xiao Yui, why are you sighing?"

Hearing his mother's voice close to his ear, Yuigahama was shocked.

She sat up straight and looked to the right following the sound.

"Mom! Why are you here?"

At this time, her mother was sitting on her right side, with less than one person's space between them.

"Take off the clothes~" Mrs. Yubihama casually pointed to the men's clothes on the armrest of the sofa.

"..." Yubihama glanced at the clothes and was momentarily at a loss for words.

I really can't blame my mother for this, I can only blame her for being too preoccupied with thinking about things, so that she didn't realize that her mother "sneaked" to her side.

"Yui~Yui, tell mom, where have you grown?" Mrs. Yubihama moved to Yubibin's side and asked full of gossip.

"Mom!" Yubihama blushed instantly, half of them were ashamed and half were angry.

"Yui~ Tell mom about it, I will never tell others." The fire of gossip in Mrs. Yubihama's eyes was burning.

"Hmm~" Yubihama bit her lip, and said some truth helplessly: "Mom! Hoshimi-kun and I are just ordinary friends! He...he already has a girlfriend!"

"Oh~~" Mrs. Yubihama smiled and held Yubihama's arm, "So he has a girlfriend, so what do you think, Yui?"

"Ah?" Yubibin was a little confused, what did her mother mean by asking this?

"Xiao Yuyi, if you can let him come to our house, then there must be something tricky between you two, hurry up, tell your mother honestly, what do you think of him?"

"..." Yubihama's eyes twitched slightly.

What do you think?Can scum say it?Can Neptune speak?Can a bastard speak?

Obviously, neither can.

She and Xingjian are indeed a bit tricky, but the trickiness is not the ambiguity between men and women, but she discovered the secret that Xingjian was hiding!

In order not to let the secret out, Xingjian came to her house.

No matter how you look at it, you can't explain it to your mother.

293. "The Fragrance of the Boudoir"


In the living room, Yu Bibin let out a long and exhausted sigh.

After racking her brains for some explanations, her mother finally temporarily believed that she and Xingjian were just friends. At the same time, her mother finally returned to her bedroom, leaving space for her and Xingjian.


At this moment, the sound of running water in the bathroom that lasted for a long time suddenly disappeared.

Yubihama stayed there for two or three seconds before realizing that Hoshimi should have taken a shower, she hurriedly grabbed the clothes from the armrest of the sofa and ran into the bathroom.

The bathroom in her home is a very conventional dry and wet separation type. There is a glass door between the bathing area and the washing area. The glass door in my home is different from the hotel. The confidentiality is in place, and the light is transparent but opaque. Can't see it.

"Xingjian-kun, I put the change of clothes in the clothes basket, just come out and change."

"Okay, I know."

After putting away the change of clothes, Yuigahama turned around and left the bathroom without stopping any longer.

By the time Xingjian answered, she was already outside the bathroom door.

Friend's wife, don't be bullied!

The same is true in reverse.


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