Ye Hai's body also flickered, and he once again took a spear.

The bodies of the two kept flickering, and neither could attack the other.

Suddenly, Bo Saixi stopped and pointed at Ye Hai.

Ye Hai's body was surrounded by a "cage" composed of seawater.

Bo Saixi raised and pushed with both palms, and a water spear with a thickness of ten meters and a length of one hundred meters appeared and stabbed Ye Hai fiercely.

Ye Hai blurted out:

"So thick!"

Chapter 376 Passing the sixth test

A hint of embarrassment flashed on Bo Saixi's face, she waved her right hand again, and a large amount of sea water floated up, condensing into more than ten giant spears ten meters thick and one hundred meters long, surrounding Ye Hai, and stabbed at the same time!

However, after Bo Saixi condensed these more than ten spears, his face was also white, obviously the consumption was not small.

The eighth white-gold soul ring on Ye Hai's body suddenly lit up, he clenched his right fist and slammed the heavy silver pillar in front of him!

boom! !

A terrifying shock wave appeared between the huge sinking silver pillar and the fist, not only breaking the water prison, but also smashing more than ten huge spears, turning into a huge amount of sea water, and dumping them into the sea one after another.

Bo Saixi raised her eyebrows, obviously not expecting Ye Hai to use this method to break her ultimate move.

"Coming and not being indecent, come and try my trick!"

When Ye Hai's first word came out, a beam of red, blue, and gold spurted out of his eyes, and by the time of the last word, it had already traveled a distance of hundreds of meters and came to Po Saixi!

Bo Saixi's pupils shrank suddenly, she didn't even think about it, a thick water shield appeared in front of her body.

The water shield swayed with ripples, and as soon as the Ice Extreme Fire Divine Light entered the water shield, it began to scatter, and its power continued to decrease.

By the time the water shield was passed, it was already less than half of what it was at the beginning. Bo Saixi didn't expect the speed of the ice extreme fire divine light to be so fast, and he was directly hit before he had time to make the next move.


Bo Saixi groaned, his face paled a bit, and he was slightly mentally injured.

A dark blue vortex appeared in her eyes, and at the same time, a terrifying tornado rose directly outside the Raging Waves, almost reaching the sky.

The tornado brought a huge amount of seawater and shot it directly on the raging waves!

Boom! ! !

Ye Hai was photographed directly on the mountain wall by the mighty force of nature, and a shallow trace was photographed on the rock wall as fine as steel.

With Ye Hai's physical fitness, he felt a pain in his chest, and his ribs were almost snapped!

Ye Hai's body teleported again, and before Bo Saixi brewed his next big move, he came to her side and slapped it with a palm.

A stream of sticky sea water appeared around Po Saixi's body, blocking Ye Hai's attack.

The viscous water can't stop Ye Hai's attack, but it can be a little slower.

Taking advantage of this slow moment, Bo Saixi disappeared instantly.

The two soon fell into a situation of constant consumption again.

After playing for a while, when Ye Hai showed his figure, he counted the rays of light falling on him, causing his momentum to skyrocket in an instant!

Ning Rongrong's voice came: "You are too strong, I can hold on for a minute at most."

Ye Hai threw a few recovery sausages into his mouth, and then fiercely attacked Po Saixi again.

Bo Saixi pushed left and right to block, his figure kept changing, and his face became more and more pale.

But with Ning Rongrong's increase, Ye Hai's strength almost doubled, and Bo Saixi's blocking had little effect.

The moment Bo Saixi appeared, Ye Hai pointed with his left hand, and Bo Saixi's body instantly froze.

"Candle Dragon" Martial Soul Fifth Soul Skill: Time Stop!

Before, Ye Hai couldn't catch Bo Saixi, and he couldn't hit anyone from time to time. Now, Ye Hai finally caught the opportunity!

Ye Hai bullied him instantly and pinched Po Saixi's neck.

Bo Saixi quickly woke up, feeling the warm feeling between her neck, her face flushed, and she said angrily: "I admit defeat, don't let me go!"

Ye Hai smiled and said, "If I don't catch you, how can you admit defeat."

After all, let go of Po Saisi.

Bo Saixi glared at Ye Hai angrily, and said, "Wait for me!"

She has never been in such close contact with the opposite sex for so many years, and the breath of Ye Hai's body almost made her go limp.

Bo Saixi glared at Ye Hai again, and then disappeared.

Ye Hai knew that the act of grabbing Bo Saixi's neck just now was a bit insulting, but he had no other way. Bo Saixi would also have teleportation skills. How could he control her if he didn't hold her dead end?

Ye Hai thought about the follow-up Seagod assessment again, and felt that even if Bo Saixi slightly modified the assessment content, it should have little effect, so he felt relieved.

This woman, Bo Saixi, must pay her revenge. He didn't even know why the Sea God chose Bo Saixi to make a big offering...

Fortunately, the spirit masters and ordinary people of Seagod Island worship Bo Saixi very much.

After passing the sixth test, everyone got a lot of rewards. The reward Ye Hai got was that the age of all soul rings was increased by 1 years.

Ye Hai had been waiting for this reward for a long time, so without further ado, he gave the eight soul rings of the "Golden Dragon Seat" martial soul a 1-year lifespan.

Because Ye Hai's seventh soul ring is 99 years old, only one year away from the million-year soul ring. After adding the 99-year limit, he directly upgraded to a million-year soul ring .

Now, Ye Hai has two million-year-old spirit rings.

Everyone else was rewarded individually.

After the sixth test, Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai, and Oscar completed the Seagod's assessment. Everyone's soul power cultivation was almost at level 83. Because Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai, and Oscar had completed the assessment, The soul power was directly increased by two levels, reaching level 85, and the lifespan of all the soul rings was increased by 1 years, and he got a "God Bestowed Soul Ring".

Poseidon is still quite generous.

At present, there are only Tang San, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Xiao Wu who have not completed the assessment.

Tang San's seventh test was to pull out the "Seagod Trident". The tests of Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Xiao Wu were surprisingly consistent, that is, to accompany Ye Hai to complete the Seagod test.

This is not the content of the seventh test, but the combination of the seventh and eighth tests. It is the last question. As long as this is completed, it is equivalent to completing all the tests.

Ye Hai thought about it seriously, he remembered that Po Saixi once said that if there is a creature that can reach the deepest part of the ocean, it is definitely the "Deep Sea Demon Whale King".

But according to Ye Hai's observation, in fact, in the sea, Po Saixi and "Deep Sea Demon Whale King" are almost the same in combat power.

The reason Poseysi couldn't dive into the deepest depths of the ocean was most likely because her body couldn't support it.

Ye Hai has experienced the body hardness of "Deep Sea Demon Whale King", it is really hard!

Bo Saixi is more like a legal output, his physical fitness is not too strong, and he cannot fight those exotic creatures while maintaining diving.

With the physical strength of the "Deep Sea Demon Whale King", it can be done completely.

Ye Hai felt that since the "Deep Sea Demon Whale King" could do it, he should also be able to do it.

Chapter 377 Darkness Chen Cang

After Tang San completed the seventh test, they were about to leave Seagod Island.

Therefore, if Ye Hai wants to dive into the deepest part of the ocean, he only has a short period of one or two months.

If you miss this period of time, if you want to return to Seagod Island, it will take at least a year or two.

Ye Hai pondered for a moment, and decided to wait until Tang San pulled out the "Seagod Trident".

Tang San decided to take the seventh test three days later, after digesting this harvest.

Dai Mubai was no longer under the pressure of the Seagod assessment, and he and Zhu Zhuyun lived a life without shame and shame.

Ma Hongjun passed the Sea God assessment and sticks to Bai Chenxiang every day, but it can be seen that Bai Chenxiang seems to accept some of Ma Hongjun, and does not reject him as much as when he first came to Shanghai God Island.

Oscar is popular wherever he goes with a peach blossom face. He has no shortage of women. After passing the assessment, he completely let go of himself and did not come back all day and night.

The relationship between Ye Hai and Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Xiao Wu seemed to be back to before. Every day they went out for shopping, eating and drinking, very leisurely.

However, whenever Ye Hai wanted to be alone with Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong would abruptly take it apart, so three days later, Ye Hai had never found a chance to touch Xiao Wu.

Even if Ye Hai wanted to find Xiao Wu secretly in the middle of the night, Ning Rongrong would find out. Ye Hai didn't understand, where did Ning Rongrong get such a big spirit?

Do nothing else every day, just to catch rape?

If she had used this spirit in her cultivation earlier, I am afraid she would have become a Title Douluo long ago.

That night, Ning Rongrong came to Zhu Zhuqing's room with two dark circles under his eyes, and said wearily, "Zhuqing, it's your turn, look at them two o'clock, don't let them get together, they'll just stay together. Bad things! Must stop them."

Zhu Zhuqing said helplessly: "Rongrong, what's the matter? People are in love with each other, and it's not normal for something to happen. You're not Ye Hai's woman yet, so care about it?"

Ning Rongrong waved his hand and said, "You don't understand, if I were Ye Hai's woman, I wouldn't stop them, after all, everyone is the same... But let Xiao Wu eat alone, I'm not happy, this matter Can you see it?"

Zhu Zhuqing thought for a while and said, "It seems to be the case... OK, then I'll watch them."

After Zhu Zhuqing agreed, she didn't wait for Ning Rongrong's response, she looked back, and Ning Rongrong had fallen asleep.

Zhu Zhuqing gave a wry smile, covered Ning Rongrong with a quilt, and walked out of the room by himself.

late at night.

Ye Hai tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. He gently lifted the quilt, got out of bed, and came to the door of the room.

It was impossible for Ning Rongrong to stare at him all the time. After cultivating soul power all night, he would feel exhausted in the morning, not to mention that Ning Rongrong was simply staring at him.

Ye Hai just didn't know how long Ning Rongrong could last.

Between Ye Hai and Xiao Wu, it was not only Xiao Wu's first time, but Ye Hai too. He was a virgin in his last life, and even more so in this life.

Ye Hai eats the marrow and knows the taste. It has been four days since he returned to Seagod Island with Xiao Wu. How could he bear it?

So even though he knew that Ning Rongrong might find out, he still decided to give it a try...

Gently opening the door, Ye Hai walked out quietly and came to the door of Xiao Wu's room without a sound. Ye Hai was overjoyed that he didn't see Ning Rongrong blocking the door this time.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, he suddenly felt something and looked sideways into the depths of the corridor.

Two lavender lights appeared, and the corner of Ye Hai's mouth twitched slightly. With his eyesight, he could see in the darkness that it was Zhu Zhuqing.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing was leaning against the wall. After sensing Ye Hai's approach, she opened her eyes.

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