Turning around to see Xiong Er gnawing on the bone beside him, I couldn't help but mutter to myself, is this really my first-born brother Xiong?

Seeing his elder brother eating meat, Xiong Er followed suit, ran to his belly, and took a bite.

The mouthful was greasy, without even a shred of meat. With his newly developed teeth, he couldn't bite through the fat layer of the venison at all.

He looked at the deer bone on the snow, and suddenly it didn't smell good.

In the end, most of the remaining 30 kilograms of meat from this big deer carcass went into the stomach of the mother bear.

Ye Yang ate more than three catties, gained 1 evolution point, which was immediately added to his physique, and his body quietly grew a little.

He and Mama Xiong walked in front, hiccupping, while Xiong Er behind him was cheering, with a deer bone in his mouth, and the family of three bears walked home contentedly.

A gray-haired old wolf approached the deer carcass, sniffed around, looked cruelly at the direction Ye Yang and the others left, then lowered his head to lick the deer carcass...

Chapter 6 Crisis! Old Wolf!

After returning to the cave, the next day.

The pungent and foul smell made Ye Yang uncomfortable.

Animals have no sense of cleanliness and sanitation.

After the mother bear ate a feast of deer carcasses, the feces excreted from her body smelled very strong, and the cave was full of this smell.

Before, Mother Bear ate only vegetation, and the smell of excrement was not very strong, and his nose could bear it, but now the stench gave him a headache.

It's useless to hold the nose, the black bear's sense of smell is too developed......

He shook his head and walked to the entrance of the cave to breathe. When he excreted, he always ran outside the cave. He had protested to Mama Bear, this behavior of excreting in the cave.

But the communication failed, Mama Xiong didn't understand what he meant at all.

Sighing silently, at least it proves that there is no bear language in the world.

He glanced at Xiong Er, still hugging the deer bone with gusto and gnawing on it, the black excrement was right next to him, what a wolf...

A few days later, the venison in the mother bear's belly was exhausted, so she went out to look for food alone without her cub.

Ye Yang came to the entrance of the cave to see the scenery. At this time, the snow field was much lighter than before, the temperature was gradually rising, and early spring was coming.

The two thieves Xiong ran to the entrance of the cave, but Mama Xiong was not there, and wanted to go out and roll in the snow.

Just as the bear's paw stepped out of the cave, Ye Yang slapped him back into the cave.

If Xiong Er ran out, he didn't know where he would go.To deal with this kind of bear child, the simple and rude way is the most effective.


Xiong Er, who returned to the cave, was angry and dissatisfied, this damn big brother was preventing him from going out to play again.

Showing the newly developed canine teeth, grinning, with a fierce look on his face.

"Is it itchy again?"

Ye Yang straightened his prostrate body, and turned to face him.


Xiong Er looked at the big brother's big body, showing the appearance of a cowardly bear, and ran to the side to eat the deer bone.

"Be timid before fighting. If I didn't know that you are my brother, I would have thought you were a dog."

Shaking his head, the black bear is well known in the human world for its cowardly appearance. From a young age, Xiong Er is still a bear after no accidents.

This is the normal nature of black bears. Except for black bears with cubs or very hungry black bears, they rarely attack actively.

Because black bears do not have a place to run amok in the forest, their ethnic weight is generally around 200 kilograms, which is not as good as a tiger of [-] kilograms, let alone a relative, a big fat brown bear - [-] kilograms!

In nature, the size of an animal often determines its strength.

Black bears are not only insufficient in strength, but also slow in outbreak speed. This means that black bears have poor hunting ability and can obtain few meat resources. Therefore, although black bears are omnivores, their diets are mostly plants, and they are defined as vegetarian animals.

It's not that I don't want to eat meat, it's that I can't eat it...

Reborn as a black bear, Ye Yang found that besides the system, his memory has been greatly enhanced. Now these knowledge points are all thought of by recalling the materials he read in his previous life.

"This smell..."

The strange smell coming down the wind interrupted his thoughts.

Looking out of the cave, a wild wolf with gray hair is slowly approaching the cave.


Ye Yang's mind was agitated, he cheered up, stood up quickly, and stared at the target wolf.

"The territory around the cave smells like a mother bear, and the wild wolf is probably passing by..."


The figure of the wild wolf clearly fell into his eyes.

The gray hair is sparse, the hair at the end of the tail is shiny and bald, the body is thin, the old wolf face is full of fatigue, and the pair of cloudy wolf eyes still reveal cruelty, looking at the cub at the entrance of the cave.

Ye Yang panicked, the old wolf kept staring at him, there is no doubt about it!His target is the bear cub in the cave!

Trying to calm down, the wolf's running speed is much faster than the cub's. It is impossible to escape from the cave.

Then there is only war!

"Roar!" For the first time in his life, he let out a wild roar.

Attracted by the sound, Xiong Er poked his head out of the cave and saw a wolf licking his tongue not far away. He turned around and ran into the cave, lying on the ground trembling.

Xiong Er's behavior didn't affect Ye Yang, he was fully focused on the old wolf at the moment.

"With the help of evolutionary points and human wisdom, I will definitely be able to defeat the old wolf!" I kept cheering in my heart.

The wild blood of the cub's body was stimulated by danger, and began to accelerate the circulation, and a strong force was bred in the body.

"Wow!" The old wolf walked less than ten meters away from the entrance of the cave and let out a penetrating wolf howl.

He followed the scent of the deer carcass all the way, and finally waited for the opportunity for the mother bear to go out for food!

Unexpectedly, the cub in front of him did not panic, and kept staring at him, posing in a prostrate fighting posture.

This cub is very courageous, and he is not scared by himself. He will definitely be a strong black bear when he grows up.

It's a pity that I met him. He was driven away by wolves in his old age, and he hasn't had a full meal for a long time. Eating the cub in front of him can not only fill his stomach, but also solve a competitor for the division and reproduction of the group!

He couldn't help drooling. In his eyes, the two cubs in the cave were two moving pieces of meat.


With a cry of urgency, the explosive speed, his figure like a gray gust of wind, rushed towards Ye Yang at the entrance of the cave!

Ye Yang held up the bear's paw, looked at the right moment, and greeted him!

"Bang!" There was a dull sound.

The old wolf was successfully knocked into the air by one blow, and landed on the snow three meters away!

Ye Yang twisted his sore right bear paw. Although the attack just now was meritorious, the effect of force was mutual, and his palm also suffered some damage.

Glaring aggressively at the old wolf who climbed up from the snow, he felt that he could win!From a close distance, I can see that my body is a circle bigger than the old wolf, and my strength is not lost!

Full of confidence, as can be seen from the old wolf's wolf jump just now, this old wolf is in a very bad state, even his cub can knock him into the air!

The strong and sharp canine teeth are exposed, the instinct in the body is driven wildly, and a bloodthirsty desire emerges from the bottom of my heart!


The old wolf got up, and after a short observation, he started to attack again!

He has no way out, he is in such a bad state that he doesn't even dare to expect to be able to hunt for food. Although the cub in front of him poses a certain threat to him, it is also his last chance to survive!

This time the old wolf didn't jump, but bit.

Instead, within two meters of him, slowly crawling back and forth from left to right, staring at him with cruel eyes.

Ye Yang understands that this is the old wolf's best hunting method. He constantly moves around the prey, and his cruel eyes put a lot of psychological pressure on the prey, causing the prey to collapse psychologically and reveal flaws. The old wolf takes down the prey in one fell swoop!

He has human wisdom, how could he let the old wolf's plan succeed?

Besides, he was at the entrance of the cave, and the old wolf could only surround him horizontally, and his back could confirm his safety.

It was destined that the old wolf's cruel eyes could not frighten him.

After a while, the cub remained calm and looked at the old wolf fearlessly.

The old wolf also seemed to realize that his own methods would not work against the cub.


It broke out at an astonishing speed and appeared beside Ye Yang.

Before he could react, the old wolf directly bit down on the cub's buttocks.

"Roar!" The painful cry resounded through the snow.

Chapter 7 The old wolf is dead!


The old wolf's limbs were bent, his body was bowed, and his figure was like a bursting arrow!

Blink came close to Ye Yang and bit his buttocks hard!


He couldn't help but let out a painful roar, the bite force of the wild wolf was astonishing, the canine teeth easily penetrated his thick fur and fat, and the teeth sank an inch deep into the flesh!

Let him recall the pain from childhood injections in his previous life, but this time his buttocks seemed to be injected with a dozen big needles!

"You're the only one who can bite people? I can too!"

He was aroused fiercely by the severe pain in his buttocks!The red eye opened its big bear mouth and bit the old wolf's neck!

The old wolf hurriedly let go of the mouth that was biting him, stepped back, and avoided Ye Yang's bite lightly.

He looked cruelly at the cub in front of him, and he had already seen that the cub was very slow and couldn't react to his attacks, so he could keep attacking him to death like this.

After licking the sweet bear blood in his mouth, he was even more excited!

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