What Stalin did not expect was that the summary materials of the campaign he sent to Britain and France were not taken seriously by these two countries, and they were discarded casually. On the contrary, they were his greatest enemy, and the Germans paid unprecedented attention to China. Soviet and Soviet successes on the battlefield.

The German military attache in China received instructions from Berlin as soon as the Battle of Pingjin ended to collect relevant battlefield intelligence data.During this period, the German government also took the initiative to request "technical exchanges" to the Japanese military headquarters that were in trouble after the defeat.In exchange for providing anti-tank gun technology, Japan's actual intelligence on the battlefield is exchanged.

What really surprised Guderian was that a few months later, Germany easily obtained the campaign summary materials sent by the Soviet Union through the spy network in Britain and France.After Guderian got it, he read it hard for the first time and benefited a lot.


"Radio? Really important! We have a well-developed electronics industry in Germany. Not to mention the No. [-] tank, even the No. [-] tank can be equipped with a radio."

"Armored personnel carriers attack together with tanks! It coincides with my idea!"

"Need a large number of trucks to follow the tanks? This will cost extra money, and I have to talk to the head of state."

During this period, Mustache and Guderian, that is bastard mung bean, get along very well.Mustache, who was bent on starting a world war, patted his chest and said to Guderian, rest assured to design the armored division of the empire according to your ideas, and I, Adolf, will support you even if I sell my liver and kidney.

In short, Stalin's speculative idea of ​​influencing the combat guiding ideology of the British and two armies through the excellent performance of the use of tank groups on the Chinese battlefield was shattered by reality, but it made the Germans a little cheaper.

When the time came to June, as the Northeast ended the thawing period and turned hot, the land became firm again, and the war atmosphere between Japan and the Soviet Union in the Northeast returned to a state of tension.

Knowing that he should delegate more power to the front-line commanders, Stalin did not forcefully demand that Zhukov launch an offensive immediately.He telegraphed Zhu Keshi very leniently, and it was up to him to decide when to attack according to the frontline situation.

And this point in time.Zhukov is also working hard to solve a lot of problems exposed by the Soviet Red Army in actual combat during the battle in April.He needs time to train in a targeted manner.And the equipment it needs: more trucks, more tank logistics maintenance teams, are constantly being transferred from the country, so there is no attack throughout May.

At the same time, in less than 20 days of war, the Japanese army lost five elite divisions. This period was also extremely tense.While frantically building a line of defense in the northeast, while desperately increasing troops to the northeast.At this time, his strategic thinking has changed to "reject the nakedness in the north, and defend the red branch in the south", and has become a "pure" defensive self-protection.

Throughout May, the Japanese army continued to increase its troops and adjust its strategy in the northeast region.In just one month, the number of Kwantung Army stationed in the Northeast increased sharply. Not counting the five divisions that were annihilated and disabled, there were an additional 55 divisions.More than [-] troops hoarded the Northeast, which finally made the Tokyo Military Headquarters half-hearted.

Throughout May, being beaten and afraid of Japan, the mentality of the entire upper class was terrified—the mood was similar to that during the Russo-Japanese War, or even worse.cake

In the Russo-Japanese War, Japan won a small victory at the beginning, and basically won consecutive victories later, but at a heavy price.This time, however, the war suffered defeats on both fronts.

"Only relying on the empire's side and going to war with Chilu Chizhi at the same time will definitely not have any good results."

This is the consensus of several senior officials of the Army in the Konoe Fumimaro Cabinet.

If there is a choice, at this time, the top military officials really want to cease the war with the CCP and the Soviet Union. Even if they abandon the North China and East Hebei regions and retreat to Shanhaiguan, they can reluctantly accept it.

However, Japan, which has embarked on the path of a degraded version of the mustache, has already carried out a general military mobilization a year in advance.All the national financial funds have been invested in the bottomless pit of military industry.At this time, there is really a truce, and there is no need for China and the Soviet Union to fight, and Japan itself will explode internally.

When Emperor Yongren asked Konoe Fumimaro whether he could stop the war with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Soviet Union through negotiations and return to the situation before the war, Konoe Fumimaro wanted to cry and shouted to the young emperor above: "Mr. (Concubine) really can't do it!"

Konoe Fumimaro formed a cabinet for the third time as prime minister, and it was also the second "successful" cabinet formation within three months.On May [-]th, the Battle of Tongzhou ended, the Fifth Division was wiped out, and the First and Sixth Divisions were disabled. After returning to Tangshan in embarrassment, Konoe Fumimaro "consciously" resigned and apologized to the Emperor. Leave the pot.

The question is, which idiot wants to take over these two big pots of boiling oil in Northeast China and North China?

Konoe Fumimaro, who apologized to the emperor for his resignation, left the prime minister's chair before it was cold, and was pushed back on the chair by all the good officials in the court (Note: Historically, Konoe Fumimaro also formed a cabinet consecutively from 1937 to 1938).It's not that everyone really supports him, but that no one wants to take over this mess at this point in time, so they pushed him back!

In Chichibu Palace, Emperor Yongren, who had not slept well for several days and was under too much pressure, already had panda eyes.

"What is the attitude of the Soviet Union now? To what extent are they preparing for the conflict in North Manchuria and the Imperial Kingdom?"

"What is the attitude of the British and French? What is the attitude of Roosevelt?"

As soon as he came up, Yongren grabbed the Minister of Foreign Affairs Matsuoka Yosuke and asked these two questions repeatedly.

There are two things that Japan is most concerned about right now. The first is how far the Soviet Union is going to go with regard to the "conflict" in North Manchuria, whether it is a "partial" skirmish or a "full-scale national war."If it is the latter, it is simply a nightmare for Japan.

The second is the attitude of the United Kingdom, the United States and France. Japan's victory in the Russo-Japanese War was due to the fact that these three countries secretly assisted Japan in various blood transfusions and at the same time used black guns from Tsarist Russia.Now that history is reappearing, Red Russia is far more brutal than White Russia, Chizhi is far better than Manchu Qing, and the two families still wear the same trousers to advance and retreat together.At the thought of fighting an all-out war with the Soviet Union in the Northeast, and with the CCP stabbing black knives in the back, every devil in the Chichibu Palace, whether it is army horse dung, navy red deer, or Emperor Yasuwa on the throne, all of them It was cold sweat on their foreheads, none of them were second-year students of the Huangdao School who finished shooting arrows and drew targets, but in fact they could more or less guess the final result in their hearts.

But knowing the result is useless!In less than 20 days, more than [-] soldiers were lost, and countless military expenditures were burned, but nothing was gained. The chain reaction triggered by this, the huge financial hole has already made the people in the Ministry of Finance go crazy.Now the whole of Japan is full of turmoil—shortly after the end of the Battle of Tongzhou, the Red Army once again dispatched planes to Nagasaki and Fukuoka at night on May [-], dropped leaflets, and sent the Fifth Division The entire army of the regiment was wiped out, and the heads of the fifth and sixth divisions were killed.The leaflets that were dropped also contained photos of the two division commanders (although the printing was bad) and the delusion of the Japanese government's efforts to cover up the defeat was wiped out.

Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka replied with a bitter face: "Stalin has always insisted that the fighting in North Manchuria is only a small local conflict and will not be a full-scale war with the imperial country, but the truce conditions he proposed are still unwilling to change... "

Stalin's armistice conditions did not have any "sincerity" at all: he asked the Japanese army to withdraw [-] kilometers from the existing defense line as a buffer zone for the forces of both sides.At this time, in the direction of Manzhouli, the Soviet Red Army had penetrated about [-] kilometers into the northeast.If he really agreed to his request, the Japanese army would give up [-] kilometers in depth and tens of thousands of square kilometers of northeast land, but how could this be possible.

"As for Li Runshi, his attitude is still the same as before. They don't want to negotiate with the imperial country at all, and they are determined to fight to the end."

In addition to Kita Ikki, the Japanese also sent a probe of peace talks to the CCP through the Soviet Union. However, Chairman Li Yunshi directly replied to Japan through a public statement, and he directly said that the possibility of "peace talks" was dead: after the Japanese withdrew from the Northeast, Before Taiwan, any truce negotiations with the Japanese were acts of traitors.

Yong Ren said with red eyes:

"What about the attitude of the British, French, and Americans? The Imperial Kingdom is here to help them prevent the spread of the communist plague, and they should give practical support! What is Chamberlain's attitude now?"

Among Britain, France and the United States, Yongren is most concerned about Britain—the French are now in power by the left, and they have little interest in China. They are still in an economic crisis. They have little support for Japan and the Sino-Soviet confrontation.Roosevelt in the United States has just given a short-term loan of [-] million US dollars, and there is no more money for the time being.

Japan can now only count on changes in the national conditions of the United Kingdom.

During April and May of this year, a major event happened in the United Kingdom: In order to marry Mrs. Simpson, King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom abdicated on his own initiative, and on May 5 of that year, his title was changed to Duke of Windsor.

China, the Soviet Union, and Japan are fighting in full swing in North China and Northeast China, but the top and bottom of Britain are only concerned about the "big event" that the king and a second-married woman are fighting fiercely and taking over "third-hand goods". Only a small corner of the newspaper.

It was hard to survive until the new king took over, the attention of the British was diverted, and the new Prime Minister Chamberlain also came to power on May 28.His predecessor, Baldwin, gave Japan all support except financial and military aid on the issue of China, Japan and the Soviet Union.

Yosuke Matsuoka frowned and said: "It's still the same. They said they can supply the imperial country with food and oil at a friendly price... At the same time, we also want to ensure that the interests of the Chen Jitang regime in Nanjing will not be violated in the south of the Yangtze River."

The British are not stupid either.They saw all the little tricks the Japanese army did in the Songhu area.The Japanese fought against the two red forces in the north, and they will give "limited" friendly support, but if they want to play tricks in the south of the Yangtze River...

Especially after the Japanese army had just lost consecutive battles in North and Northeast China, the tone of the British when they spoke to Japan became obviously hardened...

On June [-]th, the court meeting between Yongren and Konoe Fumimaro's new cabinet still "ended without result" as before.Although the "Jinghe staff officers" of the military department once again enthusiastically proposed the solution of "squeezing softly" to solve the problem, Yong Ren is not stupid. He can also imagine that doing so is tantamount to offending Britain and France at the same time. The four major forces of China, the Soviet Union, and China are opposed to the four at the same time, not to mention that there is a beautiful country of America that pretends to be neutral and hides behind and sneers at Japan.

Yongren once again thought of the words Huang Ke said to him in Chichibu Palace in the past, as well as the book.At first, he thought those contents were the words of a madman, but the plight of Japan today is exactly the same as what he said. If he "strikes the south", he will really fall into the trap of the most terrible situation.

The book "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword" written by Huang Ke predicted the fate of Japan after its defeat.He plagiarized a lot of history, but the content of the lie contained in the book was: After Japan's defeat in the war, the consortia pushed the emperor as a war criminal to take the blame for them in order to escape, just like the last time the European Union What the German Junkers did to Wilhelm II after the war

This is the reason why Yongren has been hesitant on the motion of "Southern Attack" - he is smart enough to wait for the red deer in the military to make a decision to propose this motion, but all the red deer are "smart" I have repeatedly mentioned this idea, but no one is willing to take the initiative to make a decision.

The military department looks at the emperor, and the emperor looks at the military department. Everyone wants to go together!

Yong Ren now regrets more and more that he took the position of emperor.I don't know if I don't sit down, I just found out after I took the position that the court is full of "too smart" red deer, and everyone wants to play him as a monkey.

After wasting another day with this group of "too smart" red deer, Yong Ren went out at night in a depressed mood, and drove to the Gongwang Mansion of Xiyuan Temple to ask the elder of the four dynasties for advice.

-------------------- The Romance of Tank Development by the French --------------------

From World War II to the Cold War, French tank development was all coffee tables.

at Charles de Gaulle

living age

Both pre-war and post-war (until the 13 series came out)

France has never been "right" in its research and development of equipment!

It has tried all the "pitches" encountered by all countries one by one

And skillfully avoided every opportunity for technological leadership

First, it fell into the misunderstanding of the early British and American "infantry auxiliary combat vehicles", blindly emphasizing the coordination of infantry and tanks, and believed that the battle between armored forces was impossible and did not exist.This makes the French cars of the same period have the upper limit of the speed of people (ducks) (sub) steps (slips) and walks (curves).Seriously delayed the development process of the engine.

Then it fell into the misunderstanding of the research and development of the British "cruiser tank".That is to say, on the basis of emphasizing the auxiliary infantry, it focuses on the number and the degree of chaos (rogue) of the group.So much so that the improvement of the quality of the bicycle is ignored, and batch after batch of crispy scum has been achieved. The engine is not good enough to weaken the armor to increase the thrust-to-weight ratio. Although there are many shortcomings in mass-produced models such as Case and 1 Duck, it is a good strategy compared to the embarrassing initial stage of other countries.However, after this decadence, I can't afford to get sick again.

Then there is the old strategic thinking of relying on "permanent fortifications" and refusing to rely on natural dangers, optimistically believing that you can choose your own battlefield, using the Maginot Line and the Ardennes Forest

To choose the northern Great Plains to fight, thus making the same mistake as the United States, ignoring the mobility of the tank and the ability to pass through the terrain, so as to compete with Christie

Suspension missed, allowing the Soviet Union to take the lead.As a result, during the Cold War period when hydraulic suspension was developed, France was still using Germany's pre-war staggered torsion bar technology for decades.

Then there's firepower.The entire country puts too much faith in positional warfare and ignores fire mobility.Lead to the lack of relevant personnel.Artillery development has made little reforming effort toward "getting into the vehicle".

It wasn't until the middle of the Cold War that the Soviet Union's electroslag casting technology was linked, so that its own 90,105,155, 7, [-] had a chance to compete with the European gas manufacturers such as Emperor L[-] and German Rhein Mauser (the strength and quality of the body tube were not equal to each other. ).And it seems that France (fooled by Germany)...has any misunderstanding about the "weapon carrier"... After years of research and development, their "weapon carrier" does not have the role of an "assault gun" that cooperates with infantry to attack fortified positions like Germany.There is no real firepower (US-Soviet) and protection (British and German) as a powerful model of "tank killer". The "cannon on the car" seems to have only played the role of moving in France

This may also be why post-war France has been in a state of panic in the development of tanks.

Seeing the Soviet arrow cluster armor, I can learn it...but I have never learned to understand their large-angle ricochet hull and black hole armor.

It can be seen that the United States has installed a large number of swinging turrets in order to cater to the strong firepower of the bomb feeder.However, children with cervical spondylosis exported to Israel have been proved countless times in the hills and highlands of Israel that it is not easy to use at all.

Look at other people's cast turrets, so they can be strong.However, the technology is really limited, and riveting has been used for half a century.As a result, when it was finally developed in the 70s, everyone had already used welded composite plus modular reactive armor.

After being bullied by the Germans in World War II, the "strengthening heart" that strives for excellence has finally been awakened!In the context of the emergence of high mobility and strong firepower (leopards) in West Germany, they chose to part ways~~

When I looked at the plan drawings and outlined the super-thick armored large-caliber guns.A discerning person can only sum up three words "wasting iron."

The engine is after going through all the detours of Suchaimei Automobile British Airways... In the tide of over [-] horsepower in the international community, it can only be supported by the old German pre-war technology, and its competitive strength has been fooled by the blueprints. .During the cold war period of joint research and development by France and Germany, it was always the Gallic chicken that lost money and was not yet capable. The project was withdrawn and Germany had leopards, and France had tears.

It may be that after seeing the success of the leopard, it finally opened its shell and developed the 13 series with thin skin, big stuffing and strong firepower... As a result, I didn't use it very much in the Alps, and it was not very good for the North African colonies.It is very popular to fight military and political bandits in the mountains of South America.

It wasn't until the 21st century that Leclerc's appearance was truly turned over

-------------------- Chapter 242 Going North to Mongolia --------------------

In June, when Huang Ke returned to Moscow, he did not return by direct flight.

Together with Elena, he set off from Baotou and entered Mongolia on the return truck. He walked on land for two days, and then returned by plane in Wenduerhan.

The purpose of this action is mainly to check the situation of this international traffic line leading to Outer Mongolia along the way.

When leaving Baotou, the accompanying convoy consisted of more than 100 trucks, each of which was full of people.A total of 3000 fighters entered Mongolia with Huang Ke through this route.Unlike Huang Ke, their destination was Manzhouli.

The Soviet Red Army controlled nearly [-] square kilometers of land in the Manzhouli area, but that area was sparsely populated.The Soviet Red Army controls the core area, while the surrounding areas are controlled by the troops of the Anti-Japanese Federation.

Stalin sent the Soviet Red Army to attack the Japanese army for the purpose of training troops, but he did not want to suffer too many personnel losses in the Far East.The work of controlling the local area will also be handed over to the Anti-Japanese Federation, which will be responsible for starting.The area of ​​Manzhouli is underpopulated, and it is not easy to recruit troops for the Anti-Japanese War. According to the agreement reached in Moscow between Li Runshi and Stalin. In 1937, the Red Army will pass this road and send more than 5 troops to the northeast.

After these soldiers entered the Manzhouli area empty-handed, the Soviet Red Army would arm them there, and then cooperate with the Soviet Red Army to fight.Huang Ke's convoy is actually the third batch of personnel imported by the CCP to the north through this channel.

Now in the area of ​​Manzhouli, the total strength of the anti-union troops headed by Yang Jingyu has expanded to 4. Li Runshi's plan is to increase the strength to 10 by the end of the year.

On the way, Huang Ke and Elena parted ways with the convoy going north.He arrived in Moscow two days later. When Stalin saw Huang Ke, the first thing he noticed was the short hair on his forehead.

"Li Runshi asked me for leave for you. It seems that you have worked hard during this time."

"Together with a Japanese, I visited and participated in the land reform in rural China, and learned a lot."

Stalin showed an interested expression: "It sounds very interesting, can you tell me about it?"

While talking, Stalin picked up the tea on the side and drank a big gulp.What he is drinking now is green tea sent from China—in order to live longer, Chairman Li quit smoking, while Da Linzi quit both alcohol and tobacco. Recently, he has become obsessed with drinking Chinese tea.

When Stalin was chatting with Huang Ke, the secretary Leobyshev tactfully withdrew, closed the door, and temporarily blocked the people who were going to visit Stalin.

"Before you came back, I had received a detailed report on the Battle of Tongzhou. The Red Army led by Comrade Li Runshi did not disappoint me."

Stalin was in a very good mood during this time.The battle situation in the Far East made him completely see the weakness of Japan and the combat effectiveness displayed by the Red Army.It also allowed him to see the Soviet-German war that would break out in three years, and the important role that the "red boy" next to him would play.

"General Zhukov just reported to me that he is preparing to launch a second wave of offensive in mid-June. By the way, Rokossovsky, you mentioned to me that the future marshal is not inferior to Zhukov in talent, And Comrade Lukin who created the "Lukin Miracle", I have already sent them to the Far East."

In the eyes of Stalin, Japan is no longer an "enemy", but an experience package to help the Soviet Red Army improve its combat effectiveness.

After the Battle of Tongzhou, whether it was Stalin or Li Runshi, their confidence in each other increased greatly.Stalin had a thorough understanding of the old background of the Japanese army, and saw through its true colors of being strong on the outside and doing nothing but on the inside.Although in the process, a lot of shortcomings of the Soviet Red Army's lack of training and poor individual quality were exposed.But it doesn't matter, I'm not afraid of problems, I'm afraid I didn't find them.The Far East Front Army, Zhukov is taking advantage of the armistice period and is training troops frantically.Stalin was going to take advantage of his national strength, use Japan as a whetstone, engage in rounds of warfare, and slowly squeeze out their "experience wool" bit by bit.

And Chairman Li Runshi also saw the limit of Japan from the narrow strategy of the Japanese army in the face of the Sino-Soviet north-south attack.Its weak manpower and national strength simply cannot carry out two wars in two directions at the same time.

After chatting with Huang Ke for a while, Stalin continued his work, while Huang Ke first came to the electronic component factory in Moscow to send a new batch of germanium materials received from Da Huang Ke when he returned to China.Then he returned to Moscow University, called his secretary, and asked him to help write down the newly received "theoretical materials" for semiconductor development and manufacturing.

That night, Little Huang Ke did not meet Big Huang Ke in his dream.

Little Huang Ke has spent two full years in this time and space, while Big Huang Ke in another time and space has only spent ten months.Every time after transporting materials across time and space, or after contact in a dream, the next time the two meet, little Huang Ke will drift and become "long".Originally, the cooling-off period for Xiao Huang Ke and Big Huang Ke to meet after sleeping was about 36 hours (referring to Xiao Huang Ke's side), but now two years later, this time has increased to [-] hours, and it is still extending , and tends to be faster and faster.As for Big Huang Ke, the cooling-off period between his contact with Little Huang Ke has remained stable.

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