"What's the situation?" Qin Feng was full of doubts.

Zhang Bufan explained at this time: "These monsters obey the soul-devouring beasts in the black space."

"So after they perished, they all came to the Soul-devouring Beast."

"In a sense, they don't belong to real individuals, they only belong to soul-devouring beasts."

Hearing Zhang Bufan's words, Qin Feng was able to understand more in his heart the horror of the Soul-devouring Beast.

Zhang Bufan looked at the only remaining foreign explorers, shook his head and said, "You really shouldn't have broken into this place, you hateful invaders."

"Say, why did you come to this place?"


Chapter 390: Reaching 60% Similarity

"Who are you?"

Looking at the villagers including Zhang Bufan, the blue-eyed foreigner was filled with panic.

Originally, he was just here to explore, but he didn't expect that there would be so many terrifying monsters in this place.

There are also some indigenous villagers.

Looking at the costumes of these indigenous villagers, it seems that they belong to the Panda Kingdom.

"We're native people here."

"Tell me quickly, how did you find this place? If you don't tell the truth, then I won't let you go."

Zhang Bufan shouted coldly.

The blue-eyed foreign explorer said: "We are from the Eagle Country. Strange things have happened in our country. Many people have special spots on their bodies."

"After research, I learned that these spots can be gathered into a map, so I organized some people to find them according to the location of the map."

Master Jiu heard the words of the blue-eyed foreign explorer through the live broadcast device.

It turned out that he was not the only one who suffered from this situation, there were many others.

And from all over the world.

Qin Feng looked at Zhang Bufan, and remembered what Zhang Bufan said just now. It turns out that everything is likely to be as Zhang Bufan guessed.

The ability of this soul-devouring beast is as high as the sky.

He even thought of using this method to gather explorers from all over the country.

Let these monsters attack explorers and absorb their power.

After the strength reaches a certain level, the Soul-devouring Beast will most likely escape.

There are too many explorers in this world now.

Once there is something mysterious, they will appear in the first time.

It was precisely because of this curiosity that many explorers were killed.

Zhang Bufan immediately issued an order: "Drive them away immediately and keep them under strict supervision. If there are any intruders, drive them away immediately."

"The power of the Soul-devouring Beast must not continue to increase, otherwise it will be very bad for us."

The other villagers nodded one after another, and they also felt the seriousness of the matter.

Over the next period of time, foreign explorers continued to appear.

Even some local explorers from Panda Country are rushing towards this place.

The moment they appeared, the monster released by the Soul-devouring Beast noticed it and launched a fierce attack on them.

In an instant, there were heavy casualties.

The power of this group of monsters has reached a level that is difficult for humans to contend with, even if they have thermal weapons on their bodies.

Machine guns, hand bullets and the like, there is no way to compete.

After all, these monsters are not ordinary monsters.

In a blink of an eye, a week passed.

Zhang Bufan looked at the black space, as if he had seen the Soul-devouring Beast inside, and it was getting stronger and stronger.

The Soul-devouring Beast made terrifying sounds from time to time, as if provoking them.

"No, you absolutely can't just sit and wait for death like this."

"Otherwise it's all over."

"If the Soul-devouring Beast is allowed to escape, it will cause a catastrophe to the entire world."

Zhang Bufan clenched his fists, guarding the soul-devouring beast was his internal mission, as if this mission had been with him from the moment he was born.

If the Soul-devouring Beast really escaped from his grasp, then his life would really be worse than death.

"Is there no other way?" Zhang Qilin asked.

Qin Feng also said at this time: "For example, we rush into the black space and kill the Soul Devourer?"

Zhang Bufan looked at the two and shook his head.

"The Soul-devouring Beast is not as simple as you imagined. In this mysterious black space, although I have not entered it, countless monsters escape from it every day."

"If you really go inside, there will probably be more monsters, and life and death will be unpredictable."

What Zhang Bufan said was not unreasonable.

Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin have been in this mysterious village for more than a week, and they can feel the horror of the Soul-devouring Beast.

"Perhaps there is only one way to wake up the dragon."

"Before the Soul-devouring Beast completely breaks the seal, let's wake up the Shenlong first, so that when the Soul-devouring Beast appears, we will have the power to resist." Zhang Bufan said.

"Where is that dragon?" Qin Feng asked.

At this moment, Zhang Qilin took a step forward, pointed down, and said, "If my guess is correct, the Shenlong should be under the ground."

Zhang Bufan nodded without denying, "Indeed, you guessed it right."

"There is a sea area underground, and the sleeping dragon is inside."

"In order for Shenlong not to be disturbed, that's why I did this blindfold."

Zhang Bufan stretched out his hand and drew a spell, which landed on the ground below.

Immediately there was a sound from the earth, and then it began to change continuously.

Qin Feng was watching from the side, and found that in a short while, the earth had turned into a sea area.

The color of this sea area turned out to be golden yellow.

Master Jiu was inexplicably shocked when he saw this scene.

Even though he was separated from the live broadcast room, he could still feel the power hidden in the sea area.

Zhang Bufan explained: "The dragon is in this sea area, and the sleeping dragon releases its divine power every day."

"The weapons of everyone in our village, including our current abilities, are bestowed by the dragon."

Zhang Qilin and Qin Feng had already come to the edge of the sea area. They touched the sea water and immediately felt refreshed.

There seemed to be a terrifying spiritual power in the sea water, which was constantly rushing towards their bodies, nourishing their bodies.

This is just a momentary feeling, if they live here for a long time, it is estimated that they will become stronger.

No wonder every villager in this village is so powerful.

It turned out that all their strength was given by Shenlong.

Qin Feng couldn't help but wonder, how powerful should a real dragon be?

"Haven't you guys tried to wake up the dragon?" Qin Feng asked curiously.

Zhang Bufan said: "Of course we have tried. We have used various methods, but unfortunately there is no result."

"In this case, why not leave it to us." Qin Feng said.

"You have a solution?" Zhang Bufan stared at Qin Feng in disbelief.

Qin Feng smiled and said: "You don't need to look at me like this, I have nothing to do, I just want to try."

"If Zhang Qilin and I really succeed, it will definitely be a great thing."

"This mysterious village is in the Panda Country. If the Soul-devouring Beast is allowed to escape, our Panda Country will be the first to suffer."

Qin Feng is now playing the assassin Wu Liuqi.

Assassin Wu Liuqi is a very caring and patriotic person, so, naturally, he couldn't ignore such a situation.

Zhang Qilin also nodded and agreed to the matter.

"Boyyouping, are you afraid?" Qin Fengkai asked Zhang Qilin.

Zhang Qilin shook his head.

"Your memory seems to have recovered a little bit?"

Qin Feng touched his nose and didn't deny it. With the performances of the past few days, he has reached 60.00% similarity to Wu Liuqi's performance.

The memory is naturally unlocked by 60.00%, and he has already recalled many things about him and Zhang Qilin.

At the same time, he also obtained three Wuliuqi abilities.

Variety eggs.

Using the props invented by Ji Taibao, it can be disguised as anything.

Speedy Little Flying Chicken is a flying chicken specially used to escape.

As well as the second stage of using Qi to control the shear, it is one step away from the full level.

Zhang Qilin was staring at Qin Feng with that kind of meaningful gaze.

"I still suspect that you are faking amnesia."


Chapter 390: The Recalcitrant Intruder

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