Chapter 124 You are not allowed to watch!

Ye Hai knew what Tang San was struggling with these two days.

After Tang San's Purple Demon Eye was raised one level, he saw through Xiao Wu's body, and it was difficult for him to accept the fact that Xiao Wu was a spirit beast.

Ye Hai patted Tang San on the shoulder and said, "Little San, do you still remember what you and I promised Xiao Wu?"

Tang San pondered subconsciously, Ye Hai continued: "At first I agreed with others, but now I want to go back?"

As soon as Ye Hai finished speaking, Tang San understood that Ye Hai was referring to the matter of worshipping in the Holy Spirit Village, and he immediately retorted: "I didn't"

Ye Hai stared: "You have!"

Ye Hai knew that Tang San didn't have it, but he wanted to let Tang San know that he did.

Tang San thought for a while, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, he looked at Ye Hai in surprise: "Brother Hai, you already knew?"

Do you know that Xiao Wu is a soul beast?

"Well," Ye Hai said lightly, "but I will continue to protect Xiao Wu."

Hearing this, Tang San immediately said: "I will protect Xiao Wu too."

Ye Hai nodded slightly and said, "Then what are you still struggling with?"

"I" Tang San's mouth wriggled a few times, "I don't bother anymore"

"What are you talking about? How is it like playing a riddle?"

Ning Rongrong's big eyes were filled with question marks.

"It's none of your business, just go!"

Ye Haidao.

"Humph!" Ning Rongrong walked away arrogantly.

Xiao Wu naturally understood what Ye Hai and Tang San were talking about, and she couldn't help being moved. Her mother once said that human beings are untrustworthy, especially powerful soul masters, who would covet 10-year-old soul beasts. I can meet two people who don't care about her 10-year soul beast status at once

The four of them left Lanba Academy, had lunch nearby, and then started shopping.

"Little San Ye Hai, what do you think that is?"

Xiao Wu pointed at a building in surprise.

At this time, several people have come to the bustling street. There is a dome building not far away, like a bowl buckled upside down on the ground, the whole body is round, and there is no sign on it.

Ning Rongrong said, "It's an auction, and the entry threshold is [-] gold soul coins."

She deliberately pointed out the entry threshold, just telling a few people not to think about entering.

Although Ning Rongrong was the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, she couldn't carry too much money with her, so she didn't have [-] gold soul coins.

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"[-] gold soul coins, let's forget it."

Xiao Wu was disappointed for a while, she was used to big hands, let alone [-] gold soul coins, she couldn't even save [-] gold soul coins, even after entering the advanced soul level, she could receive [-] gold souls from Wuhun Hall every month. Coins are also spent that month.

If Xiao Wu was placed on Earth, she would be a proper "Moonlight Clan".

A black card appeared in Ye Hai's hand, and smiled: "What a coincidence, I happen to have [-] gold soul coins here, let's go, brother will take you to see the world."

Ning Rongrong stared blankly at the black card in Ye Hai's hand, with [-] grass and mud horses galloping past in her heart. She, the gold owner, didn't have [-] gold soul coins on her body, yet Ye Hai made [-] without making a sound. Gold Soul Coin?

When Ye Hai got close, he felt the grandeur of the auction house. The building was 80 meters high, and the semicircle on the ground had a diameter of 500 meters. One can imagine how spacious the auction house would be.

When he passed by the entrance of the auction house, Ye Hai verified the assets, and after confirming that there were [-] gold soul coins in the card, the guards let four people in.

They were greeted by a 20-year-old girl with a pretty face, "Our auction is held 24 hours a day, and the distinguished guests will come with me."

The girl led a few people through the corridor, and before entering the auction, distributed a mask to each of them, and then led a few people into the auction.

The auction is like a large auditorium, with a circular auction table in the center, surrounded by seats arranged in a radial ring.

The seats are divided into five colors. The three rows of seats closest to the auction table are red. These three rows of seats are entered through special passages and are protected by special security personnel. This is the million-level VIP area.

Behind the three rows of red seats, there are black seats, which are ordinary million-level areas.

Further outwards is the purple seat, the 50-level area.

Behind the purple seats is yellow, a [-]-level area.

The outermost white seat is the one with the [-] entry threshold. It is the largest, occupying more than half of the entire auction area.

It is worth mentioning that there are also service girls in the auction.

The girl who was leading the outside was dressed normally, but the girl in the auction was much bolder, with a big open chest, revealing deep ravines, and the skirt was opened to an exaggerated level, and the spring was looming.

"Hmph, wearing so coquettish is to seduce rich people!"

Ning Rongrong murmured, and then couldn't help but said, "I don't know what they usually eat. They're so big, they're almost as big as Zhuqing."

You are Chi Guoguo's jealousy Ye Hai shook his head and smiled, "I think this should be something that men should pay attention to, right?"

"You are not allowed to look!"

Ning Rongrong said angrily.

"These girls are all cultivated by the auction, and they are also one of the commodities of the auction. If someone likes it, they can naturally buy it."

A gentle voice came from the side, Ye Hai subconsciously turned his head to look, it was a middle-aged man with elegant appearance, the middle-aged man was not wearing a mask, with a gentle smile on his face.

What Ye Hai didn't notice was that Ning Rongrong froze when he heard the voice, but did not turn around immediately.

"Can people be bought and sold?"

Xiao Wu couldn't help but ask.

The middle-aged man said with a bit of helplessness: "In this world, as long as you can afford the price, you can buy anything, let alone just a girl."

Xiao Wu fell silent and did not speak any further.

The middle-aged man smiled gently and said, "A few children came to the auction house, are they looking to buy something?"

He seems to be very interested in Ye Hai and several others, and is actively looking for topics.

Ye Hai smiled. He recalled a moment ago and already knew the identity of the middle-aged man in front of him. He said:

"We're just here to take a look, what about you, uncle, what are you here to buy?"

"Me?" The middle-aged man thought for a moment and said, "I'm also here to take a look. If there is something that interests me, I'll buy it."

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Hai's mouth, and he said, "Uncle, you are either rich or expensive at first glance. I'm afraid ordinary things can't get into your eyes. Could there be soul bones in today's auction?"

The drop rate of spirit bones is extremely low, and most people are short of them.

If you are unlucky, even if you cultivate to the title Douluo, you may not be able to get one or two soul bones.

Of course, Ye Hai's purpose in saying this was not to ask the middle-aged man in front of him if he wanted a soul bone. He had another purpose.

Chapter 125 You are the one who joked first

"Soul bones are indeed extremely precious. I haven't seen a few pieces in the past year, but I won't necessarily see them this time. I'm just here to hang out."

The middle-aged man's answer is watertight.

Ye Hai smiled and said nothing more.

At this time, the auction stage had just finished auctioning a soul tool, and it sold for a high price of [-] gold soul coins.

Soon, several strong men carried out a black box.

The host smiled and said with a loudspeaker: "The next auction is a very rare treasure. I believe that the moment I open the box, there will definitely be many male VIPs' eyes lit up."

With that said, the host opened the box.

Inside was an iron cage with a girl curled up inside the cage.

The girl lowered her head, unable to see her face clearly, and huddled in the corner of the iron cage.

The host pointed out the special features of the girl with a stick. It turned out that the girl's body mutated when her martial arts awakened, and she grew cat ears and tails.

[-] At certain times, it can satisfy the special hobbies of men.

Sure enough, some of the male VIPs sitting in the front row showed meaningful smiles and geared up.

The starting price for this girl is [-] gold soul coins, and each increase must not be less than [-] gold soul coins, which is not something that ordinary people can afford.

The four of Ye Hai sat in a row, next to Ye Hai was Xiao Wu, then Tang San, and finally Ning Rongrong.

Strangely, Xiao Wu and Tang San would occasionally turn their heads to look at the middle-aged man, but Ning Rongrong never turned his head this way.

On the other side of Ye Hai, separated by two seats, is a middle-aged man.

He leaned forward slightly, blocking Xiao Wu Tang Sanning Rongrong behind him, smiled and said, "Uncle, do you have any thoughts on this girl?"

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He saw the middle-aged man's hand on the auction device.

The middle-aged man said: "I can't talk about the idea, I just think that this girl has the possibility of being saved."

Saying that, the middle-aged man pressed the auction device with his hand.

Add [-].

Ye Hai raised his brows, looking at the appearance of this guy with a light price increase of [-] yuan, his family is very rich!

Ye Hai glanced at Ning Rongrong sideways. Although Ning Rongrong didn't turn his head, he saw Ning Rongrong's ears move slightly, obviously eavesdropping.

"Uncle, you don't need to say it, I understand"

Saying that, Ye Hai showed a meaningful smile.

The middle-aged man frowned and said, "I really don't mean anything else, don't get me wrong."

Ye Hai didn't hear a word of the middle-aged man's words, he said with emotion: "It's good to have money."

Middle-aged: ""

He looked left and right, and said in a low voice, "Do you know me, kid?"

Otherwise, it is impossible to deliberately find a topic to chat, and also deliberately distort his meaning.

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