The original city center of Gagao City has been destroyed, but other places are relatively intact.


The city of Gaga, which has experienced another attack of Godzilla's rays, has changed drastically!

The beam of the giant beast Godzilla is more than ten kilometers long, and a spacious ravine of [-] meters appears on the ground!

It is like a huge natural danger appearing in the field of vision of human beings!

"This is even more terrifying than the power of an earthquake... The giant beast has already reached this level... Can we humans really survive on Blue Star..."

"What are you afraid of! We can't fight! We detonate all the nuclear bombs and die together with this group of giant beasts that compete with us humans!"

"Sand sculpture! Now that the area of ​​Blue Star has expanded ten times, not only is the area exaggerated, but the density of matter in it has become higher. Even if human beings detonate all nuclear weapons, they know that they will kill themselves, and it is impossible to destroy all the giant beasts!"

"And there have long been monsters in the sea that ignore nuclear weapons..."

Everyone sighed again and again.

Faced with such a powerful energy, it makes human beings feel powerless.

It's been a long time.

"By the way! The giant black bear, the White Moon King, has not moved for so long. Could it be that he was hit by the light attack and died?!"

"Of course, I said that the black bear monster White Moon King will not be Godzilla's opponent! Godzilla who can use such powerful power is simply a god!"

"Hehe, the god you mentioned is going to be killed by the giant beast Muto now!"


"Impossible! I don't believe that the giant black bear, White Moon King, just died like this!"

"But... the power of this ray of light is really too strong, even if it hits a few kilometers of mountains, it will be easily crushed if it hits..."


In a big pit.

A pair of eyes glowing blue in the darkness suddenly opened.

The bear's eyes were filled with joy.

"Why does Godzilla's atomic breath have this effect on me?!"

Ye Yang has already experienced the power of Godzilla's atomic breath attack up close before, and at most it can only cause him to suffer ordinary damage, and it cannot be fatal to him at all.

Moreover, with the female Muto on the side, the magnetic field emitted interferes with the nuclear fission reactor in Godzilla's body, causing the power of the atomic breath to be much smaller.

He also has a systematic "healing" function, so there is no need to worry about it.

What shocked him was that not only was his body not hurt, but it was full of strength!

Even the stamina consumed by beating Godzilla violently has been recovered!

"How is this going?!"

"Why does Godzilla's atomic breath have the effect of charging, spring water..."

Ye Yang suddenly had a flash in his head!

Is it...

"System! System panel!"

System functions: healing, detection, deformation, energy absorption, storage space

He remembered that he had survived Maoxiong's nuclear weapons by relying on the "energy absorption" of the system function.

"It must be energy absorption!"

He also noticed just now that the dorsal fin on Godzilla's back was flickering continuously, obviously increasing the power and continuously increasing the power, trying to kill him.

If Godzilla, who is being beaten now, knows that the atomic breath he fired with all his strength, not only did not cause him any damage, but instead restored Ye Yang's physical strength to full value, would he die of anger directly?

Ye Yang smiled bearishly.

Look at the howling Godzilla in the distance.

"I didn't expect Godzilla to have the function of a power bank..."

"If that's the case... this Godzilla must be a younger brother!"

Even though Ye Yang has a systematic "healing" function, no matter how much his body is injured, he can recover.


The system's "healing" function can only restore damage, not physical strength.

Bear Eyes looked at Godzilla eagerly.

"System! Hunting mission!"

"Ding, scanning the giant beasts around the host..."

"Ding, the scan was successful!"

Mission Level: Difficult

Mission description: Kill the female muto behemoth in the center of Gaga city!

Reward: 30 skill evolution points

"30 skill evolution points... not bad!"



"It's cold! It's been so long without movement! The body of the giant black bear must be completely cold!"

Half an hour had passed, but there was no sign of the giant black bear, and many people sighed.

"I don't believe it! I'm going to the pit to see for myself!"

Someone manipulated the drone and flew slowly towards the deep pit that was unknown how deep it was.

In the darkness... not a ray of light.


As soon as the light was turned on, a huge body appeared in front of him.

"It's the body of a giant black bear!"

The drone slowly scans the camera from bottom to top, after scanning a circle.

Everyone was surprised to find that there was not even a single wound on the body of the giant black bear and white moon king in front of him!

"How is this possible! The light attack from Godzilla is so powerful! Why didn't the giant black bear and the White Moon King get hurt!"

"It must be that the black bear giant Bai Yuewang's body is fine on the outside, but the inside of his body has long been broken. Otherwise, how can we explain that the black bear giant has not moved for so long in the pit..."


"Wait! What is this!"


A burst of blue light flickered!


The domineering roar resounded, and the drone shattered into powder!

The domineering and familiar roar made the human beings in front of the screen tremble, and fear emerged in their hearts.

Many people are even more excited.

"There is no accident with the giant black bear and the White Moon King! It's great!"

"Yes! Those two giant beasts are dead!"

Some people who hated the giant black bear and the White Moon King were also speechless.

Because it was able to withstand such a terrifying light attack without injury.

It has greatly exceeded their imagination!


The dilapidated urban center of Gagao City.


The violent and domineering roar interrupted the female Muto who was mercilessly beating Godzilla!

Godzilla and the female Mutoziqi looked into the distance.

I saw a huge figure appearing in the darkness...

It's a giant black bear!

How could the atomic breath be all right after enduring my full strength! ! !

Godzilla lying on the ground stared dumbfoundedly at the giant black bear in the darkness.

The body is unharmed, the momentum is strong, and there is no trace of injury at all.

Even...Godzilla always feels that this giant black bear is in better condition than before!

Am I dreaming...

If it wasn't for the real pain everywhere in the body, Godzilla must have thought it was a dream...

The female Muto saw the majestic, mighty and domineering black bear giant slowly approaching here.

I was shocked and angry!

Surprisingly, the giant black bear survived the strong atomic breath of the giant Godzilla...

The angry thing is... She is about to beat this Godzilla so helplessly, and then use her ability "Supersonic Roar" to make this Godzilla unconscious, so that the cub can Parasitism is in!


The female Muto's red eyes were full of anger, but she still backed away in fear. She didn't dare to snatch the prey with this powerful and extraordinary black bear monster... her surprise, the target of this giant black bear was not Godzilla!

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