After Uncle Paul opened his eyes, he found two figures in front of him.

There is no doubt that these two figures are Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin.

Seeing Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin helping him, Uncle Paul's heart was filled with warmth.

But Uncle Paul still said without hesitation: "Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin, this matter has nothing to do with you, you must not come to this muddy water, otherwise you will be in danger."

"You guys leave now, stay away from here."

Qin Feng smiled lightly: "Uncle, at least we got to know each other once, and I drank your tea, which tastes very good."

"With just this cup of tea, Zhang Qilin and I will help you solve this matter today."

Uncle Paul kept shaking his head: "You can't do this, you will offend the SK organization. The SK organization is not as simple as you imagined. If you really want to offend them, then you will be in complete danger."

In this situation, Uncle Paul is still thinking about Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin. He has to admit that he is a very kind person.

Perhaps it was because of Uncle Paul's kindness that moved Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin.

Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin looked at each other, and they both nodded at the same time, confirming their inner thoughts.

This is one of the reasons why Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin have such a good relationship. They share the same three views.

Basically in many things, they will make the same choice.

Getting along without getting tired is the true meaning.

The three views are suitable, and they are always true.

The two smiled at each other.

Seeing the appearance of Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin, Huo Yunfei was slightly stunned, then he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin are you two bastards again."

"You dare to meddle in the affairs of our SK organization. It's really too daring. I advise you two to get out of here quickly and stop meddling in other people's business."

"Otherwise, you will completely offend our SK organization."

Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin smiled disapprovingly, and Qin Feng said lightly: "I have had conflicts with your SK organization before, and you have spoken harshly to me and Zhang Qilin."

"Since we have already offended once, do you think the two of us would care about offending the second time?"

"So it's a little too ridiculous for you to say such things now."

"Take back your words as soon as possible. Uncle Paul, Zhang Qilin and I are saved today. You can't change this ending at all."

"If you are still sensible, then leave here obediently now, so as to avoid a conflict."

Huo Yunfei clenched his fists tightly, his heart full of resentment.

He had already been blocked by Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin once before, which made him feel extremely resentful and frustrated.

Now Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin came to stop him again.

This has angered Huo Yunfei to the extreme.

Huo Yunfei took a deep breath and said, "Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin, you two hateful guys, do you really think we are afraid of you?"

"Since you want to die so much, kill them now."

The moment the words fell, the ice girl appeared in front of Zhang Qilin and Qin Feng.

Holding the ancient black gold knife in his hand, Zhang Qilin slashed at it without hesitation.

The ice girl released a breath of ice, which instantly froze Zhang Qilin's arm.

But in the next moment, Zhang Qilin's Qilin blood released its power, breaking the ice girl's icy breath.

The two sides quickly fought together.

While the ice girl was fighting with Zhang Qilin, Qin Feng set his sights on Huo Yunfei.

He rushed towards Huo Yunfei without hesitation.

Huo Yunfei's expression changed instantly. Of course he understood Qin Feng's intention, as the saying goes, the king should be captured first.

Qin Feng wanted to catch him first.

Huo Yunfei snorted coldly and said, "Qin Feng, do you really think I'm a soft persimmon?"

The moment the voice fell, a figure appeared in front of Huo Yunfei.

This figure blocked Qin Feng's pace.

I saw that the figure stretched out his palm, and it turned out to be very long.

"Rubber man?"

Qin Feng showed an incredible expression, inexplicably thinking of Luffy who swallowed the rubber fruit.

Qin Feng immediately fought with him.

After fighting, Qin Feng realized that the strength of the guy in front of him was not as strong as he imagined.

Although he has the ability of rubber, compared with Qin Feng who swallowed the rubber fruit, he is far behind.

It is simply not a phase.

Qin Feng suddenly remembered what Uncle Paul said, and guessed at this moment: "You guy, you must have swallowed the simulated rubber fruit."

"That's why the body changes like this."

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the rubber man in front of him nodded, but he did not deny it.

Qin Feng sneered faintly, "Next, I'll let you see what the real rubber fruit ability is."

After the words fell, Qin Feng unfolded all the power of the rubber fruit.

Attacking him like a storm.

After a while, the rubber man in front of him was already at a disadvantage.

Qin Feng completely suppressed and beat him.

Finally, Qin Feng punched down, and the guy in front of him flew out directly.

The whole body is torn apart.

Huo Yunfei saw this scene not far away, showing an unbelievable expression.

Although the rubber man in front of him is not the strongest in their SK organization, strictly speaking he is only at the bottom.

After all, what you swallow is the simulated version of the rubber fruit.

But even so, it is impossible to be defeated by Qin Feng so easily.

How strong is Qin Feng?


Chapter 640: News from the Zhang Family

After Qin Feng solved the rubber man.

Subconsciously glanced at Zhang Qilin.

There was a smile on Qin Feng's face, Zhang Qilin did not disappoint him, and really solved everything.

Facts have proved that Zhang Qilin's ability is still very strong.

Now the ice girl and the rubber man are all killed.

On Huo Yunfei's side, there was already an incredible look on his face.

At this time, Uncle Paul also stared wide-eyed, unable to believe everything in front of him.

Originally, Uncle Paul thought that although Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin's abilities were very strong, they were only a little bit stronger than him, not by much.

It turned out that the abilities of Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin far exceeded his imagination.

Now Uncle Paul was completely shocked.

They were all dumbfounded.

After finishing off these guys, Qin Feng set his sights not far away, which was Huo Yunfei's direction.

Huo Yunfei looked at Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin, gritted his teeth and said, "Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin, are you really going to do this? If you do this, we will definitely offend our SK organization members."

"From now on, members of the SK organization will definitely not let you go, and will hunt you down to the ends of the earth."

Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

Zhang Qilin chose to remain silent, but Qin Feng spoke instead of Zhang Qilin's words.

"The attitude of Poker-Face and I is very clear. It seems that you are such a stupid guy. You have asked so many times. Are you going to grind?"

"Then it's time to deal with you."

A coldness flashed in Qin Feng's eyes, and he rushed towards Huo Yunfei immediately.

But at this moment, Huo Yunfei's feet suddenly began to shake.

Then a huge deep pit appeared, and Huo Yunfei fell into it.

Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin chased after him immediately, and when they came to the side of the deep pit, they found Huo Yunfei, who had already disappeared without a trace.

Qin Feng frowned tightly, showing an unbelievable expression.

Zhang Qilin opened his mouth and guessed: "If my analysis is correct, this should be the technique of the land."

"It seems that there were members of the SK organization hiding in the dark just now, and we haven't discovered them."

"The members of the SK organization are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers."

Qin Feng cast his eyes on Zhang Qilin, and asked Zhang Qilin: "Poker bottle, you must be scared already?"

Zhang Qilin showed thoughtful eyes, and then said to Qin Feng: "If you are not afraid, then I will never be afraid."

A smile suddenly appeared on Qin Feng's face, and then he patted Zhang Qilin on the shoulder and said: "Then there is no problem, don't worry, if something really happens, then I will stand up and protect you as soon as possible."

Zhang Qilin snorted lightly, "I think I'm protecting you. After all, I'm not weaker than you."

Hearing what Zhang Qilin said, Qin Feng showed a very dissatisfied expression, and Qin Feng said in a deep voice: "It seems that you really want to fight with me, so if you have the ability, let's fight with each other and see who can fight!" win the final victory."

There was a smile on Zhang Qilin's face, "You are too savage, you always like to fight so much."

"I won't fight you."

Qin Feng said with a smile: "If you don't fight with me, it proves that you think I am better than you, and you are a little scared in your heart, can I say that?"

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