The only ability that Ye Hai can obtain is to let the enemy's gain skills end this one ahead of schedule, and this is exactly what Ye Hai needs.

Before setting off, Ye Hai specifically asked the master about the knowledge of soul beasts, and because of his outstanding memory, he could name ordinary soul beasts, and he knew their various abilities.

Looking at the shape of this "Youlan Iceworm", it is estimated that its cultivation base is at least 5000 years old!

The light blue eyes of "Silent Blue Ice Silkworm" saw Ye Hai, and it was obviously stunned. It never expected to collide with a human head-on.

But the next moment, the "blue ice silkworm" opened his mouth and spit, and an ice ball condensed and hit Ye Hai!

"Do all the soul beasts have problems with each other, and they start working when they meet, without any hesitation?"

Ye Hai cursed secretly, turned around and ran!

He can still fight a 1-year-old soul beast, but he can never beat a 5000-year-old soul beast.

The previous Thunder Rabbit was Tie Hanhan, a soul beast of the energy attack type, who insisted on fighting with Ye Hai closely, so Ye Hai was able to defeat it.

But this "blue ice silkworm" is absolutely impossible to beat.

The spirit ring is suitable, but there is no way to beat it.

Moreover, Ye Hai estimated that a 1-year-old soul ring should be the limit he can absorb at this stage. A 1-year-old soul ring can be tried even if you are not afraid of death, but a 5000-year-old soul ring, he can't. Absolutely can't absorb it!

In fact, what Ye Hai originally thought was to find a 1-year-old soul ring, even if his skills were slightly inferior.

Because a 1-year soul ring is a 1-year soul ring, much stronger than a thousand-year soul ring!

Even a 99-year-old soul ring is far inferior to a 1-year-old soul ring!

And there is a more important point, the 1-year soul ring is black, which is different from the purple of the thousand-year soul ring, which is a symbol of force!

Therefore, even if it was a choice between a 1-year-old soul ring with slightly inferior skills, and a 9000-year-old soul ring with very suitable skills, Ye Hai would choose the former without hesitation!

Compelling, the most important!

However, a soul ring with a cultivation base of 5000 years is obviously not within the scope of Ye Hai's consideration.

So Ye Hai decisively dodged and left!

However, "Silent Blue Ice Silkworm" obviously didn't plan to let Ye Hai leave. It turned its small eyes, and the ice balls kept spit out around Ye Hai, which reduced Ye Hai's speed a lot.

The silver pocket watch in Ye Hai's left hand appeared, and the dark yellow spirit ring lit up:


Ye Hai pointed behind him without turning his head, and continued to run forward without stopping. Anyway, the "Blue Ice Silkworm" was so big that he was not afraid that his skills would fail.

In this way, Ye Hai and "Blue Ice Silkworm" used each other's deceleration skills, and ran far away, the distance between the two did not change at all!

Ye Hai couldn't get rid of the "blue ice silkworm", and the "blue ice silkworm" couldn't catch up with Ye Hai.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter, the spirit beasts that were active at night began to rest, and the spirit beasts that were active during the day began to move.

"How to get rid of this 'blue ice silkworm'?"

Ye Hai frowned in thought.

Ye Hai had no idea about the 5000-year-old "Youlan Iceworm". Even if he was lucky enough to kill it, he would not dare to absorb the soul ring of this thing.

So he had no intention of doing it at all.

"Brother, can we have a discussion? If you can't catch up with me, stop chasing me. Let's go our separate ways. You go to hunt, and I'll find a suitable spirit ring, okay?"

Ye Hai shouted loudly.

What answered him was a series of orbs of frost.

Ye Hai: "..."

Ye Hai stopped talking and continued to run.

Ye Hai's physical fitness is very good. He has been running for almost an hour now, and he is still blushing and breathing.

It's just that the "blue ice silkworm" seems to be a little weak, and the speed of spitting the frost ball has slowed down significantly.

However, Ye Hai's soul power has also been consumed a lot. One person and one soul beast have slowed down the frequency of releasing skills, which seems to form another wonderful balance.

"Nima, did you have a crush on Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu didn't kill your whole family, so what's the use of this?"

Ye Hai didn't care whether the other party could understand it or not, anyway, he said it after scolding.

After running for a while, Ye Hai suddenly saw a rabbit ear swaying from side to side in the grass not far away.

Ye Hai went around from the side, walked through the grass, and saw a huge rabbit, sleeping in the grass.

Three meters in length, pure white hair...

"Isn't this the Thunder Pole Rabbit yesterday?"

Ye Hai took a step.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Hai sensed that the "Blue Ice Silkworm" was chasing behind him, and hurriedly ran over to the Thunder Rabbit, kicked it, and ran away.

The Lightning Rabbit opened its eyes at once, and the next second, it saw the "blue ice silkworm"!

"Silent Blue Ice Silkworm" also stopped squirming and looked at Leiji Electric Rabbit.

The Thunder Rabbit saw the "blue ice silkworm", first swallowed humanely, and then opened his mouth...

The next second, turn around and run away!

"Youlan Iceworm" has a full 3000 years more cultivation than it, isn't it waiting to become "Youlan Iceworm"'s breakfast?

"Hey, big rabbit, how about we negotiate and get rid of it?"

Ye Hai's footsteps slowed down a bit, and he only spoke when the Lightning Rabbit caught up.

The Thunder Rabbit had seen Ye Hai in front of him, and was almost scared to pee!

Because Ye Hai once said that if he sees it again, he will stew it!

Before this, there was a wolf and a tiger, and the Thunder Pole Rabbit almost fell to his knees.

But Ye Hai's words gave it a glimmer of hope.

It rolled its eyes, glanced at Ye Hai, and then looked back at the "Blue Ice Silkworm" who was chasing after him.

I began to wonder how this person and beast came here.

"Don't think about it, this 'blue ice silkworm' is indeed chasing after me, but if you choose to separate from me, I guarantee [-]% that it will chase you instead of me. How much flesh do you have? At least enough for it to eat. A meal, right? How much meat do I have? Not enough to stick between my teeth?"

Ye Hai and Leiji Electric Rabbit said three meters apart.

Leiji Electric Rabbit looked back at "Youlan Ice Silkworm" again, and his heart jumped when he saw the cruel little eyes of "Youlan Ice Silkworm".

It quickly turned its head to Ye Hai and nodded vigorously, agreeing with Ye Hai's previous suggestion.

Ye Hai took out a long knife from the backpack behind him, then pointed to the front, and gestured at the Thunderbolt Rabbit, who nodded.

One person and one beast continued to run forward, and just as they were about to hit a huge tree, Ye Hai and Leiji Electric Rabbit suddenly separated!

One to the left, one to the right!

Chapter 33 Combat

"Blue Ice Silkworm" just hesitated for a while, and then directly chased the Leiji Electro-Light Rabbit.

Obviously, Leiji Electric Rabbit, the "fat sheep" with a height of three meters, is its target.

Ye Hai is so small, it's not enough to stick between his teeth!

Feeling the "blue ice silkworm" chasing behind him, Leiji Electric Rabbit ran as fast as he could.

Ye Hai also chased after the "Blue Ice Silkworm".

The two beasts ran like this for a while, and suddenly entered a place with dense trees.

The silver "pocket watch" appeared in Ye Hai's hand, and he shouted: "Do it!"

Immediately afterwards, the first spirit ring lit up, and the speed of the "Silent Blue Ice Silkworm" suddenly slowed down.

The timing of Ye Hai's release of the soul ability was very good. The 20-meter-long body of "Youlan Iceworm" happened to meander around several trees. The eyes of "Youlan Iceworm" couldn't see Ye Hai who had come to its tail at all. .

Ye Hai raised the knife and slashed at the tail of the "blue ice silkworm"!

Soul beasts like "Blue Ice Silkworm" that attack with energy are not strong, and ordinary weapons can break through the defense.

Therefore, Ye Hai's full-strength slash almost cut off the tail of the "blue ice silkworm"!


"Blue Ice Silkworm" let out a painful roar, and his body twisted violently.

It also ignored the lightning rabbit in front of it, squirming and trying to turn around.

Seeing this, Ye Hai quickly slashed a few knives, and then ran away immediately.

When the "blue ice silkworm" turned around and got rid of the influence of "slowness", Ye Hai had already run out five or six meters away.

The "Blue Ice Silkworm" angrily spewed a series of frost balls, and a faint fluorescence gathered in his eyes, and an invisible spiritual attack hit Ye Hai.

Although Ye Hai was running in front of him, he was always paying attention to the "Blue Ice Silkworm". When he saw a faint fluorescence in the eyes of the "Silent Blue Ice Silkworm", Ye Hai immediately ducked and hid behind a big tree, letting the "Blue Ice Silkworm" Ice Silkworm"'s mental attack hit the tree trunk.

And "Youlan Ice Silkworm" turned around, facing Ye Hai, and the Lightning Rabbit on the other side of the tail also turned around immediately, opened his mouth and spit out a lightning bolt towards "Youlan Ice Silkworm".

Because the trees here are dense, the "blue ice silkworm" can't see the situation behind Ye Hai at all.

So the Lightning Rabbit is like hitting a target that doesn't know how to dodge, and it hits it at once.


An electric current flashed through the body of the "blue ice silkworm", and the electricity caused it to be paralyzed, and its skin was charred a lot.

After all, Leiji Dianguang Rabbit is a 1-year-old soul beast, so this attack power is not covered!

Seeing that "Blue Ice Silkworm" was about to turn around, Leiji Electric Rabbit spit out several lightning bolts, then turned around and ran!

When the "Blue Ice Silkworm" turned its huge body around, what he saw was the Thunder Pole Lightning Rabbit that had already run out ten meters away.

"Blue Ice Silkworm" roared, and at this moment it finally understood the tactics of Ye Hai and Leiji Lightning Rabbit!

Guerrilla tactics!

There are only two options in front of him now, either to curl up, create an environment that is beneficial to him, and fight to the death with Ye Hai and Leiji Electric Rabbit.

Or just turn around and run away.

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