It's already night...

Exhausted, full of wine and food, with two buffs on his body, the sleepiness spread like a tide unstoppable.

Xingjian's eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and everything in his vision is gradually blurring. The incandescent lights are mixed with the night outside the window, making Xingjian's thoughts gradually fall into chaos...


After an unknown amount of time, a burst of familiar footsteps sounded in Xingjian's ears.

He raised his eyelids slightly, and unconsciously began to analyze who was coming with the remaining clear consciousness.

"See you? Are you sleepy?"

As soon as the cold and soft voice came out, Xing Jian's remaining consciousness immediately responded.

It's Yukino who's here...

As soon as the answer came out, Xing Jian's remaining consciousness quickly awakened other compatriots who fell into chaos.

"Hmm~~" Xing Jian shook his head, subconsciously supported his body and sat up.

He leaned back on the sofa, raised his head, and looked at Xue Nai behind him with half-empty eyes.

267. "The Pot-Backed Man Reiko Arisugawa"

"Xue Nai~~" He whispered unconsciously, no matter how much he said, he didn't know what to say.

Xue Nai tilted her head and smiled lightly, covering the back of Xing Jian's neck with her cold hands that had just finished washing the dishes.

"Hiss~~" Xing Jian took a breath, and instantly woke up.

"Wake up~" Xue Nai, who was standing behind the sofa, bent down with a slight smile, and looked at the resentful Xing Jian from top to bottom.

"Xue Nai, you have become bad, you were not like this before." Xing Jian raised his hand and hooked Xue Nai's neck.

Xue Nai didn't resist, and bent down. Just when the faces of the two were separated by a finger, Xue Nai suddenly took out a popsicle and put it on Xing Jian's lips.

"Here~ Do you want some popsicles?"

"Hmm~" Xing Jian reached out to take the popsicle away, and said resentfully, "I'll eat the popsicle later, I want to eat it now..."

"Hehe~" Before Xing Jian could finish speaking, Xue Nai chuckled and broke free from his restraint lightly.

Then, Xue Nai walked around the sofa, sat down beside Xing Jian, and said with a faint smile: "Eat the popsicle first, then talk about it, don't think about it if you don't eat it."

"Oh ~ Xue Nai, you actually despise me!" Xingjian knew that Xue Nai was asking him to eat popsicles to eliminate the residual taste of spicy seafood porridge in his mouth.

"Hmph~" Xue Nai rolled her eyes and stared at each other, "Who told you to put on so much spicy food, who do you dislike if you don't dislike it?"

"Okay, I'll eat it." Xing Jian who took a bite of the popsicle said inarticulately: "Xue Nai, you have to eat it too, or it's not fair."

Saying that, Xing Jian handed the popsicle to Yukino's mouth.

Xue Nai thought about it, and there was no problem with this reasoning, so she bit off a bit from the place where Xing Jian had bitten.

By the way, this popsicle is rectangular, and she has thrown away the previous cylindrical mold, and she just bought this rectangular mold last week.

As for why the mold was changed, she didn't want to explain...

Not long after, Xingjian and Xue Nai finished eating the popsicles.

With a cold mouth, Xing Jian's thoughts of kissing also faded at this time, he kicked off his slippers, pillowed Xue Nai's leg, and lay down on his side on the sofa.

"Huh~~" Xingjian let out a long breath, and he also relaxed.

"Are you sleepy?" Yukino stroked Hoshimi's hair gently.

"Well... I'm exhausted, and I played tennis with that dead girl for a long time, I'm really tired..." Xing Jian closed his eyes, telling the lie he had already made up.

"Sister-in-law?" Xue Nai lowered her head, looking at Xing Jian's profile with some doubts.

Xingjian explained in an unhappy tone: "Aunt Youqichuan has a son and a daughter under her knees. The son is Zhengchen, who is a few years older than me, and the daughter is Lizi, who is one year younger than me. Auntie and her son are out-and-out sister-in-law. , because Lizi gave me a bracelet."

Xingjian raised his right hand and shook it, and the dragon scale pattern bracelet made some noises, showing his presence.

Then, Xingjian continued unhappily: "Because of this, that dead sister-in-law insisted on competing with me, and dragged me to play tennis for a long time, hum! If it wasn't for my aunt's sake, I really want to Show him what it's like to have his head shaved."

"Tsk~" Xingjian tutted lightly, and an unhappy expression appeared on his face, "It's a pity we can't do that, although that dead girl has a hole in her head, but no matter what, she is the future governor of the Qichuan family. It would be a little troublesome for the servant to lose his face, so he could only accompany that weak chicken to play half a day."

"It's really annoying!" It was just two simple words, but Xing Jian's resentment seemed to be overflowing.

After listening to Xingjian's explanation, Yukino gently stroked Xingjian's hair, "It's really hard work~"

Regarding Xingjian's choice and discomfort, Yukino has a deep understanding and can understand it at the same time.

Obviously capable of crushing the opponent, but unable to do so due to various factors, it is definitely not an interesting experience for Xingjian, who is focused on pursuing pleasure.

But there is a trivial question, she is a little curious...

"Xingjian..." Xue Nai lowered her head and looked at Xingjian's side face with a faint smile.

"Hmm, what's the matter?" Xing Jian, who was not blushing and heartbeating, was steadily playing the role of an Oscar winner. He restrained himself and turned to face Xue Nao with a peaceful expression.

"Why did your aunt's daughter give you a bracelet?" Xue Nai smiled and asked a small question in her heart.

Bracelets are not something that can be given casually between men and women.

She didn't know anything about gift-giving between men and women before, but after getting closer and closer to Xingjian, she unconsciously began to pay attention to this aspect.

Among them, she remembers the meaning of the bracelet very clearly. Girls give boys bracelets, which means "locking the heart", which is a more subtle confession.

In this way, it seems a little strange that Ms. Arisukawa Reiko gave Hoshimi bracelet...

"...That..." Xingjian scratched his head, and said awkwardly: "Xue Nao, don't get me wrong, Lizi doesn't have that kind of thought, Lizi is the kind..."

"En~~" Xingjian hesitated for a while, and said: "Lizi is the kind of girl who is too well protected at home, pure like a piece of white paper, she probably doesn't know the meaning of giving the bracelet, it is probably the opinion of the maid around her, She will give me the bracelet..."

"Oh? Is that really the case?" Xue Nai asked with a smile.

"Well, that's it. Lizi and I really have nothing to do." Xing Jian said firmly.

This can't be truer, he has nothing to do with his aunt's daughter Arisukawa Reiko.

Judging from the memory of his previous life, Lizi was like a child from distant relatives to him. He could only see him once during the holidays, and he had no interaction with him on weekdays.

For Lizi, he didn't have any deep impressions, the only thing he remembered was that this girl was so well protected by her family, her innocence was a bit too much, and she didn't have the palace that a noble daughter should have.

In addition, Reiko's older brother Masaomi Arisukawa is indeed a dead sister. There is no doubt about this, and this point cannot be more clear in the memory left by her predecessor.

Speaking of it, the relationship between him and Lizi is not close, and it is indeed the "credit" of this dead sister. Otherwise, with the relationship between the two parents, the relationship between him and Lizi would not be so weak.

This time, he chose Arisukawa Reiko to "take the blame", firstly because the two really have nothing to do with each other.

The second reason is that Lizi is well protected by her family, whether it is Yukino or Kasumi Hill, even Qinzi may not be able to get in touch with Lizi, so the risk of exposure can be minimized.

Thirdly, Lizi is very naive and easy to coax, so she doesn't have to worry about what will happen later.

Considering multiple factors, Lizi is the best "back-up guy" around him.

268. "Bold Little Yukino"

"Xingjian, you have explained so much, but you still haven't answered my question." Looking at Xingjian who was pillowed on her lap, Xue Nao bent down, stared at Xingjian's side face with a faint smile, "Come on Tell me, why did that Miss Lizi give you a bracelet?"

"emm~~" Xing Jian turned over, faced Xue Nai's eyes, and said solemnly: "What else can it be, of course it is to celebrate that I got the first place in the exam, and..."

Xingjian paused for a while, then said with lowered eyebrows, "And congratulations on getting out of my psychological shadow and stepping into the campus again."

"..." Xue Nao stopped breathing, and didn't ask any more questions.

She covered Xingjian's eyes with one hand, and stroked Xingjian's hair regularly with the other hand.

So this is ah......

From the point of view of that Miss Lizi, it is indeed something worth celebrating that the decadent Xingjian who has been at home for a year stepped out of the house and entered the campus again, no wonder the other party would be so happy to give Xingjian a gift .

I think that Ms. Lizi probably wanted to use this gift to show her support for Hoshimi's choice...

Looking at it this way, that Miss Lizi is not as naive as Xingjian said, and she still has normal considerations.

Besides, this gift reminded her of one thing.

So far, she hasn't given a gift to Xingjian... She didn't realize that it's one aspect, and another aspect is that she can't find the right time, and she can't give it for no reason or without warning. See you for a gift?

It feels like it lacks a "soul", and it still needs a suitable timing, such as Hoshimi's birthday...

"Xue Nai..."

"Huh?" Xue Nao, whose thoughts were interrupted, subconsciously looked down at Xing Jian whose eyes were covered by her.

"Hair root hurts..." Xingjian said softly.

"..." Yukino was startled, and quickly eased the strength of stroking Xingjian's hair.

Taking advantage of the situation, Xingjian turned over and buried his face in Xue Nai's abdomen. He let out a long breath, put his arms around Xue Nai's waist, and smelled the fragrance of her body.

"Don't make trouble, itchy~" Xue Nai's earlobe was slightly red, and she patted Xing Jian's arm slightly distressed.

"En~~" Xingjian responded, but he didn't change his movements, and still indulged in the fragrance of Xue Nai as usual.

"Xing Jian..." Xue Nai patted Xing Jian's arm again, seeing Xing Jian's "unchanging nature", she let him go.

It's okay, at least it's much better than before. Before, Xingjian lifted the corner of her clothes and put her face directly on her lower abdomen without any barriers. It is a test from the outside to the inside.

Now that she is separated by a layer of clothes, she feels much better. At least every time Xingjian breathes, she won't have that itchy belly feeling...

Yukino, who no longer cared about what Xingjian was doing, bent down and took out a book from under the coffee table, while gently stroking Xingjian's hair, she looked at the idle book in a relaxed mood.

Not long after, Xue Nai noticed that Xingjian's arms around her waist gradually lost strength. She moved the book away and looked down, just in time to see the scene of Xingjian's eyelids getting heavier and heavier, struggling to fight the "Sandman".

She breathed lightly and watched the moment when Xing Jian fell asleep with a slight smile.

Three to five seconds later, the defeated Xing Jian closed his eyes with peace of mind, and his breathing also became longer.

Looking at the sleeping Xingjian, Yukino waited for a while, then continued to gently stroke Xingjian's hair.

Xingjian must be exhausted today, otherwise he wouldn't be lying in her arms and doing nothing bad.

Xue Nai smiled silently, she put the book aside casually, and lowered her head to carefully examine Xing Jian's profile.

On weekdays, it is rare to have the opportunity to appreciate Xingjian's handsomeness in such detail. This guy is very sensitive to her gaze. Often she only takes a few glances before Xingjian turns his head to meet her gaze. .

This guy has really nice skin...

Xue Nai couldn't help poking Xing Jian's fair face, it was elastic, fair and clean, ordinary girls would definitely envy Xing Jian's skin quality...

However, Xingjian's skin is still a lot worse than hers. In addition to being elastic and fair, her skin is also very supple, probably as tender as a bomb can break.

"Huh~ It's really cheap for you..." Xue Nai snorted softly, revealing a little arrogance and smug beauty which is rare.

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