The state is defenseless, as leisurely as a woman taking a nap after drinking afternoon tea in the back garden, with the same lazy posture.

Of course, Siberian tigers have this qualification.

He is the king of this territory, and no animal can threaten his safety.

In addition to being hungry, when hunting, you can relax and bask in the sun all day long.

At this moment.

A huge black shadow quietly approached in the bushes behind him.

As he was dozing off, he didn't even notice a figure quietly approaching in the bushes.

"call out!"

A huge black shadow quickly rushed to the Siberian tiger's position.

Suddenly, the Siberian tiger couldn't help moving!

The Siberian tiger deserves to be the king on land.

Danger is instinctively felt in the mind.

Limbs forcefully jumped away from the original seat.

But the reaction was a bit late after all, a long scratch was left on his chest, and red blood was dripping on the ground.


The Siberian tiger who woke up was furious, its hair was blown all over, and its beard stood straight!

I saw a big black bear standing on the big rock, and his flesh and blood were still stuck to the bear's paw!

His eyes were full of anger, and his mouth roared like a tiger!

Usually he is the one who sneaks up on other animals, but today a big black bear dared to sneak up on him!

And scratched his chest with his claws.

The wound on his chest was not deep, but the pain caused deeply angered him.

The big fangs of more than two inches were exposed, the face was enlarged, and the two tiger eyes were blue, staring at Ye Yang firmly.

Ye Yang calmly licked the blood foam on his paws, saying that tiger blood is very nourishing. He has never eaten tiger meat, so he doesn't know what it tastes like?


He recognized the tiger at first glance as the hungry Siberian tiger that attacked him when he was a child.

Shout out, system.

Race: Siberian tiger (Siberian tiger)

Power: 60

Stamina: 55

Speed: 65

The calm state of mind fluctuated.

Heart shakes!

This Siberian tiger has much higher attributes than the first meeting!

In the season when there is no shortage of food, all predators are well nourished.

At this time, the state of the Siberian tiger reached its peak!

Stabilize your mind and take a deep breath.

When he is not afraid, his attributes after breaking through are not much different from those of Siberian tigers, and he also has a systematic healing function.

There are great odds!

The two behemoths stared at each other, deadlocked in place.


The Siberian Tiger was the first to lose patience, rushing towards him with explosive speed.

In a blink of an eye, he came close, and the evil spirit struck people.

Zhang Dahu's mouth was full of fangs, biting towards his neck.

At the same time, the thick forelimb tiger claws rushed towards his head.

Ye Yang reacted instantly.

Collided with him head-on.

The three-centimeter claws on the bear's paw grabbed the Siberian tiger's chest, and at the same time opened its big bear's mouth to pounce on the tiger's side.

Siberian tigers not only have strong limbs, but also are very agile.

Seeing that the big guy in front of him was not afraid, but instead attacked him head-on, his eyes were fixed.

Felines are smart enough not to pay too much to attack.

Siberian tiger is the same.

The big guy in front of him obviously wants to trade his injuries for injuries, and he is not willing to accept this price.

The figure dodges aside.


It escaped Ye Yang's bear's mouth, but not its long and powerful claws.

Pulling away from the side, staring at Ye Yang covetously.

Ye Yang touched the wound on his neck with the bear's paw, it was the scar left by the tiger's claw just now.

The scar was deep, two centimeters in length.

But for a big black bear like him with rough skin and thick flesh, it's not a problem.

The Siberian Tiger deserves the title of King Tiger!

Just now he obviously dodged and fell into a disadvantage, but he still found the opportunity to attack him.

I take it very seriously.

But his eyes looked at the Siberian tiger with disdain.


This look angered the proud Siberian tiger.

He is the king of this territory, who dares to look at him with such eyes?

Originally, the Siberian tiger fought him head-on, and found that this big man not only has amazing strength, but also has a fast reaction speed.

Is a strong enemy!There is a hint of retreat in my heart!

He didn't want to be seriously injured for this meaningless battle.

He wanted to retreat and leave the battle.

But this look aroused his anger!


There was a powerful and violent whistle.

Rush towards Ye Yang.

This time the explosion speed was a bit faster than before.

Directly like a phantom, he rushed in front of him and threw himself on his side.


"Good come!"

Ye Yang roared, knowing that he had successfully angered the Siberian tiger, he roared in his heart!

His plan is to provoke the Siberian tiger and attack him head-on!

If the Siberian tiger escapes, all previous efforts will be wasted!

The advantage of the Siberian tiger is the huge power brought by the sneak attack and the burst of running.

The Siberian tiger in melee does not have these advantages!


Turn around quickly and pounce on the Siberian tiger!

Both creatures are large predators, kings of the land!

Hugging together, rolling on the ground, from time to time, there will be terrifying roars of bears and tigers!

The animals that alarmed this territory fled one after another!


A little white mink heard the roar of tigers and bears in the distance.

The body trembled uncontrollably, wanting to escape from here.

But her footsteps suddenly stopped.

Because from this voice, she seems to be very familiar with this voice.

Smart eyes looked in the direction of the voice.

Shaking his little head, his heart skipped a beat, and he ran towards there.

Chapter 48 The Siberian Tiger is Dead!



Tiger roars and bear roars broke out in this territory, like thunder in a rainy day!

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