"I'll let myself go first to this place."

Qin Feng looked at Zhang Qilin in surprise.


His strength is much higher than that of Zhang Qilin. If he really wants to pass, he should take the risk by himself. How can he get Zhang Qilin's turn?

"I feel that this place should be connected with our Zhang family's things. If I go up there, I will be less likely to be harmed."

Zhang Qilin explained to Qin Feng.

Since it is related to the Zhang family, it is naturally impossible for Qin Feng to stop Zhang Qilin on this kind of matter.

He stepped aside and let Zhang Qilin start walking towards the top of the altar.

At the beginning, Zhang Qilin didn't show any abnormalities, and every step he took was very firm.

But slowly Qin Feng found that Zhang Qilin's back seemed to be carrying a boulder, and his body began to shake.

Qin Feng shouted to Zhang Qilin: "What's wrong with you?"

Zhang Qilin raised his hand, waved it to Qin Feng a few times, and then continued to walk forward firmly.

In the following period of time, Zhang Qilin's body was even bent by more than half.

Gravity suppression is extremely strong.

Zhang Qilin persisted and refused to give up.

Gritting his teeth and stubborn bones, he continued to move forward.


Chapter five hundred and third: You can't meddle

Zhang Qilin's body seemed unable to hold on any longer, but his steps were still full of firmness.

It wasn't until after crossing the last step that Zhang Qilin felt his body relax again.

He took out a piece of yellow paper from his pocket, and threw it forward.

After the yellow paper fluttered several times in the air, a flame burst out from above.

Then the fire smoke seemed to be directly exploded, scattered in all directions, and fell to the surroundings.

A stream of black mist began to appear in front of Qin Feng and the others along with the burning of the yellow paper.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Feng frowned tightly.

If such a situation can occur, it means that the guy Zhang Qilin is facing now is likely to be a ghost, which fills him with endless worries.

Seeing Qin Feng's movements, Zhang Ya hurriedly put his hand on Qin Feng's shoulder, and persuaded him: "This matter can only be dealt with by himself, and it is difficult for you as a bystander to help his."


Qin Feng frowned, and said to Zhang Ya excitedly: "For so long, Poker Ping and I have been supporting each other, no matter what happens to us, the other party will be there for you as soon as possible. Let's fight each other."

"Why do you think I can't help him in this matter?"

At the end of Qin Feng's speech, dissatisfaction began to appear on his face.

On weekdays, he hated other people meddling in his affairs with Zhang Qilin.

Zhang Qilin is his reverse scale.

"Because this matter is just a private matter of their Zhang family. If you intervene, it is very likely that you will enter the ancestors of the Zhang family."

Zhang Ya didn't care about Qin Feng's emotions, and continued to explain to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's face instantly showed shock.

"Are you kidding, how could there be ancestors of the Zhang family in this place?"

"Isn't the cemetery we're looking for the cemetery of Fusang Kingdom? Why can this be connected with the people of the Zhang family?"

Zhang Ya's sudden statement made Qin Feng feel a little uneasy.

In his opinion, although the Zhang family's secret is advancing steadily, it is not that simple to find the final result.

Now in such a mysterious place, he is suddenly connected with the Zhang family. No matter how you think about it, some people find it difficult to accept.

There is no way to completely relax the mind.

"Since it's a cemetery, why can't people from the Zhang family show up? Have you forgotten that the Zhang family is one of the eight great families?"

Zhang Ya responded unceremoniously to Qin Feng.

"The uncle you call can appear in cemeteries all over the country. Why can't the Zhang family?"

Hearing this, Qin Feng began to fall into silence.

If you look at it from this point of view, perhaps it can really be explained in this way.


He looked back at where Zhang Qilin was, with undisguised worry in his eyes.

But the dangers encountered here have never been able to completely relax his heart.

At this time, Zhang Qilin had begun to stabilize. He thought about the next move, and simply cut his palm with a long knife, so that the talisman paper was covered with Qilin's blood.

Seeing Zhang Qilin's actions, Qin Feng had an incredulous expression on his face, and finally did not continue to speak.

After Qin Feng made dozens of talisman papers, he stopped his movements.

At this time, Zhang Qilin had already started holding a long knife, and stabbed violently into a hole below.

If this place can really be opened this time, then their exploration this time will be completely over.

After the black gold ancient knife entered the entrance of the cave, it didn't show any changes at the beginning, and Qin Feng and the others also showed a relaxed look on their faces.

But the next second.

He saw Zhang Qilin suddenly stand up from the ground, and the ancient black gold knife in his hand was covered with a lot of bloodstains.

Although, judging from Zhang Qilin's state, there were no wounds on his body, but under excessive worry, Qin Feng couldn't bear it anymore, broke through the obstacles directly, and rushed into Zhang Qilin's body. before.

At this time, Zhang Qilin had just stabilized his body.

Qin Feng held Zhang Qilin's arm tightly with one hand, and asked anxiously.

"How is it? Are you okay?"

Zhang Qilin shook his head.

"I have nothing to do, but this time, there is still no way to find out the secret of our Zhang family."

When Qin Feng heard what Zhang Qilin said, he heaved a long sigh of relief, and comforted him with a smile: "What's so important?"

"Anyway, in the final analysis, it's not like we haven't encountered similar situations for so long, and we just need to keep looking for them in the coming time."

Zhang Qilin hummed, and didn't say any more.

A strange voice sounded, and Qin Feng then turned his gaze to the place where Zhang Qilin was standing just now.

One after another, mycelium began to spread out from that cave, and in the blink of an eye, it had already grown tens of meters.

At this time, Zhang Ya and the others had already walked in front of Qin Feng. Looking at the hyphae above the ground, Zhang Ya's expression changed drastically.

It's like this kind of thing is very dangerous.

Qin Feng next to him noticed Zhang Ya's expression, it was unbelievable. In his memory, he rarely saw Zhang Yahui like this.

"Hurry up, if these things enter our bodies, we will grow into mushrooms one by one."

As Zhang Ya spoke, she retreated quickly to the rear.

Although Qin Feng wanted to ask a few questions, but seeing that Zhang Ya was often so nervous about this matter, he didn't dare to delay here any longer, so he quickly dragged Zhang Qilin and started to retreat towards the rear.

But these hyphae are still relentlessly chasing them, and even came to them in the blink of an eye.

Anyway, Qin Feng had already sorted out the blood-stained talisman paper before, but now, the first talisman paper was thrown out soon.

The talisman paper fell on the top of these hyphae with a bang, and a lot of flames began to fill the air. Although these myceliums were still approaching Qin Feng and the others, under the burning of the flames, they were beaten again and again. Return.

When everyone came under the altar again, Zhang Ya was anxious.

"That shot just now was too thrilling. If we didn't pay attention, we might die in the hands of each other."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What the hell is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

Qin Feng continued to ask Zhang Ya, since he came to this cemetery, he found that he had seen many things that he had never heard of before.

"The name of this thing is man-eating mushroom. If a cemetery does not want people to enter, then it can be filled with such mushroom seeds everywhere in the cemetery. Once in contact with people, these mushroom seeds will automatically germinate. This enters the human body."

"After a long time, these mushroom seeds spread everywhere in the human body, and eventually people become mushrooms one by one."

After listening to Zhang Ya's explanations, Qin Feng fell silent for a while.

He never imagined that there are such miraculous things in this world.

Just as he was about to ask Zhang Ya a few more questions, Zhang Ya's dignified voice started and rang out again.

"I think the talisman paper you threw out just now should be difficult for them to completely block. We still have to look for opportunities to leave this place in the next time."

"how can that be?"

Qin Feng subconsciously refuted to Zhang Ya.

But when he started to look at the mushrooms again, he found that the flames had disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Mycelium began to watch them approach again.

Even if it is not recommended to believe this, but looking at the current situation, he had no choice but to take Zhang Qilin and the others away from here.

Fortunately, there is a very long passage next to it, and Qin Feng quickly led everyone into those passages.

Behind them, one after another talisman papers were thrown out.

With the lies of these talisman papers, even if the direct gold thread will continue to block them in the next time, at least it can block them for a few minutes, so that they can enter other places conveniently.

But in such a cemetery, it is not so simple to escape and pursue.

After walking into this passage for more than ten minutes, bronze zombies began to appear in front of Qin Feng and the others.

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