After these three words came out, Qin Feng was also taken aback. It was the scariest place on Ziwei Star. I don't know how many horrible existences lived there.

"Forget it, you'd better go to that place by yourself, I, I won't accompany you."

Zhang Qilin glanced at him contemptuously, snatched half of the steamed bun from Qin Feng's hand and ate it.

He was also half lying in the sand, recalling the ups and downs along the way.

At dawn, the dry air made the two brothers Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin tired and thirsty. Case was still in front of them, but he couldn't see him using the energy of the treasure.

"I'm afraid this guy wants to drag us to death!"

Qin Feng scolded, and opened his eyes to look far away, and saw that Case was kneeling on the ground with his hands raised high, as if he was praying for something.

"here we go!"

Qin Feng exclaimed in a low voice, Case finally couldn't stand it anymore, he must now use the orb to absorb energy for his body.

The wind and sand all over the sky surrounded Case, and the power of the orb formed a magnetic field around Case, and the energy inside was getting into Case's body bit by bit.

Qin Feng said: "Boyouping, you said that if Jiuye made a mistake in his judgment and let him absorb the energy of the orb for nothing, if he finds out that we follow him, then we will be the ones who will die."

Zhang Qilin didn't speak, but he thought the same as Qin Feng.

Do you want to go up and interrupt him?

Just as the two were hesitating, Case suddenly rushed out of the wind and sand, and howling in pain resounded through the wilderness.

Qin Feng and the two hurriedly rushed to his position, only to see that Case's whole body seemed to have dilated veins, and the protruding blood vessels all over his body wrapped him like a spider web, which was very frightening.

However, there was only one orb emitting white gas beside him.

The two looked at each other, and after burying Case's body, the adventure game officially came to an end.

And those bigwigs of the beautiful country hiding in the dark gritted their teeth, determined to find another chance to eradicate these two thorns in their eyes.


Chapter 360: Da Luo Town

This is a small town full of yellow sand, adults and children on the street are all wearing masks, they are staring at the young couple in front of them with ill intentions, making Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin very uncomfortable.

Looking along the end of the potholed street, a magnificent palace is located at the end, and the dilapidated houses and shops on both sides of the road form a strong contrast.

"Da Luo Town."

Qin Feng said to himself: "Why does this place sound so familiar?"

Zhang Qilin crossed his hands, and he took out the map to look at it.

Thinking about how this place is hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest provincial capital of Panda Country, it would take more than half a month to walk just by walking.

The two decided to find a place to rest first.

The closer to the palace, the more magnificent the surrounding shops and buildings, but the operators saw Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin and immediately closed their doors, as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

After touching his nose, Qin Feng finally couldn't help it anymore. He directly grabbed the boss of a house that was about to close, pressed him on the chair and asked, "Why do you guys see us running? Are you afraid that we won't be able to pay?" money?"

The boss waved his hands in fear, and said in panda mandarin with sloppy feet: "No, sir, our city lord has said that whoever dares to receive you will be executed! I beg you to let me go!"

Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin looked at each other and asked again: "What else do you know? Tell me!"

The boss wanted to cry, but he dared not say that the knife rested on his neck.Qin Feng then knew that the country where this small town is located is a subsidiary country of the Beautiful Country, so he naturally knew that Qin Feng and the two came here, just waiting for the two of them to enter the tiger's mouth.

The two stopped embarrassing him, and left after throwing down a tael of gold.

Qin Feng dragged his cheeks and said: "Look at the meaning, the beautiful country has been using satellites to monitor us? Poor oil bottle, what do you think?"

While thinking, the two looked towards the highest end of the palace at the same time, and they had the answer in their hearts.

And the old guys standing on the top floor of the palace panicked. The old man in the gray striped vest covered his binoculars, walked around on the carpet with his hands behind his back, and turned to ask his elders:

"It's really troublesome. How did these two bombs come to our town? Is there anything you can do?"

An old woman with a hunchback and a cane said: "As far as I can see, first provide them with a place to live, and then arrange top killers to spy on the strength of the two at night, and then..."

A fierce light flashed in the old woman's vicious eyes, and she even made a gesture of wiping her neck.

"This is absolutely impossible!"

The city lord waved his hand and said, "Only these two guys can come out of the forbidden area of ​​the Soul-breaking Mausoleum. It's too risky to take their lives. Do you have any other options?"

"Otherwise, try the beauty trick?"

Another dwarf jumped off the chair, paced around the legs of everyone and said, "Isn't it a bit pretty to grab a female spy a few days ago? We have raised her for so long, and we want her to make some contributions." .”

"Can she listen to us?"

the mayor asked.

"Isn't it enough to give some medicine? If she doesn't obey, then don't even think about the antidote!"

This little dwarf is also a ruthless person, he came up with this idea and the city lord wants to try it.

The old woman picked up the dwarf, squinted her eyes and said, "You bastard is full of bad water!"

The sky was full of wind and sand, and Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin had no choice but to cover their mouths and noses with gauze. They walked on the street, planning to find a place to settle down temporarily, and go directly to sleep in his palace at night.

At this moment, the old woman appeared at the corner. She was dressed very plainly, with a smile on her face that easily generated trust.

"Both guests, welcome to Daluo Town. Our city lord asked me to arrange a resting place for you two."

Qin Feng was a little puzzled, why the guy's attitude changed so quickly.

The two followed the old woman, and Qin Feng asked: "Old man, can you take us to meet your city lord? I want to express my gratitude in person."

"Uh, it's not necessary. Our city master has a lot of things to do every day. You should take the morning road after tonight. We have too much wind and sand here. I'm afraid that you two won't get used to it and get sick."

These words are impeccable, and they are always thinking of Qin Feng and the others. If he hadn't been cautious, he might have believed the old woman's nonsense.

He led the two of them to a side room of the palace, and the old woman disappeared as soon as she went out.

"Be careful, this place is very strange." Zhang Qilin reminded.

Qin Feng froze when he took off his coat. He said, "Hey, the place where Poker Bottle can take the initiative to remind you seems really strange."

Zhang Qilin's eyes were about to roll to the sky. After a simple wash, the two took out the orb and put it in front of them to study.

I saw that the inner wall of the crystal-clear bead seemed to be artificially carved with some regular patterns, but the two of them still couldn't figure out what this meant, but it was still possible to try how to wake it up.

Zhang Qilin stuck a rune on the orb, and then activated his internal energy.

This is the easiest way to awaken energy with energy.

Not long after, the orb began to emit a faint light, and as the rune also began to exert force, the light of the orb became more and more brilliant, until a ball of flame suddenly burst out from the rune, and the light of the orb disappeared.

The two were startled, and they realized something at the same time.

"Is it possible that Case didn't die because of clashing with the energy of the orb, but because the energy of awakening the orb was not enough to exhaust himself?"

Qin Feng's guess was affirmed by Zhang Qilin. He nodded and put his two palms on the orb, and he could even feel the turbulent, tide-like surge inside.

Qin Feng carefully put away the orb. This thing is not something he can handle. He probably has to go to the capital to find a professional researcher.

Soon, it was another day of nightfall, and the two of them just went out and walked around the town from east to west.

They found that the reason why the place where material life is extremely lacking can develop is because of the excellent geographical advantages.

It can be said that this place is completely sandwiched between the beautiful country and the eagle country. There are all kinds of merchants and pedestrians coming and going, and almost only those in the palace are locals.

And the one who controls this transportation hub is the beautiful country.

On the way, Qin Feng also met a group of dark-skinned children, and after giving them some snacks, he inquired about some crucial news.

The city has a population of about 2, which is divided into two categories. One is a group of aristocrats with a hundred people, that is, "shangren" who live in the palace.

The rest are all foreigners who work for them, making a lot of money by using their geographical location.

And those "servants", also because of blank spiritual thoughts, seem to believe that they should be exploited by the people in the palace by birth.


Chapter 360 Six: Conspiracy

The small town in the dark night is particularly terrifying, there is almost no sound of life, only the howling of the wind all over the sky.

Seen from a height, the wind and sand is like a shroud covering the sky and the sun, enclosing the whole town.

Qin Feng looked sideways at Zhang Qilin who fell into a deep sleep. He was sleeping very peacefully, but Qin Feng always felt that there were several pairs of eyes staring at him in this drowsy night.

In the room, the orb was emitting a faint light. At first, there was only a faint stream of light floating on the surface, but as the night progressed, the light became more dazzling, and the strong light even woke Zhang Qilin from his sleep.

"How is this going?"

Qin Feng was very puzzled holding the orb. After covering it with his palm, he was almost burned by the heat inside.

The two seemed at a loss at this time, and could only work together to suppress its energy.

Not long after, the two of them were sweating profusely, and when they could barely hold it back, the energy in the orb receded like sea water.

Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin were paralyzed on the ground. They still didn't know that the abnormality of the orb was not accidental, but that a powerful person in the palace was guiding it remotely.

"No, no, we can't do this, otherwise the whole town will be destroyed!"

The mage in black robe waved his hands again and again, obviously he himself was taken aback.

The city lord stood aside, and he witnessed all of this. When the mage guided it remotely, the energy fluctuations emanating from that small room were indeed shocking.

"Forget it, let's continue with the original plan." The city lord patted the mage on the shoulder and said.

Then, a beautiful female prisoner was brought up. She stared viciously at the elders present, her eyes full of hatred.

"Rose, do you want to give you a chance to redeem yourself now?"

said the old woman.

"Fuck, even if I die, you don't want me to do things for you!"

The old woman snorted coldly, took out a potion from the box on the table, shook it in front of everyone, and said: "If you resist again, after you drink this potion, your consciousness will disappear and become ours. String puppet. Throw you into the wild dog forest after completing the task, and let the group of beasts tear you apart!"

After finishing speaking, the old woman ordered a few tall and strong men to press her firmly on the table, and another person pried her mouth open. The old woman was watching to pour the light blue potion into her mouth. mouth.

The eyes of this woman named Rose were full of horror, watching the deadly potion almost poured into her mouth.

"No, I'll do it!"


After the energy of the orb fluctuated, Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin no longer felt sleepy. They brought a basin of hot water, took off their coats and simply washed up.

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