"Shi Yu, let's continue." After drinking, Xing Jian picked up the handle with a smile.

"..." Kasumi Hill didn't answer, just stared at Hoshimi quietly.

After a long while, Xia Zhiqiu put down the handle, and said in an unusually calm manner: "Xing Jian, make a condition, what do you want me to do?"

She knew very well that Xing Jian would not win again, and he would definitely procrastinate until she couldn't hold back, and took the opportunity to propose an unequal treaty, or induce her to release the flood, and record her black history for later use.

That being the case, she might as well just lie flat and let Xingjian's plot succeed partly.

She said that she came here today to seek defeat, abuse, and excitement.

Besides, to be honest, she really couldn't hold back...

"Conditions?" Xing Jian tilted his head and said innocently: "Shi Yu, you misunderstood me, I just want to..."

"Bah!" Xia Zhiqiu spat lightly, and suddenly leaned close to Xinghui, pressed his forehead, and said viciously: "Xingjian! I don't know you yet? Bastard! You are taking revenge on me! You This narrow-minded man!"

"Huh?" Xing Jian blinked his eyes, with a dazed look of unknown reason.

"Tch, pretend again, pretend hard!" Kasumigaoka poked Hoshimi's kidney in embarrassment.

This bastard is 100% taking revenge on the three boxes of 12 Okamoto 003 she prepared!If not, she couldn't think of a reason for Xing Jian to do this!

"Say! What do you want, Xing Jian?! Except for the last step, everything else is fine!" Xia Zhiqiu stopped pretending, she tore off the disguise of a reserved girl, and directly used the bottom line she had prepared this time. It hit Xingjian in the face.

"..." Xingjian was a little moved, his eyes moved down, and he glanced at the rough waves hidden in the clothes of Xia Zhiqiu.

"Shi Yu, can you really do anything?" Hoshimi, who had an itchy nose, no longer pretended, his eyes were slightly bright looking at the wine-red pupils of Kasumi Hills.

"Of course!" Xia Zhiqiu stared at Hoshimi, and said word by word: "I will not talk like you! I will do what I say!"

"Is that so..." Hoshimi put his arms around Kasumi Hill's waist with his back, and said with bright eyes, "Then...Shiyu...how about taking a bath together?"

"Bath?" After a little thought, Kasumigaoka immediately understood what Hoshimi was thinking, and she agreed without thinking too much, "Yes."

"Then let's go." Jian Xia Zhiqiu agreed, and Hoshimi led her to the bathroom downstairs without hesitation.

Walking to the door, Xingjian suddenly remembered that he forgot to take something.

"Shi Yu, wait for me, I'll get something." Xing Jian turned around and brought a large pack of bubble bath salts from the wardrobe drawer.

Speaking of which, it has been a while since he bought this thing online.

I had always wanted to try it with Yukino before, but because of Yukino's "Princess Taiping" attribute, he felt that he would be stared at by Yukino if he brought it up, so he never brought it up.

Kasumi Hill is here today, and this thing can finally come in handy.

"This is?" Xia Zhiqiu looked at the things that Hoshimi brought with confusion.

"Bubble bath salt, scented with roses." Xing Jian shook a large pack of bubble bath salt in his hand.

"What do you use so much for?" Just after asking, Xia Zhiqiu suddenly realized that the bathroom in Hoshimi's house is directly a bathtub, which is much larger than the bathtubs in ordinary people's homes, and the amount used is naturally different.

"The dosage is less, the bubbles are too few, and there will be no atmosphere." Xingjian explained with a smile.

"..." Xia Zhiqiu rolled his eyes and stared at him, "You are the only one who knows how to play!"

Hoshimi smiled, took Kasumigaoka's hand and went downstairs to the bathroom.

When she was about to enter the bathroom, Xiazhiqiu suddenly remembered something, she looked at Xingjian's side face from the corner of her eye, and asked meaningfully: "Xingjian, why do you have bubble bath salt in your closet? Is it also a bubble bath when you take a bath alone?"

Xing Jian, who was suddenly in his heart, said calmly: "I saw this thing when I was watching a love... action movie, and I was a little curious, so I bought it to see what the effect is."

"Oh?" Xia Zhiqiu raised his eyebrows slightly, "Xing Jian, do you still watch "Romance..Action Movies"?"

"Well~ I'm also a young man with fresh blood, isn't it normal to look at those things?" Xing Jian said casually, without any appearance of shame.

"Hoshimi, what kind of movies do you usually watch? Or, what kind of movies have you seen? Do you have any deep memories?" The doubts in his heart were relieved, and Kasumi Hill became interested in Hoshimi's hobbies.

This is quite important to her. Although she is very confident in her attractiveness, it will be a little troublesome if she doesn't match Xingjian's XP.

"What type?" Xingjian thought for a while, and said casually: "I've seen housewives, teachers, and amateurs, etc. I've seen a lot, but almost none of them left a deep impression on me. After all... ...."

Xing Jian looked sideways at Xia Zhiqiu, "After all, they are all just ordinary, and they are no match for you, Shi Yu."

"Huh?!" Kasumi Hills narrowed his eyes, his wine-red pupils shone with a dangerous gleam, "Hoshimi, do you compare me to them?"

Xingjian's mouth twitched, he supported Xia Zhiqiu's shoulder, and said seriously: "Shiyu, you look at the problem in a unique way. What I just said was just about beauty, without any other meaning, but I do have a problem. , I shouldn’t have made such a mistake, I apologize.”

Xingjian thought for a while, bowed his head, leaned into Xia Zhiqiu's ear, and whispered: "Shi Yu, as an apology, I will help you later."

After finishing speaking, he lightly bit Kasumi Hill's pink and tender earlobe.

"..." Xiazhiqiu, who understood Xingjian's meaning in seconds, his legs went limp, and he turned his head back with a blushing face, and gently pushed Xingjian twice.

"Shi Yu, let's go, let's go in." After the crisis was over, Xing Jian raised his lips, he put his arms around Xia Zhiqiu's waist, and pushed her into the bathroom.


At the same time, Yukino, whose right eyelid twitched twice, looked out the window absent-mindedly in the classroom of Class J, Grade 2 of Sobu High School.

See what is he doing?Why did his aunt suddenly call him back?

She was a little restless, could something happen?

After school in the afternoon, please contact Xingjian again...

At this time, a green leaf fell outside the window, and Xue Nai's gaze followed the emerald green leaf downwards. She didn't look back until she couldn't see it, and continued to listen to the knowledge points she had learned.


At the same moment, at Chiba Station, Kotoko Iwanaga in a white dress slowly stepped out of the station.

She looked up at the scorching sun hanging in the sky, and murmured softly: "It's such a beautiful weather... Speaking of which, it's already summer... Shouldn't it be time to prepare a swimsuit?"

She looked down, thinking about what kind of swimsuit Hoshimi would like.

Dead reservoir water?That guy seems to like her wearing dead water...but she doesn't like it a bit...it looks like a child, when sitting in Xingjian's arms, it doesn't look like a couple at all, but like a brother and sister.. ....

When Xingjian grows older in the future, they will not be brothers and sisters, but father and daughter...

"Hmm~" Once again, Kotoko Iwanaga was annoyed at her slow-growing body with a worrisome future.


"En?" Just as Qinzi was thinking about how to develop quickly, a little pink monster the size of a fist flew towards her, talking while flying.

Qinzi translated, and her expression froze instantly.

"My lord princess~My lord princess~~Your man ran off with another woman~~~"

263. "Qinzi: Under the snow, do you see the green on top of your head?"

When the little pink monster flew in front of her, Qinzi said calmly, "Xiaofen, tell me what's going on."

"嘿嘤嘤~~~咱咕嘤~~~" the fluffy pink little monster danced and said.

Listening to the little monster's narration, Qinzi's bewitching purple pupils gradually darkened.

"嘤嘤嘤~~~咱嘤嘤~~咱咩~~" After spending a long time, the little monster finally finished talking about what he saw.

"I see." Qinzi who understood everything calmly raised her hand.

The understanding little monster got into Qinzi's cuff, half-opened his eyes, and entered the resting state contentedly.

Qinzi put down her hand, and it naturally fell to her side. She looked ahead, and murmured in a low voice with deep eyes.

"Black hair and red eyes...it's not Siesta...it's another woman I don't know..."

"It's about the same height as Yukinoshita... still has huge... boobs... tusk..."

"They even found Zong Wugao directly, they have some skills..."

"Yueshita... Yukinoshita...you are really useless...someone stole your home on your own territory."

"Did Xingjian take that woman out of school in the morning? It's been a long time now... Tsk~"

Qinzi suppressed her resentment, clenched her red-brown cane tightly, and looked down at the ground thoughtfully.

"What should I do now?" Qin Zi silently asked herself in her heart.

Are you going to expose Xingjian's lie?

No, this matter should not be done by her. With the increasing number of competitors, she should try her best to avoid deducting points from her side.

It is not difficult to expose lies, what is difficult is Xingjian's thoughts and attitudes.

Embarrassing Xing Jian, putting Xing Jian in the field of Shura, will Xing Jian "remember" her because of this?

This "remembering grudges" is not "remembering grudges" in the non-rational sense, it just refers to a change of attitude.

Sometimes, being too strong is not necessarily a good thing...

The sand in the palm, the tighter you hold it, the more it will pass...

Qinzi squinted her eyes, and there was an indescribable gleam in her bewitching purple pupils.

Siesta... Yukinoshita... and that girl with huge breasts... and other girls who have never seen and never known...

If you want to win the final victory, you can't let your temper go, you must start planning as early as possible.

I thought I could be free for a while, and make plans after Siesta showed up, but I didn't expect that the plan still failed to catch up with the changes.

Siesta... Siesta...that woman's thoughts on Hoshimi are not pure...


Qin Zi, whose thoughts were constantly flowing, was walking steadily along the sidewalk with a reddish-brown cane.

Before she came back, her plan was to meet Xingjian and give Xingjian all the cultivation methods and cultivation props she had just obtained.

But after Xiaofen reported Xingjian's situation to her, she changed her mind.

The cultivation method cannot be given to Xingjian for the time being, and it will be handed over to Xingjian at a suitable time.

Of course, this change of thought also involved a lot of her personal emotions. After all, no matter how famous the names of "God of Wisdom" and "Monster Princess" are, it cannot conceal that she is still a 15-year-old girl, and she should have a small temper There will still be times.

Next, she is going to Zongwu High School, in order to meet Senior Xuexia.

Don't get me wrong, she wasn't trying to provoke, or provoke, she just wanted to see if this intelligent senior Yukinoshita noticed that there was a touch of green on top of her head.


Accompanied by the crisp footsteps, a faint smile gradually appeared on Qinzi's harmless and pretty face.

Around her, in the "reality" that ordinary people can't see, a group of cute little monsters of different shapes are always closely following her.


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