"My God, what happened?"

"What the hell was that thing just now? It suddenly came towards Brother Qilin and Brother Qin Feng, and injured Brother Qilin."

"I didn't see it too clearly, it seemed like a ghost."

"It is indeed a ghost image, which is particularly terrifying."

"The ghost image was not cut off by the black gold ancient sword, but directly entered the body of little brother Qilin."

"It is precisely because of this that little brother Qilin suffers so much."

"Seeing Brother Qilin's current appearance, I feel so distressed."


The staff in the live broadcast room had constant discussions.

Jiu Ye and Murong Bai also looked at each other, Jiu Ye said at this moment: "This is a soul attack, I actually saw a soul attack just now."

"It should be that there is something weird in the coffin, and a ghost is suddenly released. This ghost can attack people's souls."

"Zhang Qilin has been tricked."

"The attack just now is hard to defend against, and anyone could be hit."

"And I have a very strange feeling." Murong Bai said at this time: "The people in this coffin seem to be very familiar with Zhang Qilin, so they suddenly launched a soul attack, making Zhang Qilin unable to resist."

Master Jiu nodded approvingly. What Murong Bai said at this moment is also within the scope of his thinking, and he also has such a guess in his heart.

Knowing so much about Zhang Qilin may also indirectly indicate that the people in the coffin are from the Zhang family.

"How are you, Poker Bottle?"

Seeing Zhang Qilin's sudden injury, Qin Feng's face changed, and he asked with concern immediately.

Qin Feng frowned tightly. Zhang Qilin was fine just now, but suddenly he suffered such a big trauma.

Qin Feng couldn't help blaming himself, if Zhang Qilin hadn't been in front just now, if he had been in front, then perhaps nothing would have happened to Zhang Qilin.

After all, there are many memories in Zhang Qilin's mind that give him a headache when he thinks about it, so his soul is most afraid of being hit.

In contrast, Qin Feng does not have so much influence.

But at this moment, this situation has already happened, so it is useless to say more.

Qin Feng looked at Zhang Qilin and was at a loss for a while.

Zhang Qilin took a deep breath, and then said to Qin Feng: "I'm fine!"

Zhang Qilin almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence.

Qin Feng was right in front of Zhang Qilin, so of course he could see Zhang Qilin's expression.

Qin Feng frowned and said: "Boyyouping, you have already suffered so much, and you still say that there is nothing wrong, you guy, why are you so brave under any circumstances."

Qin Feng sighed in his heart, more or less angry.

Qin Feng is the last to want to see this scene.

But Qin Feng is not a fool, of course he understands that the reason why Zhang Qilin said this is just to prevent him from worrying.

And in the live broadcast room at this time, the staff also saw this scene.

"Brother Qilin is so stupid. In order not to worry others, he is still struggling."

"Actually, brother Qilin should be in pain right now."

"Nonsense, look carefully at Brother Qilin's expression now, this is enough to prove the pain that Brother Qilin is suffering now."

"Seeing brother Qilin in such pain, our hearts are also heartbroken."

"The soul attack just now was too sudden. If it wasn't so sudden, with the ability of little brother Qilin, it would definitely be resolved easily."

"I feel a conspiracy."

"The same feeling as before, I also have the same feeling in my heart."

"What is the strange thing in this coffin?"

Chapter 690 Eight: Controlled

Zhang Qilin's sudden injury filled many people with worries.

After several minutes, Zhang Qilin has not fully recovered.

Moreover, Qin Feng could feel that the aura in Zhang Qilin's body was slowly changing, as if it was being controlled by something.

The staff in the live broadcast room, although they are separated from the screen, can more or less feel this.

Master Jiu and Murong Bai also saw this scene. They looked at each other, and they could almost see each other's uneasiness in each other's eyes.

Master Jiu immediately reminded: "Qin Feng, Zhang Qilin's current situation is very wrong, you have to be careful, otherwise something will happen."

After hearing Master Jiu's reminder, Qin Feng nodded heavily.

Qin Feng is now beside Zhang Qilin, of course, Qin Feng can clearly see Zhang Qilin's situation.

Qin Feng took a deep breath, put his hand on Zhang Qilin's shoulder, and said seriously to Zhang Qilin: "Boyyouping, cheer me up right now, there should be a soul entering your mind, he wants to To control you."

"If you are successfully manipulated, then you will no longer be an oil bottle, and you will be completely finished, do you understand? So you must cheer up now."

"Are you listening to me, answer me quickly."


Qin Feng kept talking to Zhang Qilin, trying to wake up Zhang Qilin.

Although I don't know how this effect will be, at least it is a way.


But suddenly at this moment, Zhang Qilin let out a roar, and he raised his head, the expression on his face had changed, especially Zhang Qilin's eyes.

became very blood red.

Qin Feng vaguely saw a slight difference in Zhang Qilin's expression, which seemed to be the state he should have when he was manipulated by others.

Qin Feng was completely flustered and worried about Zhang Qilin's situation.

Zhang Qilin didn't know where the brute force came from, and he pushed Qin Feng away.

Qin Feng's body hit the pillar behind him. Fortunately, Qin Feng's ability was strong enough and he didn't suffer any injuries.

At this moment, Zhang Qilin had already picked up the ancient black gold knife.

His eyes changed, and his breath also changed.

Filled with a killing breath.

It seemed to be instantly transformed into a controlled killing puppet.

The staff in the live broadcast room, they could all see the scene in front of them, they were shocked for a moment, and they launched barrages one after another.

Almost in an instant, the entire screen has been swept.

At a glance, there are barrages everywhere.

"Brother Qilin is going crazy again, it's all because of the sudden soul attack just now."

"What the hell is that thing for?"

"Brother Qin Feng, run quickly."

"Don't talk nonsense, this situation suddenly appeared, how could Brother Qin Feng leave Brother Qilin alone, it's too uninteresting."


Holding the ancient black gold knife, Zhang Qilin glanced around, because Qin Feng was the only one present, and he could feel Qin Feng's aura.

So he walked towards Qin Feng slowly.

"Stuffy oil bottle!"

Noticing the murderous intent in Zhang Qilin's eyes, Qin Feng felt that Zhang Qilin probably didn't recognize him anymore, so he immediately yelled at Zhang Qilin.

Qin Feng tried to wake up Zhang Qilin.

As a result, Qin Feng's shout did not have any impact on Zhang Qilin. Zhang Qilin was still in the same state just now, and he still walked towards Qin Feng.

Then Zhang Qilin raised the ancient black gold knife and slashed towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng frowned, subconsciously dodging.

The two soon began a fierce fight.

Strictly speaking, this kind of confrontation is not very intense.

Because Zhang Qilin lost his mind, he showed no mercy to Qin Feng.

It's as if I suddenly don't know Qin Feng.

However, the Zhang Qilin confirmed by Qin Feng, of course, it is impossible for Qin Feng to be cruel to Zhang Qilin.

So Qin Feng is avoiding blindly.

Even so, Qin Feng also suffered some minor injuries.

Qin Feng could feel that under the control of Zhang Qilin, the whole person was assisting like a god, as if his strength had suddenly increased.

The current Zhang Qilin has become quite powerful.

Even in Qin Feng's heart, this point is full of incredible.

Never expected this to be the case.

In the live broadcast room at this time, the staff members all had complicated expressions when they saw this scene.

"Brother Qin Feng and Brother Qilin started killing each other again."

"Every time I see such a scene, I feel very sad, and I don't want to see it like this."

"Yeah! Although Brother Qilin was only being manipulated, I still feel uncomfortable seeing him and Brother Qin Feng killing each other."

"Brother Qilin, you are such a strong-minded person, recover quickly."

"If this continues, there will be casualties between the two."

"Brother Qin Feng is already blindly defending, brother Qilin, don't you understand this?"

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