Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear thought proudly, not in a bad mood at all because he was beaten.

If Ye Hai heard the inner monologue of the Dark-Gold Dreadclaw Bear, he would definitely say with a smile, he can't afford to offend (rbq), he really can't afford to offend...

Ye Hai walked for a while, and found that the Dark-Gold Dreadclaw Bear did not follow, and even a shadow disappeared.

"This is its territory. I was so scared that I didn't even want the territory?"

Ye Hai shook his head and smiled.

After walking a few more steps, Ye Hai suddenly stopped because there was a slight rustling sound in front of him.

The next moment, a bright and noble face appeared in front of Ye Hai.

"Bibi Dong..."

Ye Hai felt powerless for a while...

Chapter 49 What a coincidence...

Ye Hai had already taken back the "Golden Dragon Seat" at this time, and without a mask, he directly looked at each other face to face with Bibi Dong.

The last time Ye Hai and Bibi Dong met was four years ago.

After four years, Ye Hai's appearance hasn't changed much, and he hasn't fully grown, but he has grown a lot, so Bibi Dong recognized this little boy who impressed her at a glance.

"Cough, Sister Pope, what a coincidence..."

Ye Haidao.

When Bibi Dong saw Ye Hai, her expression was extremely complicated, an expression that Ye Hai could not understand.

Pope sister?

The rest of the crowd, Ju and Gui Douluo, and Hu Liena, all looked at Bibi Dong with an incredible look, and then looked at Ye Hai.

what's going on?The Pope, who has always been noble and majestic, is called 'Sister Pope' and still looks normal?

And the Pope also gave him the "Papal decree"?

Could this boy be the Pope's... little lover?

What are you kidding?

Will the Pope have a little lover?

They would rather believe that there are 10-year-old soul beasts in this hunting forest than believe that there will be a little lover under the pope's crown!

Bibi Dong was silent for a long time before she said, "Give me back the 'Pope's Order', this time I brought other tokens."

Saying that, Bibi Dong took a token with six patterns from Ju Douluo and showed it to Ye Hai.

Ye Hai shook his head and said, "Sister Pope, do you think I'm stupid? I treat you as Sister Pope, but I didn't expect you to treat me as a fool..."

"This 'Pope's decree' is obviously better than what you have. Why should I change it with you?"

"Sister Pope, you can't be fooled!"

Bibi Dong: "..."

Ye Hai's hob's lack of oil and salt really gave Bibi Dong a headache.

Bibi Dong said, "Then tell me, how can you return the 'Papal decree' to me? Since we met today, you must return the 'Papal decree' to me."

Since Bibi Dong gave Ye Hai the "Papal Order", she has been very worried.

At present, the relationship between the Spirit Hall and the two empires is tense, and the Spirit Hall has many layouts in the two empires.

Once the "Papal decree" goes out, it is likely to have an unpredictable and huge impact on the current situation.

Because everything done by the person who holds the "Pope's Decree" will be counted on the Pope's head. If he does anything that is not good for the Spirit Hall, he can only bear it by himself.

But in the past four years, Bibi Dong had never heard of the "Pope's decree" being revealed, let alone anything that would be detrimental to Spirit Hall.

This made her wonder, that little guy wouldn't treat the "Pope's decree" as a collectible, and press the bottom of the box...

When Bibi Dong saw Ye Hai today, she realized that it wasn't Ye Hai who put the "Pope's Order" to the bottom.

Bibi Dong admired Ye Hai's "self-knowledge", so she didn't force back the "Pope's Order" as soon as she came up, and even gave Ye Hai room to bargain.

Ye Hai pondered: "Sister Pope, I can exchange with you, but you have to promise me one thing..."

"Your Majesty, no!"

Before Bibi Dong could speak, the two Douluos, Ju and Gui, spoke at the same time to stop her.

Ye Hai is a promise from Bibi Dong!

But Bibi Dong is the Pope of Spirit Hall, and her promise is no less valuable than a "Pope's Order"!

Bibi Dong's bright face was a little tangled. She looked at Ye Hai and waited for the words behind Ye Hai. She could hear Ye Hai's words before he finished speaking.

Ye Hai continued: "One day in the next ten years, Wuhun Temple cannot hurt a certain person designated by me..."

"And, it's limited to that day. After that day, Spirit Hall can continue to hunt down..."

Ye Hai spoke slowly, he thought about it for a moment, and felt that there was nothing missing, so he stopped talking and looked at Bibi Dong waiting for her reply.

can't hurt someone...

This day will come in ten years...

Only for the day...

Bibi Dong frowned slightly.

Ye Hai's words were very vague, so Bibi Dong couldn't guess anything from the words.

There are many people who have enemies with Wuhun Temple. If Wuhun Temple can block that person once, it can block that person a second time. Why should Ye Hai do it?

She couldn't figure it out.

The two Douluos next to him, Ju and Gui, began to think that Ye Hai wanted Bibi Dong to agree to something that was unconditional obedience, which is why they reacted so intensely.

A dignified pope, unconditionally doing one thing for a person, what kind of decency is this?

Later, Ye Hai said that he needed to let someone go one day in the future, but they didn't want to agree, because it meant that the other party could find trouble in the Spirit Hall, but they couldn't hurt the other party.

But in the end, Ye Hai added restrictions, within ten years, and only one day was spared, so that the two Douluos, Ju and Gui, could rest assured.

This condition...

too easy!

They instantly lost their intention to stop Bibi Dong, such a trivial matter, whether they agree or not doesn't matter!

Compared with being able to return the "Pope's Decree" decently, they felt that it was okay to agree to this trivial matter.

Bibi Dong was silent for a while, but still didn't answer.

She is weighing.

Although Ye Hai said it very lightly and expressed the same meaning, Bibi Dong's intuition told her that this matter was not that simple.

"Okay, I promise you."

Bibi Dong finally said.

She couldn't understand, and she couldn't lose the Pope's majesty, so Bibi Dong could only agree.


Ye Hai felt proud.

Six years later, in the finals of the Continental Spirit Master Competition, Xiao Wu would be found to be vulnerable, and he needed to save Xiao Wu.

Although in the original book, Tang Hao single-handedly defeated the seven titled Douluos in the Spirit Hall and took away Tang San and Xiao Wu.

But after Ye Hai came to Douluo Continent, it would definitely have an impact on the plot trend.

For example, if Bibi Dong knew that Tang Hao might be in the Holy Soul Village, it was most likely because Ye Hai made the Holy Soul Village a "tourist destination" and Tang Hao was known by more people, so Bibi Dong could get the news.

This directly caused Tang Hao to leave the Holy Soul Village nearly a year earlier.

Ye Hai can't guarantee that as his strength becomes stronger and stronger, it will not affect the future trend.

As long as he exists in Douluo Continent, the impact is certain, unless he commits suicide on the spot...

Therefore, he needs to make arrangements in advance.

Even if Xiao Wu could be taken away by Tang Hao in the end, the person who was let go could be Ye Hai himself.

Because, Ye Hai wants to build Wuhun Temple.

The power of Spirit Hall is so huge now that it is so huge that it can almost overwhelm several major sects.

Even the two great empires would not dare to provoke the Spirit Hall easily.

With such a huge power, Bibi Dong will definitely breed the idea of ​​wanting to control the world.

Coupled with Qian Daoliu's threat, and six years later Tang Hao's humiliation by knocking back the seven Titled Douluo, Bibi Dong was completely blackened.

After accepting the inheritance of the Rakshasa God, Bibi Dong was no longer the woman who used the indifference and cruelty on the outside to hide her soft heart, but the darkness from the outside to the inside.

Wuhun Hall started a war that swept Douluo Continent. It wasn't that Bibi Dong didn't know how many people would die, she just didn't care.

Ye Hai didn't want to see such a Bibi Dong appear, so he wanted to prevent this from happening.

Chapter 50 Is My Pope Shameless?

Ye Hai and Bibi Dong exchanged tokens, Ye Hai looked at the token with one less pattern in his hand and smiled.

To be honest, the token of six patterns is already the most, which is enough.

Moreover, Ye Hai also got a promise from Bibi Dong, this wave not only did not lose, but made a big profit!

Ye Hai tilted his head, glanced at Hu Liena behind Bibi Dong, and said, "Sister Pope, don't you want to introduce this sister, and...these two old masters?"


The two Douluos, Ju and Gui, almost spat out a mouthful of old blood!

The two Douluos, Ju and Gui, were indeed quite old, a generation older than Pope Bibi Dong, but because of their extremely high spirit power, the two Douluos aged very slowly.

From the outside, it looked like he was only in his forties.

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