Fantasy: On the first day of divorce, reward the Supreme Bone

On the first day, reward Supreme Bone Section 407

Only when you go to the end, you will find that it is a dead end.

Previously, Lin Ang had made countless attempts to find various directions on the Emperor's Road in order to break through.

However, nothing was achieved.

Until the emperor flower drifts away, the petals are crystal clear and flawless, even stained with dew, like ~ like teardrops!

Petals are leading the way.

Leading Lin Ang to a vast thoroughfare.

This is an extremely glorious imperial road.

The emperor's light is shining brightly, and the auspicious energy is rising.

One after another figures sat cross-legged on the Emperor's Road, their aura was even more ancient, immortal through the ages.

The great emperors who can embark on this imperial road are peerless and powerful, and they are all extremely strong in the realm of great emperors.

Lin Ang walked forward slowly and saw an even more shocking scene.

Many great emperors were buried here, and their bodies were disillusioned, but the bones of the emperors still existed forever.

Bone is the hardest part of the living body and can exist for a long time.

This is even more so for the great emperors. The age of those great emperors sitting cross-legged at the end of the Bright Emperor Road is no longer testable.

According to Lin Ang's calculation, it must be at least hundreds of millions of epochs ago.

The figures they left on the Emperor's Road all dissipated, turning into a pile of dead bones.

But this also proves the power of these great emperors.

For other great emperors on the Emperor's Road, the figures left on the Emperor's Road will only gradually dissipate with the years, and finally be wiped out in the light of time, completely extinct.

Undoubtedly, Lin Ang is on the right path to the emperor now!

He went all the way, and finally came to the end.

I wanted to take a step, but found that there was nothing left in front of me.

Darkness looms ahead.

"The road is broken?"

"This extremely bright imperial road is actually a dead end road?"

"Wrong way?"

Lin Ang frowned, looking a little surprised.

He didn't think it was the wrong way to go.

Along the way, the glorious scene of many great emperors reaching their utmost sublimation kept confirming in his heart.

"Impossible, this path is right."

However, the front is dark, the emperor's road has been cut off, and many causes and effects have been cut off here.

Can't calculate the secret, can't perceive the fate.

Everything fell into the unknown, Lin Ang stood before the road was broken, with a silent expression.

This time, he remained firm and never doubted himself.

If this road is broken, is there still a way on the emperor's road?

For hundreds of millions of years, Lin Ang has walked through many imperial roads.

However, the ends of those imperial roads have all been cut off.

In his eyes, a blazing emperor's light flashed, like a burning fairy sun.

"Is it right or is it wrong?"

He whispered.

The emperor's voice is mighty, resounding through the ages.

"Cosmic starry sky, eternal years, and many eras, there is no real emperor at all!"

"There is no such thing as a false emperor."

"The emperor's road has come to an end here."

At this moment, Lin Ang's body burst into bright light, like a fairy fire burning!

"All attempts are in vain, and the search for the trace of the so-called true emperor is just a waste of time."

"The emperor's road has been cut off. In the starry universe, it is impossible for anyone to prove the way."

Lin Ang said in a deep voice, his expression became more and more decisive.

He walked calmly, took a step forward, and walked into the darkness on his own initiative.

The splendid Earth Emperor illuminated the darkness, and he broke into nothingness alone, holding the Emperor Flower in his hand, and continued to move forward.

"There is no emperor's way in the world, so I will open the way for future generations!"

The bright light gathered under his feet, and Lin Ang moved forward in the unknown darkness.

Behind him, one after another footprints gathered together.

The emperor's order will penetrate it.

Let the Emperor's Road, which had already come to an end, continue again.

On the resplendent emperor's road, a vigorous emperor's light burst out, and the figures of countless great emperors all emitted splendid emperor's light.

Even on the dead bones of those ancient emperors.It also overflowed with streamer.

All the rays of light came together, following behind Lin Ang, the darkness of nothingness was broken, and the new Emperor Road continued.

This is not only Lin Ang's will, but also the common pursuit of all the great emperors who have ascended the road of God since ancient times.

They fell here, and the Dao was destroyed for a lifetime, but their heart to the Dao has never been cut off.

The end of the emperor's road is the regret of the emperors, but at this moment, this is a big trouble that has troubled hundreds of millions of emperors for countless years!

As a figure groped in the darkness, it was constantly disintegrating.

The silver-white rays of light interweave in Emperor Light.

This is the trace of the years.

Every time Lin Ang took a step, he could feel the breath of time.

Throughout the ages, countless great emperors have been deducing the years.

Maybe they had a glimpse and saw this place.

I saw myself who was paving the way for future emperors!

Lin Ang knew very well that his figure must be imprinted on the Emperor's Road, walking at the forefront of this Emperor's Road.

With a long history and vast years, his emperor's name has been passed down through the ages.

Any one of the peak powerhouses in the future who will hit the emperor.

···· 0 for flowers········

Everyone will see his back on this road!

Darkness, nothingness, sinking, emptiness...

At the end of the emperor's road, there is no light.

Everything is just nothingness.

Lin Ang opened up the emperor's road and trekked hard.

He doesn't know what will happen in front of him, but every step he takes will affect the eternal years.

Every step he takes is a new imperial road.

It will give the great emperors of later generations an extra chance!


In the starry sky universe, the battle between emperors is fierce.

At the end of the ultimate battle of gods, the four figures are still confronting each other.

The three ten-turn great emperors tried their best to fight against the corrupt true emperor.

They were at a disadvantage and were in an extremely difficult situation.

It's a confrontation, but it's more like a crush!

In front of the true emperor.

The ten-turn emperor is nothing more than an immature child, vulnerable to a single blow.

...... 0

They were trapped in the corrupted god ring, and the unimaginable dark power imprisoned Wan Dao and tortured them.

The emperor's light outside his body was dim, and accidents may happen at any time.

The rotten true emperor is like taking a walk in the garden.

Every shot will lead to a big collapse of the starry sky universe.

The three ten-turn great emperors were trying their best to deal with each other.

But at this moment, they cannot protect themselves.

Suddenly, a different understanding emerged in the minds of the three ten-turn emperors!

That is a rule that transcends the emperor's way, and it is extremely mysterious.

It is the deepest understanding of the universe.

Represents the highest level of Tao and Dharma in the starry universe.

Almost in an instant, the bodies of the three ten-turn great emperors burst out with resplendent imperial light.

They defeated the ominous force of darkness and escaped from the ring of decay!

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