Chapter 389

Ye Hai performed "magic" for Tang San, in fact, to tell him in advance, so that he could be prepared.

Otherwise, when he encounters a strong enemy, Ye Hai, who cannot be beaten for a while, he suddenly pulls out the Seagod Trident from Tang San's sea of ​​consciousness, shouldn't he scare Tang San to death?

Fortunately, Ye Hai and Tang San didn't care much about this kind of thing, just sharing a Seagod Trident, it wasn't a big deal.

Everyone has been cultivating for half a month while waiting for Ye Hai to finish his work. At this time, knowing that Ye Hai's assessment has been completed, they all know that it is time to leave Seagod Island.

Tang San asked, "Brother Hai, when are we leaving?"

Ye Haidao: "Bibi Dong seems to be in a hurry, let's not delay any longer, we will set off back to land early tomorrow morning."

Everyone nodded, expressing no opinion.

There was nothing to say all night, only Xiao Wu's subtle coquettish groan.

After breakfast the next day, Ye Hai and his party of ten, plus Hu Liena, made a total of eleven people and embarked on the journey back to the land.

This boat was a gift from Seagod Island. Although most of Seagod Island were sea spirit masters, there were also some non-sea spirit masters and ordinary people who still needed boats.

Although the Longyuan boat photographed by Ye Hai and others in Hanhai City is well concealed, its speed is not fast, and it is not as good as ordinary boats.

So Ye Hai asked Tang San to ask Bo Saixi to ask for a boat, um, if he went to ask for it himself, Bo Saixi would most likely give him a slap in the face.

At this moment, Ye Hai was standing on the deck, looking at the vast sea, feeling a little emotional for a while.

When we left Vast Sea City and headed to Seagod Island, everyone was full of longing and hoped to get a great improvement. The scene at that time is still vivid in our minds, and it has been more than three years in a blink of an eye.

Everyone has indeed experienced an extremely terrifying improvement. Everyone's spirit power has increased by at least [-] ranks, which is unique in Douluo Continent!

You know, when they left Douluo Dalu, they were all in their early 83s, but now, in just over three years, they have all reached level [-] and above, becoming Eight Ring Contras.

Apart from Ye Hai, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing, who are the highest level, have already reached level 88!

That's right, Dai Mubai and Oscar were not the ones with the highest rank now, but Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing.

Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun passed the six tests of the black level before, and got the final reward from Seagod, one of which was to increase their soul power by two levels, so the three of them were two levels higher than everyone else's soul power at that time, reaching 85 levels.

But after Ye Hai completed the assessment, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing also completed the assessment at the same time. One of the final rewards given to them by the Sea God was to increase their soul power by a full five levels, allowing them to reach With a soul power level of 88, only two levels away, he can absorb the ninth soul ring and become a Titled Douluo!

And the oldest Xiao Wu is only 24 years old!

Before them, the fastest person to reach the title Douluo realm was Tang Hao.

But Tang Hao only became a Title Douluo when he was in his 40s, and the three of Xiao Wu, even if their cultivation speed slowed down, could become a Title Douluo before they turned 30 at the latest!

More than ten years ahead of Tang Hao!

And the more terrifying character is Ye Hai, because Ye Hai has already reached level [-] and only lacks a soul ring...

At this moment, Ye Hai was not the only one standing on the deck, Tang San and the others were also here.

Almost everyone has this feeling. After more than three years of hard work, they finally have a gratifying harvest.

The sadness of the past three years is still vivid in my mind.

For more than half a year in the first exam, it was like living in hell, and Hu Liena also deeply experienced it.

Although the other tests are not as scary as the first test, they are still quite tormenting, but fortunately, everyone has survived, and the level has reached 85 or above. This kind of cultivation is also a strong one on the Douluo Road up.

The only one who is not very happy is probably Ye Hai.

Because before coming to Seagod Island, Bibi Dong and him were half a pound, but after cultivating on Seagod Island for more than three years, Bibi Dong was able to press him down...

Of course, Ye Hai also knew that the gap between Ultimate Douluo and Priestess was a huge difference. Even if he was a genius, he would not be able to jump from being able to fight Ultimate Douluo to being able to fight Priests in one fell swoop.

For Bibi Dong to become a priest, she must have acquired a touch of divinity.

Ye Hai didn't understand it before, clearly Rakshasa's divinity was forced by Ye Hai to give to Xiao Wu, how could Bibi Dong still have divinity?

Later, there was a hint of divinity in the reward that Sea God gave him, which made Ye Hai instantly understand:

Divinity is probably not very precious to gods, and there should be a lot of divinity they have left in the human world.

Tang San will definitely have divinity, he also has it, if the latecomers can also show great potential before Tang San becomes the sea god, maybe the sea god will also bestow a touch of divinity.

This is the case with the Sea God, and the Rakshasa God must be the same. Bibi Dong didn't know where to get a trace of the Rakshasa God's divinity, and crossed the threshold of [-] levels and became a priest.

Of course, even if divinity is not particularly precious, it will not be given to people casually. Only those who can truly inherit the status of gods will give it.

Otherwise, Qian Daoliu and Bo Saixi have both been Limit Douluo for a long time, so why not give it to them?

Because they do not have the talent to inherit the divine position, the gods they serve are unwilling to give them.

After half a month of sailing, the group came to Hanhai City.

Ye Hai and Xiao Wu had come back once before, Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others had literally left the land for more than three years. At this time, they were a little excited when they saw this incomparably vast land.

Everyone was sitting in the restaurant, Dai Mubai said while eating, "Others on the Sea God Island are fine, just eat fish and seafood all day long, my mouth is full of fishy smell every day, and I almost vomit!"

Hearing this, Oscar's hand holding the vegetables paused and smiled, "Boss Dai, are you sure the fishy smell in your mouth isn't the smell of the sea? Don't push the pot to other people's Poseidon Island. Poseidon Island also has poultry and vegetables."

Dai Mubai was nothing. When he was at Shrek Academy, Oscar used to make jokes like this. It was Zhu Zhuyun. Although he had been through hundreds of battles, he blushed when he said it in front of Oscar's eyes.

Tang San smiled and said: "No matter what, the food on the land is delicious. Although Vast Sea City is close to the sea, there is no shortage of all kinds of food on land. It is much richer than Seagod Island."

Ye Hai said angrily, "Did you still feel emotional after eating a meal? I didn't see you sighing when I was drinking porridge and eating pickles every day at Shrek Academy. You are a big fish every day at Sea God Island, but you despise others?"

Chapter 390 Relationships

After eating, they sighed with emotion for a while, and everyone just rested for a day and set off for Heaven Dou City.

When they were on Seagod Island, although they didn't go out to sea many times, their water quality also became quite good. In fact, it wasn't that hard to travel by boat.

Heaven Dou City was almost exactly on the way from Vast Sea City to Wuhun City, not a detour.

After arriving in Tian Dou City, Tang San and the others might stay in Tian Dou City for a few months, while Ye Hai, Xiao Wu, Hu Liena and the others could only stay for a few days, and they had to rush to Wuhun City immediately.

When they got to the vicinity of Tian Dou City, everyone separated. Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others went directly into the city to go to Shrek Academy. Ye Hai accompanied Ning Rongrong back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

After not seeing him for more than three years, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has basically not changed.

Walking in all the way from outside the sect, I soon saw Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo who rushed out to greet them.

Both of them had joy on their faces, but when they came to Ning Rongrong, their expressions suddenly changed, and Ning Fengzhi looked at Ye Hai with a gloomy expression.

Ye Hai said calmly, "I am sincere to Rongrong."

"Fart!" Ning Feng was furious, spitting out Xingzi, "If you are sincere to Rongrong, why don't you marry her? There is no matchmaker for her parents, not even a wedding, and you want her body, you Is this sincere? Where do you put Rongrong's face?"

Sword Douluo behind him sighed and persuaded: "Fengzhi, maybe Ye Xiaozi is here to propose marriage this time, you didn't let him say a complete sentence, let Ye Xiaozi talk about it first, I believe him. Not ruthless."

"Father," Ning Rongrong whispered, and when she saw Ning Fengzhi staring at her, she lowered her head and said no more.

Ye Hai sighed and said, "Sect Master Ning, I will marry Rongrong, but I can't stay in Tiandou City for too long."

He also wanted to give Ning Rongrong a name, and he wanted to marry Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing together.

But marriage is a major event, and the process of planning a wedding is quite complicated. It can take several months or even more than half a year. Not to mention that a large sect like the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is probably only a few months old, and it is not unusual for the whole world to know about it.

But Ye Hai really didn't have such a long time. He would stay here for a few days at most, and then he would set off for Wuhun City. If the matter on Bibi Dong's side was not too important, then he could come back and plan the wedding.

Although Ye Hai didn't want to say it, he could only say that it would be next time.

Ye Hai originally thought that when Ning Fengzhi heard what he said, he would definitely be furious again and scold him for being bloody.

He was also mentally prepared. After all, he slept with his daughter and was scolded a few words without pain or itching, which was a good deal.

But he didn't expect that when Ning Fengzhi heard the words, his anger suddenly disappeared, he regained his composure, and said to him, "How long can you stay?"

Ye Hai looked at Ning Fengzhi strangely, and then at Sword Douluo, he understood.

This old guy Ning Fengzhi wasn't really angry just now, he just thought that by questioning Ye Hai, he would put him on the fire, and then let Sword Douluo play a white face next to him. Turn Ye Hai into the sect.

To understand this, Ye Hai was really angry and funny, but after marrying Ning Rongrong, Ning Fengzhi was his husband, so he didn't need to get angry with his husband because of this.

Ye Hai said: "Three or five days."

After a pause, seeing that Ning Fengzhi's face was beginning to look ugly again, he added another sentence and said, "Bibi Dong urged me, just like urging my life, to see the Saintess of the Spirit Hall next to me? It's just to supervise me, I'm the most. Half a month."

For a simple wedding, half a month was enough time to prepare. This was the limit of Ye Hai's stay.

Besides, Ye Hai didn't think there was anything urgent at Bibi Dong's place. What he wanted was to go to Wuhun City first, and then plan a grand wedding after returning.

Ning Fengzhi's face was cloudy for a moment, and he sighed, "Then why?"

"Sect Master Ning" Ye Hai interrupted Ning Fengzhi and said, "You have to know, I'm not just leaving and never coming back, I'm not afraid of seeing you, let alone marrying Rongrong, I just really have something urgent, if I If I don't go to see Bibi Dong, I'm afraid she will come to me."

Ning Fengzhi took a deep breath, he understood the truth, but if the matter between Ye Hai and Ning Rongrong was not implemented for a day, he would feel a little uneasy.

Ning Fengzhi said helplessly, "Then you all pay more attention. Pregnancy before marriage is a shame for the entire sect."

"Dad!" Ning Rongrong bit her lower lip tightly, blushing like blood.

"Okay, okay, I won't say it anymore, you just need to pay attention to yourselves." Ning Fengzhi smiled, and then said, "Bibi Dong issued a collection order all over the world a few years ago to find your whereabouts."

Hearing this, Ye Hai said expressionlessly: "She found me, let me go to Wuhun City."

"Huh" Ning Fengzhi made a strange sound of surprise, but didn't ask any further questions.

In the early years, Bibi Dong's wrist was ruthless and ruthless, and his layout was far-reaching. He had both a talent for cultivation and a high-level strategy. He could be described as an emperor-like figure.

But since Ye Hai entered the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong's various orders began to change. They were completely different from her previous methods, and even contradicted themselves.

Not only that.

Since Ye Hai announced to join the Spirit Hall in the Continent Elite Spirit Master Competition, the entire Spirit Hall has become different. Even the somber, righteous and evil Douluo of Ju Gui almost turned into two funny

It could be said that Ye Hai single-handedly changed the Pope, Bibi Dong, and the entire Spirit Hall.

But the most elusive thing is the relationship between Bibi Dong and Ye Hai.

In fact, it is most appropriate to say that they are lovers, but even people all over the world talk about this matter with relish, and even with the uncle, everyone does not think that they are lovers.

Because the age gap is too big, and the personality is also very different.

Ning Fengzhi actually wanted to ask Ye Hai, the client, what relationship he had with Bibi Dong, but this was suspected of digging up people's privacy.

But someone asked for him. Ning Rongrong glanced at Ye Hai and asked, "What is your relationship with her? Why did she let you go to Spirit City?"

Hearing this, Ye Hai also smiled bitterly.

What's his relationship with Bibi Dong?

He doesn't even know it himself!

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