Ye Hai smashed three hammers in succession, and then the golden hammer returned to normal size, and rushed directly to the group of monsters that landed on the ground, and began to fight closely.

In fact, if Ye Hai used the explosion ring, and then used the three-style combo of falling out of the ground, collapse of the sky, and annihilation of the sky, absolutely none of these hundreds of monsters would survive!

But in this case, the Wuhun City, which was finally rebuilt, will be turned into ruins again. Not only that, the two brothers Ning Fengzhi, Sword Bone Douluo, Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, Ju Gui Douluo, and a little further away Dozens of Soul Douluo, all had to die!

You must know that Ye Hai's three-hit combo can't even withstand priest-level monsters. Although it's just the aftermath, it's not something that these spirit masters who don't even have a Limit Douluo can withstand!

Although the monsters did not have priests, there were a dozen or so Limit Douluo, but they were all smashed back to the ground by Ye Hai's sledgehammer. After this hammer, two Limit Douluo monsters died, and the others The monster died at least [-]%!

Of those hundreds of streamers, less than a hundred could eventually stand up.

Fortunately, Bibi Dong had left a lot of space for these two space nodes, otherwise the corpses of these monsters would almost fill the empty space.

Ye Hai specializes in fighting monsters above Titled Douluo, one hammer and one, and the Ultimate Douluo monster can't resist Ye Hai's hammer, one hammer is seriously injured, and two hammers will die!

Ye Hai was like no one, and quickly pierced these monsters from the middle!

Sword Bone Douluo, Tang Hao, Tang Xiao, and Ju Gui Douluo, these six are all super Douluo with powerful combat power. A piece of open space!

The remaining less than a hundred monsters, almost [-]% of them are monsters above the Title Douluo, and the monsters below the Title Douluo are basically killed by Ye Hai's hammer just now.

Among them, there are only more than 20 monsters above Super Douluo, less than ten Limit Douluo, and almost sixty ordinary Title Douluo.

Ye Hai alone almost entangled more than 30 monsters above Super Douluo, including Limit Douluo. With the assistance of Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, fighting an ordinary Title Douluo is really like beating a younger brother. Bone Douluo resists damage in front, which is the easiest combination.

The two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao displayed their martial soul avatars, and their combat power was also quite powerful. Ordinary monsters had no enemies at all.

Chrysanthemum Douluo's attack is not strong, and their positioning is not to attack the fortress, but to fill in the gaps and kill the monsters that Sword Bone Douluo, Tang Hao, Tang Xiao and the others did not block one by one.

But in just 10 minutes, these hundreds of monsters were swept away by Ye Hai and others, and the ground was covered with strangely shaped monster corpses.

Ye Hai glanced at the space node that spewed out hundreds of streamers just now. At this time, the space node returned to calm.

Ye Hai was relieved.

Bibi Dong once told him that it would take a certain amount of time for a space node to form a stable space gate. During the plane war, it was invaded in batches at the beginning, spewing out dozens to thousands of strange objects at a time. World creatures, and then the space nodes are relatively stable, and monsters will not be able to pass through the space nodes for a certain period of time.

When the space node becomes unstable again, there will be another batch of monsters invading. Repeating this, the unstable time of the space node will become longer and higher, and the frequency will become higher and higher, until finally, a stable gate of space is formed. That's when the real plane war broke out.

At that time, priest-level monsters can stably pass through the gate of space. If there is a strong person who can stabilize the gate of space, then priests and above, third-level gods, second-level gods, and first-level gods can also pass through the space. Door.

Chapter 422

This is not because Ye Hai scared himself.

Speaking of the abyss plane alone, as Ye Hai saw, the level of the abyss demon dragon suppressed by the chains would definitely not be low!

It is even possible to reach the level of a first-level god!

Under the situation of being suppressed, he can almost kill a priest with one look. How powerful will his peak state be?

The Rakshasa God itself is a first-level god. If the Rakshasa God can kill the Abyss Demon Dragon, it is definitely not as simple as locking and suppressing it, and it must be killed directly.

Since the Rakshasa God locked the abyss dragon, it means that he cannot kill the opponent.

An existence that cannot be killed by a first-level god, how low can its level be?

At least it is infinitely close to a first-level god!

Think about it, if there is an abyssal monster like the Abyss Demon Dragon when a stable channel is really established in the future, how can the Douluo plane resist?

Fortunately, there is still a long time before that time, at least ten years, and there is still time for Ye Hai to improve his strength.

There was a spirit master in the Spirit Hall cleaning up the corpses, Ye Hai was about to leave, suddenly a silver figure flew from a distance, saw the corpses everywhere, and couldn't help asking: "What happened, these are the abyss monsters that broke through the space nodes. ?"

The silver figure was Gu Yuena, followed by Brigitte behind her.

Ye Hai nodded and said, "Yes, just now, the monsters in the abyss broke through the space node for the first time and came to Douluo Continent. Fortunately, we were well prepared and did not let a monster escape."

Gu Yuena was fascinated for a while, and she asked, "Just a few of you, blocked these monsters?"

Ye Hai said strangely: "Yes, do you think that seeing the monster corpses all over the ground is a dream?"

"" Gu Yuena was choked by Ye Hai, unable to speak.

She was silent for a while and said, "Friendly reminder, don't litter the corpses of these monsters. They have a special effect. If you litter them, they may pollute the ground environment."

Ye Hai was surprised and asked, "What's the special effect?"

Gu Yuena thought for a while and said, "I don't have much dealings with the abyss clan, so I don't know very well, I only know that the soul beasts of the Douluo plane can generate spirit rings and provide spirit skills; the creatures of the angel clan do not have entities themselves. They do not eat five grains, and rely on the energy of heaven and earth to survive, if they are killed, they will be able to obtain a divine stone with powerful energy."

Ye Hai asked, "What is the use of the divine stone?"

Gu Yuena said: "The energy contained in the divine stone is extremely pure and can be used in many ways. For example, it can be absorbed as a backup energy when the soul power dries up, which can quickly restore the soul power."

"It turns out that the angels have this kind of benefit." Ye Hai thought for a while, and immediately walked to the corpse of a monster that looked like a goat but walked upright, and then changed the golden dragon seat into a sharp dagger and began to dissect it.

The dagger was extremely sharp, and the corpse of the monster was quickly dissected by Ye Hai, and it was almost chopped into flesh, but Ye Hai found nothing.

It's just that after dissecting the monster's head, I found that the horns on the top of the monster's head were a bit hard.

He picked up the two horns and wondered: "There is nothing? Could it be that the useful things are these two horns? What use can the horns be? Can you be Mr. Horn?"

Gu Yuena bent down and took a horn from Ye Hai's hand, tested the hardness, and then asked, "What is Mr. Jiao?"

Ye Hai: ""

As soon as Gu Yuena saw Ye Hai's frozen expression, she knew that this was definitely not a good word, she snorted coldly, and said, "This hardness is obviously very suitable for weapons, aren't you humans very good at refining weapons? Forging a dagger , isn't it very simple?"

Hearing this, Ye Hai's eyes lit up!

Ye Hai has a list of his three-handled artifact production methods and production materials, but he has never even heard of those materials.

Taking the God of War Hammer as an example, it needs a lot of materials, such as Celestial Ice Soul Silver, Heaven Swallowing Demon Claws, Mourning Dog Canines, and so on.

He couldn't figure it out before, what is the devil's sharp claws?Does Douluo Continent have this thing called Heaven Swallowing Demon?Also, a hammer, what do you want to swallow the claws of the devil?

Now he understands that almost every abyss monster has a hard part, which can be used as a good refining material. A large part of Ye Hai's three-handled artifact requires the refining material produced by the abyss monster.

Of course, the materials that Ye Hai needs are definitely not produced by these monsters below the priest level, I am afraid at least monsters above the priest level can do it.

Ye Hai casually threw the pair of horns to a soul master beside him, and said, "If you see it, dissect all these monsters and collect what you get."

Then he looked at Gu Yuena and said, "Thank you."

Gu Yuena said: "I help you, I want you to not forget to find those fairy grasses for me."

Ye Hai's face was embarrassed. He had been preparing for the plane war these days, and he really forgot about it.

However, he had already written to Tang San a few days ago, and I believed that even if Tang San had no clues, he could still offer some advice.

Thinking of this, he came to Tang Hao and said, "Uncle Hao, did Xiaosan ask you to bring me something?"

Tang Hao nodded and said, "Yes, Xiao San said you wanted the fairy grass, but he didn't have a single one. He only wrote you a letter."

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Ye Hai resisted the urge to speak foul language, took the letter from Tang Hao, and began to read it.

Ye Hai quickly read it in one glance and ten lines, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang San promised to help him find those immortal grasses, but advised him not to have too much expectations. Each of these immortal grasses is a treasure of immortal grade. It has the effect of cutting hair, washing marrow, and reshaping his body. Xiao Wu can get it. Acacia heartbroken red is a fluke, and it is even more difficult to find another one.

Tang San didn't ask Ye Hai why he wanted these immortal grasses, he just gave his own suggestion.

At the end of the letter, Tang San drew the appearance and characteristics of the three immortal grasses, "Taiyin Netherworld Core", "Lovesick Heartbroken Red", and "Nine Colors Glazed Grass".He suggested that Ye Hai mobilize the entire Spirit Hall to find it.

At present, the personnel of Wuhun Temple are all over the world, and so many people have been mobilized to find them. As long as these three immortal grasses exist in Douluo Continent, they will definitely be able to find them.

If you can't find it, it means that it doesn't exist on Douluo Continent.

Planar warfare only needs high-level combat power, low-level combat power is cannon fodder, and going up is death, but if you send it to find things, it will play no worse role than top powerhouses.

Thinking of this, Ye Hai didn't waste any time, he went back to the Pope's Hall and issued an order to all the Spirit Halls in the entire Douluo Continent: to send at least one third of the staff to look for the herbs in the picture, who can find them One plant, reward him with a spirit bone, and help him take out a suitable spirit ring for the next stage.

Chapter 423

Qian Renxue's battle was slightly more difficult than Ye Hai's.

Although there are many more experts over there than Ye Hai, and there are also Qian Daoliu, the Limit Douluo, and Golden Crocodile Douluo, a 98-level Super Douluo, but Qian Renxue has just become a priest. His strength was weaker than Ye Hai's, and he couldn't stop the invading monster at once, so it took him half a day.

After completing the battle over there, Ye Hai dissected an angel in the past, and indeed found a golden stone in the heart, which contained extremely pure energy.

Qian Renxue consumes a lot of money. She has dealt with all the more than ten Limit Douluo-level angels here. She has just become a priest, and her strength has not yet fully adapted to it. It is difficult for her to fight these more than ten Limit Douluo.

At this time, Qian Renxue adjusted her breath a little. Seeing that Ye Hai dissected a Limit Douluo-level angel and dug out a golden stone, she couldn't help but ask curiously, "What is this?"

Ye Hai handed the divine stone to Qian Renxue and said, "Try to absorb the energy inside and see if you can replenish the consumption."

Qian Renxue took the divine stone, grasped it with her white hand, and began to absorb the energy inside.

After a while, Qian Renxue's pale face appeared ruddy. She opened her eyes in surprise and said, "It can really replenish the consumption of soul power, what is this, it is so amazing!"

Ye Hai smiled and said, "God stone, this is a special product of the angel race, just like the spirit rings of our plane, we dismantled the bodies of these angels and dug out all the god stones, but don't waste it yet. Drop it, this kind of thing is something that can save lives in battle, so keep it for now.”

"Well, I understand." Qian Renxue nodded, then looked at Gu Yuena behind Ye Hai, and said, "Who is she?"

As a priest, Qian Renxue has a very keen sense of consciousness. She sensed a different aura from Gu Yuena just now, but seeing that Ye Hai has been busy all the time, she didn't ask any questions. Now she just took this opportunity to ask.

Ye Hai pondered for a while and said, "This is a friend of mine."

Qian Renxue sneered and said, "A friend like Xiao Wu?"

This sentence has two meanings, one is a relationship like Xiao Wu and Ye Hai, and the other is a soul beast friend like Xiao Wu?

Ye Hai understood the pun, he glanced at Qian Renxue lightly, and said, "This has nothing to do with you, right?"

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, it has nothing to do with me!"

Ye Hai said, "Bibi Dong knows, don't meddle in your own business."

Qian Renxue glanced at Ye Hai angrily, and then instructed the others to start digging for the divine stone.

Seeing this, Ye Hai had nothing to say, and left here with Gu Yuena.

After the three walked for a while, Ye Hai confirmed that Qian Renxue could not hear, and then said to Gu Yuena: "Not all human beings treat spirit beasts equally, if you are in danger, call for help, and I will immediately go to rescue you. you."

Qian Renxue was hostile to Gu Yuena, and it was obvious.

Although Ye Hai didn't know where the hostility came from, since he brought Gu Yuena out of the Star Dou Great Forest, as long as Gu Yuena didn't make trouble, he would try his best to ensure her safety.

Gu Yuena said lightly, "It's not that easy for that woman to kill me."

Ye Hai nodded, no longer tangled on this issue, and instead asked: "It stands to reason that once you reach the rank of a god, or after inheriting a god's position, you will inevitably ascend to the realm of the gods, why is it in the abyss? There are so many powerhouses above the priesthood, and they have not ascended to the realm of the gods?"

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