Energy continues to pour in, 120 first level, 120 second level...

It didn't stop until level 120 nine.

But this is not over yet.

The first six blood-red soul rings above the candle dragon martial soul began to disintegrate one by one under the light of the huge glass soul ring above, and then reassembled one by one, becoming six glass-colored soul rings.

In the end, the huge glazed soul ring above turned into six streams of light, and penetrated into Ye Hai's head, torso, left and right arms, and left and right legs.

Ye Hai felt the heat all over his body, as if he was in a furnace, he couldn't help roaring loudly!

In his body, the six streams of light directly turned into six soul bones, which merged into Ye Hai's body.

These six soul bones, with their respective bodies as the main body, gradually began to fuse, and as they continued to spread, the [-] bones of Ye Hai's entire body were all fused into one!

Gradually, the changes in Ye Hai's body began to disappear, and everyone slowly returned to normal.

"Dad, how are you feeling?"

A vague little man sat on Ye Hai's shoulder and asked easily.

"Very strong." Ye Hai said.

Right now, he feels that his body is full of energy, even Gu Yuena, he feels that he has the power to fight.

However, the rapid rise in power did not make him too excited. The only thought in his mind was that the hatred between Xiao Wu and Bibi Dong finally had a solution!

He now has the ability to travel back in time twice!

"Xiao Wu, you don't need to worry anymore, and I don't need to worry anymore."

Ye Hai walked over to Xiao Wu and said happily.

Xiao Wu gave Bibi Dong a complicated look, and nodded to Ye Hai, "Thank you, brother."

Bibi Dong also looked at Ye Hai with a complicated expression. She opened her mouth but did not speak.

If Bibi Dong was given a chance to go back to the past, she only wanted to change one thing, the thing that made her live in pain and despair and changed her life.

Bibi Dong thought she had given up long ago, but when she heard Ye Hai say that he had the ability to travel back in time, her first reaction was whether she also had a chance to change her destiny...

Only then did she realize that the dark days buried in her heart had never been forgotten...

Ye Hai turned to look at Bibi Dong and said, "Do you want to change your past?"

"I..." Bibi Dong looked at Ye Hai with complicated eyes, her expression tangled.

If she changes her own past, it will change many things. Without hatred, she will not have the courage to break the boat, perhaps not kill Chihiro Ji, and she will not become a generation of queens.

The most important thing is that Qian Renxue will not be born either.

If those dark days of Bibi Dong were erased, the entire Douluo world would undergo subversive changes!

Bibi Dong opened her mouth and finally said, "Alright, forget it..."

Ye Hai stared at Bibi Dong and said, "You just have to tell me whether you want to or don't want to, that's fine."

Bibi Dong bit her lower lip tightly, hesitated for a while, as if she had made up her mind, she gritted her teeth and said, "Think!"

Ye Hai smiled slightly and said, "Well, I have my own solution."

After that, Ye Hai stretched out his left hand, and the Torch Dragon Martial Spirit appeared in his palm.

"I'm leaving, save Xiao Wu's mother first."

When the voice fell, Ye Hai's figure disappeared out of thin air, and the little candle dragon on his shoulder disappeared with him.

Ye Hai swims rapidly in the long river of time, and different scenes intertwined with the two coordinates of time and space pass quickly in Ye Hai's eyes.

Ye Hai quickly came to the moment before Bibi Dong killed Xiao Wu's mother.

Ye Hai randomly grabbed a murderous 10-year-old soul beast from the Star Dou Great Forest, and came to the place where Bibi Dong was fighting Xiao Wu's mother.

The moment Bibi Dong was about to kill Xiao Wu's mother, Ye Hai threw out the 10-year-old soul beast and rescued Xiao Wu's mother by the way.

As a result, Bibi Dong killed the 10-year-old soul beast thrown by Ye Hai, and Xiao Wu's mother was saved.

The soul ring of the 10-year soft bone rabbit is not very suitable for Bibi Dong, it's just because Xiao Wu's mother has transformed into a human form, which is easier to kill.

The 10-year soul beast that was thrown out must be more suitable for Bibi Dong than the Soft Bone Rabbit.

Bibi Dong didn't notice Ye Hai's appearance, but was just wondering why the 10-year-old Soft Bone Rabbit that was supposed to be killed suddenly turned into another soul beast?

Although it's a bit incredible, she can only explain it by the fact that it wasn't the Bone Bunny Transformation...

When Ye Hai saw Bibi Dong killing the soul beast, he was shocked. Bibi Dong's eyes were bloodthirsty, cruel, cold, and ruthless, which made people feel cold all over.

Ye Hai was even more determined in his inner thoughts, and he must change Bibi Dong's fate!

Ye Hai found a hidden place and banned Xiao Wu's mother.

If Xiao Wu's mother appeared, it would also affect many things. Ye Hai simply sealed Xiao Wu's mother with time-related skills for decades.

After doing this, Ye Hai used his ability to travel through time again to find the moment that changed Bibi Dong's life...

Inside the Pope's Palace, Chihiro Ji and Bibi Dong were arguing fiercely.

Ye Hai's figure appeared in the Pope's Palace, and the time around him fluctuated, but Chihiro Ji and Bibi Dong didn't find him.

Qian Xunji was a beautiful man when he was young, on the same level as Dai Mubai.

Ye Hai could never imagine what Bibi Dong looked like at the moment.

Bibi Dong's brows were a little weak, and her beautiful face was a little pitiful. Although she was arguing, she couldn't change the weakness on her face.

This is completely different from Bibi Dong's ruthless and ruthless approach, and it is simply unbelievable that this is actually a person!

Ye Hai sighed inwardly: This Gou Ri's Chihiro Ji has ruined such a good girl!

The argument between the two became more and more intense and escalating, and Chihiro Ji finally couldn't hold back his impulsiveness. His anger grew from his heart, and his wickedness turned to his guts, and he knocked Bibi Dong unconscious.

Seeing this, Ye Hai grabbed with his right hand and grabbed Bibi Dong directly.

The strange thing is that Qianxun Ji also holds a "Bibi Dong" in his arms, which makes people feel very surprised.

At this time, it is naturally impossible to have two Bibi Dongs. The Bibi Dong in Ye Hai's hands is the real Bibi Dong, and the one in Qian Xun Ji's arms is a character created by Ye Hai's eighth soul skill "Mirror of Time".

Time Mirror: After using this skill, you can use the time point of casting the skill as a node, before or after the node, within a period of not more than one year, grab a mirror image, which has the same characteristics as when you grabbed it. Memory and various states, the mirroring lasts up to one year.

For example, the "Mirror of Time" that Ye Hai used at this time was the "Bibi Dong" who had just been knocked out by Chihiro Ji.

Although the "Bibi Dong" in Chihiroji's arms is just a mirror image, it has any characteristics that a human being has.

Ye Hai hugged Bibi Dong's waist and followed Chihiro Ji to the underground warehouse.

Chihiroji struggled with his mind and finally decided to rape "Bibi Dong".

Ye Hai thought for a while and thought it would be better to wake Bibi Dong.

The Bibi Dong he met was too bad.But the current Bibi Dong is too kind, it is better to let her see the dark side of this world.

"You... Who are you? Where is this?" Bibi Dong looked timid and weak. Even if he questioned Ye Hai, his tone was still soft.

Although the man in front of him had never met before, he didn't look like a bad guy, so Bibi Dong's reaction was not too intense.

Ye Hai smiled and said, "Do you still remember Chihiro Ji knocking you out?"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's expression changed. She looked left and right, and finally saw Chihiro Ji not far away, facing her other self, doing something.

"Relax, you can think that this is what will happen to you in the future..." Ye Hai's tone was soothing, which made Bibi Dong's tense mood a little relaxed.

She bit her lower lip tightly and clenched her hands tightly. After a while, she looked at Ye Hai and said, "Who are you? Did you save me?"

Ye Hai smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't cause you any harm when I'm here."

Although Bibi Dong was still a little scared, she had never seen her teacher so ferocious, but when she saw Ye Hai's appearance, she felt relieved.

What's more, Ye Hai just rescued her from the claws.

Bibi Dong leaned on Ye Hai's shoulder and whispered, "Thank you."


In the Wuhun City decades later, a strange feeling suddenly flashed across Bibi Dong's heart, and it seemed as if a ray of light had suddenly appeared in the gloomy days when she could not breathe.

A handsome figure, in memory, gradually became clear from vagueness, and in those gloomy days, a man like sunshine suddenly appeared.

Bibi Dong spat secretly, panicking for no reason in her heart...

Because she knew how pure and kind she was at that time, and how easy she was to be deceived.

If I met Ye Hai at that time, it would be even faster than if my daughter fell to Ye Hai!

But can she promise to give herself to Ye Hai?

Obviously not!

Because Qian Renxue is already Ye Hai's woman, and Xiaoxue is her own daughter, how can she grab a man from her daughter...

No, no!

Bibi Dong shook her head, not even a man who was not her daughter. She and Ye Hai were several decades apart. How could this be possible?

Although Bibi Dong didn't want to, she couldn't do anything at all, she couldn't have any influence on her past self.

She can only hope now that the past self can be more reserved and not fall; or hope that Ye Hai can be a gentleman and not push herself...


Dark underground warehouse, only some faint light.

Bibi Dong's cheeks were hot, and she murmured, "Can we... can we leave this place? This place makes me very uncomfortable."

Ye Hai nodded and said, "No problem."

He took Bibi Dong's hand, walked through the wall, and walked out of the Pope's Palace.

"Where do you want to go?" Ye Hai asked.

Bibi Dong hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't know either..."

Ye Hai pondered: "Then find a place first, and I will tell you a story."

He thought about it, even if he used this method to save Bibi Dong from these dark days, Bibi Dong has no memory of these days, and secondly, she has seen Ye Hai, which will affect the future. Yes for sure.

So Ye Hai planned to tell Bibi Dong her future directly and try her best to follow the historical process.

"Then... go to my room..." Bibi Dong hesitated and said.

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