Dugu Bo said solemnly: "Don't be sloppy! Hurry up!"

Ye Hai put on a pretence and said, "Little San, tell me."

Tang San looked puzzled, "What did you say?"

"Boy, are you kidding me?"

Dugu Bo said timidly.

He originally held his identity, and didn't want to take action as soon as he came up, but Ye Hai angered him repeatedly, and he couldn't help but take action.

Dugu Bo stretched out his five fingers like eagle claws, and a light green mist swept in. A fishy and sweet smell could be smelled across several meters.

"No! It's Biphosphorus Snake Venom!"

Tang San's expression changed, as soon as he came into contact with the light green mist, his brain felt groggy.

Ye Hai was covered in golden armor, he bumped back, knocking Tang San aside, and then he followed out of the area shrouded in light green mist.

"Old thing, don't be shameless!"

Ye Hai hugged Tang San by the waist, and the two quickly returned to Flender's side.

Dugu Bo smiled grimly and said, "Boy, this old man wants you to live rather than die!"

After all, the body seemed to form a phantom and rushed over at an extremely fast speed.

Flender took a step forward and wanted to stand in front of Ye Hai. Ye Hai shook his head slightly and said, "Boss Fred, Master, you two show your martial spirits."

Flender and the master displayed their martial arts one after another. Ye Hai's "Golden Dragon Seat" seemed to be a glue, forcibly "bonding" the golden triangle without Liu Erlong together, forming a martial arts fusion. Skill!

The martial spirits of the three disappeared, and Flender and Grandmaster did not change in the slightest, while Ye Hai became much taller, nearly two meters tall, more than a head taller than the little old man Dugu Bo.

A dazzling golden armor covered Ye Hai. He held a hammer in his right hand and looked at Dugu Bo who came quickly.

The three people's martial arts fusion skills only increased Ye Hai's soul power and strength, like forcing Ye Hai to reach the level of Soul Douluo.

That's right, Ye Hai's soul power level is now fully 89. Of course, the level is the level of an ordinary soul master, not the level after Ye Hai's compressed soul power.

There is at least a threefold increase in strength.

However, the spirit ring and spirit ability could not be used. I don't know if it was because the "Golden Dragon Seat" without a spirit ring was fused.

The current Ye Hai already has the ability to fight Dugu Bo, a level 92 Title Douluo!

"Martial soul fusion skills?"

Dugu Bo and Ye Hai stood facing each other ten meters apart, Dugu Bo asked slowly.

"The knowledge is good, but unfortunately there is no reward."

Ye Hai slowly walked towards Dugu Bo.

"This is your self-confidence? A great soul master, a soul master, a soul saint, and the spirit fusion skills formed by three people, do you think they can beat me?"

Insert a perfect replica of the old version of the book-chasing artifact that can change the source of the APP for the source artifact.

Dugu Bo sneered.

"You'll know if you can beat it or not." Ye Hai stepped on the ground with both feet, jumped high, and smashed Dugu Bo with a hammer, "Old man, look at the hammer!"

Dugu Bo stretched out his palm and pointed to Ye Hai in the air. A light green mist snake appeared in front of Ye Hai. As soon as it appeared, he attacked Ye Hai frantically.

Ye Hai was unmoved, his golden armor flickered for a while, he resisted the attack of the Mist Snake, and smashed at Dugu Bo with a hammer.

Dugu Bo frowned, and with a swipe in front of him, a semi-illusory shield appeared in front of him, Ye Hai's golden hammer slammed on the shield, and even smashed Dugu Bo's shield soul ability with one hammer!

Dugu Bo's pupils shrank and took a step back.

This is his fifth soul ring, the ten thousand year soul skill Snake Python Sky Gang Shield, can't even stop a hammer?

After Ye Hai smashed the shield, he had no backing force. He retracted the hammer, took a few steps back, and distanced himself from Dugu Bo.

Dugu Bo didn't pursue him, he looked directly at Ye Hai, "Very good, as a Soul Venerable, you can make me a Title Douluo take a step back, you are really good"

After a pause, Dugu Bo's tone suddenly became cold, "You can die without regrets!"

After all, Dugu Bo turned into a phantom and took one step forward, less than two meters away from Ye Hai!

Ye Hai was not surprised when he saw Dugu Bo's speed. Instead, he laughed and said, "Old thing, the level of transformation is not good! You should say that a hero is a boy, and the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and one wave is more than a wave."

Ye Haihai said, dodging Dugu Bo's attack.

Although Dugu Bo's body technique is extremely fast, Ye Hai is not bad, especially with the blessing of triple strength, his explosive power even surpasses Dugu Bo!

Chapter 112 It's him!

Dugu Bo took an oblique step and pointed at Ye Hai again.

A misty and illusory scene immediately appeared all over Ye Hai. Poisonous snakes, scorpions, and centipedes were constantly wandering around him. When he saw an opportunity, he took a bite.

Fortunately, Ye Hai now has golden armor covering his entire body, with only slight gaps at the joints, and a golden mask on his face.

Therefore, although each of these poisonous insects can poison the soul saint, they cannot break Ye Hai's defense.

Ye Hai let out a long laugh and said, "Old poison, don't use these little tricks to shame others, or the young master will capsize you in the gutter!"

A cold light flashed in the depths of Dugu Bo's quiet eyes. He glanced at the Education Committee not far away, as well as the surrounding environment, a little eager to try.

"Mr. Dugu, no!"

Seeing Dugu Bo's expression, Prince Xue Xing thought of a possibility and hurriedly stopped it.

Hearing this, Dugu Bo glanced at Prince Xue Xing and suppressed the thought of using his martial soul avatar.

Dugu Bo was a titled Douluo. Once he displayed his martial soul avatar, not only would the entire Heaven Dou Imperial Academy be unable to keep it, but the students here didn't know how many would die. Although Prince Xue Xing was stubborn, he still knew the importance.

Prince Xue Xing said coldly: "You can get out, don't let me see you again, or else"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Hai said, "Title Douluo, that's all."

Prince Xue Xing's eyes narrowed, his neck stiffly looked at Dugu Bo, and he saw anger welling up on the thin old man's face.

"Boy, you are really courting death"

Dugu Bo's tone was cold and authentic.

"Mr. Lonely"

There was a trace of fear in Prince Xue Xing's pupils, and he seemed to have thought of what happened for a while.

Ye Hai sneered: "Isn't Mr. Dugu good at making people die ugly? I want to try."

"Okay! The old man will fulfill you!"

Dugu Bo let out a long roar, and the seven spirit rings on his body lit up!

His body swelled suddenly, like a puffed ball, in the process of swelling, it changed into a big snake.

The big snake swelled to more than 30 meters before stopping. It lifted its upper body, and looked at Ye Hai coldly with its dark green vertical pupils.

This is Dugu Bo's spirit avatar, the Biphos Snake Emperor!

Ye Hai heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Dugu Bo showing his martial soul avatar, and then said with a smile: "Title Douluo, only 30 meters high? It's just so-so!"

When you're done, turn around and run!

As he ran, he said, "Title Douluo's spirit avatar is really ugly, no wonder he wants people to die ugly, so he is so ugly."

After all, he ran away without a trace.

Dugu Bo just wanted to scare Ye Hai a few words, but when he saw Ye Hai turned his head and ran away, he only had time to say "Stop for me, kid", and then he ran after him.

You can't do it without chasing, Ye Hai's speed is too fast, you can't really see if you don't chase.

Seeing Ye Hai and Dugu Bo running out one after the other, Prince Xue Xing almost collapsed to the ground.

Just now, when Dugu Bo showed off his spirit avatar, he was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out. The students of Tiandou Royal Academy are either rich or expensive, let alone dead, as long as a few are injured, he will be impeached. After so many deaths, he is completely finished.

Seeing Ye Hai and Dugubo leaving the academy and running down the mountain, Flender and other Shrek Academy students and teachers were all in a hurry and hurriedly chased after them.

Duguyan pouted and slowly suppressed the shock in his eyes.

Ye Hai dared to clamor for Dugu Bo, which was something she never thought of. She clamored for it, and she could block a few tricks, which was even more unexpected.

Ye Hai is only a small soul master, even if he forms a martial soul fusion skill with a soul saint and a great soul master, at most it is the level of Soul Douluo.

However, with this martial soul fusion skill, Ye Hai was able to compete with the ordinary Dugu Bo, how could this make Dugu Yan not be shocked?

There are three Contras in the Tiandou Royal Academy, and one of them has a soul power as high as level 86, but Dugu Yan knows that even if these three Contras add up, they can't beat Dugu Bo. Bo.

And Ye Hai was able to walk through several tricks from Dugu Bo's hands, and even smashed Dugu Bo's ten thousand-year soul ability "Snake Python Tiangang Shield" with a hammer. What kind of powerful attack power is this?

Duguyan said those words just now, just to want grandpa to teach Ye Hai a lesson, not to kill him.

But I didn't expect Ye Hai to jump straight up and hit Dugu Bo, not on the knee, but on the chest

Although Duguyan doesn't know where Ye Hai is going with Dugu Bo, she has full confidence in her grandfather, no matter where Ye Hai goes, she will be captured by her grandfather!

Dugu Yan glanced at the earth-colored avalanche beside Prince Xue Xing, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Just as Ye Hai ran 500 meters, the armor on his body immediately disintegrated. Although the speed dropped a bit, the impact was not great.

Glancing secretly at the 30-meter-tall snake behind him, Ye Hai swallowed and ran as hard as he could.

Although Dugu Bo displayed his martial soul avatar, he also cared about the buildings and students of the academy. He didn't release poisonous gas, and he didn't use his soul skills. He just chased after Ye Hai.

Recommended, the book-chasing app I’ve been using recently, the source-changing artifact app caches and reads books, and reads aloud offline!

Most of Dugu Bo's spirit abilities are area-killing, the one that kills a large area, and the explosive power is not enough, but the persistence and range are definitely at the strategic level.

Ye Hai ran all the way down the mountain, Dugu Bo was chasing Ye Hai closely.

It can be seen that Dugu Bo's speed is faster than Ye Hai, but his body is too big and he is worried about the students, so he doesn't catch up with Ye Hai at once.

Ye Hai ran to the place with many construction students and many students, and the two went down the mountain all the way.

After going down the mountain, Ye Hai found that Dugu Bo's speed had picked up immediately, Ye Hai took a breath, circled around, and ran up the mountain again!

"Stinky boy, stop for me!"

When Dugu Bo saw Ye Hai running up the mountain again, he couldn't help roaring.

Ye Hai said without turning his head: "You stop first, then I will stop."

Dugu Bo's eyes flickered with cold light, and at a glance, he knew that Ye Hai was very angry. He didn't say a word and started chasing him fiercely.

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