"Go away!"

"If you stop me again, I will kill you!"

Zhang Qilin didn't care if the person in front of him looked the same as him, the so-called ancestor.

To prevent him from rescuing Qin Feng, there is only one dead end.

Zhang Qilin had lost his mind, he drew out the ancient black gold knife, ready to strike at any time.

Patriarch Zhang frowned tightly, and felt that riding a tiger was difficult for a while.

at this time.

A loud bang.

The entrance door fell heavily, blocking them here.


Chapter 170 Five: Zhang Qilin is crazy about love

"Patriarch Zhang is not well, the gate is blocked."

"It's over, we're all stuck here."

"How can this be good?"

All the aborigines were shocked by the scene in front of them, and their expressions were quite panicked.

Zhang Qilin also panicked, if he can't get out, how should he rescue Qin Feng?

He doesn't know what Qin Feng is like now.

Zhang Qilin held the ancient black gold knife in both hands, and slashed and slashed at the gate.

This stone door is made of unknown material, it is extremely strong, even Zhang Qilin's ancient black gold knife can only leave scratches on it, but there is no way to cut it open.

Patriarch Zhang observed it, and analyzed: "This stone gate is too thick, at least two meters thick, and your knife can't break it at all."


Zhang Qilin knew that there must be an agency nearby.

Relying on his tomb-robbing skills, he began to look for mechanisms that could open the stone gate.

But he searched for a few minutes, but still couldn't find it.

Zhang Qilin was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, and his heart was not calm.

This is very different from the usual him.

He didn't even know what happened to him.

Maybe it's because the people closest to me are facing danger, but I have no way to save them.

This kind of pain is definitely the most unbearable in the world.

Zhang Qilin thrust the ancient black gold knife into the ground, then raised his fist, and began to smash the stone door one by one.



With every punch he landed, Shimen trembled violently, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

After more than a dozen punches in a row, Zhang Qilin's fist was covered with blood, and it was already red and swollen.

But he still didn't care about it, and continued to smash the stone door expressionlessly.

He wants to smash the stone gate to rescue Qin Feng.

Patriarch Zhang was moved in his heart when he saw it, and he quickly comforted him: "People can't be resurrected after death, and it won't work if you do this."

"I believe that if Qin Feng were here, he wouldn't want to see you like this."

"Come on stop."

Patriarch Zhang wanted to reach out to pull Zhang Qilin.

Instead, Zhang Qilin broke free and stared at him coldly, "Why did you stop me from rescuing Qin Feng? Why?"

"Zhang Qilin, don't be impulsive. It's Qin Feng's idea that our patriarch Zhang did this."

"Yeah, you have to blame, blame Qin Feng, what does it have to do with our patriarch?"

Those few aborigines guarded their patriarch Zhang behind them.

Zhang Qilin is not an unreasonable person, and he also understands that patriarch Zhang is not to blame for this matter.

He sat on the ground with a plop, his expression very decadent.

"Qin Feng..."

"You better live for me!"

"I remember the time you knocked me out, I..."

Zhang Qilin didn't know what to say.

He's never been like this before.

"There are monsters!"

"A monster has appeared!"

One of the natives yelled and pointed into the distance in horror.

I saw there, a huge black cat appeared.

The appearance is similar to that of many scorpions today, but the body length is about one meter, which is a super-large scorpion.

"Pumono scorpion!"

Zhang Qilin and Patriarch Zhang spoke almost at the same time.

The Pumono scorpion appeared [-] million years ago. It is also called the lung scorpion because it is the only scorpion that can breathe so far.

They have very strong toxicity and strong attack power, and they are definitely not easy to provoke.

And there were several Punomo scorpions that appeared at this time.

After seeing them, Zhang Qilin became more certain of his previous thoughts. These ancient creatures should have appeared through some kind of replication or other methods.

Because the Punomo scorpion knows very well that this kind of creature is extremely harsh on the living environment, and the current place is not suitable for them to live in.

So if Zhang Qilin's guess is right, they should have just been created.

These Punomo scorpions have an extremely ferocious personality. When they saw a living creature, they rushed over immediately.

There was an indigenous resident who was relatively close, and he hurriedly took a knife to block it. The Punomo scorpion sprayed out a venom, which immediately hit him.

I saw that his whole body began to rot at a high speed, and it had turned into a pool of blood in an instant.

This is the poison of the Punomo scorpion, which is more terrifying than any other kind of scorpion.

"Hurry up and retreat!"

Patriarch Zhang knew the horror of this kind of scorpion, so he hurriedly told the aborigines to retreat, and he took the initiative to greet them.

Patriarch Zhang is much stronger than them, both in terms of speed and strength, so facing the attack of the Punomo scorpion, Patriarch Zhang dodged all of them.

However, there are too many Punomo scorpions here, even patriarch Zhang fell into a passive state for a while.

At the critical moment, Zhang Qilin stepped forward.

Zhang Qilin cut one of the Punomo scorpions in half with a knife.

At the moment when this Punomo scorpion died, a large amount of venom sprayed out and went straight to Zhang Qilin.

"Be careful!" Patriarch Zhang reminded loudly.

Zhang Qilin cut his palm decisively and scattered the Qilin's blood to resist the venom.

Qilin blood is said to be invulnerable to all poisons, otherwise it would not be afraid of these venoms.

But there are too many Punomo scorpions here.

Facing their siege, even masters like Zhang Qilin and Patriarch Zhang would fall into a passive position.

"Let's go inside."

Zhang Qilin set his gaze not far ahead, where there was an entrance.

Although he didn't know where it would lead, it was better than staying here.

Some indigenous residents were scared, and said nervously: "What if there are more scorpions inside? Then we will suffer completely."

Zhang Qilin ignored his words and walked inside alone.

I can't help thinking of Qin Feng, if Qin Feng is here, facing his decision, he will definitely support him without hesitation.

I don't know how much better than some people.

Sometimes people are like this, only when they lose can they know how to cherish.

Now Zhang Qilin feels more and more the importance of Qin Feng to him, and Zhang Qilin is already reluctant to lose Qin Feng.

"I'm willing to listen to him."

Patriarch Zhang hesitated for a moment, but still made up his mind and followed Zhang Qilin's pace.

Along the way, they encountered numerous Punomo scorpions.

This kind of scorpion is ferocious by nature, and will attack any living creature it sees, regardless of who they are.

Fortunately, Zhang Qilin opened the way ahead.

Zhang Qilin sprinkled Qilin blood on the Qilin tattoo.

The Qilin tattoo immediately emitted a dazzling light. After seeing it, the Punomo scorpions were obviously a little scared, and they dared not continue to attack Zhang Qilin.

Patriarch Zhang saw this scene and knew that the unicorn tattoo was effective, so he took off his shirt to reveal his own tattoo.

That shape doesn't look like a unicorn, but a Pixun!

at the same time!

Qin Feng also encountered trouble.

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