But it will not affect the ecological environment of this grassland.

Moreover, with his daily hunting of herbivores.

The pasture on the meadow is getting denser and sometimes growing longer.

The more it can attract herbivores from the outside territory.

Breed larger numbers of animals.

I don't know when, Ye Yang also became part of the ecology of Qinling Natural Area.

After eating.

View the panel.

Evolution point: 6

Yes, if you pay, you will be rewarded!

After eating this grazing cow, there are about ten evolution points.

At the same time, he suddenly discovered a problem.

That is, the evolution point rules obtained by the system have begun to change.

Although he can eat more food when he grows in size, he should get more evolution points.

But no.

On the contrary, the evolution points he obtained were about the same as when he was 500 catties in size.

At this moment, a message came from the system.

It turned out that these foods were more than 6 evolutionary points.

There are also a lot of nutrients that are supplied to the energy needed by the body for normal operation.

That is to say, the body size expands, eats a lot, and the evolution point does not change much.

I have to go hungry all the time...

Hateful Siberian tiger, I am sworn to death with the Siberian tiger!

I cursed hard in my heart.

I saw that there was still a small half of the meat on the ground, and the amount was about two hundred catties.

Take a look.

Hmm... I can sleep all day tomorrow, and I have food.

Holding the bloody cow carcass in its mouth, the bear moved slowly towards the bamboo forest.

The cow carcass was dragged on the grass, leaving clear bloodstains.

Several big bad wolves lowered their heads and licked the blood on the ground.

His eyes looked longingly at the back of Ye Yang who was slowly leaving.

The wolf's face was surprised and disappointed.

This big guy would leave some sheep and deer corpses a few days ago.

They were able to pack a meal.

Today this guy is as fierce as a monster, catching a big cow.

I thought they were lucky, but I didn't expect this guy to start "saving" food......

Ye Yang has always cherished food.

The prey caught a few days ago, deer and sheep, only had about a hundred catties of meat.

You can barely wrap your belly.

Of course, he wouldn't bother to eat the remaining bones and meat.

Don't you sleep well at this time?

Besides, he is not Xiong Er, but he has no habit of gnawing bones.

Chapter 54 Encounter (2)

The next day.

bamboo forest.

Ye Yang lay lazily in the bamboo forest.

He is in a good mood today, because today he does not have to spend his energy hunting.

The grazing cow from yesterday was enough for him to eat, barely filling his stomach.

A big lazy sleep that can sleep all day.

dinner's ready!

The big bear's mouth bites on the meat of the cattle.

Tore off a large piece of meat and swallowed it.

Suddenly, the expression on Bear's face changed slightly.

Now the season is gradually coming to August, which is the time of the year with the highest temperature.

The weather is hot and the food storage time is very short.

The meat quality of this pastured cow is completely incomparable with yesterday's.

A little sour and smelly.

But he quickly suppressed this dissatisfaction.

His race is black bears, scavengers.

There is nothing wrong with eating completely rotten food.

Now this little problem, of course, can't stop him.

It's just that he seems to be eating food that has changed in quality for the first time, and the taste of his tongue is a little uncomfortable.

Shaking his head, he began to eat with big mouthfuls.

Today, nothing can stop Ben from sleeping in!


A violent roar came from outside, interrupting his movements.

He recognized that this was the roar of a giant panda.

Since the Siberian tiger attacked yesterday, the resting place of this giant panda has not been too far away from him.

Ye Yang didn't care about him, as long as it didn't affect his sleeping or hunting.

He didn't attack the panda either, for a number of reasons.

The most important thing is that everyone is Xiong Ke's brother, and they are somewhat related by blood.

It may also be the influence of the previous life.Giant pandas have a special meaning in his heart.

Back to the present.



Giant pandas roared urgently and frequently, as if they had encountered something urgent.

A flash of light came to my mind!

Could it be that the Siberian tiger came to regain its place? !

Alright, this bear will make sure you never return this time!

Just hurriedly dropped the idea of ​​eating and ran towards the giant panda.


Uncharacteristically naive, the giant panda confronted the big black guy with a ferocious face, baring its fangs in protest.

Frequent yelling.

Ever since she was attacked by the Siberian tiger, that terrifying scene has been affecting her delicate mind.

Keep her nerves tensed.

Except staying around the big black bear that drove away the terrifying Siberian tiger.

Her spirit cannot relax for a moment.

After the bamboo forest in the original territory was taken by Ye Yang, she chose the shrub forest not far away as her habitat.

Giant pandas are omnivores.

Like a black bear, it has a high IQ.

Climb the tree and dive into the water, proficient in everything.

Just why are there so many fewer species than black bears?

There are many reasons for their rarity.

And most importantly - too lazy!

Giant pandas are about the size of black bears, which means they need to eat a lot.

For example, compared with hard-working mother bears, they go into the forest to forage for food by smelling their noses.

Giant pandas are much simpler. They find food, and then guard the food without moving. They only eat and sleep.

The vigorous vitality of the bamboo forest just meets the needs of pandas.

The nutrition of bamboo leaves is extremely low. Pandas eat dozens of catties of bamboo every day, and then fall asleep.

After gradual evolution, pandas have changed from omnivores to herbivores.

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