"Brother, that's how it should be, how can a man do something he doesn't want to do for a mere [-] gold soul coins!"

Xiao Wu supported.

Ning Rongrong was not convinced, she looked at Ye Hai and said, "I'll give out five hundred gold soul coins!"

"I" Ye Hai opened his mouth.

"One thousand gold soul coins!" Ning Rongrong looked at Ye Hai without blinking.

Xiao Wu gloated and said: "Hey, I said Ning Rongrong, don't think that you can do whatever you want with money, my brother is not such a person, he"

"Deal!" Ye Hai said.

Xiao Wu: "???"

Xiao Wu felt that a gust of wind suddenly blew, and patted her face three times in a row, and then walked away, making her unable to catch up.


Ning Rongrong took two steps, slumped on Ye Hai's back, and said proudly, "Ye Hai, I knew that you are still the same boy you used to be, and you haven't changed in the slightest."

Ye Hai coughed lightly and said, "Little Wu San, you two go back first."

When Xiao Wu heard this, she immediately became angry, "Ye Hai, are you still a man? You sold your body for a mere thousand gold soul coins, you"

"You have half the money." Ye Hai said.

One second, Xiao Wu's face was still burning with anger, and the next second, she showed a sweet smile, "Brother, I support you, the family is almost overwhelmed, it's time to make some money."

Tang San is messed up in the wind

I often look out of place with the two of them because I'm not funny enough

Tang San said in his heart.

Ye Hai, carrying Ning Rongrong on his back, ran out of the academy in a flash, heading straight for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi were still walking slowly, and it didn't take long for Ye Hai to catch up with them.

Ye Hai put down Ning Rongrong and said without blushing or panting:

"Sect Master Ning, your well-behaved and sensible daughter has come to find you."

Ning Fengzhi looked at Ning Rongrong and said, "Rongrong, is there anything else?"

Ning Rongrong rolled up his sleeves, revealing the silent sleeve arrow on his wrist, and said, "Dad, Tang San is a master of hidden weapons, he has assembled some hidden weapons for us, I came here to ask you, can these hidden weapons be installed in our Seven Treasures? On the people of the Glazed Tile School, these hidden weapons are powerful and easy to hide, and if they are used well, they can play a great role.”


Ning Fengzhi pondered: "Then let's try, you attack me with your hidden weapon."

Saying that, Ning Fengzhi took a defensive stance.

Ye Hai shook his head and smiled, "Sect Master Ning, it seems that you still don't understand what Rong Rong said about the power, do you think it's a slingshot? With your small body, you still want to prevent the piercing spirit of the four rings. Zong's hidden weapon?"

"Can this hidden weapon pierce the Four Rings Battle Spirit Sect?"

Ning Fengzhi's expression changed.

The bracelet soul tool on Ning Rongrong's right wrist flickered slightly, and a Divine Zhuge Crossbow fell into her palm.

Ning Rongrong introduced: "When we were in Sylvez City, we had a match at the Great Soul Arena, and the master of that match chose us a team of silver fighting spirits from the Four Rings Fighting Soul Sect. , that team has a tendency to kill, we, we used this hidden weapon called the Zhuge God Crossbow to kill all that team, and we didn’t even use our soul power at that time.”

kill all kill all

Ning Fengzhi looked dazed for a while, these four words were all in his mind.

Chapter 131 Don't be afraid, I'll change the iron gate for you tomorrow

The body of the Four Ring Battle Soul Sect after absorbing spirit rings four times to strengthen it will definitely not be worse than the 79th level auxiliary soul Saint Ning Fengzhi, and even stronger.

Therefore, if the "Zhuge God Crossbow" can pierce the Battle Soul Sect, then it can stab Ning Fengzhi to the core.

"Fengzhi, let me do it. Your small body really can't help tossing."

Sword Douluo slowly stepped forward, walked in front of Ning Fengzhi, and faced Ning Rongrong.

Sword Douluo waved his hand and said, "Rongrong, use your hidden weapon."

Ning Rongrong shook his head and said, "Tang San said that the essence of a hidden weapon lies in a secret word, if it is used openly, many people can block it, but if it is unexpected, then there will be a large number of people who can block it originally. can't stop"

Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi were still thinking about Ning Rongrong's words when they heard Ning Rongrong continue: "It's like this now"


The sound of the machine spring rang out, and the arrows of the Zhuge God Crossbow uttered a roar, stabbing Sword Douluo.

"Girl! Are you still playing tricks on your grandpa Jian?"

Sword Douluo snorted softly, and a long sword appeared in his hand. He lost the chance and could only use his martial spirit.

The long sword was like a goddess scattered flowers, hitting the sixteen crossbow arrows one by one.

"The power is good, and it does have the ability to kill the Four Rings Battle Spirit Sect."

Sword Douluo commented.

Ning Rongrong walked towards Sword Douluo as if he were playing a treasure, and said as he walked, "That's right, the Divine Zhuge Crossbow is a hidden weapon that doesn't require the use of soul power. That"

Speaking of this, a hint of slyness flashed across Ning Rongrong's face, and with a move of his wrist, the silent sleeve arrow shot at Sword Douluo two meters away.

Sword Douluo was listening intently, but he didn't expect Ning Rongrong to come so suddenly.

The speed of the hidden weapon was extremely fast, and he had no time to use his martial spirit. He put his fingers together, and the sword energy was full of energy, cutting the silent sleeve arrow apart.

It wasn't over yet, Ning Rongrong nodded, as if she was about to speak, but her nod was a bit large, and a cold light shot out from the back of her neck, stabbing Sword Douluo in the face.

Sword Douluo's pupils shrank slightly, this hidden weapon already gave him a faint sense of crisis, and with a flick of his finger, a sword qi shot out, just hitting the cold light, and both shattered at the same time.

Seeing Ning Rongrong continuing to move forward, Sword Douluo took two steps back calmly and said, "Rongrong, Grandpa Jian believes that the hidden weapon you said is powerful, don't let it go, Grandpa Jian still wants to be more peaceful. live a few years."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong showed a smile and said, "Dad, if you want to buy these hidden weapons, come back to the academy with me, and we'll discuss the price with Tang San."

Sword Douluo took two steps back calmly, level with Ning Fengzhi, and said in a very subtle voice, "Fengzhi, find a way to let this kid who makes hidden weapons join the sect."

"Impossible," Ye Hai seemed to hear Sword Douluo's words, and said more than ten meters away, "Tang San can't possibly join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, he has his own dreams."

Ning Fengzhi pondered: "What about you? Would you like to?"

"I don't want to!" Ye Hai said without thinking.

After a pause, Ye Hai continued: "I also have my own dreams"

Ning Fengzhi pondered for a while, but did not continue to ask what Ye Hai's dream was. He and Sword Douluo didn't give Ye Hai a good impression just now.

Together, the four returned to Shrek Academy.

Ye Hai called Tang San out, and whispered to Tang San, Ning Fengzhi is a fat sheep, and if he should be slaughtered, he will be slaughtered ruthlessly.

Tang San and Ning Fengzhi talked about the evening from the afternoon until they finished.

Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo naturally lived in Shrek Academy. After a few dinners, Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong went to talk.

Early the next morning, after Ye Hai got up, he kicked the door of Oscar's room open and said, "Oscar, here's a sausage."

The Shrek Seven Devils lived in a yard, and everyone had a separate room. This benefit was very good.

For half a year in the Sunset Forest, Ye Hai woke up every morning, and the thing he missed most was Oscar's sausages, the feeling of being warm and exhausting all over his body, making people unable to stop.

Oscar sat up in a conditioned reflex, opened his eyes and saw Ye Hai, and immediately lay down and closed his eyes, "I have a big sausage, I said, brother, can you not be so violent next time, the door is easy to break."

Ye Hai took the sausage and said lightly, "Don't be afraid, I'll change the iron gate for you tomorrow."

"" Oscar said speechlessly, "It's better to use a wooden door. I don't need to open the door at night. No one will sneak in at night anyway."

The iron door couldn't stop Ye Hai's kick, and the sound was too loud, which would easily make Oscar lose sleep. It's not as good as this wooden door.

"Then go back to sleep."

Ye Hai walked out of Oscar's room.

After stretching his muscles and bones, Ye Hai came to the cafeteria to eat.

After eating, Ye Hai walked to a window seat and started eating.

"Classmate, is there anyone here? Can I sit here?"

Ye Hai was burying his head and eating, when a whistling female voice rang in his ears.

Looking up, Ye Hai found that it was the one who called Dai Mubai "Brother Mubai" yesterday.

Ye Hai just glanced at it, then lowered his head and continued to eat.

"Little brother, you are so handsome even eating, can I sit here?"

The girl coquettishly said.

Ye Hai finished eating in two or three bites, put away the chopsticks and plates, got up and said, "Sit down, there is no one now."

After saying that, he walked away.

The girl stared at Ye Hai in a stunned manner. Just now, Ye Hai's last three or two mouthfuls were almost like a steamed bun, just like a hungry tiger, which made the girl wonder about life.

Am I really that unattractive?

She touched her face.

At the door, Ye Hai met Dai Mubai.

Ye Hai smiled and said, "Mubai, your sweetheart is there."

Said and pointed to the place where he had just left.

Dai Mubai's eyes suddenly became deep, and he said with a bit of vicissitudes: "There are so many women in this world who need to be saved, this girl is just a drop in the ocean."

"Speak human words." Ye Hai said lightly.

Dai Mubai said with a smile, "I miss the pair of sisters from Soto City a little."

Ye Hai patted Dai Mubai's shoulder, and said, "Even a soul master must know how to restraint, otherwise he will hollow out his body and be unable to become an ordinary Title Douluo. Are you embarrassed?"

"It's not ashamed," Dai Mubai laughed. "If I don't save the lonely woman, what's the use of this iron rod?"

Ye Hai said lightly: "If I see you fooling around with women every three days, I will beat you into a pig's head and see if the woman you are looking for is sexually interested in pigs."

Dai Mubai: ""

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