Still, the fight is worth it.

Bear Eye looked across the cave to the pool.

This Fengshui treasured residence belongs to him.

Chapter 62 Hunting

Two days later.

On the shore by the pool, the wild boar carcass disappeared, leaving only a large skeleton with shredded meat remaining.

Ye Yang kept walking on the shore and downstream of the pool, he was throwing the large skeleton downstream.

The skeleton and broken bones of the wild boar rushed down the mountain with the current.

With such a beautiful living environment, of course we have to take care of it.

Clean out the last broken bone.

Ye Yangxiong sat on the bank of the pool.

The word "sorrow" was written on the bear's face.

He actually finished cooking [-] jin of meat for this giant wild boar in two days!

It sounds unbelievable, even he, the client, couldn't believe it.

That's a whole [-] catties of meat!It was eaten in two days!

As his body reached the limit of a thousand catties, his appetite was bigger than he imagined.


Reluctantly rubbing his hungry belly, he got up and prepared to hunt.


He roared at the little white mink who was staring at the big fish in the water on the shore in the distance.

The little white sable's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly walked around the pool and followed him.

Go hunting.

Hearing the roar, the panda looked at the big black bear that was leaving.

She didn't move, because she knew that the big black bear had gone hunting and would come back.

Lying in the bamboo forest and eating bamboo is the most comfortable thing.

In the depths of the Qinling Mountains, there are many animals living, resulting in complex smells in the air.

His sense of smell has trouble finding specific big prey.

However, this can't stop him who possesses the wisdom of the human soul.

After he left the pool, he walked in the direction the pool was flowing down.

Water is the source of life.

No one can leave the water, including animals.

Sure enough, it took less than half a kilometer.

He smelled prey in the air.

His eyes lit up.

The bear's paws on all fours began to lighten up, sneaking closer.

river bank.

A group of animals were drinking water by the river, raising their heads from time to time to alert their surroundings.

Among them are fawns, herds of cattle, elk, wild boar...  

Not far away, there was a leopard waiting for an opportunity.

Herbivores, keep the cubs behind, drink water and eat turf with peace of mind.

The warm sun shines, the mountain wind blows, and it looks harmonious.

No one noticed that a huge black bear was quietly poking out from the dense forest.

Ye Yang bared his fangs and his eyes glowed.

Unexpectedly, there were so many prey not far from his territory.

Swipe left and right to pick the right target.

A huge elk came into his vision.

He nodded his head in satisfaction.

I licked the corner of my mouth, I haven't eaten deer for a long time.

You are the one!

"Da da da!"

Unmoving like a mountain, moving like thunder!

The huge body makes a sound when it steps on the ground, attracting the attention of herbivores.

Saw a huge black bear charging towards them!



Make a piercing cry.

Keep running around.

The river formed by the water left by the pool is not very deep.

These huge animals can easily cross over.

Most of the animals chose to cross the stream directly and run to the distance.

However, the young of some animals were not fast enough and were left where they were.

The cow mother and the deer mother who ran away turned around and looked here with worried faces.

They were actually relieved that Ye Yang was not interested in their cubs.

These pups aren't fit enough for teeth.

His targets have always been large animals.

It has to be said that these herbivores broke out very fast, and he was far behind.

But the herbivores, who suddenly panicked, ran together.

Animals of other races were also mixed in and escaped together. It is impossible not to trample on it.

No, Ye Yang has been staring at a elk whose hind leg was trampled out and seriously injured.

The elk wanted him to run away immediately.

But he was knocked down by a herd of cows fleeing in a panic next to him.

Then, unluckily, he was trampled on by similar elk behind him.

There are wounds all over the body, especially the hind limbs and thighs, which hurt when touched.

He could only lift his hind limbs high, and use the remaining three legs to jump to the opposite side slowly and uncoordinatedly.

Sensing the approach of the big black bear behind him, he panicked.

The already flustered and uncoordinated movements fell to the ground.

Seeing this elk struggling to survive, Ye Yang felt no pity in his heart.

He has long since awakened to the law of the jungle of the jungle.

Otherwise, with his large size, he would not hunt every day and act as a saint.

Sooner or later starve to death.

The only thing he can do is to hunt and kill the elk quickly.

No longer subject it to the torment of great fear and death.


Exploding quickly, he rushed towards the fallen reindeer!

The elk that fell to the ground felt the crisis of death.

A burst of strength erupted from his whole body, and he quickly stood up on the ground.

There was no option to escape.

Turn around and face the big black bear with the large horns on its head.

I hope I can repel the big black bear and survive by myself.

But this is bound to be a luxury.

Ye Yang has the system "recovery" function, so he is not afraid of this sharp horn defense at all.

And he not only has a strong body, but also has high agility.

Can easily escape the attack of this seriously injured and slow-moving elk.

He rushed to get close, took a short buffer, and flashed to the side of the elk.


Throw down the elk.

The bear opened its mouth and bit the elk's neck hard.

The elk that was pinned to the ground struggled continuously.

Feeling the pain in the neck, the consciousness of the head gradually blurred.

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