It can be said that a black bear that cannot climb trees is not a qualified black bear.

Looking at the mother Xiong who kept encouraging Xiong Er to climb the tree, she was surprised.

Legend has it that the mother bear gave their cubs honey before. This is to reward the cubs with the benefits of honey first, and then teach them to climb trees.

So, Mama Xiong is a persuasive teacher Xiong?

Chapter 11 Climbing Trees!Tiger King!


Xiong Er looked at the five-meter tall tree in front of him, looking at a loss.

Mother Xiong's urging roar came from beside her, and she looked at her elder brother with helpless little eyes.


Mama Xiong was a little angry, why did she give birth to such a coward.

Startled by Mama Xiong's roar, his body trembled, and he dodged directly behind Ye Yang.

Mother Xiong came over angrily to teach her a lesson, and he nimbly avoided Ye Yang's sturdy body.

Unexpectedly, his eldest brother walked away directly, causing him to be successfully caught by Mama Xiong, and he was severely taught by Mama Xiong's love.

Mother Xiong taught Xiong Er a lesson, Ye Yang withdrew his mind and looked at the big tree in front of him.

I feel a little nervous, the lower half of this big tree is bare, without branches to lend strength, even if I was a human being in my previous life, it is impossible to climb up.

Taking a deep breath, recalling the actions demonstrated by Mama Xiong, she took the initiative to stick her body forward to the tree trunk, with her limbs firmly fixed on the tree trunk, and slowly crawled upwards.

The crawling speed was very slow at first, and then he quickly learned how to coordinate the force of the four limbs and bear paws.

There was a sudden sound, like an invisible ladder, climbing quickly to the top of the tree.

Realizing that he was on the tree, Mama Xiong stopped lecturing Xiong Er, her eyes were full of shock!

I didn't expect my eldest child to climb a tree so soon!

The cubs she took before had to practice for more than ten days to gradually master the ability to climb trees. As expected of the big baby born to my mother, it is really amazing!

Seeing his elder brother climb up the tree so easily, Xiong Er gained confidence in his heart, climbing a tree should be an easy thing.

When he came under the tree, he looked at the big brother at the top of the tree.

Hugging the tree trunk hard, he crawled upwards vigorously.

When climbing halfway, he fell from the tree in an instant.


Rolled around on the ground, but fortunately it was not high from the ground, the black bear was very fat and did not fall.

Mother Xiong silently saw Xiong Er's failure, her eyes were puzzled.

Xiong Er's failure experience is the result of the cub climbing a tree for the first time. How did the older boy learn to climb a tree so quickly?

If it weren't for the smell of the bear cub, who has always been familiar with it, looking at the size of the bear and its proficiency in climbing trees, he would have thought it was a male bear that was about to grow up.

On the top of the tree, Ye Yang was on a high place, thinking strangely in his heart, never thought that one day he would become a flexible fat man.

Although the body of the black bear is not as strong as the brown bear, it is very flexible, especially its limbs are full of strength, coupled with its human intelligence, it is easy to learn to climb trees.

Although the five-meter tree is not very tall, the field of view is not comparable to that on the ground, and the scenery within a radius of [-] meters is unobstructed.

A yellow figure stands out in the green jungle, approaching here quietly.

It happened to be noticed by him.

"Huh, what is that?"

"No, it's a tiger!"


Hastily shouted a huge warning to Mother Bear and Er Xiong under the tree.

Mother Bear's eyes were confused, not understanding the meaning of her cub's roar.

Seeing him anxiously, he could only roar in the direction of the jungle again and again.

The mother bear didn't understand the meaning of his roar, but the tiger understood it, thinking that his position was exposed, he jumped out of the jungle not far away, and attacked the mother bear and the second bear!


Mama Xiong reacted quickly, took Xiong Er in Zhang Daxiong's mouth and slid directly up the tree. At the moment when the tiger quickly attacked under the tree, she happened to climb up the tree dangerously.

He breathed a sigh of relief that Mama Bear climbed the tree safely.

Ye Yang's eyes focused, and he began to size up the tiger.

The yellow and black stripes are dense, the limbs are thick, the forelimbs are unusually strong, and there are sharp claws in the sun, long tiger whiskers, and sharp fangs protruding. The tiger eyes are blue and staring at the three black bears on the tree .

An astonishing evil spirit spread over the face, the body trembled instinctively, even the mother bear's eyes showed panic, not to mention the cowardly bear Er, who was being held in the mother bear's mouth and lay in her arms, not daring to look at the tiger.

"Is this the king of beasts - the spirit of the tiger..."

Race: Siberian tiger (Siberian tiger)

Power: 45

Stamina: 30

Speed: 35

Try to calm the restless emotions in your head.

No wonder this tiger has such a strong aura. It turns out that it is the Siberian tiger, the king of tigers. This attribute is also extremely strong.

The Siberian tiger cat family Panthera is the largest carnivorous cat in existence, with a maximum weight of more than 350 kg!

Possessing unimaginably huge size and great strength, it can even challenge the limit of size and hunt a 500-kilogram brown bear!

Fortunately, the three of them were on the tree, otherwise they would not be able to kill this strong Siberian tiger together.

Seeing the flat belly and thin body of the Siberian tiger, I realized that it was a very hungry Siberian tiger. This is when the tiger is most dangerous and aggressive. No wonder it comes to hunt bears that pose a certain threat to him. Mom, this should be a Siberian tiger that just survived the winter.

The lack of food in winter is difficult for big-eating carnivores like Siberian tigers. They eat three meals at a time, hungry, with their belly sticking to their backs.

It was really bad luck for them to meet this hungry tiger.

Fortunately, they all climbed up the tree, and the tiger couldn't do anything to the three bears in their family.


The tiger obviously knew the situation, let out a violent roar of unwillingness, and decisively left and disappeared from under the tree. He wanted to hurry up and save his energy for hunting.

The tiger disappeared, and the three bears stopped trembling instinctively, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Yang looked at Xiong Er with Xiong Er in Mama Xiong's mouth and suddenly thought, if he hadn't learned how to climb trees just now, and the hungry tigers attacked them in advance, Mama Xiong could climb the tree with Xiong Er in her mouth, what about him?

I am now twice as big as Xiong Er, more than 60 kilograms, and Mama Xiong may not be able to move her mouth.

Then he will end up being hunted and killed by the tiger, or the mother bear will protect him, fight the tiger, and finally pay the price of the mother bear's death in exchange for his escape.

These two results were hard for him to accept, but fortunately they didn't happen, he just learned how to climb a tree, he was so lucky, as expected, he was God's favorite cub!

However, nature is full of crises all the time, and it taught him a vivid lesson.

After the tiger left, Mama Bear didn't immediately descend from the tree.

Sniffing the air with a bear nose, the nose was confused and seduced by the smell of honey just now, coupled with the unfavorable wind direction and my own carelessness, I didn’t even notice the tiger approaching, almost she and her bear cubs were about to be attacked and killed by the tiger, I didn’t Take responsibility and stop being careless.

Carefully inspect the surrounding information with the sense of smell, but no peculiar smell is found.

For the sake of safety, we stayed until the sun was setting and the sky was getting dark.

Only then did he lead his cub down the tree.

In the end, the family of three bears returned to the cave safe and sound, ending the frightening day.

Chapter 12 Swimming

Because of the tiger's attack, Mama Xiong has been tense for the past few days and dare not relax.

Strictly supervise and urge Xiong Er to master the ability to climb trees. Finally, after countless falls, he finally learns to climb trees reluctantly.

Ye Yang was not idle either, he rode on Mama Xiong to teach Xiong Er how to climb trees, and practiced tree-climbing skills at the side, trying to climb the tree quickly in the shortest time. big tree.

The shorter the time you can climb the tree, the safer you will be when you encounter danger in the future, and there will be fewer accidents.

This made him feel more secure in his heart, time is life is extremely suitable for animals.

After Xiong Er mastered the tree climbing, Mother Xiong brought her cub to a small stream.


With the sound of entering the water, Mama Xiong's whole body sank into the water and disappeared.


Mama Xiong suddenly disappeared, and Er Xiong yelled at the bank, thinking that Mama Xiong had left him.

After a while, Mother Bear came ashore with a big fat fish in her mouth.

The big fish was bouncing and jumping on the ground, it was very fresh, the mother bear pressed it with her paws, the bear's mouth entered from the back of the fish, easily tore off the fish skin, and the white and tender fish meat mixed with an attractive smell gushed out.

Xiong Er stepped forward cautiously, deeply attracted by the smell of fish.

He poked his head out and approached the fish, suddenly the fish jumped up, and Xiong's face was slapped.


He dodged and decisively hid behind his elder brother Ye Yang who felt full of security.

Mama Xiong's eyes were amazed, her second child was too cowardly!To be frightened by dying food is really an embarrassment to my old lady!

Fortunately, there is a big baby here, otherwise my mother's youth of this year will be wasted!

While thinking, he threw the thumping big fish in front of Ye Yang.

Sure enough, Ye Yang did not disappoint her. Under her gaze, he tore off the most delicious and fatty fish meat from the belly of the big fish, and swallowed it.

"Ding, evolution point +0.1!"

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