
Ye Yang also roared in response.

When I saw Mama Xiong a month later, my heart was warm. No wonder my heart was usually empty. It turned out that I missed Mama Xiong in my heart.

After Mama Xiong got the response, she confirmed that the big bear in front of her was her family's eldest baby.

The old man who wanted to lick the big baby got close, but found that the height of her current erection could only reach Ye Yang's neck.

Ye Yang smiled and lowered his head autonomously.

Gently bumped the head with Mama Xiong, and accepted Mama Xiong's offer to lick his head.

Xiong Er was shocked and opened his mouth wide. He didn't understand why Mama Xiong dared to get close to the big bear.

And Papa Bear was dumbfounded, he stared blankly, watching his wife getting close to other bears in disbelief.

Bear eyes are confused.

who I am?where am i?What should I do?

It was as if there was an invisible green light shining on him.

After confirming the identity of the eldest baby, Mama Xiong turned around and saw Papa Xiong and Xiong Er's look like bears, she felt angry.

What a coward, even afraid of his own cubs.


He yelled dissatisfiedly at the two of them, motioning to come over quickly.

Look at the mighty body of the eldest child, are you really my eldest child and my father and brothers?

Seeing Mama Bear like this, she seemed to realize that the huge black bear outside was not malicious to them.

Xiong Dad and Xiong Er came to Ye Yang step by step.

After approaching, Xiong Er was the first to react when he smelled a familiar scent.

He ran directly in front of him and fell down on his back, revealing his belly, to show his closeness.

Ye Yang grinned, unexpectedly, the little guy Xiong Er still remembered him.

Stretched out the bear paw, touched his head.

Then, he looked at Papa Xiong with a hesitant and uncertain expression.

Leaning forward, he bumped Papa Bear's head.

Father Xiong instinctively wanted to back away, but seeing Mother Xiong and Xiong Er, they didn't look like they were in danger.

He accepted Ye Yang's head bumping action.

Papa Bear's hesitant eyes disappeared. The smell of this big bear was that of a big baby.

This big bear is a big baby!


My God, how did Mama Bear give birth to this giant Mac!

The danger is lifted.

Xiong Ma, Xiong Er and Xiong Pa began to growl, venting their uneasiness during this time to the strong Ye Yang.

Ye Yang calmed their panic with his strong bear paws.

Just then, a voice came.

"Bai Yue, you really ran here!"

Chapter 45 Leave

Ye Yang turned his head when he heard the words, and found Lu Fei standing not far away.

raised eyebrows.

Why did Lu Fei appear here so quickly.

When Lu Fei approached and saw Ye Yang's body that had changed dramatically, he couldn't believe it.

I haven't seen it in just one night, how could there be such a big change.

As the human being who is most familiar with Ye Yang, he reckoned that Bai Yue's size in his heart had doubled in size!

At least five hundred catties in weight!

"Are you really Bai Yue?"

He asked nervously with a tranquilizer gun in his hand.

Ye Yang just looked at him straight, not understanding what he wanted to do.

But Mama and Papa Xiong in the carriage saw Lu Fei's angry face.

Mistaking it for the companions of the two-legged beasts.

Straight out, trying to tear him apart.


Ye Yang stopped in front of Mama Bear and Papa Xiong, roaring undeniably.

Ye Yang stopped them, because after getting along for more than a month, he believed that Lu Fei would not hurt him.

Lu Fei breathed a sigh of relief and asked nervously.

"Bai Yue, can you understand what I'm saying?"

After hesitating for a while, Ye Yang nodded.


No wonder Bai Yue would go back to the forest territory to save Mama Bear and the others, and she really heard his call.

Lu Fei took out his mobile phone and browsed the emergency notification messages on it.

At this time.

Mama Xiong and Papa Xiong, smelling the smell of blood in the air, walked towards the corpse Ye Yang killed.


Ye Yang roared violently, stopping their thoughts of eating.

There is only one bottom line in his heart, that is, don't eat people!

When he killed these five people, he used bear paws to kill them with brute force.

None of the bear's mouths were used.

Cannibalism...... Absolutely not!

Although becoming a bear has nothing to do with humans, but cannibalism violates his bottom line.

Seeing the enraged look of their eldest child, Papa Xiong and Mama Xiong took a few steps back.

Thinking that those prey were hunted by Ye Yang, they were not entitled to enjoy them.

Lu Fei, who was standing beside him, put down his phone.

Said to him, solemnly said.

"Bai Yue, get out of here quickly, there will be soldiers coming here soon."

"Although I don't know what happened to you, Bai Yue, we will always be friends, and I will keep this secret for you."

"Don't worry, when those people entered the forest territory, they destroyed all the monitoring equipment here. No one knows what happened here."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Mama Bear and the others, so you can leave here with peace of mind."

Ye Yang looked at him quietly and nodded.

He also knows that he can't stay here any longer, if people discover the secret of the upheaval in him.

Don't think about it, the guinea pigs in the lab are his treatment.

It's just that Lu Fei didn't expect Lu Fei to help him keep it a secret, and promised to take care of Mama Xiong and the others.

Xiong Yan looked at Lu Fei's sincere eyes, and he chose to believe.

After getting along for more than a month, he felt that Lu Fei would not hurt him.

He nodded at him, turned around and left with Mama Bear and the others.

He was afraid that Mama Xiong and the others would attack Lu Fei after he left, just in case.

Looking at the backs of several black bears leaving, Lu Fei whispered, "I hope to see you again in the future, Bai Yue."

After Ye Yang left Mama Xiong and the others in the cave, she left alone under Mama Xiong's unwilling eyes.

Come to the edge of the forest.

Looking at the familiar scenery around, it seems that everything has returned to the original point.

Mind memories.

Last month, he entered human society from here.

I spent a month of leisure in the yard of the farm brothers, and the days of taking care of food and housing are gone forever.

He also guessed why the group of poachers came back to arrest Xiong Ma and Xiong Er.

He became popular on the Internet, and some big bosses valued business opportunities and had huge commercial value.

Send people to arrest Mama Bear and the others so that they can make a fortune.

[-] million.


Thinking of what the boss said before he died, he never thought that he was worth so much money.

It seems that it is time to run deep into the Qinling Mountains.

He had just stood up and walked a few steps before he stopped.

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