Among these people, some Qin Feng didn't know, and he could guess from their clothes and skin that they were foreign explorers.

But the crux of the problem is that there are still many people from Panda Kingdom here.

Qin Feng can ignore explorers from other countries.

But the explorers of Panda Kingdom had fought side by side together before, and Qin Feng didn't want to see them being killed just like that.

Qin Feng frowned tightly and began to think about countermeasures.

At this moment, these manipulated explorers rushed towards them immediately.

Qin Feng grabbed Zhang Qilin and immediately backed away.

However, those elder clansmen were not so lucky. Their reaction speed and strength were far inferior to Zhang Qilin and Qin Feng.

He was caught shortly and was instantly blown to pieces.

According to this situation, it is estimated that all the people here will die, Qin Feng quickly made up his mind.

"Kill them all."

Qin Feng controls the mechanical armor, stands high in the sky, and continuously fires pd.


The ear-piercing voice kept ringing, but in a matter of seconds, Qin Feng had already killed all the controlled explorers.

This completely resolved the crisis.

The old man breathed out a sigh of relief, and thanked Qin Feng: "Fortunately, there are you and Mr. Zhang Qilin. If it weren't for you, we would have killed and injured a lot of people just now."

Qin Feng shook his head, and a icy chill flashed in his eyes, "These damned mechanical characters, this account will be settled with them sooner or later, and I will destroy the mechanical kingdom."

"It seems that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. It is estimated that mechanical soldiers will come to trouble us again soon. Let's go."

Zhang Qilin is responsible for leading the way.

They walked for a while, and came to a dark forest.

After arriving here, the old man expressed some doubts and asked Zhang Qilin, "Is this the place you want to bring us to? Why does this place feel so weird?"

"Is there any danger?"

Zhang Qilin shook his head. He doesn't know what this place is now, but the consciousness in his mind has been guiding him to this place.

Zhang Qilin said: "This place may be dangerous, but after entering here, those mechanical characters dare not wander around at will."

"I can promise."

Zhang Qilin didn't know where he got the confidence to say such a thing.

Qin Feng sniffed the air, and suddenly said pleasantly: "Poker bottle, you really did a good job."

"You smell the substances in the air carefully, it seems that there is a kind of harm to the mechanical characters."

"As long as we stay here, those mechanical characters will definitely not dare to come here easily, because they are likely to fail."


Chapter 580: Exactly the same as Zhang Qilin

The old man is the patriarch of this racial team, and he knows mechanical characters very well.

The old man sniffed the surrounding air, and sure enough, he also found that there was a very special substance in the air, which was extremely harmful to mechanical products.

If mechanical products enter here, it will indeed have the effect of failure.

No wonder when they came in, they found that there were no mechanical products around.

Qin Feng patted Zhang Qilin on the shoulder and said, "Boyyouping, you really didn't disappoint me."

Zhang Qilin nodded slightly, and he said, "I should have been to this place before, but I can't remember it at all now."

"Just some vague impressions."

In the live broadcast room, the audience praised: "Brother Qilin is really amazing, I feel that every time we are in a desperate situation, brother Qilin can bring us unexpected surprises."

"Yes yes yes, look at brother Qilin in good times, look at brother Qin Feng in adversity, and look at brother Qilin again when the situation is desperate."

"The cooperation of these two little brothers is perfect in short. I really like their combination."


After confirming that this place is suitable, Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin walked forward.

The old man and the others also followed behind.

After walking for a while, they found some creatures, but after these creatures were killed, there were no mechanical products inside.

Indicates that these creatures are just normal creatures and have nothing to do with mechanical characters.

This made Qin Feng breathe a sigh of relief, and he immediately said, "Let's develop the mechanical heart without delay."

The old man nodded, and told the clansmen to prepare the materials.

When they came this time, they brought a lot of materials with them.

The last mechanical heart has reached the most preliminary stage, and there is still a long period of time to deal with it.

No one can guarantee the specific time when it will be completely completed. In short, time waits for no one, and they must hurry up to make it now.

The explorers I met before were persecuted by mechanical characters.

If things go on like this for a long time, maybe the mechanical characters will leave the forbidden area of ​​time and space, enter the capital city, and wreak havoc.

At that time, the world was in chaos.

Unknowingly, they spent seven days in this area.

During these seven days, the audience was watching the live broadcast, and almost never left except for eating and sleeping.

The hardest ones during this period were undoubtedly Qin Feng and the old man.

After seven days of continuous efforts, they now only have the final stage of manufacturing the mechanical heart.

The audience in the live broadcast room were delighted for them.

"Brother Qin Feng is really amazing. I feel that with the addition of Brother Qin Feng, the manufacturing of the mechanical heart is very fast."

"And I can feel that this mechanical heart is so powerful that it might really be able to resolve this crisis."

"I'm really looking forward to the results of their research."

"It's just that Brother Qin Feng has been too busy these days. I can't see the interaction between Brother Qin Feng and Brother Qilin, which makes me very unhappy."

"It is estimated that Brother Qin Feng and Brother Qilin are also thinking of each other in their hearts."

"That is for sure."


The audience in the live broadcast room quickly looked at Zhang Qilin's live broadcast.

It was found that Zhang Qilin was wiping the ancient black gold knife with a handkerchief almost all the time.

Every time he wiped the ancient black gold knife, the corners of Zhang Qilin's mouth rose slightly, and a smile flashed across it.

This allows the audience in the live broadcast room to feel that Zhang Qilin likes the black gold ancient knife made by Qin Feng very much.

Zhang Qilin didn't admit it before because of his personality.

Zhang Qilin has always been duplicity.

Cold outside and hot inside.

Zhang Qilin sat on the stone and wiped the ancient black gold knife. After wiping for a while, he suddenly felt a breath coming from his surroundings.

Zhang Qilin stood up decisively.

Then he ran towards the location where the breath came from.

Zhang Qilin frowned tightly, feeling extremely nervous.

Recently, Qin Feng and the others have been studying the mechanical heart. Zhang Qilin didn't know how to make machines, so he took up the position of bodyguard.

"Who, stop."

Zhang Qilin shouted while chasing.

The speed on the legs also started to pick up.

And in the live broadcast room at this time, the audience was also shocked by this sudden situation.

"I remember Brother Qin Feng said that the material in this forest is quite special, which can prevent mechanical figures from coming over. If any mechanical figures appear, they are likely to fall into a state of failure."

"How can there be a crisis now? Who is this?"

"Could it be that Brother Qin Feng made a mistake in his judgment?"

"It's unlikely. It's been seven days. If brother Qin Feng really made a wrong judgment, I guess those mechanical figures would have come to him long ago."

"Maybe it's a new danger."

"Brother Qilin, be careful, don't get hurt."


The audience in the live broadcast room were worried. "

Zhang Qilin chased after him for a long time before finally catching up with that figure.

Holding the ancient black gold knife in his hand, Zhang Qilin pointed at him and shouted, "Who are you?"

"What is the purpose of coming here?"

Zhang Qilin's voice was very harsh. Now is the critical moment, and he will not allow anyone to destroy it.

Moreover, Qin Feng is studying hard all the time, and his body and mind are in a highly tense situation. If someone sneaks up on Qin Feng now, maybe Qin Feng will not be able to resist.

Regarding the danger of Qin Feng's life, this is not a joke.

For Zhang Qilin, he will not allow anyone to threaten Qin Feng.

The person in front of him didn't speak.

Zhang Qilin cast his gaze over, only to realize that this person looks exactly like Qin Feng.

This made Zhang Qilin frown tightly, and suddenly showed a puzzled expression.

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