Ye Hai quietly stood in front of the crowd, looking at the figure in black indifferently, and the two looked at each other with a distance of more than 200 meters.

This is a Titled Douluo!

Tang San and the others had a flash of enlightenment in their hearts, although they didn't see the gaze that passed through the void like lightning, but with Ye Hai's reaction and the respectful gaze of the middle-aged man in yellow next to him, it was not difficult to guess.

Seahorse Douluo was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect the too young man across from him to be able to look at him calmly.

After a while, he suddenly smiled and said: "It seems that the little guys have good potential this time, come here, cross the sea and the sea, and come to the Haima Sacred Pillar, and you will be qualified for the test."

After he finished speaking, the Seahorse Sacred Pillar behind him took the top of the Sacred Pillar as the center, and suddenly spread a circular barrier. This circular barrier was parallel to the small pool below, and the height was the height of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar. about ten meters.

Ye Hai sensed it, the strength of this circular barrier is quite high, and it cannot be broken by spirit masters below the titled Douluo. That is to say, Tang San and the others can only move within this ten-meter range, which greatly compresses Tang San. A space where third-class people can dodge.

It would be fine if the water pool was calm, but listening to the tone of Haima Sacred Pillar, this test would definitely not be so simple.

Of course, this test must be based on one's own strength, and it should be just at the level that a few people can pass it with all their effort.

Ye Hai nodded, stepped aside, gave the scene in front of him to Tang San and the others, and said, "Little San or Mu Bai will go first, go and test it out, others will watch carefully."

Tang San pondered for a while, then said: "Let me go first, my Blue Silver Grass is suitable for various terrains, and is more suitable for fighting in the sea than Mubai."

Ye Hai nodded and said, "Well, Oscar gave Xiaosan a 'mushroom sausage'."

"I have a mushroom sausage."

Oscar had a divine expression on his face, and said a wretched incantation.

A "mushroom sausage" appeared in Oscar's hand, Tang San took the "mushroom sausage", a dark blue blue silver grass appeared in his left hand, and circles of spirit rings rose from under his feet, yellow, yellow, purple, black, black , Hong, as soon as the six spirit rings appeared, Tang San took a few steps and stepped directly onto the pool!

Unexpectedly, Tang San actually relied on his momentum to step on the water non-stop, rushing towards the Seahorse Sacred Pillar step by step!

Tang San relied on this weak water surface tension to walk on the water!

Ye Hai commented: "Don't underestimate Xiao San's 'walking on water', his strength is now slightly worse than Mubai, except for Mubai, no one else can learn his method, he can rely on A terrifying force treads water, and neither of you can."

Ye Hai said a few words, and a five-meter-high wave rolled up on the pool, and shot it down toward Tang San. Under the water near Tang San, a deep shadow flashed, as if an attack was brewing.

Tang San remained unmoved, continuing to run in the direction of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar.

Tang San was able to run on the water now, with one breath, if the breath dissipated, he would not be able to maintain it any longer, and would inevitably fall into the water.

And the things in the water will never let him surface again easily.

Soon, Tang San ran to a place less than 20 meters away from the Seahorse Sacred Pillar.

Chapter 314 How do we get there

Right at this moment, a huge shadow emerged from the water and rushed towards Tang San who was running on the water.

Tang San bit the "flying mushroom sausage" into his mouth as early as he stepped on the water. Although a "mushroom sausage" in his mouth was not very elegant, it was indeed the most convenient way.

Seeing an attack under the water at this time, Tang San immediately swallowed the "flying mushroom sausage", jumped up, dodged the attack under him, then dodged a water wave attack and landed on the round platform.

After Tang San landed on the round platform, the water waves and the attacks under the water were all gone, and the water surface returned to calm.

Every movement of Tang San in the process, Ye Hai and the others could see clearly by the pool, and they could see clearly what was attacking Tang San under the water, it was a few large seahorses, looking at them Attack power, about a thousand years of cultivation.

Tang San and the others are not afraid of soul beasts who have cultivated for about a thousand years. Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Zhu Zhuqing, the strongest among the seven monsters, can even solve them within three moves.

But here is in the water, they are land spirit masters, they can't stay for a long time, they will fall into the water when they stop, and it will be more difficult to exert their strength if they fall into the water, so they can only hide or resist the past.

Under the double attack of the water waves and the seahorse under the water, it is indeed a bit difficult for ordinary soul masters.

But for the Shrek Seven Devils, it was still within the range that they could handle.

Ye Hai glanced back at the other people and said, "Next, Zhuqing will go."

After Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit became a "Silver Moon Envoy", his strength soared, even a bit stronger than Dai Mubai. Moreover, Zhu Zhuqing was an agile spirit master and could provide some experience to Zhu Zhuyun, Ma Hongjun and Bai Chenxiang.

"it is good."

Zhu Zhuqing responded with a sound, and a figure appeared behind her, with six soul rings of two yellow, two purple and two black rising from the soles of her feet.

"Do you want mushroom sausages?"

Oscar asked subconsciously.

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Oscar coldly and said, "Keep it for yourself."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Zhuqing's body almost turned into a purple lightning bolt, which shot directly at the round platform in the center of the pool. Almost in the blink of an eye, Zhu Zhuqing crossed a third of the distance.

"Fuck! When did Zhuqing become so fast? After staying with Ye Hai for a long time, did it become the shape of Ye Hai... ahem, speed, speed..."

As soon as Oscar said a few words, he felt a cold light flash across his body in front of him, making him stiff, and quickly changed his words.

The huge seahorse emerged from the water, spewing a jet of water from its mouth, hitting Zhu Zhuqing's only path.

Zhu Zhuqing's speed was so fast that these seahorses couldn't accurately hit her body, so she could only be stopped by this method.

A purple light flashed on Zhu Zhuqing's body, and two huge wings appeared behind her, one of her wings, her body flashed three times in a row, and she quickly approached the round platform.

When she was ten meters away from the round platform, Zhu Zhuqing's momentum was exhausted, and she was about to fall into the water. The yellow light flashed on her body again, causing Zhu Zhuqing's body to rush out again and landed firmly on the round platform. superior.

This last shot was Zhu Zhuqing's first spirit ability, Nether thrust.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing land on the round platform, Ye Hai shook his head slightly. Zhu Zhuqing completely relied on her terrifying speed and two spirit abilities to forcibly break through, and there was absolutely no way for anyone to imitate her.

Ye Hai thought for a while, then said, "Mubai, you and your wife should go together. It should be no problem for each person to take a 'mushroom sausage'."

Dai Mubai smiled and said, "Ye Hai, you look down on me too much. I'm also a six-ringed soul emperor, so how can I be stumped by this difficulty? Just look at me!"

Ye Hai watched Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuyun step onto the water, then turned around and said to Bai Chenxiang, "Are you coming by yourself, or let Fatty help you by your side?"

Bai Chenxiang herself is no more than a four-ringed soul sect, and she can't hold her head up in front of a group of six-ringed soul emperors, but she also has her own arrogance, that is, she will never allow anyone else's pity.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I'll do it myself!"

After speaking, the figure moved and stepped onto the pool.

Ye Hai glanced at the anxious Ma Hongjun and said, "Go, what are you waiting for? Waiting for your wife?"

Ma Hongjun was stunned for a moment, then his face was overjoyed, a fiery aura permeated from him, and quickly chased Bai Chenxiang away.

Ye Hai took a last look at Oscar and said, "You go too, you have a mirror sausage yourself, I won't take you with me."

Oscar smiled, took out a mirror sausage made of Zhu Zhuqing's blood, swallowed it, and stepped onto the water following Ma Hongjun.

Starting from Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuyun, the following Bai Chenxiang, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar all started every few seconds. At this time, Dai Mubai had not reached the finish line, and Oscar had already run a third of the way.

There are fewer than ten seahorses on the surface and underground, and five of them act at the same time, greatly reducing the attack that each person can withstand.

Everyone used their soul skills one after another, and the entire surface of the water became incomparably brilliant, with golden, purple, red, and white rays of light blooming at the same time, like a huge fireworks being lit on the water surface.

Except for Bai Chenxiang who almost fell into the water and was helped by Ma Hongjun from behind before reaching the round platform, the others all reached the round platform with ease.

So far, except for Ye Hai, Xiao Wu, and Ning Rongrong, everyone else has successfully reached the round platform in the center of the pool.

The scene of the five people forming a formation passing through the pool just now made Seahorse Douluo feel a little surprised. He was silent for a moment, and said to Tang San who arrived at the round platform first:

"Who came up with the method? This person is very resourceful. If his cultivation base is not low, he may be able to get the test of black level or above."

Tang San said: "Black-level assessment... It was the young man by the pool who came up with this method."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Seahorse Douluo felt that this young man was slightly disappointed when he said "black level assessment"...

Seahorse Douluo felt that this was impossible. After all, being able to complete the "Black Level Examination" meant that Titled Douluo had hope. If he completed the "Black Level Six Examinations", he might even surpass level 95 and become a Super Douluo!

Looking at the world, there are more than ten Super Douluos on the entire Douluo Continent. If they can complete the "Black Rank Assessment", at least one Titled Douluo is the base. What's not to be satisfied with?

Therefore, Seahorse Douluo felt that he must have felt wrong.

He turned his eyes to the young man opposite, and couldn't help but look forward to how the other party would pass this test...

At this moment, Ning Rongrong also looked at Ye Hai and said:

"How did we get there?"

Chapter 315 Take it easy

Ye Hai didn't answer, but glanced at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu just exchanged glances with Ye Hai and understood his thoughts. She looked at Ning Rongrong and said, "Ye Hai and I can perform martial soul fusion skills, and it's not a problem at all to cross the distance of more than 200 meters. , do you want to come together?"

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong immediately thought of the scene in which Xiao Wu and Ye Hai's spirit fusion skills slaughtered the Quartet during the Continental Elite Spirit Master Competition. The next moment, she pouted and said, "What's the matter? amazing!"

She has always been brooding about Ye Hai and people other than her being able to perform martial arts fusion skills, especially Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, the two "rivals in love"!

Xiao Wu raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay, since it's nothing special, then my brother and I will go over there, wait here yourself!"

After speaking, he took Ye Hai's hand and was about to leave.

Ning Rongrong also took Ye Hai's hand and said, "Why do you let Ye Hai go, he will go, I won't let him go!"

Xiao Wu turned her head and said, "He's my brother, of course he listens to me, not me, do you want to listen to you, an outsider?"

Ning Rongrong said angrily, "Don't be unreasonable because he's your brother, it's obvious that we performed the spirit fusion technique first!"

Xiao Wu laughed and said, "When my brother and I met, you were still squatting on the ground and playing in the mud. Who is unreasonable?"


Ning Rongrong pointed at Xiao Wu angrily, so angry that she was speechless. After a while, just as Ye Hai was about to speak to reconcile the two, Ning Rongrong suddenly said, "Can I also swoop in with you?"

Ye Haigang swallowed the words he almost said, and even nearly choked.

Xiao Wu laughed, with a bit of sarcasm, and said: "Dream, I'm my brother's only sister, you can't even think of adding it in!"

Ye Hai held Xiao Wu's hand with one hand and Ning Rongrong with the other, and said, "Okay, let's talk about it first, arguing over this trivial matter is easy for others to laugh at."

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong snorted at the same time, they stopped looking at each other, but they stopped arguing.

Xiao Wu held Ye Hai's hand in return, and the two of them burst into pink and gold at the same time, reflecting most of the water pool into pink gold. The next moment, a pair of "crystal dancing shoes" appeared under Xiao Wu's feet, and she held Ye with her right hand. Hai, holding Ning Rongrong with his left hand, just flashed three times before reaching the round platform in the center of the pool.

The way the three of Ye Hai came over was the least flamboyant and the easiest, as easy as taking a few steps and then walking over.

Seahorse Douluo glanced at Ye Hai with admiration and said, "Not bad."

Ye Hai just glanced at Seahorse Douluo, then looked elsewhere, Seahorse Douluo was not even a Super Douluo, and he even dared to say "yes" to him in the tone of an elder

If Ye Hai showed his strength, I don't know if it would scare Seahorse Douluo to the ground.

Seahorse Douluo just praised Ye Hai, his eyes turned to Tang San and the others, his voice was a little higher, and he said: "At your age, if you can reach the six-ringed spirit emperor's cultivation level, no matter if you are on the mainland, Even in the sea, there are rare genius soul masters, but Lord Seagod's test is extremely difficult, even if you die because of it, it is still possible. Let me ask you one last question, are you sure you want to accept the test of Lord Seagod? "

Everyone nodded and said, "Yes."

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