"Yes, they saw the CCP eating meat in Annan, and now their eyes are all red-by the way, last week, the Soviet Union signed a secret agreement with the Imperial Kingdom, and they are willing to exchange arms with the Imperial Kingdom for equivalent supplies-mainly It's rubber! To show his sincerity, Stalin brought over another shipment of munitions—all captured during the war... Given the influence of China and the Soviet Union in Nanyang, it is actually the limit to win the Annan region. They are trying to use the navy of the Imperial Kingdom to help them out of the fire!"

Japan does not produce rubber, and arms are exchanged for rubber. What do they want Japan to do?The trick played by the Chinese and the Soviet Union is basically a "male conspiracy" that even a fool can understand, but there are still a group of starving ghosts in Japan who are eager to take the initiative to be fooled!

With a dark face, Xiyuan Temple Gongyi said bitterly: "That guy Jinwei is preparing to resign for the fourth time recently, this insect is really shameless! The entire imperial kingdom is full of...... Grandpa, grandpa... ...Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

It was only at this moment that Gongyi noticed that Gongwang of Xiyuan Temple, who was lying on the hospital bed and breathing oxygen, had turned white eyes and his chest no longer heaved up and down—he was too old, his lifespan was at the end of his life, and he finally died with extreme unwillingness. I died on the bed.When the old fox was hospitalized, Yong Ren only came to see him once, and asked about war-related topics, and then never came again.

The news of Gongwang's death in Xiyuan Temple spread all over the world the next day.

"Is the last old guy who can hold the rein of war in Japan finally died?"

After receiving the news, Roosevelt smiled and knocked on the table in the Oval Office of the President in the White House, feeling even happier.There is a telegram on his desktop. The telegram comes from the Philippines. The overlord MacArthur of the Philippines he hates the most sent him an urgent telegram, requesting domestic support and strengthening military investment in the Philippines: The move of Annan's colony has already made MacArthur feel a strong threat.

Although in the past half a year, the show king MacArthur sent a pile of distress telegrams to Washington, in fact, the domestic support he received was a batch of old Springfield rifles and a bunch of Buffalo fighter jets.It cannot be said that there is no assistance, it is probably the effect of sprinkling some pepper.The combat effectiveness of the US garrison in the Philippines has been very limited.

Hurley warned Roosevelt: "In the past few months, the performance of Britain and France in Southeast Asia has been too weak. The troops of the CCP entering Annan have fought fiercely with the French army in Annan and forcibly seized large areas of land. There are no effective sanctions against China other than non-stop protests. The same goes for the British, whether it's Daladhi or Churchill, and now the focus is on Europe... Japanese, Chinese, Now all focus is on Nanyang, and the two will go south at any time... In fact, the CCP is already doing it."

Roosevelt asked: "Have all our warships in the South China Sea been withdrawn?"

"Yes, basically all of them have been withdrawn."

"What's there to worry about, isn't it the territory of the British and the Dutch?"

"But there's the Philippines..."

"That's MacArthur's place!"

Hurley: ".,..."


"When is it? Why hasn't the munitions I applied for half a year ago arrived yet? Are domestic munitions only sold to Europe?"

Almost at the same time, in a high-level mansion in Manila, Philippines, MacArthur was taking photos on the table and scolding loudly.

The photo was taken by a US reconnaissance plane from the port on Hainan Island.In the developed photos, a large number of warships are in sight.In MacArthur's view, the South China Sea region is turning into a large powder keg, and Roosevelt, the goddamn, wants to use a borrowed knife to kill people during this period...

Chapter 332 Leighton Stuart in action

"By this time three years later, there will only be Peking University left in the whole of Peking!"

Walking on the campus of Yenching University, the newly appointed American Ambassador to China Leighton Stuart sighed inwardly as he looked at the surrounding Ming and Qing ancient buildings.

He has served as the president of Yenching University since 1919. He sat in this position for a full 18 years. It was not until the founding of New China that the position was replaced by others, but he still had the title of president on his head. title.After the United States and China established diplomatic relations last year, he replaced the former US ambassador to the Republic of China Jason and was appointed by Roosevelt as the first US ambassador to New China.

The reason why Leighton Stuart sighed in this way was because New China was preparing to move Yanda University and Tsinghua University out of the three famous universities in Beiping City—Yanda University will be relocated to Changshan, the capital of Hebei Province, in September next year. Shijiazhuang), Tsinghua was originally planned to be moved to Wuhan, but was later relocated to Zhengzhou, a little later, three years later.

For the past 500 years, Beiping has been the political center of China for a long time. The newly-born CCP regime, while establishing its capital in Wuhan, deliberately dismantled and transferred educational resources in Beiping. The political implications behind this are very intriguing.

During the period of the Republic of China, there were thirteen top universities in China. This is also the most important window for Chinese people who were awakened from ignorance by foreign guns and cannons in the old days to see the world with their eyes open.From the eve of Xinhai to the May [-]th Movement to the later Northern Expedition and the Anti-Japanese War, countless revolutionaries came out of here—the founders of the Communist Party of China, such as Li Dazhao and Li Runshi (audit student and assistant librarian), came from next door Peking University.

Yenching University is one of the U.S. universities that have the deepest influence on China. Similar to Tsinghua University and Peking University next door, it existed as a "preparatory school for studying in the United States" for a long time at the beginning of its establishment.

Leighton Stuart walked into the gate of Yenching University with mixed feelings, just revisiting the old place, wanting to see the current situation of Yenching University.Today, the influence of the Russians is rising sharply in the education circle in Peiping.Yanda has set up a special Russian language major and a preparatory class for studying in the Soviet Union.And a large number of students who returned from studying in the Soviet Union went directly to the campus to work as teachers as soon as they returned to China.

As one of the few modern chemical institutes in New China, Leighton Stuart followed an "audio-teaching class" in Yanda.A small movie theater was newly built in Yandali two years ago, one of its main functions is film teaching.Teaching videos were basically produced in the Soviet Union.Due to the serious shortage of teachers, this advanced "audio-teaching" method is being promoted in China at an extremely fast speed.

The characters who appear most in the movie are Huang Ke, Huang Yuen Xing, and the famous "Golden Princess".The former is mainly engaged in the teaching and lectures of electromechanical majors, while the latter is a medical major.

When he walked out of the school gate, Leighton Stuart said to his assistant with a sad face: "The CCP is falling to the Soviet Union in an all-round way, which is too bad."

His assistant frowned and said: "Europe is fighting fiercely now, but Li Runshi is only thinking about taking the opportunity to expand territory and regain lost ground. On the issue of China, our president is now standing with the British and the French. And imposed economic sanctions on the CCP...."

The CCP was subject to economic sanctions from the United States a little earlier than the Soviet Union, starting in February 1940.Roosevelt claimed that China's war against Annan was an illegal act of invading other countries, and demanded that the CCP's army cease fighting and withdraw from Annan and northern Myanmar. After being rejected, he immediately launched an embargo against the CCP.At this time, Europe has already made a big fight, and the American industrial capitalists can fly by relying on the orders from Britain and France alone. In contrast, the order from China is nothing at all.

From Roosevelt's perspective, New China's military operations in Annan and northern Myanmar meant that China was reaching out to South and Southeast Asia.This is the long-awaited market in the United States. "How can China be allowed to stretch out its hand when it is lying on its side"?This is his psychological red line, and the insidious Roosevelt immediately stood with Britain and France.

Roosevelt knew very well: Among several competitors, Japan is an island country, and it is too easy to crush him to death.But China is a big country with a population of more than [-] million.Fighting on the land bordering China is definitely an act that is not worth the loss. At this time, Roosevelt has not yet fully realized how terrible the US military is, and has not truly established the confidence of the world's number one power.He is still very cautious in his actions, and he is still habitually stumbling China and the Soviet Union with insidious tricks, playing the so-called "balance of power"-supporting Britain and France on the surface in Asia, and secretly "aiding Germany" in Europe.

On the embargo against the CCP, Roosevelt played very well: he did not explicitly impose an embargo, but ordered Hoover to come forward and warn those capitalists who do business with the CCP, asking them to "prioritize" the orders of Britain and France. The orders here are delaying delivery or directly raising the price-it is not clear to turn the face, but it is a variety of barriers to create obstacles.

He balances his hand very well by himself, and standing in front of him, the American ambassador to China Leighton Stuart, who is staying in China, is having a hard time.

During this year, Leighton Stuart felt clearly and painfully that all the hidden seeds planted by the United States in China's education circle in the past 40 years, especially in the "ideological field" were being removed at an extremely fast speed.

A small part of the power to destroy comes from Washington, while most of it comes from the initiative of the new red CCP regime.

When Situ Deng walked out of Yenching University, he was holding a book in his hand, which he got by accident when he revisited the old place of Yenching University.This book has only been released for less than three days, and it was first published in various universities in Beiping, and every student in the school has a copy.

Title: The Road to the Rise of America, Author: Huang Ke.

At the gate of Yanda University, there was already a car from the embassy waiting for him.Sitting on the back seat of the car, Leighton Stuart opened the book and found that it was written in simplified characters, which made it a little difficult for Leighton Stuart, who is proficient in Chinese, to read, but he could still understand it.

After just a few glances, Leighton Stuart's hands holding the book couldn't help shaking.

Chapter 1 of the book is titled: From the Mayflower to the Thanksgiving Massacre.

The first sentence of Chapter 1 is: America was born on the bones of countless Native American Indians.

Beside Leighton Stuart's seat, there is still the "People's Daily" just released this morning. The headline of the article on the front page is "Cai Yuanpei's This Life".What Stuart is going now is to go to Peking University to attend Cai Yuanpei's memorial service.

Just two weeks ago, news came from Singapore that Cai Yuanpei, the former president of Peking University who fled overseas when the People's Republic of China was founded, died in a foreign land. (Note: Historically, he also died in April 1940.) After his body was cremated, his ashes were sent back to Peiping recently.

In modern Chinese history, especially the New Culture Movement, Cai Yuanpei is an important figure that cannot be bypassed, and he himself is closely linked with Peking University.

Because of the students of Peking University, Yan University, and Tsinghua University, Beiping was once the most important window for the introduction of Western ideas into China, and then spread them: there are both the "white paradise" of capitalist people cooking oil, and the proletariat of Marxism and Leninism The revolution hangs the "red passion" of the exploiting classes.

Lu Xun, the king of the first mouthpiece in the Republic of China, taught here, and Cai Yuanpei, the president of Peking University next door, thought of "freedom of thought and inclusiveness", and Hu Shi, the well-known ancestor, also gave lectures there.

The talkative king Lu Xun is now at Peking University, organizing a group of people to recompile and comment on history.The various "proletarian historical views" that "subvert the predecessors" and even "deviant" proposed by him have caused a great disturbance in the entire Chinese education circle and literati circle.

The other two well-known Peking University alumni are now in exile overseas at the same time and dare not return to China.The reputation of the two of them has become even more notorious this year.

Those black spots on Hu Shi's body, such as "fascinating day", "falsified academic qualifications", and "chaotic private life", have been published in newspapers in the past year and circulated continuously. Scumbags, traitors, and literary thieves are all posted on him Label.

As for Cai Yuanpei, the former president of Peking University, his reputation is also mixed.Half a month ago, news came from Singapore that Cai Yuanpei, who was in exile overseas, had passed away.


As a famous educator in modern China, the founder of the Restoration Society, the participant and initiator of the Revolution of [-], Cai Yuanpei has countless disciples and old officials. Even within the CCP, many leaders have to respectfully shout out to him when they see him. "principal" or "teacher".

However, after April [-], Cai Yuanpei's reputation became rotten.After the CCP tried Chang Kaishen two years ago, his actions around April [-] were made public, and his reputation among Peking University students plummeted.

(Ten days before April 4, that is, on April 2, Cai Yuanpei served as the chairman of the Kuomintang Central Supervisory Committee, organized a supervisory meeting, echoed Wu Zhihui's statement on the impeachment of the Communist Party, and produced two reports on the evidence of the Communist Party's destruction and harm. Passed The "Please Investigate the Communist Party's Report", reviewed the list of the Central Executive Committee, the Central Supervisory Committee, and the Communist Party members in each province, a total of 179 people. Among them, there are not only Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Chen Duxiu and other leaders of the Communist Party of China, but also Liu Yazi and other Kuomintang members. Blacklist of "Left" people. Said that these dangerous elements will be "informed on the spot to the public security organs, guarded separately, and stopped their activities." At that time, 8 people including Cai Yuanpei, Wu Zhihui, and Li Zongren attended the meeting.

Regarding Cai Yuanpei's life evaluation, netizens have been deeply influenced by "Red Dawn" in recent years.However, the author checked the information, and after April [-] saw that the situation had turned into a massacre, he soon regretted it, and tried his best to use his connections to save many Communist Party members.This person belongs to political naivety, he is as naive as Deng Yinda's running a third party, completely unaware that once the class struggle starts, it will be life and death, not a meek and humble scholar.

On this matter, Mr. Lu Xun once said to Feng Xuefeng about Cai Yuanpei before his death: "In fact, Mr. Cai is only in favor of progress in general, and he is not opposed to the Communist Party. He doesn't know exactly what the Communist revolution is all about." , He even said with grief and indignation that the Kuomintang would disregard the survival of the nation in order to eliminate its political enemies. This was beyond his expectation. It can be seen that his sympathy for the revolutionaries was only for the nation.

The author himself also holds this kind of view: at the time of April [-]th, the old literati and old ideas were too heavily imprinted on him, and he just couldn't keep up with the drastic changes of the times.In the special period before April [-], when China's destiny was determined, in his eyes, he thought the CCP's methods were too "left", and with the "moderate" mentality of traditional Chinese literati, he sided with the reactionary forces.Then he was quickly slapped in the face by the bloody reality.

In Cai Yuanpei’s life, he has merits and demerits. After April [-], he also obviously regretted and made amends. At the same time, he worked hard to rescue the arrested CCP members, including Yang Kaihui. Many arrested party members were rescued by him. of.He had meritorious deeds and mistakes, and he tried hard to repent afterwards, and he was not as "black" as many people commented. )

When the CCP defeated Japan in 1938 and began to sweep across China, it still held a tolerant and aggressive attitude towards Cai Yuanpei, a "predecessor".The official characterization of the mistakes he made on April [-] was just "a moment of confusion, and he worked hard to make up for it afterwards", and did not go too deep into his culpability.On the contrary, it was Cai Yuanpei himself who couldn't pass his psychological test.Then when Chang Kaishen was put on public trial, the CCP revealed the details of what happened before and after April [-], and publicized it to the world.

The public trial of Chang Kaishen's crimes lasted for two full years before it was considered over. A thorough summary of life.Part of the content of this book is the materials that Huang Ke obtained from later generations and the coffin-closing discussion of later generations.But more content was written by the literati pen he found as a gunner.Before the post-event publication, Huang Ke went through a hand here first. After reading it, the high-level CCP headed by the chairman added comments, revised and corrected it, and then officially published it.When it was published, the comments and approvals of the chairman and others were specially listed.

This book was published in China in December 1939, among which there were thousands of copies. According to the needs of publicity, it was transported through various underground channels to the Chinese gathering areas in Southeast Asia and even the United States, where it was widely circulated as a free gift.The content of the book specifically mentions Cai Yuanpei's deeds around April [-].

Cai Yuanpei saw this book before his death. The book was sent by the CCP representative to Singapore and one of his disciples, Lin Fengmian.But Cai Yuanpei himself felt ashamed after reading the book, and he didn't have the face to go back to China to meet his old students.

Cai Yuanpei was already seriously ill at that time, and within a month after reading the book, he died of illness on April [-], which happened to be the same day that he presided over the Kuomintang purge meeting.Before his death, he left a last word hoping to "return his remains to his hometown".Ten days later, on April [-]th, Chang Kaishen was publicly hanged.

After Cai Yuanpei was cremated, his ashes were recently sent back to China and buried in his hometown.Under the approval and auspices of the Central Committee, Peking University even held a memorial service for him, and Chairman Li Runshi, at the suggestion of Huang Ke, also wrote "Cai Yuanpei's Life" personally according to the previous article "Chang Kaishen's Life". This Life" re-evaluated his life's deeds, merits and demerits from the perspective of historical materialism.

Leighton Stuart was born in China. He has been the president of Yanda University since 1919. He also had contact with Cai Yuanpei before.As a "China hand" who has lived in China for decades, he understands China's "teacher-student relationship culture" very well. Now Peking University is holding Cai Yuanpei's memorial service. Many Chinese celebrities and even representatives of the CCP are present. For example, Liu Yazi, Soong Ching Ling, Lu Xun, and Zhang Shizhao all attended.

Now because of the CCP’s military operations in northern Myanmar and Annan, Sino-US relations were once at a delicate hurdle.Leighton Stuart has a keen sense that the seemingly "friendly" atmosphere between China and the United States is actually "smiling to the face and pressing the sword behind the back".In the past two years, the Soviet Union and the CCP have played a trick of "praising and killing" in their diplomatic propaganda against the United States. How can the American elite not see it?

Different identities, different positions, have different responsibilities.

In the relationship between countries, some people play hawks, some play doves, and some play "neutral".In this diplomatic interaction between China and the United States, the role that Stern Leighton, who was born in China, now has to play is that of a "bat"—a person who loves both China and the United States, and wants to work hard to separate the two separated. The "conciliatory faction" that everyone pulls together.

(Note: Leighton Stuart himself has very little influence at the top of the U.S. government. In history, he was even under the impact of McCarthyism, accused of being pro-communist, and censorship caused a stroke. Compared with the U.S. government, he is actually just a pawn He is just a small person with a megaphone, and his personal influence on China policy is far less than that of Hurley and Marshall.)

Before the Anti-Japanese War, when Huang Ke gave mobile lectures in various universities in Peking, he had a distance from Stuart.However, at that time, Leighton Stuart was only the principal of Yanda University, and the relationship between the two parties had only developed to the point of nodding acquaintances.

Huang Ke was also present at Cai Yuanpei's memorial service (farewell party).As an expert on China issues, Leighton Stuart is well aware of Huang Ke's influence in the upper echelons of the CCP.He also wanted to take this opportunity to get close to Huang Ke and take a closer look at this young man who is the most popular in China in the world. After all, he just won his second Nobel Prize.

Regarding Huang Ke, Roosevelt specifically ordered Hoover to collect his materials, and even found a bunch of experts to conduct a "professional" analysis of his personality. Not only him, but also the main senior leaders of the CCP have similar Huang Ke, a "little man" who seems to have no real power, can have such treatment, which shows that Roosevelt attaches great importance to him.

As for the relevant analysis report, Leighton Stuart received a copy when he was appointed as the US ambassador to China.

Those reports described Huang Ke as follows:

"He is a brilliant genius scientist! His talents in the fields of machining and computing are amazing. It has been rumored that he himself has some magical superpowers. But he is not only a scientist, he is also politically ambitious. In addition to being a communist In addition to its members, it also bears the obvious label of Social Darwinism."

"Personality, arrogance, Zhang Yang, because of his success at a young age, he is even a little arrogant!"

"Expressive personality, often doing crazy things that are beyond the expectations of ordinary people, but many times, it is deliberately pretending to make others think so, and its true intentions are often hidden under the seemingly crazy and arrogant disguise."

"On the surface, he has never had a fixed and clear position within the CCP (Huang Ke often only has the empty title of "special commissioner"), but in fact he has great influence on the upper-level politics and even diplomacy of the CCP. He is also an extremely important link between the CCP and the Soviet Union.”


When the car arrived at the gate of the Peking University campus, Leighton Stuart was on the road, reading a few chapters of "Road to the Rise of America" ​​at a glance.

After reading a few chapters, Leighton Stuart had a new view on Huang Ke:

"He must have grown up in America, he knows Americans too well!"

"He knows America very well! He even knows America's past better than most Americans!"

"It used to be Japan, but now it is the United States! He is full of hostility and vigilance towards the United States!"

PS: For yesterday’s chapter, after proofreading this morning, I corrected the parts that I forgot to delete at the beginning and various typos.Everyone can watch it again.

I stopped for three days, and after three days of rest, I sorted out my thoughts and knew what to write in the new volume.

The next key part of the World War volume is partly based on China's domestic and Annan plots, with Southeast Asian plots interspersed, which is also the focus of this volume.The part of foreign wars, especially the part of the French campaign, I will only briefly mention in the future,

Zama Gaiden: When Lee Yoon-seok saw comments from netizens

When the time entered 1940, the contact cycle between Big Huang Ke and Little Huang Ke had been extended to 12:1.That is to say, on Xiao Huang Ke's side, unless there is zero-distance contact in different time and space, it will take twelve nights to meet another self in his dream.

On Da Huangke's side, the "Red Dawn" written by the Taoist friend named Red Cat has already written another version of April [-], the plot of shooting Cai Yuanpei.

Don't underestimate the novelist's influence and control over public opinion.

The story about the burning of the Qinggong Building by folk storytellers has influenced hundreds of years and fools are still fooled.Bao Yicha Liangyong's "Jade Blood Sword" made Yuan Chonghuan a famous anti-Qing general, and even made China in the 90s film a TV series "Yuan Chonghuan". This situation continued until another author Gray Panda's " "Stealing the Light", Yuan Chonghuan, who had been whitewashed, was blacked out again.As for the famous silk stocking general Zhuang Jihua, that book also deceived many non-brained people into taking the plot in his book as official history, such as thinking that Jiang Xianyun was killed by Zhang Guotao. (I've met people like this online.)

What made Huang Ke even feel how stupid human beings are is that Da Huang Ke saw a fishing post on the Internet, and someone wrote an article "The Invincible 74th Division on the Beaches of Normandy", which clearly used the obvious stalk of the 250th Division of the 74th Army, but There are also fools who believe it, and then talk about the stupidity of the performance of the 74th Division in Normandy in the QQ group (the author personally experienced it).A film of "Soldiers Coming to the City", which was shot by the French on the Soviet Red Army in place of their own performance in World War I, made many people think that the Soviet Red Army in Stalingrad was charging with a crowd of people who didn't have enough rifles, and the political commissar hid behind him. Supervisor team.

In the age without the Internet, the whole people have great discussions, exposing blacks, whitewashing, and smearing, repeatedly tossing back and forth until the truth is finally filtered out. The history that ordinary people can see is like a history packaged by capital and navy. The traffic stars who come out can play as they like.

Before "Red Dawn" wrote about Cai Yuanpei's deeds on April 2020, although some people on the Internet knew about his deeds on April [-], almost no one mentioned it. The accumulated fame was instantly blacked out.In [-], when Huang Ke reads the news on the Internet, as soon as he mentions the spirit of Peking University and Cai Yuanpei, a lot of things like "the current anti-X member Cai XX" and "[-] butcher" will appear in the comment column below. Replies or bullet screens float by.

Back in 2011, when re-experienced the birth process of the book "Red Dawn", Da Huang Ke, who often dealt with fellow Taoists Red Cat, was actually most interested in seeing the instant reversal of Cai Yuanpei's evaluation on the Internet.

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