There was a kind of deterrence all over him.

Zhang Qilin glared at Qin Feng: "You crow mouth."

Qin Feng: "..."

"Wow! How did it become my crow's mouth? Obviously you said it first, okay, I'm really wronged."

Without saying a word, the stone giant directly attacked the two of them.

He punched out, and the space even trembled a little.

"I'll meet him."

Qin Feng flew up and punched.

The fists of the two people touched together high in the air.

Good guy.

Qin Feng flew out directly.

"This big guy, his strength is too great."

Qin Feng couldn't believe that this stone giant had such terrifying power.

Completely exceeded his cognition.

Zhang Qilin also made a move at this time, slashing through with the ancient black gold knife.


The arm of the stone giant was severed.

But the stone giant's legs were also kicked out at the same time.


Zhang Qilin was hit straight, and his body flew backwards.

It hit Qin Feng directly.


"Porky bottle, did you do it on purpose?"

"It almost killed me."

Zhang Qilin frowned tightly, staring at the stone giant with a hint of fear in his eyes.

This big guy is much more powerful than he imagined.

Zhang Qilin took a deep breath.


Zhang Qilin grabbed Qin Feng and ran away directly.

The audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

"Is this still the indifferent little brother I know?"

"Why are you so cowardly all of a sudden?"

" can do it if you have the ability."

"One look at this stone giant is not easy to provoke."

"Look, there is another stone giant in the coffin.

The eyes of the live broadcast room fell on the coffin, and saw stone giants jumping out one by one, killing all directions.

Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin took Shi Xiu'er and ran away quickly.

After running for a while, they temporarily avoided the sight of the stone giants.

Qin Feng took a deep breath, "Is this the petrified battlefield created by Queen Medusa? The people inside are too perverted."

"Poker bottle, what are your plans now?"

Zhang Qilin shook his head, showing a rare expression of nervousness.

"The petrified battlefield is open, and this place will soon become a battlefield for killing."

"If we still can't find the exit, then there is only a dead end."

Qin Feng knew very well that Zhang Qilin would not say such frustrating words easily.

This represents the crisis they are facing now, which is indeed terrifying.


Suddenly there was a sound not far away, Shi Xiu'er cast her gaze over and found that it was Shi Hao.

Shi Xiu'er suddenly revealed a face full of surprise.

"Dad, I finally saw you, Dad."

"where did you go?"

Shi Xiu'er hugged Shi Hao tightly.

Shi Hao stroked Shi Xiu'er's hair, "I escaped from that stone python's mouth a long time ago, and have been looking for you all along."

"These two guys? Why are you with them?"

Shi Hao set his eyes on Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin, showing a fierce look on his face.

It's as if there is some deep hatred between each other.

Qin Feng glanced at his mouth and said: "Hey, I said this old man, the grievances between us are not that big, don't stare at us like this."

"You're already ugly, but you're even uglier when you stare like this."

"I don't want to puke right now."

Shi Hao's face became even more ugly, and he gritted his teeth and shouted, "It's all because of you that brought disaster to our Shicun, I will kill you."

Shi Xiu'er quickly stopped her, "Dad, don't be like this. I was besieged by stone silkworms before, and it was because of them that I was able to escape and ascend to heaven."

"They are my saviors, don't hurt them."

Qin Feng smiled indifferently, and he didn't think Shi Hao could be his opponent with Zhang Qilin.

Shi Hao pushed Shi Xiu'er away, glared at Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin and shouted: "Don't worry about it, the two of them must die today."

"I don't want them to spoil my good work."

good thing?

Shi Hao's words made Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin a little confused.

"However, uncle, can you kill us?"

Qin Feng expressed doubts.

But the next moment.

Shi Hao's actions stunned both Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin.


Chapter 86: 90% impersonation

I saw Shi Hao's body in a state of petrification.

A thick layer of armor formed on the surface of his body.

An extremely dangerous breath also emanated from Shi Hao's body.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin subconsciously looked at each other.

Qin Feng thought of fighting those people from Shicun before. They used a magical formation, and their state was similar to that of Shi Hao.

But the crux of the problem is that there is only one Shi Hao now.

How could he appear in this state?

It was a little too weird.

"Dad, I beg you, don't attack the two of them, okay?"

"They are all my saviors, I beg you."

Shi Xiu'er kept begging for help, almost kneeling before Shi Hao.

However, Shi Hao still ignored him and pushed Shi Xiu'er away.

His cold eyes locked on Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin.

"I'm going to kill you both."

"go to hell!"

After the words fell, Shi Hao had already rushed over.

"I'll go first!"

Zhang Qilin was going to be the first to stand up.

As a result, Qin Feng was one step ahead of him, "Let me do it."

"Poker bottle, you are responsible for resting there."

Zhang Qilin said indifferently: "You are not his opponent."

"What? I'm not his opponent, don't be kidding me."

"Only I can solve him. If it is you, you are finished."

Shi Hao laughed loudly: "Don't be humble, you two come to die together."

Shi Hao had already come close to them, and punched out.

Zhang Qilin did not choose to confront Shi Hao head-on, he jumped high into the sky and slashed down.

Shi Hao noticed it a long time ago, and raised his arms to resist.

Suddenly there was a sound of gold and iron clanging.

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