Dai Mubai just happened to walk nearby, and when he saw this, he hurriedly said loudly, "Don't eat sausages!"

Ning Rongrong turned a deaf ear, took a bite and quickly chewed it. After swallowing it, he whispered, "Well, it's delicious..."

Chapter 56 I just accidentally broke through

Dai Mubai brought Zhu Zhuqing over, and what he saw was this scene. Four people, two men and two women, were eating sausages with relish, while Oscar was making sausages with a face full of love.

"What's the situation? You..."

Dai Mubai didn't know what to do, Tang San and the others had already eaten sausages, should they tell them about the Oscar spell...

"Old Dai, come, eat a sausage... and Zhuqing, come, one per person..."

Saying that, Ye Hai took two sausages in each hand and handed them to Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

"Thank you, no need."

Zhu Zhuqing took a step back and shook his head in rejection.

After a pause, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly looked at Ye Hai with a cold look:

"How do you know my name?"

Ye Hai: "..."

Oops, I'm too familiar, and I forgot that I don't know Zhu Zhuqing's name yet.

Ye Hai pondered for two seconds and said, "I guess."

Zhu Zhuqing: "..."

Ye Hai then said: "To tell you the truth, I am actually a twin martial soul, and I still have an 'ear' martial soul, even if it is now far from the door..."

With that said, Ye Hai glanced back, measured the distance visually, and said, "Even if it's 300 meters away from the door, I can still hear it..."

Zhu Zhuqing looked straight at Ye Hai, and after a while, he said, "Nonsense."

Xiao Wu, who was beside Ye Hai, frowned slightly as she watched this scene, she felt as if she had a sense of deja vu...

However, Zhu Zhuqing did not continue to ask questions. It was just a name, and it was not worth making a fuss.

Dai Mubai next to Zhu Zhuqing didn't pick up the sausage either. He hesitated for a moment and said, "Do you know..."

Speaking of which, Dai Mubai looked at Oscar, pondering, not knowing what to say.

Ye Hai ate one of the sausages in one bite and said indifferently, "What about the spell?"

Dai Mubai said in surprise, "You know?"

Ye Hai smiled, "I knew it six years ago! But...what does this have to do with me eating sausages?"

"..." Dai Mubai was dumbfounded for a while, he thought about it, and it seemed that it really didn't matter...

Oscar's spell is actually just disgusting, sausage is delicious and good for the body, just because of the spell to avoid it like a snake?

Dai Mubai was not as disgusted by Oscar's spell as other people, because he had eaten sausages because of injury before, and the taste was really good. Now that Ye Hai didn't care, he was also a little moved...

"Cough, Xiao Ao, give me one..."

Dai Mubai said.

Oscar pointed at Ye Haidao blankly: "Tell him, I still owe him more than 2000 sausages..."

Ye Hai smiled and handed the remaining sausage to Dai Mubai, "Please."


Dai Mubai took three bites and felt warm all over his body. The slight fatigue caused by yesterday's strenuous exercise also disappeared.

After eating the sausage, Dai Mubai was in high spirits, he patted Tang San on the shoulder, and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to pass the exam, no need to line up."

Tang San said: "This is not good..."

Dai Mubai smiled and said, "Don't worry, this is the treatment you deserve. Shrek Academy has always treated monsters like this."

Dai Mubai walked to the teacher in charge of the second round of testing, whispered a few words in a low voice, then pointed at Tang San and Xiao Wu.

The test teacher nodded slightly in agreement.

Dai Mubai was about to walk deeper into the academy with Tang San and Xiao Wu when he went back. At this moment, a male candidate said dissatisfiedly:

"Teacher, why do they go directly to the fourth level without taking a test, but we have to pass it one level at a time?"

The test teacher said lightly: "If your soul power can exceed level 25, you can also directly enter the fourth level, but obviously, your soul power is only level 21."

Saying that, he pointed to the test crystal in front of him.


The male examinee said excitedly: "I have been practicing hard for the past six years, and I have never slacked off for a moment. I only reached level 12 when I was 21 years old. How could someone's soul power exceed level 25?"

Dai Mubai said coldly: "You can't do it yourself, it doesn't mean that others can't do it. In this world, there are only geniuses and trash, and Shrek only recruits geniuses, not trash...Tang San, show them your soul. force."

Said, Dai Mubai picked up a test crystal from the table and threw it to Tang San.

Tang San took a deep breath, took the test crystal, and injected Xuan Tian Gong into the test crystal.

In an instant, the test crystal was like a small sun, emitting a dazzling light, which was a symbol of reaching level [-]!

Except for Ye Hai and the others, all the candidates present were stunned. They couldn't figure it out. At the age of 12, there is really someone who can reach level 25 or above, and even reached level 29!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wu also pressed her hand on the test crystal, which was also level 29.

"In that case, I think I can also be exempted from the second and third tests."

Ning Rongrong smiled slightly, with a sense of indifference, she walked to Xiao Wu, took the test crystal, and the bright light appeared again, although it was not as dazzling as before, it still looked like about level 26.

Just as she was about to say something proudly, Zhu Zhuqing immediately took the test crystal, the white light shone brighter than Ning Rongrong, probably around level 27.

"Have you all seen it? This is the difference between trash and genius!"

Dai Mubai's evil eyes swept across the team coldly, the team fell silent, and no one dared to refute.

Dai Mubai was about to leave with Tang San when he suddenly looked back at Ye Hai and asked suspiciously, "Aren't you going to test it?"

Ye Hai shook his head and said, "My soul power is only level 24, which is still a bit short. You should take them there first."

Dai Mubai shook his head slightly after hearing this, and stopped talking, leading Tang San and several people into the academy deeper.

"Brother Hai, we are waiting for you inside."

After Tang San said a word, he followed Dai Mubai and left.

Ye Hai smiled and watched Tang San leave.

His spirit power is indeed only level 24, he didn't lie to Dai Mubai about this.

In the past two years, he spent most of his time improving his physical fitness, and he hardly had time to cultivate his soul power, which resulted in only the fourth-level soul power being improved in the past two years.

But there was one point that he didn't tell Dai Mubai.

His total soul power definitely far exceeds level 25, even far exceeds level [-]!

The test crystal is based on the total amount of soul power to distinguish the level of the soul master, so if Ye Hai inputs his soul power with all his strength, the test crystal will be broken in an instant...

As for why he didn't want to face Zao Wuji with Dai Mubai, Tang San and the others, that was because Ye Hai wanted to give the Shrek Seven Devils a chance to get to know each other and enhance their relationship.

If he was present, Tang San and the others wouldn't even have a chance to shoot.

As for Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing, it was during this battle with Zao Wou-Ki that their feelings suddenly changed from strangers to teammates.

Without this battle, it would take at least a month for them to form a team.

Ye Hai wasn't sure if his intervention in advance would change the plot, and he didn't want to change the plot, so he directly delayed his arrival and let them meet in advance.

This way, it won't change the plot...

Ye Hai waited for a few people to go far away, and then walked slowly to the test teacher, and said, "Teacher, I accidentally broke through just now, and now it seems to be level 25..."

Test teacher: "..."

Chapter 57 He's Here Again

Ye Hai pressed his hand on the test crystal and input his soul power bit by bit.

The test crystal lit up a little bit.

When it was almost a little darker than Ning Rongrong, Ye Hai stopped.

The test teacher narrowed his eyes and said, "You don't have level 25."

"Impossible..." Ye Hai heard the words, and was about to put his hand on it again and input a little more soul power. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the expectant look of the test teacher, and his heart moved.

"This old Yinbi almost got his way..." Ye Hai cursed secretly.

Ye Hai scratched the back of his head with his raised hand and said, "Is that so... Then I'll just line up honestly."

The test teacher looked at Ye Hai carefully, and finally waved his hand: "Let's go, you can go directly to the last level."

Ye Hai smiled and didn't speak. He passed the test teacher and walked towards the depths of the academy.

The test teacher saw that Ye Hai was inputting a little bit of soul power just now, and it really only ended at level 25. He absolutely did not believe that Ye Hai was really only at level 25.

So I want to cheat Ye Hai, tell Ye Hai that he has not reached level 25, and let him continue to input soul power.

Unexpectedly, Ye Hai saw through it at a glance...

What Ye Hai means is that I only have so much soul power, and there is not a drop left. If you let me go, I will go. If you don't let me go, I will queue up honestly.

The test teacher looked at Ye Hai's back and smiled bitterly: "Why are the students who came this year, one by one monster..."

Ye Hai walked a long way before muttering: "This bad old man is very bad. I saved him a test crystal, and he even played with me..."

Ye Hai strolled slowly through the third level and walked towards the fourth level where Zao Wou-Ki was.

Tang San and the four needed time to support a stick of incense under Zao Wou-Ki's men. In the first round, the four of them didn't hold on to a stick of incense. In the second round, Tang San showed his might and insisted on a stick of incense a little more.

Ye Hai only needs to reach the fourth level after two sticks of incense.

After two sticks of incense.

Ye Hai came to the fourth level.

The place was already in a mess, Zhu Zhuqing was lying on the ground with a pale face; Xiao Wu had passed out in Ning Rongrong's arms, with traces of blood on the corner of his mouth; Tang San was lying further away.

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