This is not enough, in order not to reveal any flaws.

Hoshimi went to the bathroom to take a shower while his clothes were soaked in the smell of disinfectant, this step was to get rid of the smell left by Kasumigaoka.

In the shower, he didn't use the shampoo and shower gel provided by the hotel, but simply rinsed his body with warm water, and even deliberately didn't wet his hair, so as not to expose the traces of his freshly dried hair.

After everything was finished, he put on the forged clothes and sat in the room for more than ten minutes, making sure that he also smelled of disinfectant before getting up and leaving.

By the way, he put the other set of clothes that Xia Zhiqiu gave him, as well as his original set of clothes, in the hotel room, and planned to avoid Yukino and Qinzi to pick them up after school tomorrow.

For this reason, he purposely extended the room fee until noon the day after tomorrow, just in case, since it was the clothes that Xia Zhiqiu gave him.

Speaking of Xia Zhiqiu, Xing Jian remembered that he had not replied to Xia Zhiqiu's message.

He took out his phone and looked at it.

6:27 p.m., number one.

"See you, I'm home. 』—— Hill of Kasumi

At 6:35 p.m., there's one more.

"See you, are you asleep?"Remember to let me know when you get home, lest I worry about you. 』——The Hill of Xia.

Xingjian thought about it and replied,

"I'm home, don't worry. 』——Seeing the stars.

After sending the message, Xing Jian put away his phone and walked quickly to the apartment.

I have to go faster, otherwise what should I do if the smell of disinfectant is gone?

Soon after, Xing Jian returned to the apartment building, he didn't go back to his own house first, but went directly to Yukino's house and knocked on the door of her house.

Before knocking on the door, Xingjian took out his phone to make sure it was muted, no problem.


The door opened, and Yukino with twin ponytails showed half of her body through the crack of the door.

"Meet the stars..."

"Xue Nai, I came back from the infusion, come on, give me a hug first."


Apartment on the 27th floor, home of Hoshimi.

Mrs. Arisugawa who was sitting on the sofa continued to wait expressionlessly.

The old butler standing aside began to think about whether it was time to choose a cemetery for Master Qingchuan.

188. "Yue Nai, very flat but very warm"

"Xue Nai, I came back from the infusion, come on, let me hug one first."

At the door of Apartment 1507, Xing Jian squeezed through the crack of the door, hugged Xue Nai, and pushed her to walk in.

After the bodies of the two of them completely entered the room, Xingjian turned his back and kicked to close the door.

"Xue Nao, good evening~" Xing Jian let go of Xue Nao, put his hands on her shoulders, and looked at her with a smile.

Xue Nai raised her head slightly, looked at Xing Jian, and said, "Xing Jian, the disinfectant on your body smells so strong."

Xingjian shrugged casually, "I can't help it, it's like this after staying in the hospital for a long time, it's been smoked to taste."

Xue Nai nodded slightly, as if agreeing with Xingjian's statement, she didn't ask any more questions, turned around and took out a pair of unpretentious gray slippers from the shoe cabinet and handed them to Xingjian.

Xingjian took the slippers, looked at them repeatedly in his hand, and said in surprise, "Xue Nai, did you buy this for me?"

"En..." Xue Nai, who was standing at the entrance, turned her head away, raised her left hand unconsciously to hold the elbow of her right hand, and replied vaguely.

Xing Jian, who understands the meaning, raised his mouth, put on his slippers in front of Xue Nai, and praised in earnest: "Xue Nai's eyes are not piercing, this simple and unpretentious style is simply a master's handwriting, expressing his appreciation for the simplicity The longing and longing for life, and at the same time..."

"Okay, don't be poor." Xue Nai interrupted Xingjian with a blushing face, she pushed Xingjian's arm, and said with flickering eyes: "The smell of disinfectant on your body is too strong, you should go wash it quickly .”

"!!" Xing Jian's eyes lit up, he grabbed Xue Nai's hand with his backhand, and asked out of breath, "Xue Nai, have you prepared pajamas for me?"

"Bah~" Xue Nai spat lightly, and pushed Xing Jian a little harder, "No, don't think too much, go take a shower."


Seeing that his high mood gradually calmed down, Xing blinked his eyes and asked, "Xue Nai, what should I wear after taking a shower? I can't wear your clothes, right?"

"Xing Jian, what are you thinking?" Xue Nai gently pinched the soft flesh of Xing Jian's waist, and explained: "There is a dryer at home, when you take a shower, put your clothes outside, and I will wash them and dry them for you." , you just come out and continue wearing this suit.”

"That's it, it's a way." Xingjian changed the subject, approached Xue Nai, and said with a smile: "But Xue Nai, don't you think this is troublesome? Or prepare a set of pajamas for me, and I will pack it myself Money is fine too."

"..." Xue Nai didn't respond, but pushed Xing Jian to the bathroom forcefully with a blushing face, "Go and take a bath."

Even though she is always ridiculed by Xingjian for her low EQ, she still understands the specific meanings of different objects.

Slippers are something she has accepted and agreed with at this stage, but further pajamas are not.

Once the pajamas are prepared for Xing Jian, then this bastard who hits the snake will do some amazing things...

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower." Xing Jian felt a little helpless.

This is my third bath today...

I got up once in the morning, I just pretended to be in the hotel, and now I come again, today I wasted a lot of time just taking a shower...

It's such a hassle, it's a real hassle to make up a lie.


Xing Jian, who was feeling a little emotional in his heart, suddenly smelled a mouth-watering fragrance.

After a little discernment, he was sure it must be broth or porridge!

He who was going to the bathroom turned around and turned his head to look at the kitchen, "Xue Nai, what did you stew? It smells so good~"

"Cooked meat porridge." Xue Nai walked to the door of the kitchen, blocked Xing Jian's sight, and urged: "Go and take a bath quickly, and drink some porridge to warm up after you wash up."

"Okay, no problem." Xingjian blinked, turned around and entered the bathroom to take a shower.

The bathroom in Xue Nai apartment is separated from wet and dry, and there are two parts on the outside, one side is the washbasin and closet, and the other side is the washing machine and dryer.

There are also two parts on the inside, but they are separated. One side is the toilet, and the other side is the shower and bathtub.

Xingjian took off the clothes on his body and put them on the washing machine, and took out the mobile phone separately, and kept it close to him.

A mobile phone is a good thing, and it must be kept well, otherwise it is easy to cause major accidents.

Really big deal.

If you are not careful, you will be beaten to death...

However, there must always be a legitimate reason for taking the mobile phone into the bathroom, so Xingjian turned on the mobile phone to play music while taking a bath, and hummed happily along with the music.

In this way, Xue Nai's doubts about him bringing his mobile phone into the bathroom can be alleviated.


"You said you wanted to escape, but you were destined to stay..."

In the bathroom, the sound of water, music, and Hoshimi's humming sound harmoniously blended into one whole.

When Xue Nai entered the bathroom, what she heard was such a harmonious movement. She stood still and listened to the Chinese song hummed by Xing Jian.

Although I don't understand the meaning of the lyrics, I still feel pretty good. Xingjian's voice is very good, and it's quite comfortable to listen to.

After listening for a while, Xue Nai started to do her own thing. She walked to the washing machine and looked down at the clothes that Xing Jian had taken off.

Top, pants, and...a pair of boxers...

Xue Nai's cheeks were slightly hot, and she suppressed her shyness and picked up Xingjian's underwear and put them aside, ready to wash them by hand later.

As for the top and trousers, because they are both dark in color, Xue Nai put them directly into the washing machine for washing at one time.

After the washing machine was set up, Xue Nai resisted the constant shame in her heart, and started to wash Xingjian's underwear.

In the bathroom, Hoshimi was on the inside, humming while taking a bath, and Yukino was on the outside, squatting on the ground and scrubbing Hoshimi's underwear.

Between the two, there is only a layer of frosted glass as a barrier...


The sound of running water continued to echo, and time passed.

When Xingjian finished taking a shower and turned off the music, he just heard the sound of the dryer running outside.

Through the frosted glass, he raised his voice and asked, "Xue Nai, are the clothes dry?"

"It's coming soon, I'll wait until I see you."

Hearing Xue Nao's cold voice, Xingjian suddenly had the urge to rush out and "hug" Xue Nai.

As soon as there is an idea, Xingjian wants to put it into action.

However, at the next moment, Xingjian smiled and extinguished the thought, let's forget about it today.

There are enough things in exchange for lies, and if he continues to go deeper, he feels a little uneasy in his heart...

"Xingjian, the clothes are in the dryer, come to the living room after changing."

Not long after, the sound of the dryer stopped, followed by Xue Nai's cold voice.

Afterwards, Xue Nai left the bathroom and left the space for Xing Jian.


After a while, Xing Jian, who had changed into warm clothes, came to the living room, and what greeted him was a bowl of steaming meat porridge brought by Xue Nai.

"See you, eat it while it's hot."

Xing Jian took the meat porridge and put it on the table.

"Meet the stars?"

Facing Xue Nao who was wearing conservative home clothes, Xing Jian threw her down on the sofa, and buried her face deeply in her chest.

It's flat, it's snowy.

It's warm, it's not Yukino at all...

If marriage is a besieged city, then this is the first time he, an outsider, has the idea of ​​entering the city...

189. "Yukono, let's kiss~"

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